beale2internship · 4 years
A glimpse into my life as an intern.
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beale2internship · 4 years
Enderun Colleges is an undergraduate college founded in 2005 by a group of business and community leaders, with the goal of building a world-class management college in the Philippines. The overarching goal was to provide a new approach to business education, which would cultivate entrepreneurial values and real-world skills. During my internship with Enderun, I was placed into the sales department, which focused on reaching out to potential clients, managing client databases, and ideation for future partnerships and initiatives.
My first day felt relatively normal; though my previous experience made me more prepared and less anxious, I still felt the normal bouts of nervousness. Getting used to this new job was still an undertaking, and I still had a lot to do to get through it.
The experience was overall very pleasant; my coworkers and supervisor were all very helpful and cheerful, providing good support and interaction without an excessively professional tone. This made each interaction conducive to our work, creating an open environment. While Enderun as a whole was decently organized, I noticed somewhat of a disconnect in management; departments were not on the same page with usage of the API used for sales and marketing, and certain processes seemed to have stayed inconvenient despite having faster methods of accomplishing them. While there is a hierarchy in place, it is often not brought up as people are more focused on individually assigned tasks.
I had several great challenges, most of which stemmed from activecampaign; a software platform Enderun used to manage its clients and courses. Some of these issues simply stemmed from user error and getting used to using the system as a whole, whilst several also originated from a lack of communication. This in particular included vital aspects such as importing contacts via excel and the campaign function of the platform, neither of which were properly taught nor explained, in favor of the manual emailing and contact fill-out process.
As expected, I also had several great accomplishments in this regard. By figuring out these functions, my efficiency throughout the internship in contacting leads skyrocket, allowing me to close several sales for my courses. Despite this however, I feel my best accomplishment was during the weeks of course ideation, where my coworkers and I were tasked with proposing various courses, and partners to get said courses off the ground. I proposed a networking course where Enderun would partner with CISCO, with the proposal eventually become a main focus and leading to Enderun establishing initial relationships with CISCO themselves.
My career mindset has been affected in terms of handling these new COVID circumstances; work-from-home is clearly a viable option, especially as more and more functions move online. Furthermore, I’ve gained a better understanding of sales and the platforms that enable it, giving me insight should I go into this industry. Whilst I cannot see myself staying in sales, it is at least something I am willing to consider. If I were to be honest, classes didn’t truly prepare me for this internship simply because they fundamentally couldn’t; they weren’t specialized to the degree required to feel completely prepared, but focused more on theory and overarching operations. Granted, the transition to getting used to the job was smooth enough that there was little issue.
Despite my continued apprehensiveness towards stepping into the working world, I felt a little more confident due to several factors. I had the experience of my first internship backing me up, and I was already familiar with Enderun Colleges due to being a student there as well. Additionally, I also had working experience with my supervisor Janel Simangan beforehand, having worked under her in the Admissions department. Whilst there were several weeks of variations task-wise, especially during the weeks focused on partnerships and eventually CISCO, work inevitably started to blend together to an extent. Jobs ultimately tend to focus on a certain group of important and repeated tasks, after all, though it was compounded by the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine. Generally I didn’t have particularly strong feelings about the last day other than the fact that I would be leaving a familiar day-to-day event and drive that I was used to, though perhaps that is more than I give it credit for.
If you’ve looked through my blog, you’ve no doubt noticed some pattern by now; a lot of the work tends to be repetitive. I’ve lost count of how many mentions I’ve had of the words “same old”, or other equivalents, but it does present an overarching idea.
Enderun is still ultimately a corporate environment.
Like many other jobs as is, it’s still a job that has you doing several key tasks over and over which is something I haven’t always liked. I understood why it was that way, but seems to continuously find it to be a growing necessary evil in the positions I take. Ironically though, I eventually took more to the idea of a routine, which was a major boon in keeping momentum, particularly in this pandemic; it helps keep a semblance of purpose and time. Perhaps I have gotten used to it, but I ultimately have to mention this, as some many not take as readily to such a lifestyle or position.
Still, there is some variety to keep it fresh; meetings, ideation, clients in and of themselves, and more. To call the job completely static for its repeating tasks does somewhat diminish certain qualities that can be considered more varied and volatile. One of my worries was dealing with people in terrible moods and such, but I rarely, if ever, ran into such situations. Many were simply understanding, though I’ve yet to determine if I was simply lucky or if humanity has improved overall. I choose to have some faith.
Overall, this isn’t a job for everyone, especially those that truly need variety at every corner. Furthermore, talking with customers isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and is still a daunting task as a whole. I’m not sure I particularly like it myself, but it was certainly an interesting experience.
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beale2internship · 4 years
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Certificate of Completion, let’s go!
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beale2internship · 4 years
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My thank you letter to my supervisor, Janel Simangan. 
If you’re reading this, I’d like to say thanks for everything once again. 
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beale2internship · 4 years
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So here’s my letter to future interns, who may be considering interning at Enderun Colleges. I hope some amongst you lot glean some insight from this.
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beale2internship · 4 years
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Just a few work photos to round this off. Nothing too big. 
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 15, October 16: Last Day
Surprise! Turns out today is seemingly my last day for this internship.
So I decided to make this day count. Contact as many leads as possible. Try make it all work! 
And I did!
Though, granted, the leads didn’t have the same enthusiasm. But oh well. Such is sales. 
Was an alright day.
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 15, October 15: Usual
No updates have been given on the leads from yesterday that were interested. Shame. 
Most of today has also been dedicated to putting new leads onto activecampaign, along with contacting old ones again via SMS. 
Not much else to talk about here. 
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 15, October 14: Interest
Much of the same, but the automated campaigns I sent out seem to be getting some traction! People are actually replying! 
Some of them said they’d even enroll, though who knows if they’ll follow through. 
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 15, October 13: Database
Today’s work was dedicated more to the database of leads; while I sent out emails to all the new leads, I spent more time organizing the database and making sure all contacts were accounted for. 
Not much else really happened, though some people might be signing up soon.
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 13, October 2:
Looks like I forgot to put an entry for October 2, but honestly? Not much was missed.
Just another day of the usual. I wasn’t given the tags necessary until October 6.
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 14, October 9: More! 2
Emails are finished, so it was just texting and such today. 
Nothing special to report. Just another good day.
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 14, October 8: More!
Yeah. It’s basically more of the same from yesterday but with more texting.
Some people apparently didn’t get contacted, as they were emailed before I was put in charge of the respective course. 
People need to check their email more.
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 14, October 7: Leads, Leads EVERYWHERE!
Today was just emailing and recording a bunch of leads. I got to use the activecampaign campaign function a bunch, and auto-import contacts using files. Honestly went really smoothly.
I just wish I was taught this officially instead of having to find out myself, though. I got a lot done today. 
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 14, October 6: A New Month
Golly, it’s hard to remember that it’s been so long. It’s a whole new month now!
Finally, I got the tags that I needed to start sending out emails. Still need some details for my other course though which kind of halts things, but one thing at a time. 
Either way, progress!
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 13, October 1: Surprise!
By surprise I mean an entire list for a next run of the DPC course was dropped without much warning. 
Not that I could do much about it, because the tags for it on AC weren’t (and still aren’t) a thing yet. I asked my supervisor to put the tags in so I could begin, but nothing’s come of it yet, presumably due to time constraints. 
A little irksome, but such is life.
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beale2internship · 4 years
Week 13, September 30: More Contact
The contacts list got updated, so more contacting and inputting into activecampaign is the name of the game!
The day basically went by about as expected. Not much to say here.
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