beckbeckett · 4 years
Ren: Squishmallows are only the best things ever invented aka super soft stuffed animals that people collect
BECK: are you telling me you collect these squishmallow things?? like beanie babies???
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beckbeckett · 4 years
SMS / 𝐰𝐫𝐞𝐧 & 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐤
wren: hey fool
wren: what're you doing? im literally mega bored right now
wren: even considering chopping off my hair im that bored
beck: those sound like fighting words, schuester
beck: restringing my cello
beck: but watching you chop your hair off sounds like waaayy more fun
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beckbeckett · 4 years
Beck had never quite been able to wrap his head around how Stevie could just put himself out into the proverbial ‘there’ with no fear, but as they sat at their usual lunch table, Vince already long gone, the teen found himself trying once again. They had grown to term in the same womb.  They had been ‘raised’ by the same deadbeat Dad. It had to be some sort of hard hitting evidence in the whole ‘nature vs. nurture’ argument, because while Stevie’s confidence never seemed to waver, Beck’s seemed to loom in nonexistence. He couldn’t even use his real fucking first name, for god’s sake. 
“So, you must be feeling like the prettiest girl at the ball lately, huh?” An eyebrow raised in the direction Vince had run off in was all that Beck awarded the context of his ask, but he figured that Stevie knew well enough what he was talking about. They had both been there for Vince’s performance of ‘Hey Stephen;’ Beck had caught Stevie’s stupid, ‘I’m in Love’ face more than once throughout. He must have been dying to talk about it since it all happened. “Fake public fighting, serenading you in glee club… If I didn’t know any better I’d call you a fuckin’ witch because Vince is starting to sound a lot like that guy you tried to grow out of a jar when we were kids.”
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beckbeckett · 4 years
Ren: I hate greedy people!!!!
Ren: I just want the Turkey and Christmas squishmallows and all of them are so expensive online :// why!
BECK: i really wish i had any idea what we were talking about, but why don't we walk it back a few steps
BECK: who's being greedy? and what are squishmallows??
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beckbeckett · 4 years
𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 // PARA
𝐖𝐇𝐎: Wren Schuester & @beckbeckett​
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: Friday, November 7th. Night.
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: Dan + Nia’s Reception.
Being a Schuester meant Wren was practically front and center for most of the night. Not fully, because it was her brother’s wedding but she was a goddamn bridesmaid in some tight fitting grey dress that she definitely did not want to be in and she felt like her peers and family had been staring at her for the entire night. It was humiliating. Degrading, even. When she thought she was finally free of the chains that were societal marriage norms, she was reeled back in with speeches, toasts, and mingling with family. She needed to escape and that’s exactly what she did. She ran off to the bathroom where she caught Darcy trying to slip laxatives into the drinks. Wren couldn’t even have a moment to breathe in a fucking bathroom. For a hot second, she debated just jumping out of a window and running home in a classic runaway bride way, but bridesmaid edition but she knew if she left, her parents and siblings would be mad at her and whatever. She could at least give them a stress-free night for once. 
She felt like an actual freak. Dressed in a dress she didn’t like nor did she want to wear, hair perfectly curled (courtesy of Nia knowing her way around a curling wand), and had way too much makeup on for her liking. She looked like a literal clown. She hung out in the reception hall for a while, but it didn’t take long for Wren to start feeling suffocated after she left the bathroom. Spotting Beck across the room she quickly went over, not paying attention to whoever he was talking to and grabbed a hold of his elbow. “Hey, sorry gotta steal him away for a bit,” she said, dragging him to a more secluded area of the reception hall. “I need to smoke and you’re coming with me.” she said, a pleading look on her face. God, she was pathetic. “Please.” 
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Playing with the band had always been Beck’s burden to bear, but for the first time he found himself thankful that he had agreed to one of Dan Schuester’s crazy little ideas. It had saved him the trouble of asking Wren any actual permission to tag along - any awkward conversation about being her not-date - besides, Nia was someone with a connected family, and being able to mingle? Scratch that - being able to brag about coordinating the glee club band that had been entertaining everyone the whole night? Talk about priceless opportunities for just a little Lima Loser. 
Beck had been busy flipping between a cello and a bass for most of the night, but that hadn’t kept him from trying to spy Wren from across the room throughout the reception. It was almost like his own personal game of Where’s Waldo as he tried to find her moving from hiding spot to hiding spot; tried to read her expression from a distance. He had caught her eye a couple times - or at least he had thought, as he had smiled to himself on the stage - but it wasn’t too long before he had lost her to the crowd completely.
The band had been let go for a break before too long, and it was a discreet glass of champagne, and a conversation with a couple of Tibideaux’s later when Wren finally reappeared. Tugging along at his elbow as she practically dragged him across the room; Beck could only find himself laughing as he excused the both of them. 
The pleading look on Wren’s face was only like icing on the cake as Beck smirked down at his best friend, wholly trying to ignore lightening that seemed to be threading it’s way through his veins. “Smoking at your brother’s wedding? You are some kind of daredevil, Schuester.” It was a beat before Beck tugging Wren along the reception hall, though his hand was rest against her waist instead. A soft, “Come on, demon. I know a place.”  Leaving his lips - a little too close to her ear - as Beck led them toward the back parking lot where the band had loaded in. 
Beck waited until the two of them had filed far away enough from the music - until they were tucked away in the low light of the parking lot - before he slipped his lighter out of his pocket and handed it over to the redhead. A waggle of his eyebrow punctuating every move. “You know - I won’t ask if you’re having fun,” Beck grinned, reaching toward her to flounce the skirt on her dress just a little. “But, uh... If I weren’t so afraid of you punching me in the face, I might say that you look pretty fuckin’ cool tonight, you know? Almost makes me wish I had dressed up a little more - but as we both know, it’s basically a fuckin’ miracle I own a tie anyway.” 
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beckbeckett · 4 years
@jasonbukowski​ Beck had never really been expecting to see other members of the band at gatherings like these, but seeing Jason passing through the hallway was as sure of a shock as ever. The smirk on his face as he followed along after the kid was almost involuntary though, Beck catching up in only a few strides. “You know, you were probably the last person I was expecting to see at a Cheerio’s birthday party, right?” He just snorted a little bit, reaching out to pat the other on the shoulder. “You want a drink, Bukowski? Believe it or not, I do know where they’re keeping the good stuff tonight. Perks of being related to a cheerleader, I guess.” 
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beckbeckett · 4 years
Beck had already been hanging out at the party for longer than he would have liked to, but after hanging out with Zoe for a bit, he couldn’t seem to help himself. He wanted to stick around for a while, maybe even stay long enough to catch Wren passing out on the lawn - Joey walking into his field of view had him almost changing his mind, though. He didn’t know what it was about the Cheerio that made him nervous - it wasn’t like he was all that scary - but the fact that he never seemed to be able to remember who the hell Beck was, just made him feel small and all too fuckin’ forgettable. More so than he usually did. “Sick costume, dude. The yellow M&M was always the one that seemed more trustworthy, you know? Red M&M was sus as all fuckin’ hell.” It felt like nonsense as it tumbled off of Beck’s tongue, but he didn’t let it show on his demeanor as he took a sip of the beer in his hand. Clearing his throat only a moment later to try again. “You having a good Halloween, or what? I definitely expected more chaos, but, uh...” Beck shrugged. “This party’s pretty chill. Props to Zoe and Eli, I guess. Shouldn’t have doubted ‘em.” 
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beckbeckett · 4 years
Beck didn’t think he’d ever really be able to wrap his head around how Stevie had convinced him to participate in Rocky Horror - the memory more of a Stevie  filled  blur, complete with pep talks and arguments about how much he loved Meatloaf. But as he stood in the auditorium, costumed beyond belief... Well, he realized what a fuckin’ mistake it was to let his twin pressure him into anything that didn’t have to do with having an instrument very firmly sat in front of him. 
Stevie was probably going to kill him for wandering off so soon before ‘curtain’ - as he wouldn’t stop calling it - but Beck couldn’t help himself; he needed a second to breathe before he ran off altogether. The teen supposed he could only be thankful that his path led him straight to Vince, waiting alone in an empty auditorium. Fitting. “You know, I really don’t know how Stevie does it, right? He could talk someone out of the fuckin’ shirt on their back if he decided he needed it badly enough. It’s like a super power or some shit - I’ve gotta get him tested one of these days.” Beck cleared his throat, the smirk on his expression all too casual for the tension that had built up between them in the last couple of weeks. Blame his dad for anything fucked in his head, but he’d always rather smooth things over without confrontation if he could.  He just took a seat a couple rows over from the other boy, letting the silence settle between them for a long second as he peeled the leather jacket off of his frame. Eyebrows furrowed as he finally looked over at Vince. “So....” Beck shrugged, tossing the jacket over the back of the chair in front of him. “It’s come to my attention that I might have been wrong not to hear you out earlier, alright? I know ‘my bad’ doesn’t exactly fuckin’ fix it, but...” 
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“My bad.”
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beckbeckett · 4 years
On any other night, Beck might have spent the entirety of the party hugging corners - holed up in the backyard with the few band members who had bothered to come to a party full of Cheerios and Titans. Tonight was different, though. Tonight, he was on some kind of mission to impress his lab partner before their date on Sunday night. He was half-sure it was a futile endeavor - Zoe always seemed to keep herself stoic and collected no matter what he did - but with stuffed frog in hand, he stepped right up to her near the drink table. Bowie face paint sparkling right in his field of vision as he smiled down at the Cheerio from where he stood. “Hey, happy birthday, Puckerman! I figured you could use a frog in your life that you didn’t want to just pin open and gut.” The way he handed over her gift was casual enough, an eyebrow raised in her direction like he was anticipating her reaction - his smirk almost immovable. “If you’d prefer the real thing, though, I could definitely track one down before I pick you up for dinner. You think Breadstix would be cool with pets, or nah? Maybe I should call ahead and change our reservation for three.” 
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beckbeckett · 4 years
“Happy birthday, Elizabeth,” Beck smirked at the girl he extended a hand out to her, birthday card held casually between his fingertips. It wasn’t very often that he showed his face at parties - it wasn’t very often that he painted his face like Bowie and wore skintight jeans either - but, Halloween and Eli’s birthday? That was definitely a special enough occasion to show his face... And the fact that Zoe Puckerman was hanging out somewhere around the house certainly didn’t hurt either. “You don’t have to open my gift now, but I’ve got the feeling you’re going to love it. Spoilers, but, it’s a Lima Bean gift card - fifty bucks! Just what every barista needs, right?” Beck smirked, quirking an eyebrow toward Eli as he stepped past her, bumping her shoulder playfully as he motioned toward the table stacked with bottles and beer. “Come get a drink with me, weirdo. I plan on getting out of here before cake inevitably gets thrown in someone’s face, so I’d rather get my time with the birthday girl now, ya know?” 
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beckbeckett · 4 years
text : beck & zoe
ZOE: lmao it wasn't weird @ all. kinda flattering ig.
ZOE: lol @ you acting like i wouldn't have ignored that message if i wanted to.
ZOE: i still think you're a little bitch, especially because of the frogs...
ZOE: but i'm not opposed to a free dinner.
BECK: i guess you're right, i wouldn't put it past you to just ignore me. guess i was banking on the fact that facing each other tomorrow was going to be mad awkward if we didn't acknowledge it at all
BECK: hey, look - i'm okay with you thinking that! i'll take it when it comes to the frogs, puckerman. one day - i'm gonna get YOU on something, though, and you're never gonna live it down either.
BECK: free dinner is free dinner. just tell me when you're free
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beckbeckett · 4 years
text : beck & zoe
BECK: hey, sorry if that was fuckin weird or something
BECK: if you felt some pressure to say yes, you can just forget it if you want to
BECK: not that i wouldn't take you to breadstix
BECK: now that i'm looking back on this, i get the sneaking suspicion you're gonna call me a little bitch or something again
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beckbeckett · 4 years
FAUNA: Hmmmm, unfortunately the only remotely interesting thing about you is that you're on the band! If we take that off the table we'll simply be left with no other topic of conversation other than why you chose to nickname yourself after the guy who sang "Loser." 🤮
BECK: The ONLY interesting thing about me? Come on - you're talking to the guy who came last on the hot or not list, that's gotta count for something ;)
BECK: And I didn't name myself after Beck, for the record. It's not like I'm gonna go around having people call me Beckett, and I'm definitely not gonna have them out here calling me Stanford either
BECK: Beck was the next best thing
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beckbeckett · 4 years
WREN: nope. even he's funnier than you. fact.
WREN: what can i say? i aim to please. even aim to please the most unfunniest, suckiest, and underdressed people such as yourself.
WREN: do you even own a tie??
BECK: well. that one hurts, for sure.
BECK: Oh, yeah? Sounds like a lot of fuckin effort on your part, schuester. can't catch me complaining though.
BECK: you've literally seen me in a tie. i'm a classical cellist, you demon.
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beckbeckett · 4 years
ZOE: smh there is no such thing as 'science code'
ZOE: weren't you just the one giving me a hard time about not taking notes? whose not pulling their weight now?
BECK: i seem to remember you being not great with science, puck - so how would you know what's in the science code?
BECK: damn, you really are a killer! nobody said i wasn't gonna pull my weight
BECK: i said these frogs are gonna haunt my nightmares
BECK: huge difference
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beckbeckett · 4 years
WHO: Stevie Beckett & Stanford Beckett @beckbeckett​
WHEN: Wednesday 10/21, 9pm
WHERE: The Beckett home, Stevie’s room
“Okay, blue button up for auditions it is,” Stevie said, finally setting on his audition day outfit after thirty torturous minutes of debate and self-doubt. He placed the shirt in his bag and turned to his brother. “You sure you have enough food to make it through the weekend? I can leave you money for pizza.”
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“Oh, you mean the first fuckin’ shirt you pulled out of your dresser before we started this whole debate? I’m shocked.” Beck rolled his eyes as he looked up at his twin, back pressed against Stevie’s bed from where he sat on the floor. “Yeah, yeah - I’ll be fine. Me and Wren will probably just order pizza this weekend anyway, so you can keep your money. I have a feeling you’re gonna fuckin’ need it in the streets of fuckin’ Manhattan.” He paused; an audible breath falling from his lips. “Are you sure I shouldn’t just come with? I like Julien well enough, but he isn’t exactly the sharpest crayon in the box, and Dan is basically a mess in a vest and a tie. He might as well be a walking Gumby.”
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“Look, just say the word, and I’ll come, dude. Wren will be pissed that I’m ditching her for the other Schues, but somehow I don’t think it’s going to be as bad as you getting yourself kidnapped or some shit in New York fuckin’ City.”
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beckbeckett · 4 years
FAUNA: 🤮 Piece of advice, your whining about band member's rights is wayyyyyyyyy boring
FAUNA: Like if you want someone to pay attention to you bedazzle your costumes or something, don't complain to me about it
BECK: Well, i wouldn't want to fuckin' bore you, so how about we just pretend like they don't exist?
BECK: trust me, i'm not trying to get anyone to pay attention to us, and i'm definitely not planning on bedazzling anything any fuckin time soon either
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