beast-of-the-void · 14 hours
Understand what your writer is trying to convey.
While working with Puppy:
Me: Change that line, it makes no sense. You’re trying to be poetic, I know, but that’s garbage words that mean nothing.
Puppy: Ah! *Writes better statement* “The past is where true lessons are, so the present can be lived more fully.” Me: Perfect. Puppy: … Me: *tries to move on* Puppy: …I don’t get it. Me: …What? Puppy: Like, what does it mean? I don’t get it. Me: You literally just wrote it. Puppy: I know I just pulled it out of my ass, but I don’t get it now! Me: It’s been 5 seconds!!! It’s literally your butt idea! … Me: It means that we have to learn from the past to improve the current state of our lives. Puppy: Oh!!! This should go on eic adventures. Me: *pulls up tumblr*
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beast-of-the-void · 9 days
My favourite little x men thing is when someone is like "Give up, Magneto! You stand no chance against this plastic weapon/gun/suit I have built!"
And Magneto is like "I see. Whatever will I do."
and throws the surrounding infrastructure at them.
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beast-of-the-void · 11 days
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beast-of-the-void · 11 days
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beast-of-the-void · 11 days
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you know who you are
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beast-of-the-void · 11 days
I had to stop smoking sativa because whenever I smoked sativa at parties I would turn into an absolute menace and start bullying men specifically for no reason. I turned into public enemy number one of college boys
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beast-of-the-void · 28 days
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beast-of-the-void · 28 days
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beast-of-the-void · 29 days
#Been taking my meds as prescribed and have been on the edge of a panic attack for nearly 2 weeks now#My body is in a tremendous amount of pain#but I gotta pretend I am okay just to have people quit asking if I am okay. I am not but there is nothing to be done about it#the pain docs dgaf the bone docs dgaf the specialists dgaf#I can't even take mj to feel better because I am so allergic#and speaking of allergies I have been having what look like HIVES starting to appear randomly over my face and chest for these 2 weeks#istg if this is another fucking reaction to allergens I am just going to go meet the hatman and claim squatter's rights in his house#woke up from another passing out episode to be ravenous and had to make myself some eggs and rice#I added kimchi because there needs to be more daily veggies in this diet#Most days the meals have been a tsp of peanut butter; an applesauce or string cheese; whatever noodle; and eggs or tuna...sometimes chicken#But still they want to tell me I am eating too much daily somehow#I do also drink a fuckton of water daily#I am just so tired of these 8year experts seeing a short fat thing and immediately equating all my problems to fucking weight#something is wrong and nobody wants to look further into it#In the meantime I am going to be mentally unwell because my body feels like shattering glass under electrified water every waking moment#But sure! let me take on the responsibility of teaching 44 other households how to open an rtf file in a damn word processor#HOW TF do you get over 50 and have all problem solving skills drop out of your ass. God forbid I write simple instructions#and some asshole put out fliers on ageism near my apartment#Telling someone that they need to actually have the correct information before moving forward to do something is apparently disrespectful#I literally don't have to do anything for any of these people but they feel entitled to my time and energy because I am 30+ years younger#And they've been having kvetch sessions about who knows what in a room literally on the other side of my bedroom wall#I got shit to do in the morning so I hope to wake up somebody else tomorrow#wish me luck
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beast-of-the-void · 1 month
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I NEED to understand how this guy’s brain works
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beast-of-the-void · 1 month
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10 pounds says terfs start arguing men have an unfair advantage in knitting next
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beast-of-the-void · 1 month
Please reblog!
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beast-of-the-void · 1 month
people in fanfiction are so good at identifying v specific smells. I literally struggle to identify vanilla when I’m sniffing a candle labelled “VANILLA” how are these kids getting woodsmoke, rain, mint, and a whiff of byronic despair from a fuckin tshirt
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beast-of-the-void · 1 month
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Jyn the Cat being particularly stinky
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beast-of-the-void · 1 month
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beast-of-the-void · 1 month
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A clear example of the gradual transformation of a Reuters headline from actual news to israeli propaganda: facts are lost (school & 100 are gone), doubt casted ("Hamas-run"), Israel's unsubstantiated statement incorporated ("hit militants").
By TameeOliveFern
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beast-of-the-void · 1 month
Your 30s aren't too late. Don't let nobody tell you that stupid shit.
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