I do not care about mismatched reply lengths or wait times for RP threads. I understand that sometimes muses don’t cooperate on certain threads or have a lot to say on others. You will not upset me if you take a while to reply or write any more or less than I do.
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[Becky rolled her eyes in a fond manner.
She followed close behind, digging through the small bag that was slung over her shoulder.]
[Grin quickly turned into a pretend pout.]
Oh, I see. Y’didn’t come here for me.
[So offended.]
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[She lightly whacked his shoulder with a chuckle.]
I came to see you too, you big baby.
[She gave him a matching grin.]
I have a present for Keni.
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[She gave him a matching grin.]
I have a present for Keni.
beckythecatburglar replied to your post: “[Knock knock! Becky is here~]”:
[She accepted the hug gratefully, giving him a squeeze of her own.] Only a little. [She joked as she pulled back slightly.]
[He kept his grin.]
Is that so? Heh. Anyway, what brings y’here? 
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The smirk she gave back was nearly a mirror image of his own.
"And who says I'm here for anything nefarious? I could be here just for a drink."
Becky looked at him in mild surprise, and took in his appearance. He was Lupin all right, but he wasn’t her Lupin.
“Late? How am I late when I didn’t know you’d be here, Lupin?”
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Becky looked at him in mild surprise, and took in his appearance. He was Lupin all right, but he wasn't her Lupin.
"Late? How am I late when I didn't know you'd be here, Lupin?"
It was a scene Becky hadn’t been in for quite a while.
The lounge was dimly lit, and the singer’s sultry voice filled the air. Many people littered the tables and the bar at the far wall.
Becky too, had taken a seat at the bar, finding that it was the best vantage point in the building in the sea of unfamiliar faces.
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It was a scene Becky hadn't been in for quite a while. The lounge was dimly lit, and the singer's sultry voice filled the air. Many people littered the tables and the bar at the far wall. Becky too, had taken a seat at the bar, finding that it was the best vantage point in the building in the sea of unfamiliar faces.
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me: i should message my mutuals, i want them to know i want to be friends
me: actually im just gonna like a post they reblogged and hope they get the hint
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Hey all! As some of you guys know, I took a step back from rping for a few reasons. Lack of inspiration, I had to go to Houston for three weeks because of work, and then I had an extremely important exam that I had to study for (I passed!). So now that I'm pretty much free to do whatever the hell I want in my free time without feeling guilty about not studying, I'm hopping back on the bandwagon. So yeah, give this a like for a starter!
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[Becky had no such reservations about going in for a hug and gave Yusuke a good squeeze.]
If you need a place to stay, let me know, okay?
[Becky gave a slight shiver. She wasn’t sure if it was because she actually felt the aura as well, or she was feeding off Yusuke, but still she frowned scanning the area nonchalantly.]
That’s a bit unnerving.
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[Becky gave a slight shiver. She wasn't sure if it was because she actually felt the aura as well, or she was feeding off Yusuke, but still she frowned scanning the area nonchalantly.]
That's a bit unnerving.
[She waved at the air in front of her as if she were lazily swatting at a fly.]
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[She waved at the air in front of her as if she were lazily swatting at a fly.]
[Becky managed to smile just as Yusuke surprised her with the selfie, using her cell for a picture of them as well.]
You know I can watch him anytime, right?
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[Becky managed to smile just as Yusuke surprised her with the selfie, using her cell for a picture of them as well.]
You know I can watch him anytime, right?
He’s definitely an energetic little guy. [She pulled out her phone to show Yusuke a picture.
She’d have to remind herself to get some pictures of Yusuke too.]
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He's definitely an energetic little guy. [She pulled out her phone to show Yusuke a picture.
She'd have to remind herself to get some pictures of Yusuke too.]
[She grinned back at her little brother] You’re on.
[When the waitress came by, Becky got a sandwich and coffee as well.
She smiled again at the mention of Kenichi. She had a feeling that Yusuke would adore him as much as she did.]
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reblog if you don’t mind shipping with an rp partner who doesn’t smut.
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[She grinned back at her little brother] You're on.
[When the waitress came by, Becky got a sandwich and coffee as well.
She smiled again at the mention of Kenichi. She had a feeling that Yusuke would adore him as much as she did.]
[She gently nudged Yusuke with her shoulder.]
Is that alright with you?
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send me a word! || learn all about my muse's physical features!
[hair]: length, colour, texture, whether it grows quickly or slowly, how manageable it is, whether it requires lots of styling, do they leave stray hairs everywhere, is it present on their face, is it present on the rest of their body, etc.
[eyes]: not just the colour, but the shape, the length of their eyelashes, whether they're alert or usually half-closed, large or small, sunken into the face, ringed by bags, etc.
[mouth]: are their lips always drawn thin or are they plump and kissable, what's their "default expression"/resting face, do they have all their own teeth, do they use their teeth to smile, etc.
[face]: what is the shape of their face, do they have pronounced cheekbones or a strong jaw, what's the size and shape of their nose, what's the size and shape of their ears, do they stick out, are they pointed, etc.
[skin]: obviously colour, but also if they're inclined to run hot or cold, do they have any blemishes or unusual markings, are they inclined to blush, are they freckled, do they tan, what does their skin feel like, etc.
[build]: are they skinny and petite or do they resemble a body builder, are they tall or short or average height, are they lean and wiry, are they overweight, are all of their features proportionate, etc.
[chest]: (potentially nsfw) what size are their breasts if they have them, nipple colour and shape and size, do they have visible muscle definition/abs, etc.
[hands]: are they large or small, do they have pianist's fingers or short stubby ones, do they tend to get sweaty or are they always dry, is the skin rough or delicate, are the nails painted or chewed or sharp, etc.
[legs]: are they solidly built, short and stubby, or long and graceful, do they have knobby knees or rounded knees, what's their gait, etc.
[feet]: do they have a habit of going up on their tiptoes, what's their usually stance, do they tend to shift their weight to a preferred side, etc.
[other]: any other obscure feature or tiny detail that the asker is interested in, could include fantastical elements such as a tail, wings, horns, must be stated by asker, etc.
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