beccadimera · 3 years
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beccadimera · 4 years
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beccadimera · 4 years
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Sent by anonymous:
“Talia is the best LI in season 1.” 
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beccadimera · 4 years
A slightly salty take on North and fandom
Disclaimer: Nothing in this post is meant as an attack on anyone. Fandom is subjective and you have the right to interpret media, form your own conclusions, and create whatever you want. These are my opinions about what I’ve seen, as well as my experiences in previous fandoms and the patterns I’ve seen play out over and over again. It’s okay to disagree with me, and it’s okay to have a respectful discussion in reblogs/comments! Just keep it civil. That out of the way…
North. She’s polarizing character in DBH; she tends to be loved or hated, and I’ll admit it: I didn’t like her at first either. I wanted to, but as I played through my first time I just couldn’t get past one of her traits in particular, which was that she was so convinced she was right; she blamed Markus for every mistake, refused to adapt her tactics or consider other methods, and seemed more driven by vengeance than anything else. So as much as I wanted to enjoy her character, I found her to be a poorly written “strong female character” archetype that fell flat in execution, as most characters of that type do.
Honestly, I think this is the reason most people who dislike North dislike her, at least consciously. They genuinely think she’s a terribly written character, and they’re not necessarily wrong. One playthrough on a standard route, with no extrapolation or extra consideration, combined with a lot of people getting the awkwardly forced romance (I actually avoided this, completely unknowingly, on my first playthrough) leads to a dislike of this character. That’s understandable! I would expect this from people who played the game once. But that’s where the problem comes in, for me.
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beccadimera · 4 years
hear me out,
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beccadimera · 4 years
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guess what I did this week
some extras under the cut:
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beccadimera · 4 years
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10 years and it’s still the same
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beccadimera · 4 years
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A fanart I did in December ^_^ 
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beccadimera · 4 years
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Currently vibing x
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beccadimera · 4 years
Postwickshipping, Lionheartshipping, and Deadlyroseshipping are all canon. Sorry, I don’t made the rules.
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beccadimera · 4 years
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📎📍📌✂️chairman rose 📎📍📌✂️
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beccadimera · 4 years
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Lol i like their designs
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beccadimera · 4 years
My fav things about Sex Education season 2
-damn. Ouch.
- asexuality representation. bisexual representation. pansexual representation. Thank you.
- Aimee’s story was S O important. It’s spreading much needed awareness about sexual assault, and how scary that experience is for anyone.
- I think Lily and Ola were very important. Lily really thought she was straight until Ola was introduced to her, and it showed her confusion. So many teenagers are confused about their sexuality that made them feel a little less alone.
- I big topic that was discussed was divorce. Divorce has become much more common, and no one really talks about it anymore. No matter what, divorce is hard on EVERYONE involved and we saw that through Otis and Adam’s yes.
- the soundtrack was brilliant, and when they play Mystery of Love I cried cuz duh
- i like how Ola and Maeve expressed their feelings to Otis. Otis was very much so an asshole in this season, so he deserved their hostility.
- Adam’s character development was monumental. He went from not wanting to be seen with Eric in public, to confessing his love to him ON A STAGE.
- this whole season was a big nod to the lack of sex education we receive in high schools today. Bruh I literally had to learn everything myself.
- feminism. feminism. feminism.
- the colors were different than last season. Last season was more pales, but the hues here were extravagant and neon and different lighting.
- Jackson and Vivi’s friendship! I like they didn’t make her have a crush on him or anything like that. Platonic love is so important.
- any representation of theatre kids I get, I take. So I was a happy theatre stan:)
- it’s such an awkward show. There were so many instances that I had to pause it and be prepared to cringe at what’s about to happen, but THAT’S HIGH SCHOOL.
- Maeve’s situation. Those were the only scenes I would cry. Because the writers managed to make you feel bad for her mom. Even after all the things she has done. But again, that’s life. Maeve felt bad and we felt bad. But I still think Maeve did the right thing.
- We saw a new side of Maeve. Taking care of her little sister, being on Quiz Heads, being very enthralled by a boy. She’s just as much of a badass, if not even more so than last season.
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beccadimera · 4 years
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beccadimera · 4 years
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#soft maeve wiley
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beccadimera · 5 years
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Sal Fisher
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beccadimera · 5 years
“This cat saying “well hi!” in a southern accent”
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