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The cover of my sonatas, piano no. 30, op. 109, E major. With technology today, I am sure that there would be a digital format for this. Perhaps on a cd cover.
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I have found many newspaper listings of performances of my work. I am glad that my music is still being performed, I would love to see how it is performed in today’s age.
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It looks like my music can set the scene dramatically... my music was composed as classical pieces, it is quite interesting to see how it can be set in a movie to add dramatic aspects.
I think it my music adds great anticipation to this scene. Never would I think that my music would be used in this matter... you learn something new every day.
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Interesting lyrics to go along with my “Moonlight” sonata. Not only can my music be used to set a motion film to be dramatic, it can be used in a lighter sense. I think the way that Charlie Brown uses my music is “cute”.
Oh, how times have “classical” music is being used for children in cartoons. I do not mind this, I am glad my pieces can be used in a variety of ways.
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At 1:29 you can see my work of the “Fifth Symphony” demonstrated through a cartoon. The movie “The Pink Panther” was popular in the 1980s, my classical work was still relevant at that time. I am glad it could be used for a comedic use, everybody needs some humour in their lives.
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Oh so more advanced. Above are some maps of Germany, where I was born. I was born in a place named Bonn. The second map which is what I found from present day is much easier to be read, it is all digital. The older map is one I have scanned from back in the day. As you can see it is much more difficult to read as the print has been worn over the years.
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Behold sheet music from mine piano sonata, op.28.
Although you can not see it very well, this is original sheet music. It is so amazing to see that after all these years, there are still archives of my own property. I remember using this sheet music to compose some beautiful performances. Without technology, this would not be possible. I wonder if my work would have been lost and this generation would be unable to enjoy.
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Check out this website...tryeth some of mine pieces!
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It hath cometh to mine attention that people these days speaketh very differently. This website may be wondrous resource to thee.
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A statue of me in Washington. Tis amazing to see that people admire me! Looks like mine hard worketh hath paid off.
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I bethought I would share with thee a letter I wroteth to mine cousin Count Franz von Brunswick. This letter is from 1813, that is wherefore tis difficult to readeth! Back then, i didst not has’t access to this computer technology...
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I should share a little about myself. Thou mayest refer to me as Ludwig van Beethoven, I am mostly known by mine last name. I love to compose music and playeth the piano. I wast born in Germany to mine parents Maria and Johann, who greatly influenced me to useth mine talent
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Methinks that Paul Lewis doest a most wondrous job performing mine “Moonlight’ of mine favourites
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Welcome to mine blog! Mine page intends to share with thee some of mine worketh, and pictures that I has’t dug up of myself...I swear I would behold better if’t be true wasn’t for the poor quality!
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