beeboufantasy · 2 years
Ok so season 3 will be Penelope and Colin. That mean that season 4 will be Benedict and Sophie ? Right ? RIGHT ?! I just hope they will not push further away Benedict and Sophie story...
And I'm little upset that it's already the time for Polin because season 3 could have been a moment where both can grow more and individually. Especially after season 2.
But I'm very intrigued in how they gonna play out their story. Like how they going make Colin marry in one season the girl who absolutley destroy the reputation of the girl he cares about for two season...
A lot of drama is coming...hope they don’t lose the romance in it ...
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beeboufantasy · 2 years
I stopped using Tumblr since the end of GP999 and  in the meantime no news whatsoever of a Cherry Bullet comeback...
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beeboufantasy · 3 years
Some thoughts after the “grand final” (spoiler ahead)
The group's name make me laugh so much. I even miss Cosmix...
My main source of complaint isn't the top 9 but the performance of the episode : Why they can't have one more song? Why we can't have one more performance so the girls can be in two separate group of nine? And why they have to fight for the last part of "Shine"? They should have two separate song !
I insist on that because for some of this girls they will have to wait a long time to perform again. So I wished that they could have a last opportunity to shine.
My computer crashed during the top 9 announcement...probably because they took so much time to announce only the 8th place...
At the end only one of my picks made it, Yujin. But I was able to come back just to see her made it ! I'm so happy for her !
I wait for the group to make their debut. If I like their song maybe I will stan them.
I hope the best for the TOP9 (even with that group name....)
Now i'm on my way to stan Cherry Bullet !
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beeboufantasy · 3 years
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"You are a main vocal, Bora"
Kim Bora using her beautiful voice to cast away dementors (she don't need a patronus).
The interim ranking is a joke...8K, 1C and no Bora ?! 
I hope she will do like the past elimination and made it...
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beeboufantasy · 3 years
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Princess Kotone 
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beeboufantasy · 3 years
I'm so sad, tomorrow school start again for me. I can't watch Mnet dramatic translation anymore.
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beeboufantasy · 3 years
The end of a certain character was spoiled for me (thanks to a youtube comment) but at least when I was reading six of crows crooked kingdom I could read his chapters without thinking about it because I knew exactly how his last one start...but it still broke me
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beeboufantasy · 3 years
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An attempt to make a fan art of Kim Bora 
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beeboufantasy · 3 years
What a good idea Mnet to post just a few seconds of fancams from next week's performances... I totally understand that it's in the idea of making the next episode more interesting. But for some candidates they really chose to show them mostly waiting their turn to sing...
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beeboufantasy · 3 years
A little review of the second book of the Grisha trilogy, Siege and Storm
It was a very weird reading experiance for me. Let me explain. After watching the Netflix show and read the first book, I wasn't the biggest fan of the Darkling. But book 2 made me actually wish a little that he will be the one for Alina (if Nikolai wasn't there). He seem to be the only one that can fully understand Alina, the only one that can match her in term of power.  In contrast to Mal who want her to go back to when she was a weak little girl that need his protection. Alina in the second book wants to fight when Mal wants to run away. They don't want the same thing anymore. It was so weird to for me to actullay prefering the Darkling over Mal, when the Darkling is still killing a lot of people... 
And that's when I realize that Leigh Bardugo made a pretty accurate representation of a toxic relationship.  The Darkling seem to be the one because he manipulates Alina to think that way. They are unique beings. They will both live for centuries while the rest of the world does't change. He is the only one who does not fear her power. So he presents himself as Alina's only equal.  And that's how we can get trapped in a toxic relationship because it seem we don't ​have better option. And Mal is not really the ideal partner in the second book. So I understand a little better why he is hated. But, there is still the last book...
A last thing: how many time we are reminded that Alina is not pretty ? She could have others characteristics that made people hate her. Like she is not pretty and ?
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beeboufantasy · 3 years
Before watching Girls Planet 999 I just wanted to support Yujin and Doah (because I already know them beforehand)... Now after the elimination of episode 5 I'm sad even if most of my pick make it....
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