Changeling Den
155 posts
Just a bug girl :3.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
beetlegirly · 30 days ago
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toxic yuri
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beetlegirly · 1 month ago
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beetlegirly · 2 months ago
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NEW OC!!! Been a while! I wanted a cute police pone :> Feat | Argil Shift
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beetlegirly · 5 months ago
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girl she is going to eat you alive
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
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The Chrysalis x Cadance pairing is so much funnier if its a polycule
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
Twilight looked blissfully into the serpentine eyes of her wife. "You know, Two-hundred-fifty seasons later and I don't know that I could be happier."
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Chrysalis flicked her tongue and tasted the air. With an eerily dreamy smile of her sabre-like fangs she began purring her cricket-purr. Twilight draped a wing around her and continued. "Immortality... This world has changed so much, honeybug. I have. Everything has. Practically nothing of Old Equestria remains." She tenderly stroked her lovers barrel with her free wing. Her alicorn feathers caressed like the fingers of a masseuse. "But this. Us. No matter how this world evolves, it's like you told me once. We continue on with it. We're eternal. Like the wind we carry the stories and sounds, the knowledge and wisdom of the past on through to guide the future. Reshaping the world in harmony..." Her voice trailed off, violet eyes drinking in the moment. Her navy wingtips traced the ebony chitin plates of Chrysalis's neck drawing a enchanted murr from her lips. The happy rumbling in her neck grew louder as she looked to Twilight through heavy-lidded adoring eyes. "I'm still taller than you." Twilight chuckled, pulling the changeling queen close with a lascivious smirk. "Oh shut up and kiss me, you butt." The dark queen joined her wife's laughter and happily did as she was told.
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
In sickness and health, when they hate your face or even their own, put on the game face and come out swingin' for the one(s) you love, pony Queen or big mama bughorse or whatever ya got.
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Bringing new life into the world is TOUGH but it's easier if you've got that big love ❤💛💚💙💜
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
Chryssi understands her wife well enough to know where her happy place is and even if she doesn't quite get it, she still wants to share in Twilight's big happy.
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Big love to all ya'll putting in the time, Big Mama Bughorse, Pony Queen or whatever ya got. 👭💜💚💜👭
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
Queen Chrysalis Sparkle reclined on her satin perch, lifting a jewel-encrusted goblet in her magic. Once more Twilight had requested her bughorse wife to privately model for her latest attempt at artistry. Chrysalis was only too happy to comply. She took well to the job of a model, her wife's muse. Being the Queen-mother of her entire species she was quite accustomed to being the center of attention. As she desired no creatures attention on Equus more than her little pony wife's this was truly the perfect way to spend a quiet afternoon for the queen.
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She slowly lifted a long chitinous hind-leg, widening her lap in a seductive and inviting manner. very unladylike yet very fitting for the couple. A soft purr rumbled in her long neck as she tucked a hoof to her barrel, adding a hint of coquettish playfulness to her posture.
She almost lost her balance as Twilight smacked an angry hoof against the sculptor's stage and barked out a shrill squawk. Chrysalis stifled a chuckle behind her pitted hoof. She was unaware that Twilight had learned how to swear in Griffonese. Twilight muttered in frustration at the uncooperative wet grey lump, grumbling out whispered threats and slander to its place as a mineral resource. Thus far her adversary resisted her every attempt to ply her fledgling techniques. To be fair her work-in-progress might be mistaken for Chrysalis, that is assuming it was viewed in passing by a near-sighted mole through several mugs of quality cider and perhaps the changeling queen had taken the form of a wad of chewed bubblegum.
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Chrysalis touched the goblet to her lips. The dark crimson liquid sipped smoothly through her sabre-like fangs, cool and robust. The changeling queen considered the scene in loving silence. "Why do you struggle so with this new obsession, beloved? You've tried grasping my form with several mediums- charcoal, graphite, paint and now clay. To what end? To capture my likeness? To release your hidden tensions? Perhaps to gift me with your creation of love?" She narrowed her eyes. "Am I to believe you'd go to such lengths simply to try your hoof at new hobbies?" She pursed her lips, dismissing the notion. "No, surely not." Her wings softly buzzed as her forked tongue flickered at the air, tasting her wife's passion. "All artists have their need to create, my love. It consumes them. Why do you...?"
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
In celebration of the 200th image to be posted to my personal art folder of my favorite inter-species royal couple of gals I decided I'd re-visit the debut image in the folder "Twisalis- A Pony And Her Bughorse" and depict them from a bit later in the equine stage of their life together.
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For all y'all who enjoy the big love I write between these gals, thanks for being here with me. Look forward to the new audio-readings, comics and video series I'm working on with the fam and keep being beautiful. Big Love to all y'all and let's keep sharing it around until the whole world is shooting rainbows and hugs outta kindness bazookas, Pony Queen, Big Mamma Bughorse or whatever ya got. The Eternal Courtship. Love never dies. It only changes form.
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
With a gust of green flame Queen Chrysalis Sparkle appeared in the disaster-zone that was the West Tower royal laboratory of her wife. "Twilight? I-"
"Honeybug! Thank you for coming home early."
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A wide-eyed Queen Twilight cautiously prodded at the hissing spider with a pair of tongs. It lunged and snapped at them with its chelicerae. It backed away from her, it's forelimbs raised in a threatening pose. As it sideled sideways, looking for an opening in Twilight's defenses she maneuvered the tongs like a shield.
A concerned Chrysalis regarded the scene with a raised eyebrow. "That is a Green Widow."
Twilight continued her defensive dance with the irate arachnid. "Correct!"
Chrysalis looked from the hissing creature to Twilight and back. "And why is it here in your laboratory with it's acidic spittle and venomous bite which could even kill an alicorn, like my wife?" Her horn crackled with a whisp of green flame. She drew close to her pony wife, ready to interpose herself.
"I know you're concerned, honeybug." Twilight quickly attempted to reassure her. "I'm fine- WOOP!" She ducked as a thin spray of grey mist shot past her shoulder. It's impact left a smoking buckshot pattern on the nearby bookshelf.
Chrysalis pursed her lips, her fangs scraping against the chitin in worry. "I see." In a gust of green changeling flames she created an invisible shield around Twilight.
"The potency of the green widow's venom is legendary and it's precisely why this one is here. Green widow bites in the Whitetail woods are rare but they have a very high mortality rate. I need to retrieve a sample of its venom to continue our local hospital's research into developing a viable antivenom. This little fellow was volunteered by our local wildlife wranglers for the process. Normally Fluttershy would be handling this but she's come down with the ponypox."
The spider kicked a few of the broken tongue depressors out of its way. With an angry chomp it hefted up the tattered remains of a plush doll, made to resemble the buttercream pegasus and flung it at Twilight. "I'm afraid this little fellah is not in any mood to cooperate."
"Why do you have a little plushie of her?"
"Discord left it here after our last tea-time." She traded knowing eyes with her wife and shrugged. "I didn't ask. Anyways, I was hoping you could help with this moody little guy, with your people's knowledge of the creatures of the deep woods, I theorized you might have an insight to its behavior or at least be able to hypnotize it momentarily."
Chrysalis chuckled. "I'm so glad you had the good sense to ask for my help." She kissed her wife's horn and gave it a playful nip with her fangs. "But mesmerizing it with my enchanting gaze won't be necessary, beloved."
Chrysalis turned to the spider and made a series of clicks and whispered hisses. The furious arachnid set down the beaker it had hefted overhead, prepared to hurl at Twilight. The two hissed and spat back and forth for a moment as Twilight watched in wide-eyed surprise. They were communicating. She was still learning just how helpful it was to have a wife who had literally been almost every species of creature in the world.
"You speak its language?" Her brow furrowed. "It has a language?"
The creature angrily stomped it's forelimbs as Chrysalis nodded. Occasionally it pointed at Twilight and made a particularly disgusted sound, slapping its pedipalps together.
Chrysalis sighed. "Yes. Of a sort. Most sapient beings do." There was a slight tinge of irritation to her words.
"Chrysalis!" Twilight used her magic to retrieve a pencil and note tablet from a nearby desk, excited to record this new knowledge. "This is incredible! Equestrian science knows so little about the green widow!" She hadn't even considered this discovery. "Ooooo! What did it say?"
"Well, for starters, Her name is Miss Mugglywumpus. She does not appreciate being snatched from her burrow and she is very offended by your eyelashes."
Twilight blinked. "My… eyelashes?" The spider hissed and reared up again.
"Yes." Chrysalis looked back to the angry spider. "You've been fluttering them at her in a very rude threat display."
Twilight lifted a tiny mirror to examine herself, suddenly very self-conscious. Normally she was very proud of the inky black cilia which framed her almond-shaped violet eyes. Chrysalis often complimented her on their "come-hither" quality. She supposed they might resemble antennae or some other form of limb to the right perspective.
Her changeling wife continued. "Not only that but your aggressive blinking has been signaling very crass remarks about her hygiene, the size of her abdomen and capacity to spawn a respectably-sized brood."
"I WHAT?!"
Chrysalis motioned to the creature with her serpentine eyes. It glared up at Twilight with all 8 of its crimson peepers. Fangs glistening, forelimbs folded across it's thorax. If there was any expression in a spider's body-language which might indicate it had been the recipient of a potent yo-mama slam, this looked to be about right.
Twilight gave a dejected sigh as Chrysalis placed a consoling hoof across her withers.
She had expected today to be quite eventful. However, as Rainbow Dash might say, she did not have 'sparking a first-contact disaster with her face' on her bingo card today.
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
When there's tubtime rubber-duckie daring-do to be done. 😁
Gotta love those kiddos, Big Mama Bughorse, Queen Pony Mama or whatever ya got. 💜💚🐞👭🐴💚💜
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The Eternal Courtship- Love never dies. It only changes form.
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
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The meaning of art can differ greatly from person to person... to alicorn to big mama bughorse. 👭💚💜💚👭
The Eternal Courtship. Love never dies. It only changes form.
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
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What do you get for your spouse on Hearts N' Hooves Day when all they want is you?
Queen Twilight has got ya covered. Queen Chrysalis Sparkle awakens to what promises to be a very happy, healthy and busy Hearts N' Hooves Day. Happy Hearts N' Hooves Day to all y'all out there, Pony Queen, Big Mama Bughorse or whatever ya got.
The Eternal Courtship. Love never dies. It only changes form. 💜💚🐞🐎💚💜
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
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"Sir Perchard Attenbirdo's Guide To Pegasi Husbandry" floated in the green flames of Queen Chrysalis Sparkle's magic. The Changeling monarch shifted a bit uneasily as she turned the page. She groaned, seeking a more comfortable position to lie in as she studied the tome. Gravid as she was the task was proving annoyingly difficult. She adjusted her abdomen to account for the unusually large mass of eggs she could feel pulsing inside of her, that and the weight of her proudly puffed-up little pony wife, perched on her shell. Queen Twilight sat, head held high, her crest of chest-fluff poofed out to twice normal size. The lavender alicorn awkwardly flapped her wings with a smile so broad it threatened to split her face in half. Chrysalis chuckled and turned back to her book. With a loving sigh and a slight shake of her head she continued pouring over the words. At least the Griffin documentarians writing was neat and easily legible.... "It is observed to be instinctive in modern Pegasi to engage in a sort of nesting behaviour. Regardless of the hour, be their young only a newly announced expectation or already birthed and seeking the warm comfort of their avian/equine birth givers, all pegasi can be witnessed engaging in this somewhat ritualistic act. While sub-strains from the Northern reaches of the Kltpszy mountain range engage in a more astronomically-inspired rite of-" She grumbled with a snarl and an impatient roll of her eyes. "Get to the point... long-winded, pretentious buzzard..." She huffed and skipped ahead a few pages. "The parent will gather a nest together. Using the highly specialized magic-manipulation structures of their wings, they will gather together stray wisps of clouds. The parent will scour the cirrus layer for the lightest and fluffiest of materials, gingerly grasping them with their primary feathers. With carefully guided flaps of their wings the parent will further fluff the clouds up while packing them together to create a soft, silky space suitable for the warm, protective security of their young." Chrysalis set her chin with a thoughtful snicker. "Well, this explains why she kept whacking me on the rump, I suppose." "Once the nest is constructed to the parents satisfaction they will then begin the dance that is marking it with their scent." Chrysalis eyebrow perked up. Her serpentine tongue flicked at the air, tasting her giddy wife's parental joy and love. " A series of specialized glands running the length of the wings secrete the pheromones which pegasi used to communicate in ancient, less civilized times. Complex magical messages were passed along on the same air currents which enable pegasi flight. These messages could be anything from a simple marking of territory as 'claimed' by a particular family to the highly detailed information of weather patterns in nearby areas. In this instance the parent will douse the nest with their scent to provide a place of familiarity and comfort for their young." She flickered her tongue again, tasting herself. She noticed her chitin had taken on a distinctly sweet, slightly flowery tang, like that of her wife, honeysuckle, vanilla and a hint of barbeque... This was interesting, a little disturbing but perversely interesting. She proudly wore Twilight's ring, the enchanted golden twin to her own. She still wore the alicorn engagement token of her primary feather woven into her mane with a braid of Twilight's tricolor tresses. She had even taken her name, officially being recognized among their pony subjects as 'Most Exalted Queen-mother Chrysalis Sparkle'. Now, she had her scent as well. Her fangs glinted as the corners of her mouth turned up in a gleeful curve. She chuckled at the thought. She had her stink. The mighty queen sighed and set her head upon the book as a makeshift pillow. She purred "Ah... the things we do for love."
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beetlegirly · 10 months ago
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Recognizing all y'all out there this Week of Lesbian Visibility with my favorite ever-loving Inter-species couple of the Royal Family of New Canterlot. From Queens Twilight and Chrysalis Sparkle- Big love to all y'all in the community, Eternal Courtship style.
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