beeandpony · 2 years
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skeleton of cave bear in Bears Cave, Romania
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beeandpony · 2 years
The catalogue.
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beeandpony · 2 years
neurodivergent clothes shopping seriously is just like touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric
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beeandpony · 2 years
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beeandpony · 2 years
i couldnt survive in a sitcom
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beeandpony · 2 years
when people on here talk about how they lost followers for a post i'm always surprised they noticed that because ive trained myself out of ever looking at my follower count and it's so relaxing. i have no idea if i'm gaining or losing clout for anything i just post bullshit unfettered.
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beeandpony · 2 years
Reblog if boobs are pretty cool
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beeandpony · 3 years
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beeandpony · 3 years
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beeandpony · 3 years
If i was a sickly little peasant boy designated by the aristocracy to carry messages back and forth for pennies and you found me against our citys outer wall with a deep wound in my chest from a musket ball and a letter cluthed in my hand and i told you that my dying wish was to have someone read that letter to me so i would know i died for something important and you open it up and you find a single large illustrated diagram of an onion would you tell me what it was? What would you say?
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beeandpony · 3 years
And it begins. I can no longer access mutuals blogs on mobile because they’ve been flagged as explicit for *checks notes* being mental health care advocates.
Fuck sake.
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beeandpony · 3 years
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beeandpony · 3 years
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beeandpony · 3 years
Conspiracy theories are weird cause you’ll be looking into something simple like “why the government is trying to regulate toothpaste” or whatever and then you scroll down a couple pages and, uh oh! Antisemitism. 
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beeandpony · 3 years
mentally i am a little mollusk digging in the sand and God is continuously scooping me out over and over
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beeandpony · 3 years
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beeandpony · 3 years
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