bd1babey · 4 years
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“The Mandalorian” kept giving me “The Iron Giant” vibes…
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bd1babey · 4 years
Heeey, can you write something for Cal inspired by paper rings by taylor swift, i just think that song is so freaking cute
Pairing: Cal Kestis x Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: I also agree that the song is so freaking cute, hopefully this lives up to it!
Y/N found there was nothing easier than letting herself fall madly in love with Cal Kestis, and it was a beautiful thing he fell just as madly for her.
For a year and a half, they had skirted around each other, letting eyes meet for too long, late night conversations leading to falling asleep beside each other, hands lingering until they intertwined.
And now Y/N got to watch him breath beside her, lulling her into the most peace she had ever felt. He was her piece of heaven in this hell of a universe, the one thing that kept her grounded. She would do anything to stand beside him until the day she died.
She brushed that one pesky piece of hair out of his face. His eyes fluttered open, and he smiled at her.
“Morning, beautiful,” he said softly.
She grinned at him. “Morning.”
He pulled her close to him, burying his face in the crook of her neck, arm tight around her waist. “I love you, you know?”
She chuckled. “I know. You should just marry me already.”
“I was going to get around to it, I just don’t have a ring yet.”
She leaned her forehead against his. “Cal, I’d marry you with a paper ring, you know that right? You don’t have to do anything but be as wonderful as you are right now.”
He pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “Then I’ll get us some paper rings and we’ll be married by tonight.”
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bd1babey · 4 years
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bd1babey · 4 years
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he was a skater boy
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bd1babey · 4 years
Yep, you heard me. I'm mostly talking about five.
For all orignal fics I write, they will now be published on my main, @spideyboipete , where I already have made a bunch of fics. This blog will still be used for reblogging fics, art, and general Star Wars stuff, but anything I do originally will be on my maln! Go ahead and give it a follow if you want them fics!
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bd1babey · 4 years
Requests are open!
Now that I’ve cleared out my inbox in my old blog and decided to make the move (Posting full length fic on the mobile app is a chore I don’t enjoy) it’s time to open requests! 
Characters I’ll write for:
Obi-wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Poe Dameron
Cal Kestis
Han Solo 
Din Djarin
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
and if you don’t see the star wars character of your choice here just ask! 
I’m open to write just about anything. I’ve haven’t had a request that has crossed my limits yet so have fun! (And enjoy this very cute baby yoda gif I found)
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bd1babey · 4 years
Shyyyo bird - Cal Kestis x reader
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“Remind me again, why are we walking through the jungle of Kashyyyk?” You ask Cal as you push a branch away from your face. You love Kashyyyk, but you and Cal have already explored a big part of the planet. That’s why you’re kinda confused right now. Cal only look at you and give you a smile. 
“I told you, it’s a surprise, it won’t be a surprise if i tell you.” You roll your eyes at that but you can’t help but smile. “But I promise, you’ll love it.” He then adds with a smirk.
He takes out his lightsaber and cuts off some branches that’s blocking your way. You can’t help but look at him with a soft smile. He has really grown into his Jedi role, and you couldn’t be prouder of him. He’s been through a lot, but you’ve helped him through it.
After a while the two of you end up at a big tree. He turns to you and smirks.
“Alright, now let’s see if you have the climbing skills you’ve talked about.” He says and chuckles. You playfully hit him on the shoulder, which makes him laugh. He then starts to climb and you climb after him. You’re still confused and curious. What is he up to?
“You’re still not gonna tell me what you’re up to?” You ask him, already knowing the answer. 
“Nope.” He says before he grabs a liana and starts climbing up. You grab it too and starts climbing. Cal looks behind his shoulder, just to make sure you’re doing alright. He smiles and looks up. “We’re almost there.” He says as he climbs up on a big branch. He reaches down his hand and helps you up.
He takes your hand and walks with you to the end of the branch. You gasp as you take a good look at Kashyyyk. From this height, you can see everything, well it feels like that anyway. 
“Wow…it’s so beautiful.” you breathe out. Cal puts his arm around your shoulder, pulling you towards him.
“You haven’t seen nothing yet.” He says, and before you know it, a huge white bird comes flying and lands in front of you. You take a small step back. “It’s okay, it’s a Shyyyo bird.” He walks up to the big bird and pats it on its long neck. “Hey buddy, it’s nice to see you again.” Cal says with a small smile. 
The Shyyyo bird gives away a sound before it lowers its head. Cal turns to you and offers you his hand. 
“Come on, let’s go for a ride.” He says and flashes that smile, the smile that always makes your stomach tingle. You don’t hesitate, you take his hand and the both of you climbs up on the big white bird. 
The Shyyyo birds stretches out its big wings and takes off. The speed makes you squeal and you wrap your arms tightly around Cal’s waist. Cal laughs at your reaction and places one of his hands on your hands. 
The white bird keeps its wings outstretched, floating through the air. You open your eyes and looks out over the beautiful landscape of Kashyyyk. Kashyyyk looks even more beautiful from the sky.
“It’s magical! I’m so glad the Empire didn’t get this part of the planet.” You say as you lean your head on Cal’s back.
“Yeah it really is.” He then takes one of your hands and brings it up to his lips and gives it a soft kiss. You smile and lean up a bit, planting a kiss at the back of Cal’s neck. 
After a while, the Shyyyo bird lands at the place it picket you up. Cal jumps down first and then he stretches out his arms towards you and smirks. You smile and jump down. He catches you before he gives you a quick kiss. He then turns to the Shyyyo bird.
“Thanks for the ride buddy. Take care of yourself alright. We would like to meet you again someday.” The bird gives away a happy sound before it flies away. The wind from its wings ruffles your hair. 
“That was amazing Cal.” you say as you turn in his embrace to look him in the eyes. “Thank you so much.” Cal smiles at you before he cups your cheeks and leans down to give you a long, loving kiss. 
“You’re welcome my love.” He says as he places a piece of your hair behind your hair. He then gives you a warm smile. “I love you so much Y/N.” 
“I love you too Cal.” 
So this was my first Cal Kestis imagine, hope you like it. :)
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bd1babey · 4 years
famous works with titles that are unabashedly stupid but we dont notice because they’re so ingrained in pop culture
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bd1babey · 4 years
Aubrey! Congrats on 600!!! 🥳 I wanted to request a soft / fluffy blurb for Cal Kestis where he and reader allude to or confess feelings for one another? 🥺 Thank you so much ILY 🥰
YES i love him okay (and i love you too ajdksfajfksh). i also love plants ! ! but we all knew that. anyway,
Consider: you’re a mechanic on the Mantis. A mechanic in name, anyway. Really you’re there to do whatever needs done, from repairs to cleaning to the occasional meal. You don’t mind it, though. As long as you’re out of the way of close combat, you’re happy. 
But not everyone on the Mantis has that luxury.
It’s that damn Force user with a glorified glowstick of a saber. 
And it was fine! For a while. You’d work on the ship, he’d go gallivanting around whichever planet you’d landed on, getting into trouble left in right, nearly getting himself killed every other day of the week, and you’d all be back in time for whatever passed for dinner these days. It worked. 
Sometimes he��d come back with a cut on his hand, or a bruise on his cheek. He’s a Jedi, you’d tell yourself. This is what he does. He’d say he was fine; you’d nod. That was the end of it- at least, once you got over the flood of pure relief. 
But there were other days. Bad days. When he’d come back barely conscious with a distinct wobble in his step, and a gash on his forehead as long as your hand. Days when you watered the flowers in the terrarium and hummed to fill the silence, only to drop your pail at the sight of him. 
You’d sit him down, patch him up. Make sure he gets to sleep. Mop up the water. Get back to work. But you can’t. You’re too busy sneaking glances back to the couch where he lay: will he be okay? this wasn’t the last straw, was it? he needs to be more careful. what would we do without him? what would you do without him? no, that’s silly. he’ll be fine. and if he’s not, you’ll get by. unless-
Your brain tortures you like this for hours. Until finally you collapse into your bunk, expecting to sleep off the weight of the day, only to realize: you’re done for. 
Days pass. Weeks pass. You do your repairs. You water your plants. You patch Cal up when necessary. And you keep your mouth shut.
Until one night, when you’re restless. You check your clock. It’s early, not yet 5. But it’s late enough to justify getting to work. So you slip on your overcoat and some shoes, and creep out of your bunk. 
You enter the main room, and almost shriek.
There he is, standing by the terrarium. Still as stone, and silent, too. His eyes, closed as if in sleep, bolt open to stare right into yours.
“Fuck, Cal, you scared me to death.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Wh-what are you doing? It’s 4:30 and you’re... feeling up our plants?”
He blinks as if he doesn’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Then he looks down to where his hand is buried in amidst the little leaves. 
“No, I... uh... it’s not..” He runs a hand down his face; you cant help but wonder whether he’s gotten any sleep tonight. “It’s, uh... a Force property.”
You raise an eyebrow. “A Force property.”
“Yes!” he insists. “I- I can touch something, and see--”
“I know.” You join him at the terrarium. “But... these are plants. What exactly are you supposed to be seeing?”
You’ve never seen Cal blush before, and much less expected to like it. And here he is, just a foot away from you in nothing but the dim light from the terrarium, redder than rouge liqueur. 
“You don’t have to say if you don’t want--”
Your mouth falls open, and his face somehow manages to flush even darker.
“Well, not- not you, exactly, but- but when you water them, and hum, and it’s quiet, it’s... It’s nice,” he finally settles. “Helps me fall asleep, when I can’t...”
You inch closer, just close enough to take his hand that’s still resting atop the foliage. What the hell are you doing? This wasn’t what you signed up for. This is too much, this is-
“You could just ask me to sing to you, you know,” you say quietly. “When it gets bad.”
He looks at you for a long time, with an expression you find downright impossible to read. You’re sure your face is much easier, and he’s a Jedi, no less. This isn’t fair. You shouldn’t have said that, should’ve just gone back to sleep when you had the chance-
“Maybe I will,” he says finally. Before you can respond, you hear an alarm from the other room.
“That’ll be Greez,” you say, desperate to break the tension. “We’d, uh, better get our hands out of his terrarium before he finds out. And you should try and get some sleep.”
“You’re right.” He nods and lets go of your hand to replace the terrarium lid. It was nice, holding his hand. Warm. You’ll have to remember that later-
Before you can finish your thought, he lays his hands on each side of your face and kisses your forehead.
“I’ll talk to you later,” he whispers, “and take you up on that offer.”
You can only nod, frozen in place, as he heads back to his bunk for another hour of sleep.
aubreyreaches600! celebration
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bd1babey · 4 years
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Top Five Star Wars Droids; 01. BD-1
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bd1babey · 5 years
you've said inquisitor! cal x reader is good, you've said cal x inquisitor! reader is good, now I raise you.. inquisitor! cal x inquisitor! reader đź‘€
Oh ho HO what a THOUGHT my friend!! The angst, the drama.... I am VERY MUCH down for this!!!
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bd1babey · 5 years
Sorry for all of the random shit content but also no I’m not sorry
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bd1babey · 5 years
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this is actually what happened tho
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bd1babey · 5 years
god i would hate living in star wars so much, imagine you’re just some poor scrapper trying to make enough to eat and get through life, and suddenly your day is interrupted by a bunch of government officials who can’t figure out a welfare or medical system but have time for cryptid sightings, and suddenly some weirdly hot lady in latex called the thirty eighth Brother’s-Nephew’s-Cousin’s-former roommate is threatening to have you executed because your government doesn’t like somebody’s particular brand of magic tricks only to get into a scrap with some barely legal kid who got y’all into this position and then decides he’s just gonna head out, and meanwhile you’re like great i’m gonna get executed just to maintain the aesthetic,
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bd1babey · 5 years
calquisitor outfit: a concept
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bd1babey · 5 years
Calquistor dresses like a himbo while fem!Calquistor dresses like a normal Inquisitor
fem!calquisitor has about ½ more of a braincell than calquisitor and uses it to know that she should wear only 4-inch heels in combat rather than 6-inch
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bd1babey · 5 years
No one: No one at all: Trilla, hanging onto the side of the Mantis like a bug:
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