15 posts
•Just a girl after Jesus who wants to share her heart with others•
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Centrikid 2018
Sometimes God sends you refreshers. This past week at centrikid was a huge refresher for me. I went as a TA, to help the staffers take care of the kids and shadow a staffer to see what it’s like. I expected to serve the Lord. I expected to help children, which is something I love to do. I expected to have fun. But what I did not expect was to be blessed as abundantly as I was. In my one week of centrikid the Lord softened my heart, which I hadn’t even realized was hardened. He also taught me that I need to be more forgiving, forgiveness is something I struggle with. God doesn’t limit his forgiveness for us and since we’re called to be like Him I need to start striving towards being better at forgiving. I realized how rewarding it is to see children hungry to learn about the Lord, and how amazing it feels to play even a very small role in that. He also showed me that my heart is with children. I dealt with some difficult children who tested my patience to no end but when I asked God to help me treat them the way he would I saw how a child had walls built up and that I just needed to show love and do my part in trying to chip away the wall. I didn’t completely break the wall but the child opened up to me only a tiny bit but it was a tiny bit more than the first day. Sometimes we build walls up and don’t allow God to come in, but guess what? He never stops trying to break that wall, he fights for us. He never gives up on us. He never says “she’s too far gone for me to help” or “he is too stubborn there is no hope”. He wants us to come home to him. So the next time someone tests your patience don’t say that persons too far gone, but pray for God to shine through you to help you chip away that wall. Next time that person who did you wrong causes you to be angry ask God for help forgiving them the way he countlessly forgives you. The next time your heart is hard, pray for God to soften it. You can’t fully serve the way you are called to if you have a hard heart. And lastly observe a child, watch them as they worship Jesus with their hands in the air praising the God who saved them, because it will overflow your heart with joy.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
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The resurrected king is resurrecting me! How amazing is it that this cross doesn’t represent death, but a victory OVER death. Jesus conquered death, He defeated it and through Him we can have victory over death as well!❤️
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Be Still and Listen
“So he said to Samuel, “Go and lie down again, and if someone call again, say, “speak, Lord, your servant is listening” so Samuel went back to bed” ~ 1 Samuel 3:9
God may not always use big loud actions to get our attention. Sometimes he speaks to ordinary people, like you and me, with a small whisper. Which we can easily tune out and not hear. We tend to focus on the hustle of everyday that we don’t take time to incline our ears to God and listen to him. So make it a goal to be still enough to hear God speak to you. In this passage Eli tells Samuel to go back to bed, to LIE down and listen and wait for the voice again. So go lie down, and LISTEN and WAIT for the voice of God to speak to you. Be still, and listen for His voice.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
No Longer a Slave
“We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.” ~Romans 6:5
Wow. After reading this verse, actually after reading this entire chapter but specifically this verse, my heart is overcome with emotions. How truly undeserving we are, Jesus broke the chains that bound us to sin when he sacrificed his life upon that cross all those years ago. How incredibly amazing is it that we can wake up and we get the choice every single day to choose what we become bound to, what we become a slave to. Every single day you have a choice to wake up and choose to be a slave to sin, or become a slave to Jesus. You can be a slave to your sadness, your anxiety, your depression, your brokenness, your hurt, your pain OR you can choose to give all of that to Jesus and become a slave to him. And when you become a slave to Jesus and you give him all of those other things holding you down you will experience true freedom unlike anything. Be joyous every day because you are no longer a slave to sin. Don’t let things of this world bring you down. Be joyous. Be free. Live your life with the freedom that Jesus has offered you. Choose freedom. Choose Jesus. Be a slave to Jesus.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
We Are Unfaithful
Time and time again throughout scripture God refers to us as an unfaithful wife. In my personal devotion this week I have read in two different books of the Bible and in both he refers to us as “prostitutes”. First in Hosea 3:2 we are like Gomer, who was a prostitute, “cheating” on God and putting sin and idols above him. Being unfaithful to her husband. Secondly in Jeremiah 2:33 it says that even an experienced prostitute could learn from you. Now in these passages it is referring to Israel, but prophetically it is referring to us. You may not have a golden calf you pray to or sprinkle incenses around you and pray to other gods. But if there is anything in your life that is taking priority over God then you are serving an idol. You may not be aware of it. Most of us aren’t. But that doesn’t mean that we are any less responsible. It could be a sport, maybe practice is keeping you busy and you are just too tired to go to church. That’s an idol, it is keeping you from putting God first. Maybe it’s a new job and the hours have you work right through the weekends so you miss church. That is an idol, it is keeping you from God. Maybe a new tv show comes on in 5 minutes and you don’t really have time to read your Bible before it comes on so you just decide to watch the show. That’s an idol, it is keeping you from God. My point is, there are idols everywhere, all around us. We can easily have an idol in our lives and not be aware of it. Sometimes we only ever talk to God when something goes wrong. Jeremiah 2:28 “but why not call on these gods you have made? When trouble comes, let them save you if they can! For you have as many gods as there are towns in Judah.” Our relationship with God shouldn’t be just a prayer every time we are in trouble or when we need a favor. That isn’t a relationship with God at all. There is only one God who can help us and who can rescue us, we need to put Him in the place he rightfully deserves, first. He never fails us, no matter how many times we are unfaithful. He will always love us. Even thought we are so undeserving. Even though we put other things above Him, his faithfulness NEVER waivers. He is faithful. He is good and he is forgiving. So don’t just pray when something goes wrong, He wants you to talk to him about the good things too. Yes he already knows everything but he still likes to hear it from you. How would you feel if you had a friend who constantly hung out with other girls but then since they knew you were the only faithful and good and trustworthy friend they came to you every single time they needed something? It would anger you wouldn’t it? It would anger me. I don’t just want to be friends with someone who only talks to me about the bad stuff and who always comes to me only why they need help. I want a friendship that is strong and faithful. I want a friend that tells me all the good things AND the bad things. So don’t be like the friend who just needs you when life gets tough. Be the friend that communicates constantly. Be the child of God that communicates constantly. Don’t just call on him when you need a favor, just talk to him. Be faithful. Don’t follow suit of all these unfaithfuls.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
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In my devotion today it said to read these verses as a description of God’s love for you. I have never read this passage with that outlook. How amazing it is that we serve a God who is love and who never gives up on us! Let us strive every day to exemplify that same love!💕
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Ephesians 6:20
“I am in chains now, still preaching this message as God’s ambassador. So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for Him, as I should.”
In this passage Paul is in prison for preaching about Jesus. But you don’t see Paul saying that he takes it all back and you don’t see him apologizing for what he was preaching or saying that he won’t do it again. You see Paul writing this letter to the church of Ephesus in his cell urging them to pray that he will continue to speak boldly for God. He is asking for strength to do exactly what got him put in prison in the first place. We should all strive every day to have this kind of faith and relationship with Jesus. Would we have the same strength to be sitting in a cell and still proclaiming Jesus? Or would we be cowardice? Be bold. Speak boldly about Jesus, no matter the persecution we may face from this world. Don’t let fear stop you. Fear is the devils way of keeping you from doing what God wants you to do. Live boldly and fearlessly.
“I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than stand with the world and be judged by God.”
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Romans 5:6 “When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.”
There are many things that speak volumes in this one verse. First off that we were utterly helpless, there was nothing we could do. We were helpless, absolutely, completely, utterly helpless. Second Christ came at just the right time. Christ knows. He knew when the right time to send his son was, and He knows when the right time is for certain things to happen in our lives. Gods timing is perfect. So here we are, utterly helpless sinners saved by a perfect forgiving Savior. Who not only saved us from being helpless but knew exactly when the right time was. We dont deserve His mercy yet He pours it out and drowns us in it.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Come Home
Jeremiah 3:12
“Therefore go and give this message to Israel. This is what the Lord says: O Israel my faithless people, come home to me again for I am merciful and I will not be angry with you forever.”
Jeremiah 3:14
“Return Home you wayward children, says the Lord, for I am your master. I will bring you back to the land of Israel- one from this town two from that family- from wherever you are scattered.”
Now in this passage in Jeremiah God is talking to Israel who has strayed away, but He is also prophetically speaking to us. Because we stray away. He is begging us, “come home, please come home my lost and wayward child. Come home and ask for forgiveness and I will have mercy on you my child because I love you, come home.” God is so rich in mercy. I especially love how in verse 14 at the end He says, “from wherever you are scattered.” He will bring us home from wherever we are. No matter how far away we are, all we have to do is 1)acknowledge 2) admit 3) confess our sin. And He will come and get us and bring us back to Him! He will come and pick us up and wrap us in His merciful arms and bring us back. Friends, check where you are? Is God saying “come home my wayward child?” If he is then go home! How amazing it is to have a God who wants us to come home and who will gladly pour His mercy on us if we just ask. From wherever you are scattered, He will come and get you and bring you back home.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Hosea and Gomer: Redeeming Love
Hosea 3:1-2
God told Hosea, go and love your wife AGAIN. After they had been married and had three children together. Gomer was a prostitute before God told Hosea to marry her. After having their three children Gomer returned back into prostitution. Even though she was unfaithful to Hosea, God told him “Go find her Hosea, and love her again.” Can you imagine how difficult that was for Hosea? But he obeyed God and he went. He went looking for his wife. Can you imagine what roads he had to take to get to her, what parts of town he had to go to? Probably parts where everyone knew that they were bad and stayed away from. But Hosea went looking for his WIFE. When he got to her he not only saw her standing their being sold but he could not just take her. He had to buy her. He had to buy what was already his. “How much? How much?” And when he was told what price was placed on his WIFE he said “okay, okay I’ll pay that.” AND HE DID. He bought back what was already his. He paid for something that he already owned. Because he loved her, because he wanted to get her out of that situation. So he bought her back. And where everyone was interested in buying her to use her, Hosea wanted to buy her to free and heal her. This perfectly represents God and us. Hosea represents God, buying back what rightfully already belonged to him. Gomer represents us. Being unfaithful to God, putting other idols ahead of God. Can you imagine God sitting in heaven thinking “how much? How much? My son? Okay, okay I’ll pay that.” And HE DID. He paid to buy us back. Even though we continue to go back into our sin. Even though we put things above Him even though we are unfaithful to Him, he paid the ultimate price by sending his SON to DIE.
This video is what really showed me the depth and meaning of this passage.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
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See Him in every detail of creation🍁🍂
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Taste and See
Psalm 34:8
“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him”
I am doing a study called “Even More” And one of the devotions was based on this verse. The author emphasizes the fact that the verse says “taste and see” it doesn’t say “taste and you might see”. Taste and see. Taste and see that the Lord is good. The Lord is the only thing that will ever truly satisfy us and fulfill us. Nothing else in this world will. So start craving the lord instead of the world.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Tips For Diving Into The Word
Pray: pray before you even open your Bible to start reading. Get your heart ready for scripture. Pray that the Holy Spirit will breath and move through the scripture you are about to read. Pray that something new will be revealed to you through this scripture. Pray that God will prepare your heart to soak in knowledge of Him and the Word.
Seek: seek knowledge and understand through scripture. Don’t just read to check it off of your daily routine list. Read scripture because you want to feel closer to God. Read scripture because you want to learn more about God. Seek a life changing discovery from scripture. Crave God and His Word.
Dwell: dwell on the scripture you read. Maybe break it into smaller portions, and dwell on each smaller portion for a day. Don’t just read it once. Read it multiple times. And I promise you something new will be revealed to you each time. So dwell on the scripture God has placed in your lap.
Pray. Yes pray again. Thank God for this scripture, speak to Him about it. But this time when you pray take a moment to just sit there with your eyes closed and nothing going on around, except maybe some worship music because that always helps me, and just take a moment to let God talk to you. This prayer should be more of a “okay God I read that and it shook my world, now speak to me”. Listen to Him, open your ears, and allow God to talk to you. Sometimes we need to just sit in silence and focus on God.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Seek Him
Quote from Narnia Prince Caspian:
Peter asks Lucy "why didn't I see him?" Lucy replies with "maybe you weren't looking."
We need to look for God to see him. We need to seek him. How often does Stuff just fall in your lap? Not very. A lot of times we put blinders on when it comes to God and we tend to only “see” him when we need him. But we should constantly be seeking him out and looking for him. We shouldn’t just look for him on Sundays and Wednesday’s because that’s when you go to church, we should search and look for him in everything. I believe that we have a lot to learn from Lucy right here. Now I’ve watched all of the Narnia movies quiet a few times. But I have never caught this line in Narnia Prince Caspian, until this past time I watched it. I wasn’t even really watching it. I was actually babysitting and I believe I was getting something for one of the kids and I overheard this line, it’s like God opened my ears so I would hear this. And let me tell you, I rushed to my phone and put it in my notes. That was a few months ago and I’m just now getting around to elaborating on. Anyways when I heard this line it really brought into perspective that maybe the reason I don’t see God sometimes is because I’m not looking for Him. So seek him in everything you do. Go about your entire life with eyes that seek Jesus in every single thing.
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beautifullysurrender · 7 years ago
Be Thankful
Thank God for the good things, for the blessings he has given me. But also thank him in the hard times, the trials, the struggles, and the messiness of life. Because during these trials, these hardships, these struggles, and the mess I am forced to let go and let God. I am forced to trust in Him wholly. Not on man, or myself. In these times I am reminded that God is my only constant. He has me and my life all under control. Through these trials, struggles and the mess I am reminded of all the things I won't feel in Heaven: pain, sadness, suffering. I am thankful that I have a choice. I am thankful that I can choose a God who gives me an eternal life with him free from sadness, pain and suffering. He gives me a home of happiness and joy. No hurt. No sadness. No struggles. I am thankful that I get to go through hard times here on earth to get to good happy times in Heaven. I am thankful. I have a hope that rests in Jesus and I know I don't have to worry about the outcome. All I have to worry about is listening to God talk. I am thankful for God and the blessings and the answered prayers. But also for the trials and struggles and the prayers that are answered with a no. I am thankful.
"So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever." 2 Corinthians 4:18
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