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Artemis Straight to the point info 
Herbs • Artemisia, plants that bloom under the moonlight, Cypress, Chamomile, thyme, Lavender, Mugwort (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Birch, Juniper (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Mint, Pine (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Sage, Thistle (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Yarrow (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Angelica (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Bay Laurel (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Coriander, Dill, amaranth, cannabis, cedar, cypress, daisy, date palm, hazel, mugwort, myrtle, ox-eye daisy, silver fir, willow, laurel trees, fir trees, Various nuts or nut trees, Asphodel, Wormwood, wild flowers, Tarragon
Animals• deer/stags, geese, wild dogs, fish, goats, bees, hounds, all animals (she is the creator of all Animals in some discriptons), Calydonian boar, partridges, guineafowls, lions or leopards, bees, bears especially, bulls 
Zodiac • Cancer, Sagittarius, and Scorpio 
Colors • Silver, green, blood red, moonlight silver, Yellow
Crystal• moonstone, Black jasper, Clear quarts, Opal, White or black pearls, Amethyst, Black tourmaline.
Symbols• quiver, hunting spears, a torch, and a lyre, deer 
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• You can veil, and wear a maternity outfit in her honor while giving birth. 
Diety of • Unmarried Girls, Girl Childhood, hunting, chastity, menstruation, fast and easy death in childbirth, nature, childbirth, wildlife, healing, sudden death, animals, lakes, springs, virginity, young women, archery, and the moon
Patron of • childbirth, and fertility (Virgin means unmarried when she got the title before the meaning of it today, she helped Apollo be born, which accords to fertility), lesbians, unmarried women, hunt, chastity, archery, and the wilds, she protects girls and women during childbirth, menstruation, the moon, Nursing infants, Maiden dances, Maiden song, nurses/doctors who help with childbirth
Offerings•  •Bows and arrows, Images of Artemis, Game meat, Amphiphontes (round cakes topped with tiny torches, These are likely a reference to the full moon. White-frosted cupcakes with white or silver candles may be a suitable substitute), Cakes, cookies, pastries shaped like animals (ex-particularly deer), Red wine, Red grape, popomegranate, cranberry juice, Honey, Luxurious clothing, Wildflowers, almonds, goats, Honey, Hunting tools, javelins, nets, traps, masks, flowers, animal bones, tusks, taxidermy, tusks, animal hides, clothing (your favorite clothing or a garment you bought specifically for her), Owl and quail feathers, your hair 
Devotional• Donate to childbirth charities, donate to young girl charities and programs,   Dancing, Herbalism, Donating woman and girl clothes, taking nature walks, enjoying nature, give her offerings at midnight, make arrows, devote your hunting (invoke her before and thank her after), have a feast of her favorite food in her honor
Ephithets & titles • ACRAEA/Akraia - given to various goddesses and gods whose temples were situated upon hills, AEGINAEA/Aiginaia - when she was worshipped at Sparta, AETO′LE/Aitôlê - when she was worshipped at Naupactus, AGORAEA/AGORAEUS/Agoraia/Agoraios - protectors of the assemblies of the people in the agora, AGRO′TERA/Agrotera - the huntress, ALPHAEA/ALPHEAEA/ALPHEIU′SA/Alphaia/Alpheaia/Alpheiousa - derived from the river god Alpheius, who loved her, AMARYNTHUS/Amarunthos - a hunter of Artemis, A′NGELOS/Angelos - when she was worshipped at Syracuse, APANCHO′MENE/Apanchomenê - the strangled goddess, ARICI′NA/Arikinê -from the town of Aricia in Latium, ARISTO/Aristô - the best, ASTRATEIA/Astrateia - she was believed to have stopped the progress of the Amazons, BRAURO′NIA/Braurônia - from the demos of Brauron in Attica, CALLISTE/Kallistê - when she was worshipped at Athens and Tegea, CARYA′TIS/Karuatis - from the town of Caryae in Laconia, CHITO′NE/Chitônê - represented as a huntress with her chiton girt up, CHRYSAOR/Chrusaôr - The god with the golden sword or arms, CNA′GIA/Knagia - derived from Cnageus, COLAENIS/Kolainis - from the Attic demos of Myrrhinus, CORDACA/Kordaka - derived from an indecent dance called kordac, performed in honour of the goddess after a victory,  CORYPHAEA/Koruphaia - the goddess who inhabits the summit of the mountain, CORYTHA′LLIA/Koruthallia - from Sparta, at whose festival of the Tithenidia, CRANAEA/Kranaia - derived from a temple on a hill near Elateia in Phocis, Kunthia and Kunthios - surnames respectively of Artemis and Apollo,  DAPHNAEA and DAPHNAEUS/Daphnaia and Daphnaios - surnames of Artemis and Apollo, DE′LIA and DE′LIUS/Dêlios and Dêlia or Dêlias - surnames of Apollo and Artemis, DELPHI′NIA/Delphinia -Artemis at Athens, DERRHIA′TIS/Derriatis -  derived from the town of Derrhion, 
EURY′NOME/Eurunomê - from Phiglea in Arcadia, GAME′LII/Gamêlioi theoi - the divinities protecting and presiding over marriage, GENETYLLIS/Genetullis - the protectress of births, HECAERGE/Hekaergê - a daughter of Boreas, who were believed to have introduced the worship of Artemis in Delos, HEGE′MONE/Hêgemonê - leader or ruler, HEMERE′SIA/Hêmerêsia - soothing goddess, HEURIPPE/Heurippa -  finder of horses, HY′MNIA/Humnia - when she was worshipped throughout Arcadia, IMBRA′IA/Imbrasia - surname of Artemi, ISSO′RIA/Issôria - derived from Mount Issorion, LA′PHRIA/Laphraia - surname of Artemis among the Calydonians, LEUCOPHRYNE/Leukophrunê - derived from the town of Leucophrys in Phrygia, LIME′NIA/LIMENI′TES/LIMENI′TIS, and LIMENO′SCOPUS/Limenia/Limenitês/Limenitis/Limenodkopos - the protector or superintendent of the harbour, LIMNAEA/LIMNE′TES/LIMNE′GENES/Limnaia/Limnêtês/Limnêgenês - inhabiting or born in a lake or marsh, LOCHEIA/Locheia - the protectress of women in childbed, LYCEIA/Lukeia - a surname of Artemis, LYCOA′TIS/Lukoatis - surname of Artemis, LYGODESMA/Lugodesma - surname of Artemis whose statue had been found by the brothers Astrabacus and Alopecus under a bush of willows, LYSIZO′NA/Lusizônê - the goddess who loosens the girdle, MELISSA/Melissa - alleviates the suffering of women in childbed, MUNY′CHIA/Mounuchia - derived from the Attic port-town of Munyhia, OENOA′TIS/Oinôatis - surname of Artemis, O′RTHIA/Orthia/Orthias/Orthôsia - regarded as the goddess of the moon, ORT′YGIA/Ortugia - derived from the island of Ortygia, PARTHE′NIA/Parthenia - the maiden, PHERAEA/Pheraia - surname of Artemis at Pherae in Thessaly, PHOEBE/Phoibê - regarded as the female Phoebus or sun, PHO′SPHORUS/Phôsphoros - occurs as a surname of several goddesses of light, PITANA′TIS/Pitanatis - derived from the little town of Pitana in Laconia, where she had a temple, SARO′NIS/Sarônis - surname of Artemis at Troezene, SARPEDO′NIA/Sarpêdonia - derived from cape Sarpedon in Cilicia, SOTEIRA/Sôteira - the saving goddess, TAU′RICA/DEA/hê Taurikê - the Taurian goddess, TAURIO′NE/TAURO/TAURO′POLOS/TAURO′POS/Tauriônê, Taurô/Tauropolo/Taurôpos - originally a designation of the Tauran goddess, 
THOANTEA - a surname of the Taurian Artemis, UPIS/Oupis - assisting women in child-birth, Αγροτερη/Agrotera - Of the Hunt, Δικτυνναια/Dictynnaea - Of the Hunting Nets, Φεραια/Pheraea - Of the Beasts, Ελαφιαια/Pheraea - Of the Deer, Δαφναιη/Daphnaiê - Of the Laurel-Tree, Κεδρεατις/Kedreatis - Of the Cedar-Tree, Καρυαι/Karyai - Of the Walnut-Tree, Καρυατις/Karyatis - Of the Walnut-Tree, Λιμναιη/Limnaiê - Of the Lake, Λιμνατις/Limnatis - Of the Lake, Ἑλεια/Hêleia - Of the Marshes, Ευρυνωμη/Eurynômê - Of Broad Pastures, Λυκειη/Lykeiê - Of the Wolves, Λευκοφρυηνη/Leukophruênê - Of the White-(Bird?), Παιδοτροφος/Paidotrophos - Nurse of Children, Φιλομειραξ/Philomeirax - Friend of Young Girls, Ορσιλοχια/Orsilokhia - Helper of Childbirth, Σελασφορος/Selasphoros - Light-Bringer, Φωσφορος/Phôsphoros - Light-Bringer, Σωτειρα/Sôteira - Saviour, Ἡμερασια/Hêmerasia - She who Soothes, Ὑμνιη/Hymniê - Of the Hymns, Ἡγεμονη/Hêgemonê - Leader (of Dance, Choir), Κορδαξ/Kordax - Of Cordax Dance, Αριστη/Aristê - Best and Excellent, Ευκλεια/Eukleia - Of Good Repute, Καλλιστη/Kallistê - Very Beautiful, Πατρωια/Patrôia - Of the Fathers or Ancestral, Βασιλεις/Basileis - Princess/Royal, Ἱερεια/Hiereia - Priestess, Πρωτοθρονιη/Prôtothroniê - Of the First Throne, Μουνυχια/Mounykhia - Of Munychia (Attica), Βραυρωνια/Braurônia - Of Brauron (Attica), Κορυφαια/Koryphaia - Of Mt Coryphus (Argos), Αιγιναιη/Aiginaiê - Of Aegina, Δερεατις/Dereatis - Of Dereum (Laconia), Αλφειαια/Alpheiaiai - Of Alpheus R. (Elis), Αλφειωσια/Alpheiôsia - Of Alpheus R. (Elis), Αλφειουση/Alpheiousê - Of Alpheus R. (Elis), Λυκοη/Lykoê - Of Lycoa (Arcadia), Σκιατις/Stymphalia - Of Scias (Arcadia), Στυμφαλια/Skiatis - Of Stymphalus (Arcadia), Κνακαλησια/Knakalêsia - Of Mt Cnacalus (Arcadia), Αιτωλη/Aitôlê - Of Aetolia, Αμαρυσιη/Amarysiê - Of Amarynthus (Euboea), Αμαρυνθια/Amarynthia - Of Amarynthus (Euboea), Φεραια/Pheraia - Of Pherae (Thessaly), Ροκκαια/Rhokkaia - Of Rhocca (Crete), Μυσια/Mysia - Of Mysia, Αστυρηνη/Astyrênê - Of Astyra (Troad), Κολοηνης/Koloênês - Of Coloe (Lydia), Εφεσια/Ephesia - Of Ephesus (Caria), Κινδυας/Kindyas - Of Cindya (Caria), Περγαια/Pergaia - Of Perge (Pamphylia), Σκυθια/Skythia - Of Scythia, Ταυρια/Tauria - Of Tauric Chersonese, Ταυροπολος/Tauropolos - Of Taurus-City (Scythia), Ιφιγενεια/Iphigeneia - Of Iphigenia (heroine), Σαρωνις/Sarônis - Of Saron (hero Argos), Κναγια/Knagia - Of Cnageus (hero Sparta), Ελαφιαια/Elaphiaia - Of Elaphius (hero Elis), Καλλιστω/Kallistô - Of Callisto (heroine Arcadia), Λαφρια/Laphria - Of Laphrus (hero Phocis), Σαρπεδωνια/Sarpedônia - Of Sarpedon (hero Lycia?), Προπυλαιη/Propylaiê - Of the Gate, Ορθια/Orthia - Of the Steep, Αγοραια/Agoraia - Of the Market-Place, Απανχομενη/Apankhomenê - Strangled Lady, Λυγοδεσμη/Lygodesmê - Willow-Bound, Αστρατεια/Astrateia - Stayed the Advance, Ἑυριππα/Heurippa - Horse-Finder, Πειθω/Peithô - Persuasive, Πυρωνια/Pyrônia - Of the Fire, Κολαινις/Kolainis - Hornless,
Docked (Animal), Κονδυλεατις/Kondyleatis - Of Knuckles? (kondylos), Λευκοφρυνη/Leukophrynê - White-Toad?, -Bird?, Κοκκωκη/Kokkôkê - Of Berry-Seed? (kokkos), Κνακεατις/Knakeatis - Of Wolves? (knêkias, knakias), Αναιιτις/Anaiitis - (Lydian Goddess?), Ισσωρια/Issôria - unkown, Νεμυδια/Nemydia - unkown, Πωτνια Θερων/Pôtnia Therôn - Queen of Beasts, Ποτνα Θεα/Potna Thea - Goddess Queen, Λητωις/Lêtôis - Daughter of Leto, Λατωια/Latôia - Daughter of Leto, Λητωιας/Lêtôias - Daughter of Leto, Ἑκατη/Hekatê - Far-Shooting, Ἑκατηβολος/Hekatêbolos - Far-Shooting,Ἑκαεργε/Hekaerge - Worker from Afar, Ιοχεαιρα/Iokheaira - Of Showering Arrows, Χρυσηλακατος/Khrysêlakatos - Of the Golden Distaff, Χρυσαλακατος/Khrysalakatos - With Shafts of Gold, Αγροτερα/Agrotera - Of the Hunt, Θηροσκοπος/Thêroskopos - Hunter of Wild Beasts, Ελαφηβολος/Elaphêbolos - Deer-Shooting, Χρυσηνιος/Khrysênios - Of the Golden Reins, Χρυσοθρονος/Khrysothronos - Of the Golden Throne, Ευστεφανος/Eustephanos - Well-Girdled/Sweet-Garlanded, Κελαδεινος/Keladeinos - Strong-Voiced, Κελαδεινη/Keladeinê - Lady of Clamours, Ἁγνη/Hagnê - Chaste/Pure, Παρθενος/Parthenos - Virgin/Maiden, Αιδοιος παρθενος/Aidoios Parthenos - Revered Virgin, Προστατηρια/Prostatêria - Standing Before/Guardian, Αρτεμισιον/Artemision - Temple of Artemis, Ταυροπολιον/Tauropolion - Temple of Taurian Artemis, Εφεσιον/Ephesion - Temple of Ephesian Artemis
Attedees• OKEANIDES Cloud-Nymphai (only 60 of the 3000), NAIADES Fresh-water Nymphai (only some), BRITOMARTIS Goddess of Nets, Apotheosed girl-companions (ex- Phylonoe, Polyboia, Iphigeneia, Oupis), Mortal hunting companions (ex- Kallisto, Hippolytos)
Equivalents• Diana (Roman), Selene (Greek), Artume (Etruscan), Flidais (Celtic), Skadi (Norse), Bendis (Thracian goddess), Bastet (Egyptian goddess), Perasia (Cappadocian goddess), Tauria (Taurian goddess)
Signs their reaching out• Sudden pull to research her, to hunt, suddenly meeting people hunting, being a girl group all of sudden, focusing on yourself and not sexuality. 
Vows/omans• being a sacred Virgin/unmarried forever 
Number• 6 
Morals• Morally dark.
Personality• Introverted and independent temperament, practical, adventurous, athletic, and prefers solitude, she loves hunting, she is focused. 
Home• Mount Olympus but does spend a lot of time in the forest. 
Mortal or immortal • Immortal
Facts• Artemis was both a hunter of wild animals and their protector, she helped Leto birth to Apollo (suggesting that she was already mentally developed in the wound.)
Curses• miscarriage, Stunted growth, Illness & disease, Sudden death, plague 
Blessings• Success in hunting, fishing, and fowling, Successful delivery, good health
Roots• She was first mentioned on 700 BC, by Hesiod, In the Theogony she was born on the island of Delos.
Parentage• Zeus and Leto 
Siblings• Apollo (twin brother and full sibling), Aeacus, Angelos, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Ersa, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Heracles, Hermes, Minos, Pandia, Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses and the Moirai.
Pet• Deers/Doe, they pull her chariot 
Appearance in astral or gen• usually depicted as a girl or young maiden with a hunting bow and quiver of arrows
Festivals • Mounukhia, Artemisia (6th June, Modern festival of Artemis where anything goes, celebrating freedom and modern inspiration),  Elaphebolia (6 Elaphebolion, March-April, Festival of Artemis the deer hunter), Kharisteria (6 Boedromion September-October, Festival of thanks to Artemis for Athen’s survival of the Persian assault at Marathon), Mounykhia (16 Mounykhion April-May, Festival of Artemis the light bringer), Philokhoria (Modern observance – Summer Solstice, A joint festival of Artemis and Apollo), Sixth (6th each month, Sacred to Artemis), Thargelia (6-7 Thargelion May-June, Birthday of Apollon and Artemis, first fruit offerings and purification festival)
Season • April and March
Day • Monday 
Secred places• Ephesus/Turkey, Island Delos, Aitolia in Greece, Greek Island Lykia in Anatolia
Status• Greek goddess, in the theoi.
Planet• Moon, (some also believe Venus.)
Her Tarot cards• the high priestess, the temperance card, and the page of wands
Scents/Inscene • Jasmine and lemon, mrryth, frankincense
Prayer 1
Welcome beloved Artemis, our keen-eyed queen, I beg you hear me now. I pray you guide me that I might find the way. I pray you strengthen me that I might persevere along it. Make my discernment as yours that I might find worthy aims. Make my instinct as yours that I might seize worthy opportunities. Welcome sister of Apollo, golden huntress, we honor and thank you.
Prayer 2
Fleet-footed Artemis, keen-eyed daughter of Zeus and gentle Leto, sister of bright Apollo, we see your shadow in the woods, the curve of your bow, the flex of your arm, we hear the wind whisper as your arrows seek their mark–deadly your art, flawless your aim. Huntress you are, O Artemis, slayer of the stag and the boar, slayer of men and of women, death by your hand is death unforeseen. Maiden are you, goddess, and friend of maidens; ever-youthful one, your favor falls on the young, watching over young girls as they brave the world’s wonders, comforting the mother in the throes of her labor, keeping in your care the newborn babe. Artemis, shining maid of the wilderness, who takes pleasure in games, in contest and in merriment, who leads the nymphs in their carefree dance, whose clear voice we hear in the songs of young women and the hunter’s cry. Artemis, strong and tall, I praise and honor you.
3rd Prayer 
I praise bright Artemis, fair as the budding branch, fair as the spotted fawn, brave as the young bear. From crafty Hephaistos you took the artful bow, the sharp-barbed shafts; from father Zeus you claimed your calling. Far-shooting Artemis, through the thick of the darkened wood you make your way, trailing boar and hare, swiftly and silently, your aim ever flawless, ever kind.
Prayer 4
Artemis, light-bringer, mountain-dweller, graceful one who runs through thorn and thistle with never a scratch, goddess unparalleled, friend of mothers in their travels, friend of maidens, friend of the pretty nymphs, in old Arcadia you roamed the wilderness, in Tauris you took the blood of men, in Ephesus you wore the mural crown. The fire of youth is in you, goddess, the bold and valiant spirit that marks a child as yours. Free-hearted Artemis, worthy daughter of Leto, I honor you always.
5th Prayer
I praise you, Artemis, free-hearted child of Zeus and blessed Leto, courageous goddess who roams the wildwoods with silver bow at hand. Artemis of many names, Artemis of many lands, your temples stood shining and tall, in cities and in villages. In the long days of summer the maidens dance in your honor; in Brauron were the little she-bears under your care. Artemis, the mountains are yours to wander, fleet-footed and firm of step; the wilds of the world are dear to you, O guardian of wood and of beast. Goddess who takes joy in dance and song, companion of the laughing nymphs in all their play, of all young maids you are the swiftest and the strongest, the fairest and the first, in skill and grace the greatest.
Websites/sources in comments.
Artemis who is the light, and the arrow in the bow, and the bullet in a hunting gun, and the same string In a lyre and a bow. May we all praise the wise huntress, Who is gentle to young girls and the bringer of Swift death from her golden bow.
Payment to my friend Bri
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Morning Blessings
Oh Artemis, untamed and free,
Goddess of dawn, we call to thee.
Beneath the sky's awakening hue,
Grant us strength to face the day anew.
Mistress of wilderness and wild,
Guide us through challenges, undefiled.
With bow in hand and crescent moon,
Lead us to paths unknown, attune.
Protector of creatures, both great and small,
Watch over us as we heed nature's call.
Grant us courage, your spirit's grace,
In morning's embrace, we find our place.
Artemis, with your arrows keen,
Illuminate our hearts with purpose unseen.
As dawn breaks forth with golden gleam,
Bless us with your light, a sacred dream.
Untamed goddess, by your side we stand,
In morning's silence, your blessings expand.
Guide us through shadows, help us see,
A world of potential, as we greet destiny.
a list of affirmations to Artemis
Divine Artemis, I embrace your strength and grace as I navigate my journey.
Like the moon's phases, I honor the cycles of growth and change in my life.
With your guidance, I am empowered to protect and care for the natural world.
As you guard the wild creatures, I nurture compassion and respect for all living beings.
Artemis, help me find the courage to explore uncharted territories within myself.
In your light, I uncover the depths of my intuition and trust in its wisdom.
I am one with nature, reflecting your untamed spirit in my own actions.
Through challenges, I draw from your resilience and determination to overcome.
As the bow bends, so too do I adapt and learn from life's lessons.
Your presence ignites the fire of independence and self-reliance within me.
In the stillness of the forest, I find solace and connection to my inner self.
Artemis, guide me to stand firm in my beliefs and protect what I hold dear.
I honor the balance between light and darkness, knowing both are integral to life.
With your blessings, I embrace my unique qualities and walk my path authentically.
As the moon waxes and wanes, I embrace the ebb and flow of my own growth.
I am a guardian of justice, drawing inspiration from your sense of fairness.
Artemis, grant me the strength to overcome obstacles and emerge triumphant.
Through your example, I cherish my autonomy and assert my boundaries.
I am in tune with the cycles of nature, finding harmony in their rhythms.
With gratitude, I embrace the wild beauty within me and around me, guided by your spirit.
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Greek Gods 101: Artemis
Artemis is a Goddess of hunting, wild animals, childbirth, the wilderness, archery, youth, healing, and disease. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Depictions of the Moon
Moon Water
Photos or Figurines of Animals
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Learning Archery
Going Hunting
Taking Care of Animals
Taking Care of Youth
Moon-Watching or Stargazing
Learning About Wildlife Conservation
Taking Care of Stray Animals (Giving Them Water, Putting Out Food, Bringing Them to Vets, Etc.)
Volunteering at an Animal Shelter
She is celebrated in 6 Athenian holidays:
Artemis Agrotera/Kharisteria
Bendideia, maybe
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Elder Futhark Runes
First Aett
Feoh - Cattle, wealth, money, a fee, beginnings, formation, creativity 
Ur - Wild ox, untamed strength, perseverance, healing 
Thorn - Thorn, magical protection, a protective barrier, Thor, creative energy 
As - Mouth, god, divine power, divine breath, stability 
Rad - A journey, wheel, motion, riding, moving forward 
Ken - Torch fire, knowledge, illumination 
Gyfu - Gifts, talent, partnerships, balance 
Wynn - Joy, success, prosperity, harmony
Second Aett
Haegl - Hail, formation, binding magic 
Nyd - Need, necessity, binding magic, constraint 
Is - Ice, immutability, binding magic, static time, delays 
Jera - Harvest, completion in the proper season, the natural order is maintained 
Eoh - Yew, bow, defense, sacrifice 
Peorth - Dice cup, secret, divination, fate 
Elhaz - Elk, power in defense, protection 
Sigel - The sun, lightning flash, light, success, victory, happiness
Third Aett
Tyr - The god Tyr, justice, sword, power 
Beorc - Birch, growth, fertility, purification 
Ehwaz - Horse, change, transformation, movement, bonds, partnerships, travel 
Man - A man or woman, a human being 
Lagu - Water, fluidity, the flow of life, accepting the ebb and flow, increase and decrease 
Ing - God of fertility, expansion 
Odal Inheritance, possessions, home, material wealth, connections with family 
Dag - Day, light, illumination, balance of polarities, protection from harm
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Baptism is the ceremony where parents and a priest bless a baby in the name of the Christian God and signifies that the child will be brought up Christian.
 Wiccaning, also known as paganing and saining, on the other hand is what happens when a baby is blessed with protection, health, and happiness. There is no obligation or strings attached that bind you to any one religion or practice, and wiccaning can be adapted to any religion. 
“The Wiccaning is a magickal ceremony for the parents to seek wisdom and guidance, and set their own intentions as they responsibly guide their child in understanding of our world.“ - Michelle 
This ceremony is done like so:
Create a traditional altar, adding items such as a special garment and a special amulet for the child to wear that will grant them protection throughout life. Other than that, add the basics such as tributes to each element, gods and ancestors, and whatever tools you may use to create your sacred space
Create a sort of a temple by casting a circle around the altar. This is around when you would light the candles and incense and whatever else
Next, the parents of the child will carry it to the altar while any attending guests will form a circle around them
There are certain words that should be said here, but it largely varies per group and intent, so just do your research and practice a script beforehand
Finish the ceremony by closing the circle however it is traditionally closed 
There is a separate wiccan ceremony of induction called an initiation, and it requires having been studying for a year and a day after declaring ones dedication to the craft. After the initiation, there is more study and practice required of course, but the initiation is a proclaiming to anything and everything that you are a regularly practicing witch.
Wiccanings may also be merged with naming ceremonies, in which the only change would be in the words the parents speak. In this, they will do the ceremony specifically on the tenth day after the baby’s birth.
image and other info -
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📝When preforming spells 📝
If you want to keep something close, bury it in the back yard
If you want to attract something burry it under the front door step
If you want to destroy it influence, burn it.
If you want it to move away and sink, throw it in running water.
If you want to disperse it to a distance throw it in a cross roads
If you want to fix it’s influence, inter it into a five spot pattern.
If you want it to work by the means of spirits, bury it in a graveyard (bring coins to leave when entering and exiting)
If you want to hide it’s point of origin, conceal it in a tree.
If you want it to work in secret, give it in good or drink
If you want it to work by stealth, hide it in clothing or on objects
If you want it’s influence to begin or strengthen, throw it East.
If you want it influence to end/ weaken, throw it West
If you want it to work by “rooting” it’s way in, throw it North.
If you want it to work by passion or anger, throw it South
Use lines from songs or poetry to make it personal.
Use your own poetry to make it even more personal.
Use coloured ink to represent your desired intent.
If you want to work with ancestors or guardian spirits, put it to the North.
If you want to work from a place of innocence, put it to the South.
If you want its effect to be strong and quick, burn it.
If you want it to curse- burn it then bury in the West of a crossroads.
If you want to break curses, soak it in water in the West.
If you want to add extra power to your spell, dance before dealing with the incantation.
If you want it to work by means of spirits, call to the directions
If you want it to work by demons, put it in the forever-dark place
If you want it to work by angels, burn then put ashes into sanctified water.
If you want it to cleanse, shred it and bind in a bundle of herbs
If you desire freedom from a situation- do it behind your back.
I hope this post was helpful to you all! Blessed be to all of you💕🥺 and remember to keep on following your path and try new things!💕 -B
Follow for more 🥰
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A spell to attract money into your life
All you need is the full moon and a silver coin. Put the coin where it can absorb the light of the moon. And putting your intent and energy holding you hands above the coin with intent visualise your life with many ritches and say the chant 3 times.
"Lovely lady of the moon bring to me your wealth right soon.
Fill my hands with silver and gold.
All you give my hands can hold. "
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Daily Spell: August 18th
Offering Spell to the Spirits of the Home
You’ll Need:
A green candle
A piece of freshly bakes bread
The Consualia was an ancient festival held annually on August 18th to honor Consus, a God not only of the harvest, but also of stored grain. In addition to honoring this agricultural duty, offerings were made to the layers, or household gods. This helped and shared that the home would be blessed throughout the coming here. Well, you may not have a formal alter to the gods or spirits of your home, you can still do this cell. Consider your house a sacred space and treated accordingly. Do this working in the kitchen, at the spot where you typically prepare food.
Light the candle and say “Spirits of my household, I ask you to watch over us. Keep all who live here prosperous and well.”
Place the bread in front of the candle, saying “I offer you bread, this gift from my hearth, as a token of my gratitude.”
Take a moment to think about the blessings your home has received in the past, and the ones you'd like to see in the coming year and extinguish the candle.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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Bitch be gone powder 🧿
cayenne pepper
black pepper or black salt
garlic salt
combine, grind and sprinkle around doors and windows to banish unwanted energy and to prevent the entrance of these energies in the future.
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More tarot tips 🎴
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New to Witchcraft? Check out these posts!
Here is a list of posts I've made about various topics involving witchcraft and the occult!
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First things first:
De-Wiccanizing Witchcraft, one of my oldest posts that talks about the problem with the conflation of Wicca and Witchcraft. While I would definitely do a better job at writing this post now the sentiment still stands.
What I wish I knew when I was younger and What I wish I knew as a beginner witch, both talk about important things I only learned later in my experience with witchcraft.
Magical Misconceptions, exactly what it sounds like.
Rule of Thumb when reading posts about witchcraft.
Witchy Red Flags, things to look out for in your search.
Research Tips, my attempt to help your research be a little bit easier.
General Info:
Magic vs Magick, a quick history of the meaning of "magick"
Intention, what it is and why you need it.
Types of Spells, a list of physical spell types.
Questions for Spell Creation, what to ask yourself when making a spell.
Holidays, every educational post I've written on the more popular pagan holidays.
Familiars in History, before you get started with familiars, it's a good idea to learn their history first.
Tarot Time, a post guide of all the things I've written about tarot.
I do not claim to be an all-knowing authority on witchcraft or these topics, I'm simply a witch who loves to research and write. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about these posts feel free to message me!
Here is a list of posts from other users that you should check out:
The Chakras and Cultural Appropriation by @michipeachiii
Researching Closed Religions @crazycatsiren and @will-o-the-witch in response to an ask.
This [The Wheel of the Year] is Cultural Appropriation by @fiagai-cnuasaitheoir
Harmful History of "G*psy" by bitch media
Racism, Spirituality, and Witchblr by @perse-phoneee-deactivated202007
The deal with new-age in a nutshell by @pondering-the-kaiju
If you have any more suggestions on posts by others that a beginner witch should read please leave them in either a comment or reblog!
Bonus Posts:
On the "blessed be" debacle: It costs $0 to respect someone's boundaries
Asthmatic Witch Tips, some of us witches have a hard time breathing so certain practices are less accessible to us. Here are some tips for my fellow asthmatic witches.
When NOT to use Herbs in Witchcraft, there's a time and a place for everything.
Hex vs Curse
Find more tips on my Witchy Quick Tip post guide!
If your post is on here and you'd like it to be removed, please let me know and I will do so immediately.
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These are the moon faces, for all my fellow witches! :) 
For those interested on giving support, you can get  some cool pagan stickers, mugs, t-shirts, hoodies and more in my webstore. Link below. Thanks in advance.:)
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Home protection spell. "Bless this house, may peace dwell within. Protect all that enter, whether friend or kin. Bless every door, window, ceiling and wall. Bless each room, closet, bless it all. Bless the roof and ground surrounding with your protective love and light. Hold us in your loving care every second of day and night. As above and so below so mote it be 🌛🌝🌜🧿
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Home Protection Jar Spell 🖤
Credit: @thatinclusivewitch
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●Symbolism of Feathers●
I'm going to outline the associations of feathers from different birds and then feathers of different colors (because not everyone can identify feathers).
Type of Birds
Blue Jay: protect family at all costs
Blackbirds (Crow, Raven): magic, mystery, intuition
Ibis: directly connected to the Egyptian god of wisdom and writing, Thoth
Seagull: humor, silliness, wise use of resources
Cardinal: vitality, life, power
Parrot: awareness of surroundings, healing through color therapy
Dove and Pigeon: peace, love, family
Mockingbird: sing your song, be your unique self
Owl: magic, intuition, developing psychic awareness, seeing in the dark
Hawk: connect with spirit, stay focused, fly high
Color of Feather
White: a sign from an angel, or a recently passed loved one
Black: a call to spiritual action or self exploration
Red: passion or love to come
Gray: a time of peace is coming
Blue: communication, peace, protection
Brown: home life, reminds us of the importance of grounding
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🍃Money Spell Jar🍃
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This really works! Right after I made this we did our taxes and we are getting so much back, I got a raise and so did my partner. Believing in it is the key to it working.
Fools gold
Green jade
Tigers eye
Bay leaves
Moon water
Every single loose piece of change from the house.
Shake this jar daily before work or going out of the house. Keep it on your alter.
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