beautyinsatiable · 6 years
feel free to edit or elaborate as you please .   ( add  ‘ reverse ‘  to your message if you’d like to see how my muse would perform the action ) . otherwise , send in one of these for my muse’s reaction to   …
[ lit ]  your muse lighting a cigarette , spliff , etc. for mine . 
[ order ]  your muse ordering for mine at a restaurant or bar .
[ guide ]  your muse putting a hand on mine’s back to lead them .
[ pay ]  your muse paying for mine at a store , bar , restaurant , etc . ( you can specify where or for what . )
[ open ]  your muse opening a door for mine .
[ dry ]  your muse drying mine off with a towel after a shower , bath , swimming , etc . 
[ instruct ]  your muse giving mine instructions / telling them what to do . 
[ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . 
[ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ .
[ rest ]  your muse resting their arm over mine’s shoulder / s .
[ clean ]  your muse cleaning a smudge of something off mine’s cheek , forehead , etc .   feel free to specify what and how . 
[ answer ]  your muse answering a question meant for mine . 
[ coat ]   your muse holds mine’s coat out for them while they put it on .
[ pilot ]  your muse taking mine by the arm , hand , shoulder , etc . to lead them . 
[ stare ]  your muse staring mine down . 
[ placement ]  your muse telling mine to sit down .
[ teach ]  your muse taking control of mine’s hand , arm , hips , etc . to make sure they do something correctly .  
[ patience ]  your muse telling mine to be patient .
[ tears ]  your muse wiping away mine’s tears .
[ swat ]  your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch .  
[ jewelry  ]  your muse clasping a piece of jewelry for mine , such as a necklace , or earrings . 
[ enough ]  your muse commanding mine to stop talking . 
[ retrieve ]  your muse requesting or ordering mine to retrieve them something .
[ invite ]  your muse inviting mine to sit on their lap .
[ lean ]  your muse inviting mine to lean into their side while they’re sitting or laying together . 
[ calm ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ‘ .
[ scold ]  your muse scolding mine for something .
[ comfort ]  your muse pulling mine into a reassuring hug .
[ approval ]  your muse complimenting mine on a choice they’ve made .
[ beckon ]  your muse beckoning mine to them without speaking . 
[ laces ]  your muse lacing , tying , or zipping something for mine , such as shoes , a dress , or a jacket , etc .
[ stay ]  your muse telling mine to stay in the car . 
[ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . 
[ feed ]  your muse feeding mine something , feel free to specify what .
[ volume ]  your muse demanding mine speak louder .
[ read ]  your muse reading something to mine .
[ refill ]  your muse refilling mine’s glass for them . 
[ possessive ]  your muse resting their hand on mine’s leg or the small of their back while they’re sitting beside each other . 
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
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“I do, but… you can still… trip on your hair.” He tilted his head at the other. His hair was longer than anyone he had ever seen.
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❝ Oh, dear child ! I have yet to trip on such a beautiful thing ! I doubt it’ll ever happen, but I am flattered by your concern. ❞ Should his coordination not fail him, he wouldn’t be falling anytime soon. Nevertheless, he gave a single brush of his hand through the silken strands. 
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
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“Your hair… Does it not… get in the way?”
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❝ Does it get in the way? Oh no! Why would it ever do that? Do you not see how well its held? ❞
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
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“I’ve seen the dead rise before. But this is new…” And given the reaction of the surrounding crowd and what the figure in the ocean said, they were seeing familiar faces. Truth be told this was a bad way to end the night. Even if things were a tad boring beforehand.
“I can’t really do anything about it, so I guess I don’t have a choice and should take this seriously.”
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Unamusement sat across his expression. Slender digits lingering in a drumming motion across his cheek. What a way to end a festive night, he thinks. Not at all the one could see it happening, despite what had be seen and what familiar faces so decided to pry free of the soft waves. But, still he sat and eyes affixed upon it for the last few moments. 
❝ As seriously as one can, I must say. Ah but if one must take it so seriously, I suppose it is time to ignore and start walking to find other things to do. That isn’t... ❞ A leisurely wave of fingers into the direct of the shambling bodies. He certainly couldn’t eat them, decay and all.  ❝ That. ❞ 
Tedious, but he got up from his low perch. 
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
temperateskies replied to your post: —
yeah! there a mini onmyoji anime series and he even talks about his sister in it!
i’m like gonna cry????? I need to catch up and get back on my life’s blood. it looks so interesting !! 
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
❖ + how many innocence have you devoured to obtain this standard of "beauty"?
send me a ❖ + a question and my muse will be forced to tell the truth. 
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What matter of spell was this? Ah, how that face twitched with the question. Mouth opening to spew some words laced with venom of mistruth. Words in veritas came to the call of the question.  Slender fingers came to crawl through the long strands about his shoulder.  
❝ Oh, dear. More than I care to remember. Names fleeting and ugliness--- more so than what my memory would so choose to relinquish in image. ❞ He cleared his throat. ❝ More than you can imagine to obtain such perfection. ❞ 
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
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support the author  /  feel free to change things  (  such as pronouns  )  as needed !
“ these are the empty pews ” “ it’s much too late to repent ” “ this is your unmarked grave ” “ what else is there to live for besides your one true love ? ” “ you never thought i needed protection ” “ did i ever even have a choice ? ” “ he told me i was an obligation ” “ you make me forget what it feels like to miss someone i was never allowed to call mine ” “ are you my antidote or my poison ? ” “ this story may be cliche  ,  but it’s ours ” “ is there really any way it can end other than in bloodshed ? ” “ i’ll lick your wounds and then you’ll do the same for me ” “ if you start to keep score  ,  can you still call it love ? ” “ brace for impact ” “ this girl right here is a fucking goner ” “ with you there is no faking it ” “ this boy  ,  he’ll be the death of me ” “ i was too young to realize you were the one that should have known better ” “ i never did have an ear for music ” “ when night falls  ,  my monster tells me he loves me ” “ you always did crave the taste of your own lies ” “ this love leaves bloodstains ” “ i’m so fucking sorry ” “ it was exhausting for both of us ” “ you are the bruises and teeth marks i find all over my body without remembering how they got there in the first place ” “ this isn’t a haunting  ;  it’s a hunting ” “ it’s probably a good thing that god forgives sinners like me ” “ i can’t tell the difference between you and the dead of winter ” “ at least winter makes way for spring ” “ i can’t decide who it is i’m more frightened of ” “ i would do just about anything to make her disappear ” “ if you’re looking for your perfect victim  ,  then you might as well set down your lanterns ” “ you won’t be able to find her here ” “ i’m the fairy tale everyone forgot about because the lesson wasn’t pure or hopeful enough ” “ i don’t excuse her and you shouldn’t either ” “ couldn’t you at least try to hide it ? ” “ i never knew you could grieve a breathing man ” “ nothing but a coffin in my ribcage ” “ you remind me of the way flowers bloom so furiously in spring ” “ are you breaking her like you broke me  ,  or am i just that special ? ” “ nothing makes sense with or without you ” “ my body didn’t know what it was like to survive without you ” “ you took things i didn’t know you could take ” “ it seems you never learn  ,  either ” “ either take everything i have or drop it all and walk away ” “ darling  ,  you are worthy ” “ you can do this  ,  you know ” “ let your heart take its time ” “ there’s someone else seeping in through the fractures you left ” “ if you’re never going to leave me  ,  then this is me leaving you ” “ find a new partner in crime ” “ someone i used to know told me that love was forever ” “ don’t try to waste your time again ” “ i’m sorry i didn’t know how to stop the pretending ” “ they didn’t deserve this ” “ some people are never worth your words ” “ come  ,  take back your hatred ” “ you can have my forgiveness but you can’t have me ”
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
send me a ❖ + a question and my muse will be forced to tell the truth.
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
//&. @vampirishnight
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Expression in a state of ennui! This was all fascinating and the like, but the dead? Shambling about? Oh! How Kamikui could only watch this from the forms of his seat. Legs crossed and long digits gracing over the features of his face. Ah! Even the ones that he had eaten stood in the water and shambled from its waves, sloshing slowly across. He would eventually get up, but not without addressing another first.  
❝ This must be a joke. A prank! Are you also taking this seriously? ❞
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
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Bortz was surprised that Kamikui had invited them to the festival. Aside from their similar appearance, they were sure both of them had nothing in common. But, the little gem supposed that was good enough for the strange man. They didn’t mind. Bortz was even a little appreciative he took their hatred of music into account and got them a pair of earmuffs. Of course, this meant they could barely hear Kamikui, but it was only for a short time.
“Uhm, thanks,” was all they could manage while holding on to Kamikui’s sleeve, seeing that their stature made their strides smaller than the other’s. They had to figure out a way to keep up the pace and this was the only way. Bortz blinked when he adjusted the ear muffs.
“Uh… Thanks? You look nice, too.” Bortz really couldn’t hear, so guess work was the only thing they could do for the time being.
Ah. how he enjoyed the company others; even if it was in silence. Clear as crystal there was nothing in common between them, save for the appearance-- to which, he honed onto and latched upon. It was idle prater that kept him for being completely bored with someone with nothing but small saving graces. Nevertheless, he took it as it was. 
❝ I suppose there isn’t much to do with you not able to hear me!❞ He said with an exasperated sigh. Ah! So it was! The life of speaking to himself once more! To admire his own beauty and that of another at his own pace! Another deep sigh and a hand placed at the side of his face, small pout forming, before it was replaced with the natural small smile.
Demon of beauty moved with slower steps in his long gait. Allowing the smaller to keep up with him, the grand difference; with he had to keep in mind in able to keep his companion in distance of listening  --- barely that--- within distance. Eyes trailed down to glance down with a short nod to the words in repetition. 
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Steps paused for a moment near the roaring flames of the bonfire, testing the distance of the stage of music to their location. Hmm, well enough-- he would think. Turning his hand with a flick the ear cover just ways enough to be heard.  ❝  Surely, there must be something you want to do, my favourite? There has to be! Since music isn’t your--- cup of tea.  ❞
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
//. @aneerietale
Dark eyes judged. Scrutinised over the amenities provided in festivities and the bodies meandering about the streets of the ward. He only gave a light hum before turning his gaze to the companion at his side, a smile pulling the corner of his lips and hands moving outward in a slight flourish. Keep a festive look, even if this was about the dead of sorts-- or something like that. He wasn’t entirely sure, nor did he read the entire flyer for it. 
Only simply invited company to walk about with him. 
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❝ Of course, there must be something that can be enjoyed? Even if it’s lacking a certain vigor to it all. ❞
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
//. @scyphozoas
A cacophony fluttered from his throat, humming whilst hands worked on situating the forms of-- whatever this was called-- upon the head of the smaller before him. ❝ Since you hate music so much, my favorite little one! You’re not going to be able to hear my beautiful voice until its over.❞ He sighed with dramatics in his tone, not that it was a loss at any cost. A walking buddy was something, even if it was at a loss of speaking on such things. Seated upon his knees, so his tall form was at eye level with the gem to fix the noise cancelling overhead earmuffs. Depending on how annoying the music was, he himself, may invest in these ugly items for specific times. 
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❝ Ah! Don’t we still look cute with such placed over such extraordinary looks! ❞ Albeit moot, he still spoke. As if he would ever stop. 
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
A note to the starters I owe: they’re going to be event centric, if not and I owe you starter, hit me in the inbox or reply to this saying so! And I’ll work on it as something else! 
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
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Starter call ! Uncapped. 
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
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❝ If we must speak of love, let us it to talk of admiration of one’s appearance. Or, anything else but that useless emotion towards another person. ❞ This muttered with a sweeping a hand under locks of black hair and a glance into a handheld mirror, of course. 
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beautyinsatiable · 6 years
1-800-how’s my portrayal?
This mun is now accepting feedback! 
Please remember there’s a difference between hate, constructive criticism, and giving praise because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
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