beautybunny01 · 4 days
Things i like to do instead of eat¡ng
Meditating- clears my head and take my mind off food
Zero c@ls energy drinks/water+salt/coffee- im soo tired while f@sting so it helps+i can w0rkout+ carves the hvnger
Long walks- both burn c@ls and get me far away from the kitchen
Multitasking- honestly doesnt even matter what as long as im doing multiple things i cant think about f00d
Watching my fav show (combined w multitasking)- cant think about f00d and make the time go by faster but it is important its one youre actually interested in so your mind wont drift off to f00d (or combine it with doing chores, playing games on your phone etc)
Looking at my f@sting tracker- motivates me soo much
Tumbler- keeps me busy+motivation
Sm0king- keeps my hands and mouth busy and carves my hvnger
Listening to 3d related music- sooo motivating
Watching 3d related/ sk¡nny related tiktoks- motivating and makes time go by soo fast
Chugging LlTERS of water- carves my hvnger+ hydrating (especially if its with salt so its extra electrolytes)
Sleeping- pretty sure there no explanation needed
Texting- doesnt even matter who it just keeps me busy
Listening to 295.8 hz- we¡ght l0ss frequency!!! fogs my thoughts so i cant think about f00d
Chores- burns c@ls while keeping me busy
Basically anything that keeps your hands and mouth busy or very stimulating!!
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beautybunny01 · 4 days
no drugs no cigs no vapes no energy drinks just me against the world rawdogging this disorder
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beautybunny01 · 4 months
Behold! A Taste of Progress!
Hello, hello!
It's three weeks in and I hit the 120's again! I'm 129.8 pounds and this was measured at 8pm! I guess the little things I do really did add up. I wasn't discouraged but I was rather skeptical if my habits would show results and now, I have managed to motivate myself to keep going.
But yeah, it's the usual diet and exercise. I don't eat snacks anymore and I have significantly reduced the amount of sugar and processed foods I consume. As for exercising, it's 99% walking and the rest are literally like 10 unweighted sumo-stance squats here and there.
I'm feeling good!
Another motivator for me is... a man! Yes, that's right everyone. Despite the extremely valid conversations about loving your already-perfect self, I do want to tone up a little bit for him(?) or is it for me? What I mean is; mentally, I am at the place where, no matter what the guy looks like, I will feel insecure if I'm with him because I am unsatisfied with current myself. So, who is the glow up for? I guess mostly for me, but the guy I'm talking to can benefit from it as well ;)
Off topic but the guy I'm talking to is pretty health-minded. He's getting older and he's trying to take care of himself and that's just one of the reasons I'm interested in him. But don't worry, I'm taking it slow, keeping an eye out for red flags and such.
Anyways, I will continue to keep up the good work! I was intimidated in the beginning of my weight loss journey because everyone I knew told me to lift weights and eat this amount of protein and split routines and do this amount of sets and reps and etc etc etc.
That is overwhelming to someone who just wants to lose a little weight. I'm not necessarily trying to gain muscle or anything, I'm just trying to lose 10-20 pounds. If I want to further my body composition, then I'll get into the nitty gritty but for now, my extremely minimal method is effective.
That being said, it does require a modicum of discipline. Personally, this manner of losing weight does not require much effort at all, I'm literally just cutting calories but I realize some people have eating disorders and can't hold themselves back from the snacks or say no to their family's yummy but unhealthy home cooked meals.
To help alleviate hunger, I drink a lot of water and I take 1 berberine supplement maybe 2-3 hours after dinner because I tend to want snacks and even some leftover dinner around midnight which is crazy and probably what led me to my weight gain.
As always, I hope you're all doing well! Staying safe and healthy and happy...hopefully...
"When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me with never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12
Will share measurements next week! I misplaced my measuring tape somewhere :(
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beautybunny01 · 4 months
Lil Bump in the Road
So, first of all, I completely forgot about updating this week so I missed my personal deadline then second, there was this torrential storm/tornado that collapsed some power lines and toppled some towers, so I'm another day late because I didn't even have electricity or wifi... But alas, I am here now.
So, what's new with me? Nothing! No progress nor regression. I will say, though, I started my first workout routine the day before yesterday and became a little bit sore. I was going to workout yesterday but because of the tornado warning, we had to hide in the bathroom closet for a bit, then the power died and we were told to stay downstairs, etc etc etc. Needless to say, I still got a couple thousand steps in in the dark.
I'm also on my vitamin train again. I haven't been consistently taking in my vitamins because of adrenal fatigue but now I figured out to when to take a break and when my body absorbs the vitamins with what foods and when they are taken.
But yeah, this isn't much of an update but I do think I'm getting the ball rolling properly. I am feeling a bit better since I've been exercising more. I started a habit tracker as well and it helps with my peace of mind. I am also aiming to eat about 1200 calories per day but it is rather difficult when you still live with your parents. Not trying to say an excuse, I will get around that, but that's reality. It's difficult to have your own life when you live with people who insist on being a part of every single aspect of your life.
As for measurements, nothing has changed. But hopefully, I will lose one pound or at least half a pound this week.
Something random I realized is that a little bit of self-hatred helps change your ways of life that you've inherited. I've heard a lot of my friends tell me about loving myself, "do it because I love myself", etc. and that's true but with my personality, I can't do it like that. I am so self forgiving, I am so patient with myself, I could let myself go into morbid obesity and be chipper. So, now I'm being mentally harder on myself and I find it working. For now? We shall see lol.
Until next week! Be well, my childrens <3
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
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beautybunny01 · 5 months
My First Week
So, would you like the good news or bad news first?
I'll give you the bad first. I gained like 2 pounds. I'm 132 pounds now... I remember talking to this gym bro when I was 22 years old and he specifically said metabolism drops as we get older but we're really feel it around 25 years old. I thought I was God's chosen, was gonna be the exception. Nope, I'm just a late bloomer, everything comes late. So, here I am at age 26 experiencing that sudden drop in fast metabolism.
The good news is I'm using AI to make my workouts for me. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND using Meta AI from Instagram or WhatsApp if you guys have either. They're free. I inputted the fact that I wanted to center my workouts around my menstrual cycle and my adrenal fatigue so Meta made some routines perfectly suited for my gentle-workout preferences around all my menstrual phases. I'm obviously still stuffing my face with sugar and carbs so the workouts are only helping me limber my joints but with enough self-hatred, I will diet properly.
Anyways, here are my measurements but it is the end of the day as I write this. Afterwards, I'm going to measure in the morning.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 132 pounds
Waist: 29 inches
Hips: 35 inches
Booty: 39 inches
Bust: 36 inches
Left arm: 10 inches
I'm excited to see what my progress will look like and I'm going to try to enjoy the journey during it! Let's go!
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, glorify God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
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beautybunny01 · 5 months
The First Day of the New Me
Hello, everyone!
I'm Heather. I want to build discipline and good habits so hopefully, this blog will help me be consistent and hold me accountable. I will be brutally honest recording my activities or lack thereof.
I'm currently 26 years old, 5'1", and just recently became 129.8 pounds. Yikes! That's a big "No." from me. My lightest weight was 115 and I'm naturally a consistent 120 pounds without diet or exercise.
Why do I want to lose weight? I've been ugly all my life lol! I figure as I approach 30, I'd like to pretty for once in my life. Perhaps even maintain the results.
I also have severe eczema so my new restricted diet should help reduce inflammation and ease the pain. I prefer having only one struggle at a time. I don't need to be overweight and have severe eczema at the same time...
I'm not sure how frequently to post. Everyday? Or weekly? But I'm definitely including weigh-ins, measurements, and the occasional skin pics.
I know we live in such merciful times where we see everyone's true beauty. Uniqueness, personality, experience, thoughts, etc. However, we only live once and I've already lived my first 26 years developing my good personality haha! I would like my appearance to match the joy and love I have on the inside. I'm sure it'll help my confidence and ability to express and communicate to others as well.
Let me know what you guys think. No need to be super sensitive when commenting but also no need to bully people. You can only be mean to me if you're funny about it ;)
Here we go!
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14
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