beautedeslivres · 11 years
"They're not really too keen on taking my order, it seems," Lacey said dismissively as she waved a hand at the mostly empty diner. "And Ruby's off tonight or I'd ask her, she knows how I like my drinks." She flashed a cheeky smile at him, hoping to break down his resolve. 
"I could come behind there and mix it myself if that'd be easier for you." Her tone was playful but she was fully prepared to follow through if she gave the slightest bit of permission. And really, she was good enough that the barkeeps at the Rabbit Hole sometimes invited her to jump behind and take over whenever they wanted to step out for a quick smoke.
Give Me the Bottle || Lacey & Chris
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
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Death Comes to Pemberley: Eleanor Tomlinson as Georgiana Darcy
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
Give Me the Bottle || Lacey & Chris
"I don't suppose you'd be able to get me a drink, hm?"
She had been trying to get the lanky cook's attention for a few minutes, but it seemed that verbal assault was necessary. Whatever it took to get the alcohol to her.
She'd much rather have been down at The Rabbit Hole, but that creeper Mr. Gold had been lurking about, and she really wasn't in the mood to deal with him at the moment. So she found herself at the diner instead, looking around at the family-friendly atmosphere in mild distaste. At least it was mostly empty. Small blessings, but that also meant most of the staff had disappeared, and right now she really, really wanted that drink.
"Doesn't even have to be fancy. I'm not fussy."
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
{Just added some very important information to the 'Story' page regarding the backstory of my Belle. If you could read it, that would be much appreciated.}
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
{There are a few ships that I have on my wishlist as wanting to explore, I'll type those up later for people's perusal.}
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
"Believe me, I've given it my best effort. But they just keep writing new books, so the journey never really ends."
She liked the look on the girl's face- it reminded her of her own when she found herself around such vast quantities of the written word. "
What sort of stories do you care for the most?"
  "Really?" Wendy gave a sigh, but it was different from those she was so used to having given before It was a sort of contentment still new to her. "I thought you must’ve read them all."
"Are there any you’d recommend?" 
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
why are you so cruel to me leah. why.
theheartlockedaway said: 
not over here in Graham’s Happy Fun Time Land. |:
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
"Oh, I don't know about odd."
Belle smiled at the girl, running her own fingers along the spine of the books shelved near her.
"It would be a very large task to read all of these in one lifetime. Not that I wouldn't like to try, of course."
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"I think I’ll    be here for a while.”
               [ The girl takes a book off the shelf, one she’s never seen; she’d read all the classics, but how long ago had that been? Ages had passed; so much had been written in the years she’d be away. ]
"There must be hundreds of books to read here that I haven’t read. How odd is that?" 
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
{Newish Belle RP blog. Deviates from show canon, will also write as animated!Belle and traditional fairy tale!Belle. You know the drill, folks.}
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
If I ever approach you for an interaction here on any of my other blogs, I am not looking to ship. I’m looking for an interaction. A friendship, enemyship, anything. I want real relationships put down in writing. If a ship develops from there, then that’s great. But I’m not ever going to approach you and immediately ask for a ship, because that’s not how roleplay should be and that is definitely not how I work.
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
{casually desires a romantic ladies-only ship for belle}
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
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another new soulmate
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
{Verses page will be added later today.}
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beautedeslivres · 11 years
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Holy shit guys, there are over 500  600 of you. I really don’t know why you’re all here but you are and I adore each and every one of you. I can’t believe this many of you like my writing and decided to follow me. I’ve created quite a few friends through this blog and I’m so glad to have met the people I’ve met. So, in thanks of over 500 600 of you being here, I’m doing another giveaway! 
Must be following me
Likes and reblogs count, and you can do so as many times as you please.
Must be an RP blog
A random number generator will be used to pick winners
Giveaway ends January 10th!
75 icons of their choice
25 gif icons of their choice
A link on my sidebar for a month
A drabble for a pairing of their choice
A thread with me
Second: (3 winners)
40 icons of their choice
15 gif icons
A drabble of the pairing of your choice 
A promo posted on my blog
A thread with me
Third: (5 winners)
20 icons of their choice
10 gif icons
Promos posted on my blog
G o o d  L u c k
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