you are my peach, you are my plum. you are my earth, you are my sun. i love your fingers, i love your toes, the back of your head, the tip of your nose. and you are the reason I’m smiling when there is nothing to smile about. yeah, you are the reason I’m smiling when there is nothing to smile about.
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My first love was everything at once; the kind you have to fight for, the kind that never dies.
Endless Love (via eskaliding)
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Bobby: “I lost my voice. It’s gone. And doctors say I’ll never get it back” Ella: “You have to learn how to sing with your heart” Bobby: “How do I do that?” Ella: “You search your heart” Bobby: “Search for what?” Ella: “For a way to make amends for the wrongs that were done and for the people that were hurt. Right now your heart is empty, child. I can feel it.When your heart once again is filled with love and joy, you’ll sing again. Might not sound the same but you will sing. Sing like you never thought you could.
Pure Country 2 (via clockworkdragonisgone)
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“Okay so I was wrong about
My reasons for us fallin’ out Of love I want to fall back in My life is different now I swear I know now what it means to care About somebody other than myself I know the things I said to you They were untender and untrue I’d like to see those things undo So if you could find it in your heart To give a man a second start I promise things won’t end the same Shame, boatloads of shame Day after day, more of the same Blame, please lift it off Please take it off, please make it stop Okay so I have read the mail The stories people often tell About us that we never knew But their existence will float away And just like every word they say And we will hold hands as they fade Shame, boatloads of shame Day after day, more of the same Blame, please lift it off Please take it off, please make it stop I felt so sure of everything My love to you so well received And I just strutted around your town Knowing I didn’t let you down The truth be known, the truth be told My heart was always fairly cold Posing to be as warm as yours My way of getting in your world But now I’m out and I’ve had time To look around and think  And sink into another world That’s filled with guilt and overwhelming Shame, boatloads of shame Day after day, more of the same Blame, please lift it off Please take it off, please make it stop And everyone they have a heart And when they break and fall apart And need somebody’s helping hand I used to say just let ‘em fall It wouldn’t bother me at all I couldn’t help them now I can.
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I won’t beg someone to love me. I learned long ago that there is no use in hopeless pleas of trying to make someone stay. I am too good to chase someone who does not know my worth and I am too wild to keep waiting for someone who doesn’t acknowledge my value. I want to be loved unconditionally. I shouldn’t have to fight so hard for it. I do not have the time to prove to someone that I am worth it. I shouldn’t have to prove any of that; I am worth more than that.
(via slightlycaptivated)
But yet I still stick around
(via is0lateddd)
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Lauryn Hill & Mary J. Blige - I Used to Love Him”I Used To Love Him”
As I look at what I’ve done The type of life that I’ve lived How many things I pray the father will forgive One situation involved a young man He was the ocean and I was the sand He stole my heart like a thief in the night Dulled my senses blurried my sight
I used to love him but now I don’t I used to love him but now I don’t
I chose the road of passion and pain Sacrificed too much and waited in vain Gave up my power ceased being queen Addicted to love like the drug of a fiend
See torn and confused wasted and used Reached the crossroad which path would I choose Stuck and frustrated I waited, debated For something to happen that just wasn’t fated Thought what I wanted was something I needed When momma said no I just should have heeded Misled I bled till the poison was gone And out of the darkness arrived the sweet dawn
I used to love him but now I don’t I used to love him but now I don’t
Father you saved me and showed me that life Was much more than being some foolish man’s wife Showed me that love was respect and devotion Greater than planets and deeper than any ocean My soul was weary but now it’s replenished Content because that part of my life is finished
I see him sometimes and the look in his eye Is one of a man who’s lost treasures untold But my heart is gold I took back my soul And totally let my Creator control The life which was his to begin with
I used to love him but now I don’t
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(It’s been over a year since I felt the weight of your love leave my heart & lift off my shoulders. Nothing has been the same since that day but change is good & you leaving has allowed me to love myself with no reservation.)I don’t have to remind myself to breathe anymore or bite my tongue to keep from screaming when I hear your name & when your favorite song comes on, my bones no longer rattle as it plays.. This must be what being free from you feels like.(This freedom didn’t come easy & I’m proud of my progress… I clawed through each day with tears in my eyes & fear in my heart but being able to wake up in the morning & not be paralyzed by loving you anymore is my greatest accomplishment.)The sunshine no longer pours from your eyes & that’s okay because it burns less spilling from the sky. It turns out that growth is nothing but singing in the same shower that I used to cry in. When you left, I thought I was dying- But now that I can smile on my own, I know what happiness is; And I don’t need your lips in order to taste it.(You see, it wasn’t you who set me free- I did this. I owed it to that girl who was so broken but whose heart is whole again. There’s still some days filled with uncertainty but there’s one thing I do know… You don’t hold the power anymore, I took that away long before you let me go.)
It hurt like hell but I always said I’d lose you before I lost myself. // (A collab with lifeascolleen )
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Every person that I’ve been in love with has made me feel like their presence in my life was a reward that I never earned. So when they walked into my life, I thought it’d be crazy for me to let them walk out. Every person that has been in love with me let themselves believe that I had no flaws at all, and once they realised their mistake, they left running with their tails between their legs. Every person that I have ever fallen for ended up causing me more pain than love. Each one tried to convince me that I was the one in the wrong; that love is meant to be about crying yourself to sleep because the one who means the most to you would rather spend time with someone else, and lie about it. Every person that has said that they love me has eventually bitten off their tongue so they could never utter such words again. I don’t blame them. Every one of them ended up hurt through their own fault; they didn’t listen when I said that it wouldn’t go their way. They all thought that I would come around eventually. I didn’t.
‘A long list of ex lovers’, IS. (via throughouthenight)
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I felt like a walking broken heart for four months when writing the album at the start, so I wanted to portray that. I liked the idea of writing about the real side of love. Not the, ‘Baby, I miss you, come back!’ More the ‘I’m never going to put myself in that position again and henceforth, my reign as Queen Bitch From Hell begins’.
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There you stood on the edge of your feather, Expecting to fly. While I laughed, I wondered whether I could wave goodbye, Knowin’ that you’d gone. By the summer it was healing, We had said goodbye. All the years We’d spent with feeling Ended with a cry, Babe, ended with a cry, Babe, ended with a cry.
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“Success, I’ve come to realise, is fleeting so you shouldn’t value it too much.”
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if i get famous n one of yall bring up somethin i said in 2010 just know im beatin ya ass
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