beef-emporium · 18 days
"I am curious about the source of the video" did you know if you type those words into a search engine on the same device you replied on you can find if they are actual things she said and when she said them?? (Her DNC speech Aug 23 btw.) If you're lucky and patient maybe you can even find the things she said before and after. I believe in you random tumblr user, you can put in a tenth the effort you did typing all that out.
holy shit lmao
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beef-emporium · 1 month
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Guys did you hear the cure to bigotry is imperialism and genocide
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beef-emporium · 1 month
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beef-emporium · 1 month
I don't think you need to be invited to a game you can't avoid participating in chief
if there is a game of some kind that you cannot avoid participating in & which you are guaranteed to lose, then your goal (if you're spiteful) is to lose in a way that maximizes the cost of your opponent's victory. the broader goal is to disincentivize participation in the game, or end it.
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beef-emporium · 2 months
Wow like the 3rd post down is literally tme/tma don't matter let's link arms and make out. Can you get any more textbook
look im sorry but im sick to fucking death of people who were raised & socialised as boys and men never taking a fucking second to analyize the lens they view the world through like. half of the younger amabs, and yes i mean that, ive met never learned how to stop seeing afabs, and yes I mean that, as little girls who need to shut up. you just havent taken the time to unlearn that. it's fucking infuriating. im tired of not saying it. transitioning into womanhood doesn't baptise you of the patriarchy you've been taught to perpetuate your whole life, especially if you're white, or the behaviors you learned to do that. you have to actually look that in the eyes and deal with it and stop treating the LGBTQ+ community as a whole like it's our job to deal with the "complexities" of intersectionality while you just get to focus on yeah pretty much JUST white transmisogyny. Y'all are still fucking sexist deep down.
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beef-emporium · 3 months
me reading Karl Marx: "oh my god it's in words"
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beef-emporium · 3 months
If a president can't work the amount of hours it takes for his citizens to pay rent he isn't representative of his citizens.
In his latest verbal slipup, the president said he was "proud" to be the "first black woman to serve with a black president."
The 81-year-old president mixed up his words during an interview with Philadelphia's Wurd radio station when referring to his vice president, Kamala Harris, and former President Barack Obama.
"By the way, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman, to serve with a black president," he said.[...]
The Biden camp has offered multiple explanations for the president's slurred words, nonsensical phrases, and vacant stares, including jet lag, a cold, and incompetent aides.[...]
Axios, citing people close to the president, said Biden worked best between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and struggled to function outside that window.[...]
Biden told governors he needed to get more sleep and stop holding events after 8 p.m., CNN and The New York Times reported.
5 Jul 24
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beef-emporium · 3 months
i think the thing that really triggered me about this discourse is that i'm being demanded to give endless permissiveness & grace that is clearly not being given to me. like in the replies I heard someone say "transfem is a word for camab (coercively assigned male at birth) people to communicate like struggles" and someone immediately replied "you can't use camab, that's a term coined by and for intersex people." like can you not see what's going on here
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beef-emporium · 3 months
If I found out someone I knew who told me they were a transfem was actually afab, it would feel like a breach of trust. There are certain vulnerable things that I would not feel comfortable talking to non transfems about, because people who haven't experienced being barred from femininity don't understand it.
If "transfem" catches on as a label amongst nonbinary afab people, it will make it impossible for us to know who is a safe person to talk about transfem issues with, and who isn't. It will isolate us from having our own community. This was literally the intended function of the term when it was invented by terfs, to make it so transfems can't talk about their experiences. I know the people earnestly identifying as "afab transfem" don't intend for this, but it is what will happen if it catches on.
If you are someone who wants to identify this way anyways, please please please think about why the label calls out to you. If it's because you feel like "not quite a woman," realize what that reveals about how you see us. Transfems don't exist to be your "genderfuck goals," and if you yearn to be seen as an aberration like us, fortunately for you, you'll never know what it's like.
But I can assure you that if you use our language as an aesthetic, a good portion of us will never feel safe around you.
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beef-emporium · 3 months
white trans people stop identifying with Orientalist depictions challenge
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beef-emporium · 3 months
Getting the USA out of South Korea (and Japan!) is a trans rights issue, too, by the way.
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beef-emporium · 5 months
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"you idiots are never going to move that mountain out of the way by pushing it. what you should be doing is pushing this cliff instead"
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beef-emporium · 6 months
Such amounts of tumblr liberalism are unheard of in a single post
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we got:
fandom url
moralizing violence
fandom screenshot set to make a point, added points for sarcasm and double that for being the good place
"leftists", "progressive"
giving a speech
hand-wringing about revolution, treating it as an impossible thing that has never happened and will never happen
utilitarian-like numbers game, toddler level understanding of how change happens under liberal democracies
surely voting will work this time, we just need to keep voting
we live in a democracy
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beef-emporium · 8 months
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beef-emporium · 9 months
you’ve mentioned a few times wanting to destroy the family. how exactly would that work? not trying to be bad faith, I just literally can’t think of a way to abolish the idea of parents without like. Government raising all kids instead of parents? but that’s dumb, and you typically have pretty well thought out positions. What does it mean to abolish the family to you?
completely eliminating the family as a coercive force would not mean replacing it with another coercive force but rather with a plethora of alternatives to allow children to direct their own lives. this means communal caregiving from a wide range of trusted adults from a young age and the unconditional ability of children to self-emancipate and have food and shelter provided to them at no cost with no questions asked.
of course this definitionally requires the abolishment of capitalism. so yknow in terms of more immediate short-term political goals: make self-emancipation much easier, fight back at the deeply insiduous concept of "parent's rights" wherever it rears its head, erode all legal priviliges of control that parents have over their children, give children more autonomy when it comes to their lives and schooling, fight against parental and educational surveillance technologies, historicize and problematize 'the family' in discourse & scholarship, theorize and work towards the development of structures of support for the young and elderly that are outside the limits of 'the family', &c.
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beef-emporium · 9 months
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beef-emporium · 9 months
In case you were wondering how screwed we all are:
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The fossil fuel industry has successfully completed their infiltration and takeover of the COP climate conference. The president of COP 28 is going to be an Oil CEO.
Billions of people are going to die but the rich don’t care so long as they can maintain the status quo and continue lining their pockets.
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And I’m supposed to feel bad that a couple of them got themselves squished on a voluntary trip to the bottom of the ocean???
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