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c.t. davidsen. 
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beguilc · 5 years ago
Richie sits at the bench across the dispensary, hands fidgeting on the cigarette he’s lit. He’s not sure what his role here, only that Liam’s instructed him to watch over the place. Richie hopes he doesn’t find a way to mess this up. The feel of someone sliding in next to him makes Richie twitch and he’s about to tell the person to fuck off when the familiar voice has him halting. Slowly he turns and is met with a face he’s long thought gone. “Fuck,” he manages to breathe out, taking in his friend in her entirety. “Fuck. You’re here?”
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CT knew the second she saw him on the bench that she had to sneak up on him. if there was anyone that CT actually missed it was richie no doubt. there’s a bigger grin on her face than normal, once that is genuine. “ hold on---make sure the light is hitting me right, i know you missed staring at this gorgeous face. “ she pushes him lightly and laughs. “ no, sweet boy, i’m a ghost, duh. “ after flipping her hair rather dramatically CT takes a lare sip of her drink. “ now where’s our kid dog at i miss that fucker. “
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beguilc · 5 years ago
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autumn was pleasantly high, having spent the day eating different foods, and drinking water to keep up with her body’s needs. as the night approached and it got darker, everyone was trading their blunts for bottles and autumn was about to do the same. she was on her was on her way over to a drink cart when someone makes them-self comfortable on her shoulder. she looked over and saw a vaguely familiar blonde. “is that a trick question? because if not, then the answer is no….unless you buy me one too.”
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“ now why would i of all people ask such a thing if it was only a trick question?? that is definitely not my style. “ she takes her arm off of the other girl and begins fishing in her pocket for the spare blunt she had. CT lets out a laugh before responding, “ well, normally i’d decline because i wasn’t bargaining but---what the hell. better to drink with someone than alone right?? what are you drinking?? “
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beguilc · 5 years ago
“𝔡𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔰,” 𝔟𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔭 𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔡 𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔴 𝔞𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫. 𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔭𝔢𝔬𝔭𝔩𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔬’𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔰         this chummy to people? he wasn’t technically an o’shea. and by technicaly he meant he didn’t sport that frilly tattoo that the rest did. he was a ferguson first and foremost.  currently he’s job was to  clean their money because he owed them. that was the extend of his connection, obligation. taking a sip from his own cup he gave  her a grin, “ i’ll buy you a drink if you buy me a corn dog. seems like a fair enough trade.” 
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her eyes light up with a smile. “ dude----hell yeah!! i’m sold. you gotta deal. “ CT moves to link her arm with his as she starts walking in the direction of the nearest place to grab the food and the drinks. “ you, my friend, are a smart guy. corndogs might be one of the greatest things in existence and i totally didn’t even think of getting one myself. “
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beguilc · 5 years ago
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#about me
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beguilc · 5 years ago
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gio was not having the best time tonight. he almost gave into tonights festivities but he’d rather be sober and deal with what was going on. sao had told him the truth. bren finally came clean about his feelings toward her. the thing that agitated him the most was why would he wait until they were newly engaged. so he found himself wandering, trying to keep his cool amongst familiar faces. he was leaning against a street light when the girl decided to lean on him. for a moment he considered shoving them off but he decided to be rational about it. a look to his side confirmed it was just CT. she’s part of the family. “well if it isn’t CT. i’ll have to pass on buying you a drink. if you start stumbling, i do not want it to be my fault. how’s your night going, dear?”
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there’s a mock pout that comes across her lips as she steps back. “ aw, come on, sweetheart. you know i’d never start stumbling---call it a skill of mine. “ CT shrugs her shoulders and continues, “ oh nothing exciting. i’m more concerned about your night, man... “ she moves in order to stand facing gio. she could tell that something was up “ what’s got you all sulking and brooding in the corner, hm? do i have to kick anyone’s ass or what because like... i will if you just point me in the right direction. “
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beguilc · 5 years ago
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a drink and a smoke---- that is the only thing CT is eyeing for the moment. though she should probably focused on other things here she is, sipping some vodka out of a to go cup. classy, right? she’s been taking in the fresh air for long enough and sitting on a bench is not cutting it. some human interaction is due. and by human interaction she means pushing someone’s buttons. she walks up to the nearest person she finds and leans on their shoulder. “ so---- “ CT lets out a dramatic sigh. “ wanna buy me a drink?? “
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beguilc · 5 years ago
OPEN TO: Anyone | @crimsonstarters·
April 20th. It was a day that Aurora constantly joked about when she was younger and very much your typical stoner. Oh how she loved it, especially when she smoked a few with Samuel and Richard. Though of course when she moved away from Chicago she had to put things like that away – especially since she was going to school to become a lawyer, a FIGHTER for justice. Of course since returning back home the woman’s gig as a lawyer slowly become more of a front during her transition to becoming CLAN BOSS though that didn’t stop her from being not your typical district attorney either. 
Coming to a complete stop the blonde smirked as she saw the crowd lining up to her station to watch. Aurora found it more adorable to see several kids there appeared to be around the age when she first smoked. How cute. Not bothering to get off her bike just yet, Aurora took in the sights of how crowded the place had become and ignored the stares of several people as they watched a district attorney straddle her bike. Not something you usually see I guess. 
“Care to take a picture?” Aurora suddenly asked. “I promise you it’ll last longer.” 
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truth be told this is pretty much any other day for CT. frankly it’s just more of an excuse for her to be doing what she already does. though for the moment she’s taken a break just to have some drinks for now. it’s nice to be back out and about----she’d never admit it but she missed all of this. and she definitely missed work, as sick as that sounds.
there’s a small laugh that escapes her lips as she hears the bike pull up. “ oh, babe, i can take a whole photoshoot for ya’ if you’d like. don’t know if it would do any justice. “
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beguilc · 5 years ago
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( elizabeth lail, 26, cisfemale, she/her ) Was that C.T. DAVIDSEN ? I heard a rumor they work for the O'SHEA family, but who knows for sure ? They can be a bit DANGEROUS & SELF-CENTERED, but I also heard they can be HONEST & FEARLESS. You’ll usually find them at EDEN in their spare time, when they’re not being an BONEBREAKER. You may want to keep an eye on that one ! 
tw: drug use and abuse
Keep reading
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beguilc · 5 years ago
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HIS STEEL HEAVY LIDS COULD BARELY lift, courtesy of the sleep aid called heroin still swimming in his veins and despite the urgency from the cruiser lights outside. all he could register is he needed to pack his clothes, a couple pairs of shoes, enough shower stuff to survive him for an indefinite amount of time, and maybe some cheetos for the road. even after midnight on any time of year, chicago’s lights blaze on, but tonight, the city is as abandoned as a graveyard, pitch black from the luxury hotels speckling the magnificent mile all the way to soldier field. the fluorescents of the sardine packed lobby are a shock to his system, finally cracking through the fog as he relishes in the familiarity of heat against his skin. then, he recognizes the faces—amelia’s blinding blonde locks, blue ever the wallflower surrounded by bodies, grayson stirring up shit wherever he steps—and it dawns on teddy just how much of a shit show tonight is about to be. there’s a bell boy that sweeps him away—they take the stairs to the twelfth floor if only to avoid running out what’s left of the city’s energy on the elevator—and he finds himself deposited in front of a hotel room, duffel bag in tow. 
THE ENTRANCE CLICKS SHUT BEHIND HIM, and teddy’s turning on a heel as soon as he finds the room already occupied, if not by birdie’s cherubic features then by that fucking russian’s wolfish glower. the handle turns but catches at the last second, and an overwhelming feeling of foreboding rolls over teddy’s shoulders at the realization—he’s fucking stuck in here. he tries the door a few more times, braces a sneaker against the wall in some attempt to get it open, but the motherfucker doesn’t move, locked like a solitary prison cell. except not so solitary. “ —you’re absolutely fucking KIDDING me … ” @littlcxbirdie·· @evaxclarke·· @beguilc·· @volkov-m·· @crimsonfaux·
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when she was told to evacuate CT had half a mind to just ignore it. however for once she decided to make the smart decision and go for the option of being here. at first she thought it would be better than stuck in her apartment with no power. though it’s immediately a regret when she can’t even be in a room with anyone she actually likes. she tries to figure out who in the room is going to potentially cause an issue but so far she’s trying to keep herself as chill as possible.
that all flies out the fucking window with the next person who walks in. she has half a mind to shove past him and run out of the door but, teddy shuts it too fast. CT lets out a huge sigh and in the same motion takes out her knife to hold in her hand. paranoid? maybe. but, she sure as shit doesn’t trust him---or anyone else in the room. she tries to get rid of the annoyed expression on her face and replaces it with a rather large and fake smile. “ hi, honey. did ya miss me?? “ she says sarcastically with a wave.
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beguilc · 5 years ago
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beguilc · 5 years ago
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beguilc · 5 years ago
a sober felix would think well this lady is fucking insane — but his brain is racing a mile a minute and right now?? right now, he feels pretty damn invincible. that voice that usually whispers about the dangers of humiliation has been turned down to a dull buzz. instead of shying away from the touch, he leans into it just a little. 
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“A–A–Alcohol?” felix geller will take how to inform people you’re a drug addict for $500, thanks.
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there’s a big smile that comes across her lips. “ dude... i fucking love you already. “ CT starts walking towards the direction of her place, hoping to more or less guide him in the direction as well. “ i got whatever you want. alcohol or not. “ oh this is going to be fun.
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beguilc · 5 years ago
“My fee is $100,000 and an extra ten grand every time I hear you complain about my amazing driving skills,” Richie said seriously before grinning up at his friend. “When you know, you know. It may have been two weeks for you, but I’ve been waiting my whole life for a couch like this.” It was easier to be around CT and he was grateful for her in his life. She was someone he could be real around which is why he always found himself at her place more often than not. “Dude, don’t even joke about it because I’m 100% down. This is like a lifelong commitment. Let’s do it? Let’s fucking do it, man!" 
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“ alright, so just start my tab now because i’m not driving. i’ll pay you back eventually. “ definitely not. CT rolls her eyes as she throws the nearest pillow at him. “ if i find any mysterious stains i’m gonna be fucking disgusted. i’ve seen those weird shows about people banging strange objects. “ she stands up from her spot on the couch and puts on her jacket. “you think i’d say it without meaning it? i need someone around here for the slim time that you’re not. “
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beguilc · 5 years ago
although she did visit almost every summer for the last seven years, saoirse still felt quite strange being back in chicago, permanently. that was, if she decided to stick around forreal this time. it was most certainly nostalgic, seeing how much everything had changed, being back to the old life she once had. of course, nothing was the same.
saoirse found herself bored just sitting in her room all day. she needed excitement, something new. she found herself roaming around the streets, not quite giving a shit about which teritorry it belonged to; until finally, the blonde ended up in one of her favourite bars she used to visit years ago. heading for the bar, saoirse took her seat and turned to the person next to her. “ can i buy you a drink? anything you like. my treat. “
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it’s no surprise where CT is. after a long days work all she thinks about is a drink. ok, maybe she thinks about it during the day too. but nonetheless here she is finishing the last of her drink. “ well, shit---” she turns to the other. quite opportune timing to say the least. “ if you’re buying how could i say no. “
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beguilc · 5 years ago
she takes the bills with absolutely no shame — shit, how much free stuff has CT received in the name of “nah, man, i do this for all my friends”? andy puts her order in quickly ( a black coffee, because she didn’t feel quite shameless enough to go back and ask for another three ) and passes ( shocker) a few cents of change back. 
“Alright, alright — I’m bitching, I get it.” 
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“What’s so interesting in your life?”
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CT takes back the change and shoves it into her jeans pocket. “ nah, man. bitching is fine. maybe i just gotta be a better listener and shit. “ as if that would ever happen. hell would freeze over just as sooner as CT became a decent person. “ me? oh, nothing at all. “ she shrugs it off, sounding so nonchalantly. 
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beguilc · 5 years ago
“Old enough to drive your ass around, Grandma. People your age shouldn’t be behind the wheel,” Richie chuckled, swatting the toy gun away. It was an impulse buy from the toy store, something he knew would be used against CT but didn’t know the specifics of how yet. All he knew was that if he actually shot her with it, he’d be six feet deep in an unmarked grave somewhere so replacing her actual guns was his best bet. “Excuse me, Granny, you can’t separate true love. I’m pretty sure this baby was meant to be mine,” he countered, snuggling in closer to the cushions. It really was comfortable as hell. “What are our plans today, old timer?” 
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“ shit, if that means you’re gonna become my personal driver then i’m here for it, dude. “ CT laughs for a moment. she raises her brows before responding again, “ oh really? true love? damn didn’t realize it was that serious. it’s only been a few weeks of you two seeing each other. “ she thinks for a moment. they were a pretty spontaneous pair when the two got together. it’s always just a matter of what pops into their heads and then they’ll do it. “ were you serious about getting a dog? because lets fucking do it. i need a pal here for the few hours that you don’t spend here. “
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beguilc · 5 years ago
Business as a personal trainer was almost as good as her other job. There was something about telling people what to do and how to be better that gave her a kick like mercenary work didn’t. She had just finished with her fourth client that day when she noticed CT enter the gym. It was rare for her to show up, which Kaya couldn’t figure out if it was a good sign or not. Heading over to her, she held her hands up in defence as CT seemed to have no interest today. “I was coming over to check if you had a fever or something, not everyday you grace me with your presence here.” She mused, following her closely. “What’s pissed you off?” That must have been why she was here today.
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maybe she feels a little bad for snapping at her. but then again, it’s CT, and she’s not going to apologize or anything for it. “ maybe i’m dying or something...that totally wouldn’t be cool. “ the girl laughed it off as she began to put her hair up. “ that’s a long list how much time y’got?? “ it sounds like it’s a joke but CT has pent up anger from every little thing. the biggest is of course, her sister. but, it could also be as little as the person who fucked up her coffee order the day before. or the person that looked at her a little too funny this morning.
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