Bee Writes Her Heart Out
139 posts
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Attempting to Destroy My Character Only Reveals More of Your Own This bitterness fills your veins, It's totality consumes you, Loss of control with your situation, That powerless feeling dominates you, You can't have your cake and eat it too, What happens when this misrepresentation doesn't pan thru? So now what are you to do? Ego driven self absorption, Never satisfied with restitution, How pitiful that you became another soul who failed to break me. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Run, Run With All of Your Might To the ones who still believe in dreams: Chase them. Chase them until you're out of breath. Then, keep running. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Irrational Rantings What more am I to do, When my mind becomes unglued? Do I stick to my laurels? Do I toss them aside? Do I run to you harder? Should I just turn and hide? I feel like a burden, Maybe just to myself, Like a weight too much to bear, Like I'm alone on a shelf, Is it all in my head? Or am I losing this threading? Am I pushing or pulling? Will you remind me which one? Because I can't tell if I'm loosing you slowly, Or just mentally coming undone. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Never Forget the Simple Things Ear to heartbeats, Eye to eye gazes, Held hands for no reasons, Fast pulse races, Belly laughs and smiles, Strong hugs and goodnight kisses, I love you's just because I never want you to forget, That you are my love, my life, and the only decision I never regret. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Walk Your Talk Doing my outreaches I've seen more hurting people than there should ever have to be. In every single walk of life. Which is the reason why I feel like human decency isn't something that should have to be earned. No one deserves to hurt or walk thru life alone. And those who are perceived to deserve it, are generally the ones who need the support the most. There just isn't black and white answers for a grey hued world. All anyone can do is their best and that's more than most are willing to do. No one is perfect. We all suck. No one has all the answers. That's why things like villages and communities exist. We're all just walking each other home. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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I May Be An Insomniac But I Don't Lose Sleep Over You Regardless of how end of your story reads; When you give all of your love and loyalty where you are supposed to, I promise that you won't ever miss sleep, Wondering if it was you who could have done more. And at the end of the day, Being able to live with yourself with less regret, Is more important than whether or not they do too. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Midnight Love Affair Man on the moon, Man on the moon, I thought love was simple, Until I met you, I told you my secrets, I showed you my scars, I wondered what it would be like if we weren't so far apart, I asked you so many questions, Went to you to hide, I search for you in the answers, I threw out my pride, Man on the moon, Man on the moon, You're the consistency I hold dear to me, As the sun comes oh so soon. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Blank Page Deceptions I tried so hard to write down this loss, this betrayal, these feelings. But absolutely nothing was accurate enough, nothing appeared or formed. And that symbolism of how utterly deafening and crimping this semblance was, was no irony at all. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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It's sad when an amazing woman has no clue of her worth because of some dumbass from her past that took advantage of her and broke her heart.  Or her parents broke her heart long before anyone else ever had a chance to. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Being self-ish & self-less are both two extremes that require a sense of balance. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Be the Change If you have the ability and capability to help, Than you have a responsibility to help. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Relatable Me: Gives earth, moon, AND names two stars after him. Also me: It's okay if you're too busy to give me basic human decency and sub par affection. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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What Does Your Soul Hunger For? Simple to me is almost intoxicating. When all you know is chaos, simplicity is a high form of peace. My parents are really simple people, well their lives and views. Especially my dad. I always always used that as a projection of what I wanted my life to mirror. They are extremely chaotic people but our lives were simple and full of actually living life. Not so much my mom. But my dad and I did when I was a little kid. He's still the same way. My life was horindous but I was still very in love with the way I got to 'hands on experience' the world in its simplicity. Some people hate it. I still fight for that life. It's a great portion of what's pushing me forward right now. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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Love is Not a Measurement of How Much Bullshit You Should Have to Deal With No one ever understands how I can be so forgiving with all of the abuse I endured or even how I was able to save my spouses life in the mist of it. I will always love her. I'll never see her the same way I did. I cant even count how many times during it all I begged myself to hate her, Because hating her was easier than loving someone i was told I shouldn't. But it doesn't work that way. I still love my father too even though he abused me for a ridiculous amount of time. And I don't know if it's just who I am or if that's the way it should be, but it is what it is and I wasn't able to forgive myself until I stopped trying to change the way I felt about it. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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My Statement of Being Old soul, Budding heart, Wise mind, Heedless accord, Tenacious unshakable spirit, Resilience as a middle name. @beewritesherheartout #beewritesherheartout
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beewritesherheartout-blog · 6 years ago
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