Live with Passion for a Purpose
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• When you're aligned and centered you turn you fear into freedom your worry into wonder, and your jealousy into joy. . • Live humbly and be conscious of how you spend your energy, money, and time, it will make a world of difference if you stop hiding in your comfort and away from your conflict, and lean in and embrace your fear as your friend. . • Your soul didn't travel all the way to earth to live safe, mediocre, and comfortable live, it came to embrace and experience all of life's beautiful emotions, bad and good ones. . • Your soul came here to explore the earths riches and mountains, valleys and views, and please don't wait till you're too old to explore to figure out that's why you're here in the first place! Please let me know if culture wasn't holding you back what would you be doing who would you be loving and why would you be living!? . • Love y'all and keep making moves and creating magic, we'll all be gone way too soon! #LifeToTheFullest #LoveDoes #MorningJournaling photo:@erinoutdoors (at Kenya)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• Everyday, I hope and I pray I can learn better how to see people hearts and souls before their skin and clothes, their situations and stories before their labels and categories. . • What a life changing week it was on the boarder of Syria and Lebanon within these refugee camps of hundred of thousands families and stories • Not sure words could ever adequately explain this painful, joyful, fearful confusion within these moments. . • Discovering new tears and territories inside my heart, new questions and confusion inside my mind • To put a face, name, and, heart on hundreds of articles read and videos watched, to scrape away the number of millions and hold just one, just for a moment, just to whisper to her how beautiful, brave, and bold she is, how loved, designed, and desired she is. . • From Rim in the purple hijab to Ata in the yellow dress, these girls hold a beauty and light that you can't miss • I'm not too sure what Gods doing in my heart besides pouring gas on a fire and soul to lean into, love, and learn how to see people like He sees them, like daughters, sisters, brothers, and sons, to love without a filter or reason, and fight for them like you'd hope they'd fight for you. . • Let's hope for Soul seeing eyes and killing hatred leading lies • Please pray darkness sees its day and victory is just one Love away, and always remember stories trump statistics • #StoriesOfRefuge #Syria #Lebanon #LoveDoes #LifeToTheFullest (at Syrian Boarder)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• She's an angel working on me since I could remember. . • To have a living example of Love without condition, Grace without reason, and Peace amongst the trials of this world • This warrior shows no weakness, fears no darkness, and lights through all hardness. . • We've been through life's lowest valleys and greatest joys and I wouldn't be able to help people like I get to do now without her and wouldn't even know how to love people without her amazing explains • Thanks Mom for never giving up on me and sacrificing so much, so I may be able to sacrifice for others someday. . • Your love will ripple beyond what you'll ever know! • To all the Angels working on us out here, Happy Mothers Day • Love You All • #MothersDay #dasmybesfren #LoveYouMom
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bcserna · 8 years ago
• Such a blessed and powerful day filled with over 100 moms from Skid Row and 100+ volunteers coming together to share some love, light, beauty, and truth on the meaning of being a mother. . • It was the annual @redeyeinc Mothers day spa day, with free food, manicures, massages, makeovers, haircuts, feet wash, clothes, and of course dance party. . • Live with Radical Love, Courageous faith, and Bold serving hearts and Life will transform from comparing to community and from fear to friendship. . • Hope y'all are having a blessed and meaningful Mother's Day and if you're in LA for Father's Day come hang out with us! #MothersDay #SkidRow #LA #LoveDoes thanks my love @perrygrone for helping me film! (at Skid Row, Los Angeles)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• Where I spend most my time, learning some of life greatest secrets and mysteries. . • Children are not afraid of the future or ashamed of the past • our normal human tendency is to enjoy life, to play, to explore, and to be happy, and to love. . • But life happens as we grow up and we forgot the beauty of why our souls took the joureny to earth to have this human experience and enjoy all of its colors and characters. . • Break your chains to the lies you've been told, and realize the power in the truth you hold, for your child like hunger for life, love, and curious passion is still within you and desires to be revealed before you're too old. . • Take a notes from the kids as they take on life as an adventure with more curiosity and wonder towards others instead of judgement and worry • What would you say you've learned most from kids!? #LifeToTheFullest #LoveDoes PhotoLoveBy:@emily.magers
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• Not a day goes by I don't learn something new about myself, this world, and other people. . • My mind is a hot mess of questions, confusions, ideas and opinions while my heart is a beautiful mess of love, acceptance, pain and peace. . • My goal is for those 2 incredible things to become great friends, to check one another, help one another, and become one another • Anytime I feel a sense hatred, judgement, or negative opinions in my thoughts I go down to check out my hearts thoughts on what I'm thinking and feeling and have a dialogue with the 2, and anytime my hearts breaks from something, I go to my head and ask what can I do about it, and where are my efforts most effective? and how do I turn this feeling into use? . • I think God has an incredible sense of humor and perspective on keeping life engaging, changing, and rearranging in order to bring life meaning, purpose, and excitement • Traveling the world and jumping out of planes is cool and somewhat exciting but traveling within our souls and within others stories and struggles is where life to the fullest is truly found. . • I know it sounds complicated and a lot less exciting but trust me when I say I've brought thousands of people around the world and a handful of people within themselves and I'd choose the second one any day. . • I do love traveling and jumping out and off of things and won't stop anytime soon, but just thought I'd share my personal journeys perspective on which things I enjoy most • You were made for adventures both external and internal you were made for both life's high and lows. . • I love y'all and please keep sharing your stories, journeys, questions, and ideas, and let's create magic and uncover treasures • tag your love tribe and lean into what life's offering • #MorningJournaling #LifeToTheFullest #LoveDoes photoloveby: @erinoutdoors (at Kenya)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
• What do you desire, dream, love, and live for!? . • What brings you in the present moment and away from concern, your phone, your problems, and insecurities!? . • Take it from a kid like me that's never done it for the money, attention, fame, or glory but for God, love, and a much bigger story. . • I love y'all and remember, life is on the other side of your comfort and control, designed from your soul, now take the leap of faith and give God control! Link in my bio to subscribe to my YouTube channel! Tag your dreamers and love tribe! #LifeToTheFullest #LoveDoes (at Love Is Life)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• Moments of affirmation telling you, you are right where you are supposed to be in life right now. . • These are the moments we can breath deeply, rest easy, and live freely!. . • These are the moments we know all choices, bad and good, confusing and painful, disgraceful and graceful all make a little more sense now. . • I pray you find these moments daily, I hope you shine your light proudly so others make be reminded of their story, purpose, and place here in this world. . • I don't know what it takes for you personally to have these moments, but I've found out these moments happen when you live in a place to love others radically, live life internationally, pursue dreams passionately, and listen to others deeply. . • We are all given an assignment, ours souls are sent here from the heavens to bring the heavens, from the spirits to help the spirits, we are only distracted by things and comparisons of this world because we forget our mission, to shine truth, break chains, bring freedom and absorb grace! . • I love you all and please pray this Monday and week looks nothing like your past and everything like your future! Tag your Love Tribe and shine Bright! #MorningJournaling #LoveDoes #LifeToTheFullest #Kenya (at Masai Mara - KENYA)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• It's not everyday you meet the girl of your dreams, so when you do, make sure her dreams come true. . • So I asked some of my Youtube heroes and best friends at @yestheory to help me with a fun full day of random acts of kindness with her favorite things,including, food, people, shopping, and puppies, in hopes to bless her and her roommate all over LA. . • So her roommate, @nicolebalsamophoto got in on it, the kings of random acts of kindness @explorekindness and @brendannorth also helped, and our buddies at @zenlyapp loved the idea and decided to help make the day even better! . • If you like puppies, surprises, suspense, and random acts of Love, Go click the link in my bio and watch the full video of "Girlfriends Best Day Ever!" • And Let me know what you think and if I should of added anything else! Thank you guys and love you All!! #YesTheory #Youtube #ShestheBest (at Venice, California)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• Told my dude Mochi if he didn't share his cute smile I'd give him a wedgie, he must of thought I was kidding. . • A big dream is simultaneously the best feeling and the worst feeling in the world • It’s exhilarating because it’s beyond your ability; it’s frightening for the same exact reason • So if you are going to dream big, you have to manage the emotional tension and confusion • Facing your fears is just the beginning of the battle and journey. . • I used to be made fun of when sharing my dreams with others and would get insecure and nervous • Then realized small dreams only offend a huge God and If you’ve never had a God-sized dream that scared you half to death, then you haven’t really come to life. . • If you’ve never been overwhelmed by the impossibility of your plans, then your God is too small • If your vision isn’t perplexingly impossible, then you need to expand the radiuses of your dreams, hopes, and faith • Life is way to short to play small. . • Love you all and your support, encouragement, and prayers is such a gift and can't wait till I get to meet you all and hear your beautiful stories, challenges, struggles, and passions • What a time to be alive • What are some of your God sized dreams!? Tag your Love Tribe and dream radical things together! #LoveDoes #LifeToTheFulest #MorningJournaling (at សៀម រាប Siem Reap, Cambodia)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• The next definition of a billionaire is not one who has accumulated a billion dollars, but one who has positively affected and impacted the lives of a billion people. . • Where wealth are smiles of Joy, investment is radical love, retirement are memories of purpose, currency is giving of time, and financial freedom is to live free of financial mindset. . • Setting out to make money will leave you unsatisfied and alone, setting out to make meaning will leave you Fulfilled and Driven • Hopefully this will be the new Millionaire and Billionaire goals for future generations. . • Who wants to be a billionaire? • How many lives can we positivity Impact in our Lifetime!? • Go make that change, invest in love and purpose, for it will help keep away the fear and insecurities of who you are not and remind you of why you are here! Love y'all and all of you inspire me daily! #MorningJournaling #LoveDoes #LifeToTheFullest #Kenya #Africa (at Kenya)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• Happy Tuesday Lovely friends! • What if every new day was a treasure hunt? • What if the treasures were; people, moments, stories, and hearts instead of buried gold and diamonds? . • What if when we are meeting new people or seeing old friends we know there is a treasure waiting inside their hearts and all we have to do is dig a little deeper on our intention to discover it! . • People's hearts are indeed treasures filled with gold, love, pain, wisdom, and stories, the only question is are you willing to dig a little deeper, lean a litter closer, and get your hands a little dirty? . • Wait till you see the riches that fill those treasure trunks! You'll never feel poor again! . • I have a group of friends I meet with every Monday night and we dig and converse and reveal our treasures and hearts in hopes of realizing our chances to dig with others throughout the week • Who is you community of treasure hunters and heart converses? How is your hearts health this week? Love y'all and hope you dig and reveal a little more this week • #MorningJournaling #LifeToTheFullest #LoveDoes #Africa
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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Happy #EarthDay from this little cub I caught staring me down from the Maasai Mara, he was probably trying to hunt me while I wasn't lookin! . • For #EarthDay, One of the most important question you can ask yourself is, "If everyone in the world lived exactly like me, would the world be a better or worse place?". . • From the way you think, act, love, recycle, how long you shower, how many clothes you have, from big things to little, would the world be a better or worse place?. . • There is a test you can take online that if you search carbon footprint test and it's pretty fascinating and awakening to realize all actions you take have much bigger reactions! Love y'all hope you all had a great earth day! #Carbonfootprint #HappyEarthDay (at Kenya Massai Mara)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• We would hate if someone told us how our favorite movie, book, or tv show ended, if they shared all the best parts, highlights, and spoiled the climax and romance. . • So why do we try so hard to get all the answers in our own lives? • Why do we seek such unquantifiable false narratives yet, if we were told them it would spoil it all . . • If I told you who your future lover was and when you'd meet them, what would you change about your life? Would you spend less time dating or playing with others hearts? Or if I told you where you'll be in 5 years, you'd lose fire, purpose, drive, and all the magic that makes a life worth living and story worth telling. . • Luckily I don't have those answers for you, but the only answer I think I have is you were made to dive deep into your souls questions and thoughts, confusions and illusions, frustrations and realizations • We enjoy the ending of a movie because the Joureny, trails, pain, and triumphs of the character and adventure of their spirit, and the World is waiting for your character to take their role, play the part, and live their light! . • I have no clue what's next in my life, I'm currently climbing rocks, chasing cheetahs, dreaming big, praying deep, and taking leaps, but I know I count my blessing much more than I count my fears. . • You only grow outside your comfort zone and you were made to grow each day • Life is like a song, the ending is the worst part when you realize you were just supposed to sing and dance through the whole thing • If you knew your story you'd be bummed out and upset, so embrace the unknown and co-create a story you'd read, share, tell, and write about • Love you all and thanks for letting me be a part of your stories and adventures, I read all your messages and they make my heart fight harder, dice deeper, you inspire the hell out of me and can't wait to see what you do next! • #Kenya #Africa #MaasiaMara #LifeToTheFullest #LoveDoes #MorningJournaling PhotoLoveBy:@erinoutdoors • (at Maasai Mara)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• This is Meshack & Philip, our Maasai guides that have become our brothers • Such a blessed and powerful weekend in the bush • Spending Easter in the jungle with this incredible community of Maasai, exploring the Mara, learning about their rich history and culture, dancing, singing, laughing and witnessing Gods beautiful magic within these incredible animals and nature. . • Ubuntu is an African word meaning; "I'am because We Are" the philosophy being that "How can we be happy if others are sad?" we are all connected and intertwined, our stories are one with another • So how do we live with that intention and belief? . • This week has been filled with culture, adventure, meaning, stories, love, and the true spirit of Africa and all it's magic • I can't wait to bring you all here and share this experience with you! Love y'all and thanks for the continued love, support, encouragement, and prayers, may our Ubuntu stories be intertwined with meaning, Hope, and truth • Hope y'all had an incredible Easter! Let me know below if you're interested in coming here with us!#Ubuntu #Africa #Kenya #MaasiaMara PhotoLoveBy:@erinoutdoors (at Maasai Mara)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• We are drowning in information but starving for Wisdom • We've seem to replace wisdom with Google and it's destroying our greatest opportunity of growth, knowledge, and purpose. . • Some of the best advice I could give you would be; The power in listening raises your potential in Loving. . • Any great listener is equipped with the ability to ask great questions • Become extremely well at asking great questions, dig deeper on why people think, feel, or believe a certain way, they aren't wrong, there is a root and past to their view, and the better you can get at questions the better you can understand this human experience we are all on. . • Don't ever stop being curious, don't ever stop digging deep, don't ever stop asking questions like kids ask questions • Sometimes it might be uncomfortable, I still feel that way when I ask certain things but I love that, and it takes boldness and vulnerability, because I promise you, people are waiting for the hard questions and someone to listen and learn. . • Today ask people things like "when's the last time your cried?" Or "what's the hardest thing you're are struggling with at the moment, or being burden by?" Or "what do you wish someone told you growing up?" Or "what's your biggest need right now?" Ect. • be creative, be bold, be loving, and be real • I've learn to do this daily and have grown a ton this past year from it and been inspired by people's honest and open hearts. . • What are some other good questions!? • Love you all and thanks for digging deeper and loving louder • This Kenya trip has been life changing • #MorningJournaling #LifetotheFullest #LoveDoes #Kenya photoloveby:@erinoutdoors (at Nairobi, Kenya)
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bcserna · 8 years ago
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• Some of my crushes from today, Ester, Ann, Julia, Teresiah taught me how to Africa dance and sing! . • @ubuntumade employ 60 women at their facility here in Kenya and their jobs empower them to pay for their kids school, save and invest money, have pride and dignity for their families, and go from surviving to thriving. . • Some women would make $1.50 a month, live in mud huts, had to beg for work and money, and now make over $100 a month, send their kids to school with nice lunches, and live in homes with stone walls. . • My heart is wrecked and inspired from their beauty, perseverance, joy, and faith, these women are the true definition of strength. . • We are in the works with leading a trip out here but if you're free the last week of may We are also heading to gorgeous Guatemala to help schools and underprivileged kids! Link is in my bio if you'd like to join! Thank y'all for the prayers and Love! #Africa #Kenya #Ubuntu #LoveDoes #LifeToTheFullest PhotoBy:@erinoutdoors (at Maai Mahiu)
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