bdo-kenai-kanu · 3 years
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 3 years
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 3 years
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 4 years
What does your character’s handwriting look like?
Do they write in print or cursive?
Is it neat or messy?
Is it easy or difficult to decipher?
Are they left-handed or right-handed?
Do they add any flair to it? (dotting the i’s with hearts, big swooshes, etc.)
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 4 years
How do your character(s) sleep?
Do they go to bed early or stay up late?
When they say they’re “going to bed” do they actually mean they’re going to sleep or do they mean they’re going to read/play on their phone/etc in bed for a while?
What do they wear when they sleep? (if anything at all)
Do they watch/listen to anything to help them fall asleep?
Do they sleep with a night light on or prefer total darkness?
What position do they sleep in?
Do they cuddle/snuggle with anything while they sleep?
Do they have insomnia or do they fall asleep easily?
How many hours of sleep do they get?
Are they a heavy sleeper or a light sleeper?
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts
“ did you really have to be that honest? ” “ every time i see you i just feel more alone. ” “ you changed me. ” “ was this all just a joke to you? ” “ i don’t want to know. ” “ can we start over? ” “ you make me feel so insecure. ” “ i don’t know if i can love you. ” “ every time i wake up i’m reaching for you … but you’re never there. ” “ of course it meant something! ” “ stop yelling! ” “ i gave up on you a long time ago. ” “ you think i care about you? cute. ” “ did you just forget about me or something? ” “ i still need you. ” “ i wanna say that there’s still hope but sometimes things just don’t go your way. ” “ you said you would keep trying! ” “ no, you ARE strong. ” “ you promised me! ” “ fine. you’ll never see me again, okay? ” “ i gave you everything i had. ” “ your eyes can be so cruel … ” “ i can never do anything right can i !? ” “ i want my life back. ” “ stop crying. ” “ you should go. ” “ don’t come back. ” “ does hurting me make you feel good or something? ” “ just stop it. ” “ i was never in love with you now leave me alone! ”
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
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Hawaiian Ocean with Large Clouds in a Sunset | By Lionel Walden (1861-1933).
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
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Enchanting Erosion By Nick Das Nichts
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
The Lesson [NSFW]
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Kenai stepped up to Jaemys’ front door, knuckles knocking upon the wood that barred his entry and pausing to be granted entry. His gaze wandered absently around him, taking in the sunshine and birds, and all the random passer-bys traveling through Heidel.
As for Jaemys, he was already bounding around his house excitedly, gnawing on an apple when he could. 
“Isth O-ehn!” came his reply to the knocking, both hands full of books he was moving about while the apple hung in his mouth caught between his teeth. 
Kenai stepped into the house, hazel blue eyes searching for the older man inside, “Hey, it’s me.” he greeted.
Jaemys flopped his books upon his desk, retrieving the apple from his teeth and giving a good swallow or two from the spit that had begun to form in his mouth at its tartness, “Hey, come in- come in!”
And he’d approach Kenai, handing him a note he grabbed off the table, which was from Roland indicating he was going to Grana as he’d heard his woman had returned there. Jaemys grinned around a loud crunch of a bite from his apple, offering the fruit to Kenai as he read.
Kenai grinned in amusement, watching Jaemys as the man approached him and as the note was offered, a brow lofted, curious. Taking it, he read it over, distractedly accepting the fruit from the other as his eyes roamed over the words penned down. “Huh….”
He raised his gaze to meet Jaemys’ imploringly, “This… is good, right?”
“Means we don’t gotta go running about trying to find out if he’s alright….” Jaemys seemed pleased as hell, anyways.
“And!” the man declared as he relieved Kenai of the note, tossing it on the table and heading into his office, “Means I can take this job in Calpheon… so… I figured, you can come with and we can check up on your master and his wife… And that’ll put your mind at ease that he’s settling in just fine, yeah?”
Kenai blinked, gaze following after the locksmith as he moved about with excited energy. A small, relieved smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, happy Jaemys wouldn’t have to deal with what would have most likely been a very stressful situation all around. He followed after him, pausing beside the table to rest an arm upon the back of a chair, his other hand on his hip, “A job in Calpheon, huh? Sounds like fun to me!” 
He chewed his lower lip a little, “Yeah… I am a bit overdue for a check in. And… Deo will get to meet you too.” Kenai seemed anxious suddenly, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
“Yeah, some nobleman there wants to have a safe built…” Jaemys stopped moving things about and paused to give Kenai a reassuring smile, “Ya know… he don’t gotta meet me this time. That’s up to you, but either way… you can tell me all about it after.”
Kenai’s attention snapped back to Jaemys, stammering quickly, “Eh? -Oh! N-no no, I want you to…” 
He paused, blushing now as his gaze averted sheepishly, “Just… you know… never brought someone home before….” he murmured, voice growing softer and softer. 
Aw, he was embarrassed, how cute.
And indeed, as cute as he was, he had Jaemys hook, line, and sinker. Approaching the adorable Islander, his head cocked to the side, “Well, I can act the newfound friend… or I can act brotherly affection… or I can act the devil, should you wish it.”
His chin lifted a bit, leaving him to look down the length of his nose at Kenai before grabbing him suddenly when unaware, forcing him into a dip and giving him a big, wet smooch upon his thick, pillowy lips.
Kenai was going to reply but didn’t get the chance as Jaemys’ arms captured him and tugged him in close, his hazel-blue eyes widening a bit in surprise as he was dipped but in the end, he couldn’t help a laugh against his lover’s lips, hands reaching up to cup his face as he was kissed.
“I think being who you are is good enough.” he mused. It was interesting to play around with the word ‘boyfriend’ in his mind. Why deny the obvious anyways?
Jaemys’ grin grew at the praise, moving to hoist the man out of his dip only to dip him again the other way and repeat the act of kissing him, only this time settling for a peck upon the tip of his nose before finally, he would be let upon his own feet again, the Musa looking all the more smug about it.
Once he was allowed back onto his own two feet again, Kenai chuckled softly, a boyish grin aimed Jaemys’ way, “Well, I’m happy to see you’re in a good mood.” he quipped playfully.
He scratched at his cheek lightly with a forefinger, “Heh… this is good though… also- I apologize in advance if Olive gets you fat with her baking.” he mused jokingly.
“Mmmm…” Kenai’s hips were manhandled and tugged tight against Jaemys’ own, hands sliding around the delicious curve of that bubble butt. 
“Now you taunt me with food… I do have a particular taste for buns.” His hands squeezed mischievously. He really was something else today.
A soft laugh escaped past his lips as Kenai felt himself once more pulled in closer to the Musa’s frame, those greedy hands never failing to stir the Striker up. His hands settled against the other’s chest, a grin curling the edges of his lips as he looked up at his lover, his expression playful, “So I’ve noticed.”
He canted his head slightly, “So… when do we leave?”
“Day after tomorrow,” Jaemys chimed, relenting and releasing the other man but not without a heavy sigh. “Unless you’d rather earlier? Or later?”
Kenai shook his head, “Nah, that works for me. Gives me time to prepare and pack.”
He lofted a brow, “Unless you wanna go sooner. Or later.” He smirked, “I’m actually a bit excited for it.”
“No… The time works perfect for me.” There was a fondness now in his gaze as Jaemys studied Kenai’s features before turning to organize a few more things on his desk. 
“I’ll just have to be sure to bring all my tools.”
That sparked a look of intrigue in the Islander’s hazel orbs, “I always wanted to see you in action.” he grinned, “I wanna see you put those tools to use, never really seen a locksmith as work before.”
Those aqua eyes began to study Kenai, drawing from him some sort of answer to a question he didn’t bother to answer. “If that is the case… I’ll show you… tomorrow. I have a few things to prepare for the lesson.” As it would be a teaching moment, really.
A dark brow quirked at that, Kenai’s expression a mixture of surprise and curiosity. “Lesson?”
Then his visage took on a more cheeky grin, half squinting at his partner, “Hmm, you know… if you weren’t so hot, I’d almost be suspicious.” he snickered.
The grin that met Kenai’s was of a darker sort as Jaemys remarked in turn, “You should be suspicious because I’m hot.”
Then he made to move beyond the young Striker, slapping his ass before he hurried up the stairs to grab some things and bring them back down to the first floor, “I might as well teach you a thing or two… so you never get… caught in another situation like in the past.”
The playful swat was rewarded with a slight yelp as Kenai jumped, “Hey!” 
Left to watch after his companion as Jaemys dashed up and down the stairs, a hand rubbing ruefully at a cheek. He huffed in mock apprehension, “Come to think of it- you have a valid point.”
He paused to eye the items Jaemys held, imploring, “Another situation…?”
Jaemys didn’t look up, merely watching the items he placed in the bag upon his chair. It was a delicate topic, one he didn’t wish to speak on, but felt he must, “Kenai… I mean to say… I’ll teach you… so that bonds will never imprison you again.”
As realization set in, the playfulness in his features shifted into a somber one, a little grin of appreciation lingering on Kenai's lips, “Ah.. I’d appreciate that, actually…. It’s different when you’re a kid, you know? You just… don’t know any better.”
He shrugged his shoulders more in an attempt to loosen his muscles that had grown tense about his neck than anything else and straightened a bit, “Always good to learn ways to keep yourself out of trouble.” he agreed, gaze shifting towards Jaemys and taking a quiet moment to study his face, wearing a fond look of his own now. “Thanks.”
Jaemys’ own fondness wore into a sympathetic smile for a moment and though he didn’t meet Kenai’s gaze, instead he focused on packing his tools, he did respond, “I need no thanks, Kenai… It feels the obvious thing to do.”
Quietly, the young Striker studied his lover a moment, watching his hands as he packed some of his items away, taking note of the look that passed over his features and after a moment, he pushed away from the chair he had been leaning against and walked over towards the locksmith. He reached a hand out to take ahold of the other’s, giving it a light squeeze as he sought out slate-hued eyes with his own, “So does this…”
He leaned up to press a soft kiss to his lover’s pierced lips, letting it linger a moment before drawing away to smile up at him genuinely, “Means a lot to know you’re thinkin’ about me.”
And of course, typical as his nature, Kenai chuckled to lighten the mood, “Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” he really did love the fact Jaemys was looking out for him though, it kinda made his heart skip a beat.
Jaemys’ own smile came easier then, an arm wrapping about Kenai’s shoulders and his head thunking softly so they remained forehead to forehead for a time. 
“S’only fair,” Jaemys pushed away the urge to be lewd at the warm and fuzzy temptation, “...since you make me feel the same.”
Kenai laughed quietly, content in their closeness for the moment. “Careful… or you might end up naked.”
He was only partially joking, of course. Partially. “But I suppose I should let you get back to your packing…” he spared a glance down to the pack Jaemys had been in the middle of shoving things into as he spoke.
“Mmm…” Jaemys looked down to his pack. Getting naked was so much more fun, but… “Well… come back after dinner?”
“Sure if you’re certain you don’t want me to make you something.” Kenai offered, letting his hand slip away from the locksmith as he took a few steps back.
Though his stomach growled at the thought, Jaemys figured he’d simply get something from a vendor on the market. Yet before Kenai left, he bestowed upon him the glory of the spare key.
Later that evening, as the skies grew dark over Heidel, Kenai made the brief trip from his apartment to the next door over from his for the second time that day, this time armed with the spare key Jaemys had given him. Using it, he unlocked the door and let himself in, uncertain if Jaemys was there or out still. Closing the door behind him, he passed a glance around the home that had become all too familiar to him, “Jaemys?”
But there was no answer.
Humming quietly to himself after no response answered his call, he figured the locksmith must have still been out and about in town. Casting a look around, he decided to wait for him and moved absently about, spotting the little fishbowl in the study. “Huh, I don’t remember seeing you guys before.” With a little grin, he moved closer to inspect them.
Jaemys, who totally heard him from upstairs just rolled his eyes as he lay in bed and waited.
As Kenai resumed humming a quiet tune to himself, his gaze drifted towards the stairs, thoughts wandering and after a moment, he decided to go up, planning to be impetuous and wait for Jaemys to come back. In his bed. Clothing optional.
Yeah… Jaemys had beaten him to it, however, and he was not only blindfolded but also naked and had a pair of manacles about his wrists, chaining him to the headboard. Also upon the bed were a pair of lockpicks, waiting to be used. Hearing the stairs creak, his head turned in the direction of the stairs. “Ello, love.”
Kenai almost stumbled, taken off guard at the sight laid out before him, pausing to simply stare. “...Uh… hi there….”
He could feel his face burn, slowly making his way over to the side of the bed, looking Jaemys over. The sight of the shackles had him hesitating but thankfully, Jaemys was blindfolded and couldn’t see it. Realization dawned on him and he chuckled quietly, “I’m assuming this is my lesson?” he mused.
“Well... “ Jaemys’ lips quirked into a sexy grin. Just lying there waiting had him hard and the sound of Kenai’s entry into his home had only aided it, heightening his anticipation, his swollen member brushing his belly.
“I figure… if you can satisfy me, I’ll show you how to get out of them… and if not, guess you can try on your own.”
Kenai took a moment to drink it all in, admiring his lover’s sexy physique on full display, nibbling his lower lip lightly in devious contemplation, “Ooor….” he mused aloud, “I could just leave you there at my mercy and I can have my way with you.” he teased.
“You could…” Jaemys chuckled, the sound breathy in his arousal, trying to look smooth as he tucked his manacled hands behind his head, that smug ass grin settling again.
“Hmm….” Although the other couldn’t see his impish grin, Kenai decided to play the game, hands rising to shrug off his tunic, letting the material fall to the floor, followed by his britches, the garment pooling about his ankles as he stripped down, slowly, knowing Jaemys could hear it all happening. He moved to crawl onto the bed, dipping his lips down near the Musa’s ear to purr silkily, “I could.”
His breath was a ghost of warm air against his lover’s ear, lips playing along the shell of it, nibbling gently although he held off on all other contact for the moment. Two could play this game.
As much as he wished to play it cool, that tease had sufficiently struck home. Jaemys’ body shuddered with promise, hips rising slightly off the bed before resettling. “...Aye…. you could.”
The telling signs of his lover’s body gave off didn’t go unnoticed and Kenai escalated the teasing with a lick and suckle of an earlobe. It was short lived, however, as his mouth migrated along the side of the other’s neck, feathering slow smooches down towards his lover’s clavicle before dragging his tongue right back up it, shifting his body so that he was straddling the locksmith’s waist, hands supporting his weight either side of Jaemys’ head upon the bed.
A moan touched air, followed by several others, though they were softer. Who didn’t enjoy being teased in such a manner? “The picks,” he whispered, head turning to accommodate the attention. “One has a wavy side… the other is like a ‘z’....”
As Jaemys spoke between breaths of excitement, Kenai busied himself with a choice little spot in the delicate junction where neck met shoulder, suckling to leave behind a little mark on his lover, a distracted, “Mhm” hummed in response to his instructions. He was listening, but he was also a bit busy.
A low groan of appreciation, a huff of breath… perhaps the blindfold was not the wisest of ideas. But what did he expect? Of course, Kenai would take all the time he wished. And he wasn’t really upset about that either, but his instruction did stop. Instead, he reveled in the switch in their positions.
Kenai gave the little hickey he made a nip for good measure before moving on, his tongue tracing his lover’s collar bone, occasionally letting his teeth graze along it gently, hands moving to draw up the blindfold- after all, it wasn’t as much fun if Jaemys couldn’t see him as he played. His attention diverted briefly to ensnare the locksmith’s mouth in a passionate kiss, suckling his lower lip and giving the lip ring a slight tug before flicking his partner’s upper lip with the tip of his tongue. Then his mouth was roaming the other’s chest, hands now smoothing over the sleek body below him, teasing a nipple to hardness as hands eagerly caressed and kneaded his sides and stomach.
With the blindfold removed, it might have actually made things worse, for there drifting down above him was a very handsome young man, indeed. Already Jaemys’ pulse had quickened, body shifting and wriggling on the sheets, lips tingling with the absence of their partner’s. Jaemys breathed a heavy breath, eyes fallen half-lidded. “Kenai… I wonder if you’d….”
Lips wetted, he lifted his head, something pleading in those hazy aqua hues, “Might you indulge me… something I’ve not tasted in a long time…?”
“Hmm?” Despite his desire to resume his blatant worship of his lover’s body, Kenai paused to meet Jaemys’ gaze, supporting his weight upon the bed with his hands.
But how to elaborate delicately? Jaemys decided against words, his body writhing until one leg and then slowly, the other, were shifted out from under the Islander to lift over Kenai’s thighs. All the while he stared into those handsome dark eyes, swallowing roughly and hoping Kenai caught his drift.
It took him a moment but he caught on to the other’s intent and grew a bit sheepish. Kenai had never topped before and wasn’t really sure if he could do it properly. Even the few women who had bought his time during his enslavement had been the dominant party and the last thing he wanted was to botch this up. But still, for jaemys, it was worth trying. “Uh… y-yeah…”
He dipped down to press a few kisses to the locksmith’s stomach, working his way up slowly until their lips met once more and his kisses were more hesitant than before, “...mm… never… done it before…” he admitted, embarrassed, kissing the corner of Jaemys’ mouth.
Just the confirmation stirred his randy bones, hands lifting chains over his own face so by the time their lips met, he could caress the younger man’s face, “S’ok…” his words ever murmured between kisses, “Just use a lot of spit…. Start small and stretch…. I’ll guide you.”
The rattle of the chains sent a cold chill down Kenai’s back but he blocked out the negative memories it brought by focusing on the warmth of Jaemys’ hands, nodding dumbly before pressing another kiss to his partner’s lips. He was nervous and he couldn’t hide it this time. Still, he returned to his previous task at lavishing adoration upon the Musa’s body, opting to let his body’s reflexes take over and allow his mind to focus on giving as much pleasure as he could to his partner and after all the practice he’d had, he was pretty damn good at that part. 
His lips explored, pausing in their travels to capture the other nipple and suckled it lightly, teeth grazing the sensitive nub as hands ran along his lover’s sides, over his hips, and along his thighs only to reverse and do it all over again. Gradually, he snaked his way down lower and lower, a scattered trail of hickeys in his wake and once his journey south brought him to the alluring happy trail that graced his lover’s ‘v’, his tongue once more came out to play.
Jaemys quivered below him, skin prickling with goosebumps when his lover's mouth moved lower. It'd been a long time since he was a bottom, and though he rarely ended up there, he delighted in it. 
The teasing touches all but heightened this sensation, as did the promise of what was to come. Thus, the manacles began to inflate his desire, and frustrate him. 
The locksmith's prick leapt at the nearness, throbbing in its perch. The two bars that ran through it were nearly engulfed by its taut nature, leaving Jaemys groaning on the bed, hips raising in hopes it could touch any faint bit of the man above him.
Hands slid up along his lover's core, fingertips grazing through the hair of Jaemys' chest as Kenai's mouth ventured steadily lower. He danced around the locksmith's aching member to kiss and nibble along his inner thighs, tongue teasing along the hollow of a hip before at last devoting his attention to the other's swollen cock, tongue teasing the weeping head.
The appendage swirled and flicked before teeth grazed the flesh lightly as Kenai settled himself more comfortably between the Musa's legs, a hand resting upon a thigh whilst the other encircled his lover's dick to manipulate it. His tongue flattened along the bottom of the shaft in his hand, running up and down the length of it in languid strokes from base to tip, nibbling the piercings and teasing them with exploratory probes of his tongue. He pressed the tip to his lips, letting it rub as he guided it in a trace of his mouth a moment then he smacked Jaemys' wanting prick against the flat of his tongue before sucking him down with a throaty groan of desire, taking a great deal of pleasure in the act of fellatio.
Every passing morsel felt it was teased into submission and even before his lover's lusty lips managed to grace his prick, it was oozing in excitement. Then the teasing climbed a mountain he wasn't aware could be climbed, the last he'd grazed its peaks so long ago and driven there by a different individual in a different way.
Jaemys' body trembled with tension, his thick brows lifted high on his forehead and the hymn he sung praised Elion with every gasping breath and heady moan.
Kenai relished in pleasuring his older lover, every tease calculated. He suckled greedily, head bobbing upon the rigid shaft that filled his mouth, tongue swirling and rubbing. Each time it seemed to be too much for Jaemys, the young Striker slowed, drawing it all out, an expert in the art of edging. 
He would swap it up, devouring his lovers weeping cock one moment and then lavishing his scrotum and taint the next, licking and nipping shamelessly. As saliva began to pool, Kenai used it to lubricate the prodding of his thumb at the locksmith's entrance, his mouth suckling and teasing the others sack as his hands kneaded his cheeks, doing his best to keep the other just on the edge, all the while his own member ached with want.
And he was more than successful. Several times Jaemys' breaths shook erratically from him, his limbs tensing, only to have the moment stolen away with a pitiful groan. Muscles grew taut, ebbing into relaxation as they trembled with labor.
As for the digit, it was swallowed, greedy hole tightening around it in attempts to pull it further in. Certainly, it's been a long time and it would have its discomforts in trying to fit around Kenai's prick, but the promise of what was to come had his body unwittingly hungry for more. 
Twice he'd reached for his member, only to find the islander shamelessly devouring it, the cool bite of metal relieving against his hot flesh... Dear gods, the man oozed and oozed, tormented by his bondage and his total submission to his partner, and Kenai was proving to ration his mercy so skillfully, he wasn't sure he could take it.
At length, one digit became two, rubbing and scissoring as Kenai picked a choice spot as Jaemys hip to latch onto, suckling kiss punctuated by a bite to leave behind another hickey. With all the build-up between them, Kanai's own arousal demanded more. 
The fighter sat up, taking up a position between the Musa's legs, a hand reaching to stroke he and Jaemys together, shafts taut and hot, their combined nectar more than enough to slick him up thoroughly. With his features flushed, he shifted to prod his eager partner with the head of his dick, biting his lower lip in anxious anticipation. He didn't want to hurt Jaemys with his inexperience.
While all sexual encounters with Kenai had been pleasurable, this one had surely blown his mind. For Jaemys stared with his hazy green-blue eyes, hips raising as cock brushed cock, and furthermore, he actually begged, hips trembling in their torment. 
He was done waiting. 
He wanted it far worse than he ever remembered before.
Kenai had driven him on the brink of his body's capabilities and if relief wouldn't come now... he questioned if it ever would.
If the islander chose to enter now, he'd find little resistance. No matter what his body claimed was too much, it had been teased for too long. That pucker would suck his member down, milking it even before either of them moved any further and even if discomfort was prevalent, it would not take long at all for it to be overtaken with promised pleasure.
A startled gasp caught in Kenai's throat, body tensing at the foreign sensation once the other's body welcomed him wholly, sheathed within velvety heat. "A-ah... Jaemys..." he breathed, leaning over the other to press their bows together gently. 
He pressed his lips to his lover's, a deep kiss to help Jaemys relax although it seemed there was really no need to wait for adjustments. Just feeling the walls pressing in around his cock made it twitch eagerly. "Nygh... sh-should I...?" He struggled to get the question out between his own excited breaths.
Yet his reply was without word. So soon as those lips were near his own, he consumed them, giving more of himself into that kiss than Kenai may never had realized one could. Fingertips caressed jaw, slipping into position where ear settled between thumb and fingers and somewhere in that sweet oblivion his own body began to move, beckoning Kenai to introduce his own rhythms.
A soft moan slipped from his mouth into the others as their kiss encouraged the young Striker to move. Awkwardly at first, his hips rolled forward with hesitance, mind distracted by too many sensations at once, quiet groans shared with his lover. 
As Jaemys poured his pent up lust into their kiss, Kenai began to think less and allowed his body to simply do what was instinctual. Before long, his movements became less clumsy and more fluid, the honed muscles that lined his body flexing with his effort to make this experience a good one for his partner, his breaths becoming heavy pants against the other's lips.
Again momentum built, the rising and falling of his chest heavy. Jaemys waited as long as he could, clutching onto Kenai, legs wrapping tightly against hips, heels in the man's pillowy rear. 
Kenai was privvy to something only one other individual had ever seen, and what words could express it fretfully wouldn't come for some time. Jaemys' chest was near exploding, his manacled hand reaching between them and with but a few more deep dives, a few pumps of his wrist, an ecstasy carved so deeply into his features, a blissful revelation, ripping through his limbs.
Warm seed spit upon his belly, thick and sticky. It graced his tense muscles with all the bucking of a wild mustang. The islander was squeezed hard, milked over and over as he continued and each wave of it left him with another spasm, another throaty groan, insistent tugging that this climax be stretched further and further.
Sweat slicked their bodies as Kenai's sensual moans slipped past his lips in a steady stream, brow now pressed to the others shoulder as his body rocked into Jaemsy in a languid roll of bucking hips. 
As he began to feel Jaemys' body go tense, his lips played along his older lover's jawline, a hand smoothing down his body to pump the locksmith's cock in battle calloused hands, feeling the member tremble in his grasp, his own cock mirroring it with a few twitches of its own. His free hand fisted the pillow beside Jaemys' head as the man's body went rigid and warm seed spilled between them, his name a ghost of a whisper on Kenai's lips.
And now his body began to surrender to its exhaustion, Jaemys limbs going slack even as he urged them to hold longer. His throat was hoarse, but that gaze seemed to tell Kenai to get his own and not stop.
Kenai's lips sought out Jaemys', deep and passionate as his own body began to quiver, impassioned grunts catching in his throat as each thrust brought him closer and closer and when at last it seemed too much, he just let go. His prick pulsated heavily into his partner, muscles flexing with the effort until he was spent, collapsing atop of Jaemys and breathing heavily as his cheek rested against the mans heaving chest, trying to catch his breath.
It was a long time before Jaemys managed to form any words. His body lay comfortable in its flop, his legs still entangled with his lover's, heartbeat slowly losing its maddening pound. 
The first thing that left his lips was the man's name, should he have looked up, he'd witness the ache in those familiar stormy eyes. It was deep, a phantom of loss and fear clinging to its sides, but what remained in those black pupils was a knowledge that the man atop him was one he would in time come to love, if he didn't already.
Sluggishly, hazel blue rose to meet Jaemys', the two lost in the others gazes for a moment before the Striker leaned up to kiss his lover's lips gently, a tenderness I the exchange that was deep. 
Once he was able to regain full motor function of his body, he withdrew from the other and sat up, fingers running back through his hair shakily. "S-sorry...if I hurt you..." he managed between heavy breaths.
As for Jaemys, he didn't move a muscle but lay there a limp doll with only enough energy to watch the other man. His wrists were still shackled, resting lightly above his head which shook slightly.
"You didn't hurt me at all... There was brief discomfort... you temptress..." Jaemys even lacked energy for his laugh, the edging having taken quite a bit out of him.
A small blush darkened Kenai's face as he sheepishly shifted his gaze to the side, a breathy, embarrassed yet worn out chuckle escaping him. "G-good then..." 
His attention gradually shifted towards the shackles that held James prisoner and his expression grew a little uncertain, "Uh... r-right... picks..." he fished for them a little and found them after a moment, looking to Jaemys for further guidance.
Jaemys did little to help and the extent of it brought the shackles to his own chest where it would be easier for Kenai to learn. 
"This is a very easy mechanism... It requires just two tools. One to mock the key and one to turn the lock." His voice was pathetically quiet, hoarse, and hardly a murmur. Kenai had fucked him useless, it had seemed. 
"The one in your left hand should go in the bottom bit, where the flat side of a key would normally go. Position your finger so you can turn it when it's time..."
Kenai couldn't help himself. "Stick my key I your lock...." he snicker-snorted at his pervy little joke, that impish, boyish grin tugging at his lips with humor. 
He laid beside the locksmith, following his directions but even as his hands drew near the iron restraints, his hands began to shake. He had to remember that the hands he saw captive weren't his own and that the environment was a safe one. He took a breath to try and steady himself and tried to focus on the lock, the picks slipping into position after a few tries.
The joke brought a chuckle and Jaemys' hand took one of Kenai's when he saw the hesitation and when the man seemed ready to go on, he explained how the pins in the lock could be manipulated and how once they were set into place, the lock could turn with the help of the other tool.
He was, however, getting drowsy, which was quite noticeable indeed as his limbs had only further melted into the bed and he still hadn't wiped the cum off his stomach.
It took some concentration but before long, there was a slight click and Jaemys was free, an audible sigh of relief on Kenai's lips. Once he got over the biting anxiety the shackles invoked within him and focused, it wasn't as hard as he thought it was going to be to pry the lock open. 
"Heh, I did it..." he murmured, a bit surprised at himself
"You did," Jaemys grinned lazily, lifting his other wrist so Kenai could prove it wasn't a fluke! And when he was free, he lazily dragged a blanket and used its edge to wipe his belly, then his ass. 
Warm enough in the house, he invited Kenai against him. "This kind of lock is an easy one, there are many more complicated and some even with traps built inside that could harm you... so check with me before trying to open things, alright? I'll teach you about all sorts of locks..." 
A huge yawn interrupted him. "... but for right now... think I may fall asleep... And uh... thanks... for tonight, I mean... Been a long time... feels nice once in a while."
Oh, right, the second lock. 
Kenai's brows pinched together as he tried again for the second mechanism and after a few attempts, got the second lock to cooperate and release its prisoner. Placing the picks aside on the bedside table, Kenai looked more relieved that he wouldn't have to have more contact with the iron shackles. 
After cleaning up a bit, he settled beside his lover, peering up at Jaemys as he spoke, his hand smoothing gently over his chest and smooched his cheek lightly, "Happy I wasn't too terrible." He mused. 
"... Night, Jaemys..." he mumbled, nestling in close as the locksmith drifted off.
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
I've survived a lot of things, and I'll probably survive this.
J.D. Salinger
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
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bdo-kenai-kanu · 5 years
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