Semi-selective Invader Zim/Johnny the Homicidal Maniac verse RP/Ask blog for my werewolf OC Tazz Blackwolf! OC/Canon/NSFW friendly! Muse and mun are 20. Please read the rules before interacting with me. If you are on mobile, send an ask and I'll provide my rules. Run by the mun of @ask-monkey-d-tazz and @hxllhxxnd
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
SEND A SYMBOL FOR YOUR MUSE TO ENCOUNTER MY MUSE IN THE FOLLOWING SCENARIO: Alternatively, send a “ + 🔄 ” with the symbol for my muse to encounter your muse in that following scenario.
💃 → performing a hidden talent 🗣️ → talking to themselves, an animal, or an inanimate object 👥 → being physically/verbally abused by someone/a group of people 🩹 → wounded physically/emotionally 👗 → wearing something they usually don’t put on 🎭 → portraying an emotion they don’t often show 🌠 → isolated in a lonely area 💢 → performing an action and failing terribly 💌 → admiring someone or an inanimate object 🏃 → trying to make a getaway 🎤 → voicing their insecurities 📓 → reading out a sample of a book they’re reading 🍦 → eating a shareable snack 🍽️ → eating an unusual/foreign meal 👃 → smelling something then catching their expression afterward 💭 → spaced out, lost in thoughts, remembering the past 🎶 → listening to music, catching their expression or movement 💬 → being ignored, dismissed by another 🤙 → being showered with unwanted attention 💤 → sleeping, exaggeratedly tired, taking a cat-nap 💕 → set up on a blind date/assigned as partners for an event
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“Am I dreaming?”
“Are you an angel?”
“Are you asleep?”
“Are you hungry?”
“Are you listening to me?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Are you okay?”
“Can I leave now?”
“Can you hear me?”
“Do you know what you’ve done?”
“Do you want to get something to eat?”
“Does that make sense?”
“Did it hurt?”
“How are you?”
“How are you doing?”
“How did I get so lucky?”
“Is that a threat?”
“Is that what I think it is?”
“Is this the end?”
“Is this really happening?”
“Is all this necessary?”
“May I have this dance?”
“What are you doing?”
“What is that?”
“What is wrong with you?”
“When are you leaving?”
“Where are we?”
“Where are we going?”
“Where are you from?”
“Where are you going?”
“Where did you come from?”
“Who are you?”
“Who are you, really?”
“Who is this?”
“Why are you like this?”
“Why did you lie?”
“Why do you have to leave?”
“Why don’t you understand?”
“Will you be quiet?”
“Will you marry me?”
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IN A GARDEN STARTER PACK Send a scenario, or mend the prompts to your liking, for our muses to interact.
Interacting with the plants.
🍵 → My muse/your muse picks out herbs/flowers to make tea. 🌹 → My muse/your muse tucks a flower in your muses/my muses ear. 💐 → My muse/your muse is organizing a bouquet of flowers. 🌻 → My muse/your muse plucks out the petals of a flower. 🌼 → My muse/your muse crafts a flower crown. 🌺 → My muse/your muse sniffs flowers, not noticing your muse/my muse. 🍓 → My muse/your muse plucks out fruit from a tree / shrub. 🥀 → My muse/your muse stares into a flower melancholically / in thought. 🌷 → My muse/your muse sets a flower adrift in a lake / in a vase. 🌱 → My muse/your muse begins to plant.
Discovering the garden.
🌸 → My muse/your muse witnesses a flower blooming. 🐝 → My muse/your muse hears the buzz of a bee and reacts calmly / wildly. 💮 → My muse/your muse listens to a confession from your muse/my muse. 🍯 → Our muses spot the habitat of the living animals in the garden / flower field. 🏵️ → Our muses take a stroll in a flower garden. 🎴 → My muse/your muse hears the meaning of a flower from your muse/my muse. 🎐 → Our muses play hide-n-seek in a flower garden. 🌿 → My muse/your muse lays in a field of grass, your muse/my muse joins. 👒 → Our muses take pictures with the scenery. ☘️ → Our muses find a hidden spot in the garden / flower field and make it theirs.
Sharing a conversation.
“Ah! A bee!” “Did you plant these?” “These flowers smell lovely.” “I never took you for a plant-lover.” “I feel safe surrounded by nature.” “I want to get lost in this garden with you.” “They love me, they love me not, they love me …” “Do you isolate yourself in this flower field/garden?” “Did you know that [ insert flower/plant ] [ then insert a fun fact ] ?” “You look like you belong in this garden; both you and the flowers are beautiful.”
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//I’ll go ahead and make a new starter call, so give this a like if you want a starter with my girly. If you have a sideblog, you can pop a comment on here. Also open for plotting!
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Halloween/Autumn Sentence Starters
I feel like I do one of these every year, but you know what? Always a good thing to revisit!
“Can you help me rake? I’ll let you jump in the leaf pile.” “I don’t usually do anything for Halloween.” “Let’s go for a walk. The trees are beautiful.” “Halloween is my favorite holiday and I never have any plans.” “I’ve got a collection of horror movies and pizza delivery on speed dial. Want to come over?” “I’m having a bonfire. You should join me.” “I love the smell of autumn.” “There’s a huge haunted house opening up this weekend. Want to go?” “A walk in the woods seems like a bad idea. Ever seen Blair Witch Project?” “What kind of candy should we get?” “I’m getting the chocolate for me, and the lollipops we can give to the kids.” “Ooh! A pumpkin patch! We have to stop.” “Do you want to check out that corn maze?” “I hate haunted houses. Why would I pay for someone to scream at me?” “Honestly, I’d rather see teens trick-or-treating than breaking windows and egging houses.” “What’s the use of putting peanut butter on a pinecone?” “I’m just passing out candy this year.” “I’m making some cocoa. Do you want some?” “Should we buy some patterns for our pumpkins or just wing it?” “Autumn is my favorite season.” “Don’t tell me you’ve never had a candy apple.” “This time of year is the best just for all the creepy shows on TV.” “Million dollar question: Nightmare Before Christmas or Hocus Pocus?” “Want to make an autumn wreath with me?” “If you carve a dick on this pumpkin, I swear to god.” “I’ve been waiting all year for sweater weather.” “Is it too cliche to visit a cemetery on Halloween?” “I wish I could put apple cider in a pick line and drink it forever.” “What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?” “I got invited to a costume party. Do you want to come with me?” “Bobbing for apples is gross. Everyone’s nasty faces have been in there.” “Gourds are so ugly but also so cute. I want a thousand of them.” “I’m thinking of hosting a Halloween party this year.” “Trick-or-treating is for children. Let’s go cause some trouble.” “That hay ride was a lot scarier than I thought it would be.” “Painting pumpkins is cute, but it takes away all the fun of the guts.” “I’m in a baking mood. I hope you like cookies.” “I’m just not in the Halloween spirit yet.” “I want to decorate the yard big time this year.” “The scariest looking houses always give the best candy, it’s fact.” “My parents never used to let me do anything fun on Halloween.” “Want to hear a spooky story?” “Here, I knitted you something!” “Everyone is excited for Halloween, but I can’t wait to stuff my face on Thanksgiving.” “I think our house is haunted.” “A ouija board on Halloween: what could go wrong?”
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Send me your muse’s reaction to witnessing mine in the middle of a transformation.
Perfect for werewolf, demon, or monster characters!
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Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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Send a creepy location for a starter set in one of these:
- abandoned hospital - wet basement - an old dungeon with rusted gates - an ancient burial site - a bog in which human sacrifices used to be thrown - an unmarked grave - an empty supermarket after closing time - the site of a plane crash - an old manor house during a storm - the only lit room in a castle on a hill - a street full of empty cars - a room full of mannequins - a house in which nothing has changed for ten years
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“Are you breaking up with me?” “Are you having nightmares again?” “Anything you want to say?” “Apparently, I need to grow a mustache.” “Balloons? Really?” “Be quiet!” “But what if we get caught?” “Can you not?” “Care to tell me what’s going on?” “Come find me.” “Did you even love me?” “Did you ever stop to think about how I feel?” “Don’t look at me like that.” “Don’t touch me.” “Do you love him/her?” “Do you love me?” “Everyone leaves.” “Eviction notice. It’s an eviction notice.“ “Fine, I’ll go.” “Finally!” “Fight me for it.” “Fuck it.” “Get away from me.” “Gotcha!” “How high are you?” “How did you get here?” “I bought a goat.” “If what we had was real, how could you be fine?” “I get that you wanted to come up with the plan, but your plan is stupid.” “I hate you.” “I’ll bet you a dollar.” “I said that I’m in love with you.” “I think I’m pregnant.” “I’m going to kill you.” “I’m not eating that.” “Is that a chicken?” “It’s not that I think your cooking is bad! It’s just … Not that good.” “Jokes on me, huh?” “Just friends?” “Just let me go.” “Just tell me the truth!" "Kiss me.” “Kicking someone is not a form of romance.” “Let me explain.” “Listen, it was a completely innocent gesture.” “Maybe you should go.” “Maybe fuck you will be our always.” “May need you to bail me out of jail.” “Miss you.” “No. The answer is no.” “Not drunk enough for this.” “Never, ever doing that again.” “Okay, I know this looks bad…” “Please don’t.” “Please stop talking.” “Personally, I’d rather make out with a cactus.” “Quick, I need you to bring me a bottle of bleach.” “Quiet! Someone’s going to hear.” “Quit being annoying.” “Really, where were you?” “Right. Of course it’s my fault.” “Silly of me to think you actually cared.” “Simple? Brushing my teeth is simple. This? This is not simple.” “So… How’s the weather?” “Tell me you didn’t steal someones dog.” “There’s something wrong with you.” “This definitely isn’t what it looks like.” “Us? There is no us.” “Unable to process the stupidity of what you just said. Sorry.” “Unfortunately, she/he said no." "Very cute.” “We can’t do this.” “Was it just a lie?” “Wait, what did you just say?” “Wait! Hold on!" "Who the hell is passed out in the driveway?” “What the hell?” “Why are you naked?” “Why is there silly string everywhere?” “Why is there a frozen turkey in the bathtub?" "Without you, I’m lost.” “X-Rays? What the hell did you do and why didn’t you tell me?” “You broke up with me. There’s nothing left between us anymore.” “You’re leaving? But it’s taco night…” “Zebras have nothing to do with this conversation.” “Zelda is more important right now."
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40 Random Starters
“You don’t have to do this with me.”
“We can fix this, right?”
“What the hell are you wearing?”
“Just stay calm.”
“Get out of my way.”
“Do you even care?”
“This didn’t go the way I expected it to.”
“I can’t forgive you.”
“Can I take the car?”
“Tell me all about you.”
“I made a lot of bad decisions.”
“Don’t be sad.”
“What seems to be the problem?”
“I want pizza.”
“Who are you doing this for?”
“What are you thinking about?”
“Look what I bought!”
“Let’s get out of here.”
“It’s been a while.”
“Don’t you remember that?”
“Are you crying?”
“That seems kinda weird.”
“They were right about you.”
“That’s really gross.”
“Am I doing this right?”
“I don’t deserve this.”
“We are friends, right?”
“We don’t need to talk about this.”
“I will never forgive you.”
“We should glue googly eyes on this.”
“Can I borrow that?”
“Your hands are so cold.”
“I brought snacks.”
“I really hope this is not what I think it is.”
“Why are you wearing a mask?”
“This was a new shirt!”
“You sure you don’t want to see a doctor? That looks pretty bad.”
“That’s messed up.”
“I got you something.”
“This is all sorts of wrong.”
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Very specific types of ship meme
Send me one for what kind of ship you want our muses to have
♥ - Friends with benefits
❣ - Friends with benefits who want to be more than friends but won’t admit it
❤ - Longtime sweethearts just as in love as the first date
💘 - Enemies who only hate each other because of sexual/romantic tension
♡ - A loveless relationship/relationship of convenience (not necessarily bad)
💔 - A genuine and deep hatred for each other
❥ - Enemies/rivals who don’t remember how their rivalry started or why, but keep it up just because they feel like they should
💚 - Familial relationship/friends who are just like family
💓 - In love with each other, but too shy to say so
💗 - Deep platonic love hiding deeper romantic love
💜 - Love at first sight that cools into a friendship
💙 - Love at first sight that turns into long-lasting romance
💛 - One night stand that turned awkward afterwards
💝 - One-sided love (specify which side)
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3 am sentence starters
“ why are you awake? “
“ i can’t sleep. “
“ go to bed already. “
“ i’m a being of pure power, i don’t need sleep. “
“ i’ve been running on 5 hour energy all day, there’s no stopping now. “
“ i’m. so. tired. “
“ i had a nightmare. “
“ it’s nothing, go back to bed. “
“ when’s the last time you slept? “
“ you’re clearly exhausted. why are you doing this to yourself? “
“ wake up. wake up. wake uuuuup. “
“ i’ll sleep when i’m dead. “
“ yawning doesn’t mean i’m tired! maybe i’m just bored by you telling me to go to sleep so much. “
“ is something wrong? “
“ i just need to finish what i’m doing, then i’ll sleep. “
“ you said you were about to go to bed two hours ago. c’mon, time’s up. “
“ is it okay if i sleep in your bed tonight? i’m kinda freaked out. “
“ stop bossing me around, you’re not my mom. i’ll go to sleep when i want to. “
“ you’re pouring coffee all over the counter. “
“ why are you making hot pockets at 3 am? “
“ i don’t care when you go to bed, but do you have to wake me up in the middle of the night with your loud music?! “
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* halloween / spooky memes !
send a 🍬 to go trick-or-treating with my muse.
send a 🏚️ to go to a haunted house with my muse.
send a 👻 to experience something paranormal with my muse.
send a 🧛 to find out vampires are real with my muse.
send a 🔮 to get your fortune read with my muse.
send a ⛓️ to find yourself locked up with my muse.
send a 🏰 to discover a hidden castle with my muse.
send a 🎃 to carve a pumpkin with my muse.
send a ⚰️ to find a dead body with my muse.
send a 🌕 to get a werewolf bite from my muse.
send a 🕯️ to have the lights suddenly go out with my muse.
send a 🤡 to be chased by a killer clown with my muse.
send a 🧟 to try to survive the zombie apocalypse with my muse.
send a 💀 to go to a costume party with my muse.
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bittersweet rp lines
“i’m not going to leave you.”
“you will always be my everything.”
“i didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“… stay with me?”
“it’s okay. i still love you.”
“everything’s okay now. let’s just forget about it, okay?”
“you can cry. i won’t judge.”
“… hey, we can go out, if you want.”
“i’m trying. i really am.”
“do you want me to hug you?”
“can we… lay here? and do nothing?”
“… please don’t yell at me like that. it’s scary.”
“i’m sorry if i made you angry.”
“can you tell me what i did wrong?”
“please come back. i’m sorry.”
“hey… is something wrong?”
“you can stay with me. i don’t mind.”
“shhh, shh, it’s okay.”
“i’m here, i’m here.”
“i’m so sorry. but you don’t understand. and that’s okay.”
“i don’t understand…”
“what do you want from me? what do i have to do to make you happy?”
“… i care about you a lot, you know.”
“can we hold hands? i think i need it right now.”
“why do you still care about me? even when i hurt you?”
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send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses ! i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS. childhood friends / work friends / family friends / recently friends / turning antagonistic / turning into something romantic / stable / falling apart / friendship of need / friendship of circumstance pen - pals or internet friends / coworkers / partners / other .
ROMANCE. childhood sweethearts / newly entered / soulmates / skinny love / unrequited from my muses side / unrequited from your muses side / friends with benefits / awkward / fading / turning toxic / toxic and destructive / other .
FAMILIAL BOND. sibling bond / older sibling figure to your muse / younger sibling figure to your muse / parental figure to your muse / parental figure to your muse / guardian figure / legal guardian / other .
ENEMIES. dangerous to themselves / dangerous to others / unpredictable / passionate / rivals / petty / developing into a sexual tension / developing into a romantic tension / based off family matters / based of circumstance / based of professional matters / based of misunderstandings or lies / other .
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Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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