bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
send me a ♬ and a number between 1-10 and i’ll put my itunes on shuffle and skip to that number and write a starter with my favorite lyric from that song.
example: if you send me ♬ 7, i’ll put my itunes on shuffle, skip forward seven songs and use my favorite lyric from that song.
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
send me a ♬ and a number between 1-10 and i’ll put my itunes on shuffle and skip to that number and write a starter with my favorite lyric from that song.
example: if you send me ♬ 7, i’ll put my itunes on shuffle, skip forward seven songs and use my favorite lyric from that song.
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
AUTOPLAY ENABLED.                                                                                 ART CREDIT.
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
@bcssbattles approaches !
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      —– ‘ Yo, kid. This may originally be a bar from the Underground, but we’re on the surface now and that means we gotta keep up with the regulations or else the popo will come. Nobody likes those guys, they fuck up everything.       You’re underage, I can’t have you in here. Get out. ‘
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                   ‘ who .. calls it the popo? y’mean the law?’ he’s two clicks from roscoe park; the law makes a second home out of it, preferring to fill quotas for the month with it. she’s seen brother-man  and monster-cats go down alike. she almost wonders if he’d have trouble without her in the bar.
          ‘ n’ anyway .... i don’t want a drink, i’m just -- i just --             i’ll be gone in a second, i just -- need t’hide; these             kids from school - girls - they wanted to jum--nah,             n-nevermind, sorry, mister.  won’ come in here             again. ‘
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
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she’s met monsters before, big and small and -- greater than most dogs around.
he’s not a monster, she thinks. he looks sort of like a squirrel mixed with instagram brand fuckboy.
* act.  * talk.
     * i need you t’find your cool for a second, i’m just -- trying to ask        for the bus stop.
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
Child❦, Youth ❀, Adult ❃, Elder✿
Send a symbol to speak to that age of my muse! Attach a specific ask that pertains to my muse’s history, present, or future: be it canon or headcanon! Be as specific as you want and involve other characters in my muse’s life if you’re gutsy enough!
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
Freak Like Me - Santigold
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
Capricorn Gift & Curse
Gift: You have a way of speaking that some people will understand and others will not. But either way, it keeps you from losing complete self control knowing that you can use your words as weapons. And that sarcasm helps pull in people who like your “no holds bar” personality.
Curse: It’s no secret, sarcasm when used at the wrong time, can cause things to escalate when it doesn’t really have to. Sarcasm can also seem like insensitivity or a lack of understanding due to the “mockery” of what someone else is saying.
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
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Just…give him a moment to compose himself. After all, even he wasn’t expecting that one. ( - He can feel another sneeze, but it never comes. Probably for the best. )
❛ …you alright there, kiddo? ❜
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 she managed to brush the snow from her hair and her shoulders. she pulled a Crabapple from her pocket and took a bite of it, closing her eyes to reassess the situation (because she’s sure if she hadn’t, he would have gotten a tiny fist to the skull ... after some jumping to reach him, of course.)
at least he had the decency to express some form of concern. that filled her with determination.
* .... I’m fine. ( she should do something about that flat tone of voice. ) * .......... bless you.
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
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❛ listen. i’m not trying to say that doesn’t sound cool, but i - i…ahh…❜
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❛ —- ACHOO. ❜
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   *getting home isn’t supposed to be cool, it’s supposed to get me home,     and I was wonderin’ if you had directions to a craft or somethin’ that     co -- ooo-ohwhoahey--!!- - AH.
and down for the count, head first into a snowbank; it was almost like magic.
19/ 20 HP.
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
╳┊┊ ???
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   His smile drooped at the edges and his head nodded forward. He had wrapped his arms around his middle as if to keep himself together or something contained in the empty - and strangely throbbing - encasement of his ribs.
   “’S a silly question. ‘Course I’m fine.” Voice buoyant but wavering, he refused to turn around because that would dislodge the thick, blue tears clinging to the ridges of his eye sockets and show just how poorly he was doing of keeping his emotions in check.
   “I toldja a’ready so just… Quit askin’, yeah?”
ama could be a pest. she’d been aware of this around the age of six, and she learned it had been a trait out of paranoia; one that had to check, double-check, triple-check, annoy, ensure that everyone was going to be okay. no one could figure out why.
she knows when people aren’t fine, chalking it up to multiple nights of her mother crying, her father’s stoic stare at laptops in his study. she knows he isn’t fine because his voice is tight, cracked in different places where it would normally be flippant and low, like he’d be telling a story with you as the hero.
he’s not fine, but she’s asked too many times to count, and she’s afraid of what might happen if she asks again.
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she shrinks into herself and carries on behind him, her eyes staring at the tips of her boots, throat bobbing ungainly in a thick swallow. “... Nane says that ‘I’m fine’ is the biggest lie anyone can tell to themselves ‘cause they know they’re not.” she fiddles with the hem of her jacket, her mouth pulling into a small frown.
“... but, I-I’ve been thinkin’, y’know, about that, and ... Nane says people say it t’lie to themselves one time f’the one time, but she don’t - she doesn’t - make you feel okay with it, and um, I think that’s .. important, you know? I think .. s’possible to lie to yourself when you’re not fine, but .. ... it’s important and good ‘cause .. you’re trying to keep yourself stable.”
she pauses, her voice sounding grating to her own ears. she didn’t talk this much, and she knew why.
“.... however, s’also ... okay to let yourself not be fine too, um .. Nane didn’t say anything about that, either. In fact, nunna my family did; they treat it like it’s a crime to feel or somethin’. It isn’t. If you’re really hurt, you should ... let someone help you, and I think ...”
      that you might be really hurt. 
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
"oh ........ i took your parking spot ..... i-i'm sorry, you must be furious ...... oh noooo..........." bonus: music theory/extracurricular music appreciation pta napstablook
pta napstablook
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
Danny Elfman - Breakfast Machine from the 1991 soundtrack album Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
faded like my relationship with my father
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bcssbattles-blog · 9 years
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              O’ JUDGE; HATH I SINNED?                            HATH I REAPED THE LIVES OF INNOCENT?
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