becominghaima · 6 months
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At around 4am today, hundreds of
@Columbia students descended on the main lawn and launched the Gaza Solidarity Encampment. Nearly 60 tents were erected in minutes, with plans to remain until the school divests from Israel’s genocide of Palestine.
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becominghaima · 7 months
Tents and resistance for Palestine
Socialist Worker
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becominghaima · 9 months
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Fighting and the Tent:
#OtD 6 Jan 1971 the Militant Mothers of Raymur, 25 mothers from the Raymur Place housing project in Vancouver, Canada, blockaded railway tracks to get a pedestrian overpass to protect the 400 children who crossed the tracks to and from school.
Working Class History
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becominghaima · 9 months
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A displaced woman from Gaza writes: "Here in this tent, we spend our entire day — my three siblings, my mother, my aunt, and her little son. This is our home, our kitchen, the place where we welcome guests, and the sleeping area for my siblings late into the night. Life here is the worst; it's filled with injustice, oppression, hunger, and psychological pressure. I would trade my life for a meal just to return to a corner of my warm home, to sit atop its wreckage and what remains of it." #GazaVoice
Quds News Network @QudsNen
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becominghaima · 10 months
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Action in Hastings - 53 empty flats owned by Orbit - could be homes - left empty #FillEmptyHomes #HousingRebellion
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becominghaima · 11 months
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The liminality of vulnerability and self-protection takes form in the "tent". The tent that helps us to resist and keeps us minimally safe. Now the fascist government of UK deals with the crisis they have generated going further in their neonazi politics. This is why the tent in it self is a body and an icon for the politics of resistance. https://www.ft.com/content/ccf9c260-a98a-4b89-b604-4fa19a9f6a7c
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becominghaima · 1 year
Generation Tent
no es un slogan gracioso es el titulo de un nuevo libro que demuestra que lo que veíamos venir y nos motivó para este proyecto no iba equivocado
"The year is 2016 and the UK is at a crossroads. Amidst the challenges of the European vote, the upper millennial is plagued by soaring house prices, rising homelessness and austerity. Based on a true story, John Dohmen finds himself living in a tent in central London and humorously guides us through a generation on the brink of an existential crisis."
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becominghaima · 1 year
Devenir Jaima explora la ambivalencia de los usos de la tienda de campo, unos usos que en su origen y en nuestro país por su historia compartieron la presencia de Jaimas durante siglos. La Jaima, era utilizada por el pueblo semita, por lo tanto aunque tendemos a interpretarla cómo única al mundo árabe habitante del desierto, esta tiene una historia común al pueblo Judío. De lo simbólico que nos puede parecer la Jaima, esa forma de levantar una protección para los cuerpos, de construir un habitáculo en el cual descansar y cubrirse de la intemperie hacemos un salto epistemológico a la tienda de campaña que hemos visto aparecer y usarse en muchas situaciones en las que los problemas de la precariedad social nos afectan. La tienda usada como herramienta facilitadora de ocupaciones y protestas fue parte esencial de nuestro estudio. Y así han sido los proyectos alrededor de los campos de refugiados, de la noción de refugio que la tienda de camping provee. Una tienda que con los años y cómo ya se predijo en 2015 al escribir sobre este tema, iría creciendo en su uso a las crisis de los sintecho. Una crisis tan acuciante y contradictoria a la crisis de los campos de refugiados en las fronteras u otras zonas conflictivas y en guerra. Y que nos dice sobre nosotros todo esto? Es posible seguir indiferentes ante lo que es evidentemente aberrante?
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becominghaima · 1 year
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Esta mañana a las 9:30 de la mañana nos han obligado a retirar las tiendas de campaña bajo amenaza de detención, estaremos aquí hasta que
@ComunidadMadrid y
@AytoMostoles nos ofrezcan soluciones dignas #CampamentoDignidad#SolucionDignidad
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becominghaima · 1 year
Homeless deaths
It was at the core of the project, this was not exotismos; this was awareness of the multifarious case of body and life vulnerability that all sorts of contingencies bring about: Natural disasters and social and political disasters. Homelessness at the centre of a problematic that hits all sorts of peoples in a global increasing of poverty. The naturalisation of such a poverty, of homelessness,  as if people choose to be those sorts, is terribly cynical and is an idea that comes to be an ideology. The fact that none seems to care about homelessness, is a sign of the hypocrisy of our social and political system. 
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becominghaima · 2 years
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becominghaima · 2 years
En Los Ángeles, la segunda ciudad más grande de EEUU, declaró el estado de emergencia ante la masiva miseria de más de 40.000 sintechos y millones de pobres. Si fuera Cuba quien declarara un estado de emergencia por pobreza masiva, lo verias hasta en los carteles de la fruteria.
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becominghaima · 2 years
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Una mujer jubilada sin hogar es multada por la policía por vivir en una tienda de campaña en San Diego (California). 
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becominghaima · 2 years
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Acció Sàhara VNG@saharaVNG·1hHAIMES PER LA LLIBERTAT DEL POBLE SAHRAUI a la platja de Ribes Roges de Vilanova i la Geltrú.  20, 21 i 22 de maig. Tres dies d’activitats reivindicant un #saharalliure  perquè #noelsvolemrefugiats, perquè #elsaharanoesven, per la independència del Poble Sahrauí.
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becominghaima · 3 years
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Trabajadores_Afectados_Zumosol_Pernigotti@Trab_ZumosolBuenos días,33 días de encierro en los aparcamientos de la fábrica ZUMOSOL,por un plan de viabilidad para la planta, nos adeudan8 nóminas. Hasta cuando @zumosolespana ?@JuanMa_Moreno  @EmpleoJunta @AlejandroHVOX @jimolinaarroyo @TeresaRodr_ @Yolanda_Diaz_ @agarzon #JuanMa_Moreno
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becominghaima · 3 years
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Images: Ken Whittington/National Archives Australia
Aboriginal Tent Embassy began with an umbrella and became a symbol of sovereignty
Fifty years of resistance!!!
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becominghaima · 3 years
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Pic: A camp in Calais, where migrants were waiting on 27 November for the chance to cross the Channel despite the death of 27 people in the same week. Photograph: Rafael Yaghobzadeh/AP
Tents, Tents, Tens, thousand of years of the use of the tent in any form and shape. Emergency, hospitality, refuge, protest. We are all its users we might need it at any point if life. It is been proved. Remember WWII.
“In the Calais museum to the second world war, housed in a former Nazi bunker in one of the town’s parks, there is a room dedicated to people smugglers. A giant map shows the routes by which members of the French resistance spirited Jews, stranded British soldiers and others out of German-controlled territory. The paths stretch from France into southern Europe and out over the Mediterranean – an echo of the dangerous journeys taken by many who seek to reach the UK without permission today.Smuggling people across borders is neither inherently good nor inherently evil. Those who do it can show a callous disregard for human life. Or they can be motivated by a desire to protect and nurture, like when Rob Lawrie, an army veteran who volunteered in the Calais refugee camp in 2015, hid a four-year-old Afghan girl in his van and tried to board a ferry to the UK. (Lawrie narrowly escaped a prison sentence but was found guilty in France of the lesser offence of endangering a child.) Very often, the “smugglers” are the people on the move themselves, helping one another out as they travel.“ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/30/channel-crossings-british-politicians-smuggling-migration
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