beepbonks · 15 hours
whatever dude i dont even look that tormented mostly
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beepbonks · 15 hours
everything is up for interpretation. except for what i say. that must be understood exactly as i meant it
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beepbonks · 15 hours
entering this great new phase of my life where, when someone treats me like shit, instead of going "oh man I guess I'm a piece of shit" I can whole-heartedly go "christ alive, what is wrong with you? you can't treat people like that" and it may sound simple but it took a long time to get here and there's no fucking way I'm going back
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beepbonks · 15 hours
snoopy image of the day
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beepbonks · 7 days
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he's just like me forreal
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beepbonks · 7 days
Why does it feel weird and intimate to mention that someone was in even the most innocuous of your dreams? Sorry my subconscious decided to think about you for a second. You were a curator at an ice cream museum that was also my second grade classroom. If you even care.
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beepbonks · 7 days
is anyone else scared or is it just me and every deer
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beepbonks · 7 days
there is still time. there is still time. until your bones are in the fucking ground there is still time.
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beepbonks · 7 days
they should let you get xrays and mris just cause. i wanna see what my skelinton looks like. i wanna see my organs and shit
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beepbonks · 8 days
In high school I was voted most likely to be tormented by spirits
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beepbonks · 8 days
grocery stores don't love you they want to see harm come to you and if you spend too long in one you will not return the same
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beepbonks · 10 days
i would move heaven and earth to avoid hearing one single advertisement
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beepbonks · 14 days
everyone should have a balanced diet of both good music and music that fucking sucks. it's healthy. get over it.
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beepbonks · 14 days
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a league of their own ✧ S01E06
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beepbonks · 14 days
the voice that tells you to text your ex because it could go right is the voice of the actual christian devil, who does not exist outside of this context
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beepbonks · 14 days
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lil paintings
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beepbonks · 14 days
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