bchavisarts102-03 · 11 months
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Blog #6
This weeks class we had to work on creating items that were similar and compare them to each other by using syntax and semantics. At first, I was struggling with which items I wanted to compare, but eventually I decided to do record players because I think that record players have evolved throughout the years. In this week reading we had to read chapters 16-19. We learned about getting adjusted to a graphic design position, Randy Hunt and other graphic designers discussed how they got into their jobs and what are the best ways to get hired into these graphic design careers. Throughout the chapters, we learned about user experience specialist, geeks and programmers, and making choices. These chapters help connect our mind to our craft by giving advice on design practices and publishing. We delve deep into the understanding the difference between a programmer and graphic designer. Programmers think mathematical, while graphic designers think creatively, but it’s interesting how similar they are, because they are both designing something for technology or for a website. The last chapter gave me good advice on how to make my portfolio and apply for graduate school. The book goes in depth on how a graduate degree benefits you in the graphic design career. The book said that getting more inspiration “is through continuing education”. This statement stuck out to me because I’ve been thinking about going to graduate school for art, but I’ve been having doubts about it but getting advice from this chapter really helped me to try applying to graduate school.
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bchavisarts102-03 · 11 months
Blog post #5
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This is my current drawing for my logos. While working on them, I had difficulties with the design. I wanted to incorporate simplicity, while also giving detail. I managed to figure it out and the turn out of the logos look nice. In the chapter’s we had to read, I learned a lot about how to make a web-logo, typography, and the importance of symmetry in a web design. A couple of things that stuck out to me in the reading was that some graphic designers have small groups so that everybody does the work together. I always thought that graphic designers would work in these big companies with 20 plus employees. I think it’s really cool that graphic designers have a work environment like this because you are able to reach out for help easier. As I continued to read, I was interested to learn the process of making a app. The fact that Nicolas Ledoux and Pascal Bejean had to come up with multiple prototypes to find the perfect logo is crazy. I also learned that in the game design career phone games take about “2 weeks” to complete. It was shocking to read that because I thought they always took longer. I learned alot from this reading and I hope to put the information I learned to good use.
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bchavisarts102-03 · 1 year
Blog Post #4 Oct 12, 2023
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This week we started project 4, in this project we have to create two logos that represent a character in a prominent movie or tv show. I chose to do the move “It” in honor of spooky season. In chapters 11-14 in our reading we learn about understanding change. As we go through the chapters learn about developing formats and discussing ways to solve solutions by doing cross disciplines. We also get to learn about what’s the best way to talk about your work. One that stuck out to me was “Make it Personal” because sometimes I tend to overthink about my work and i sometimes hold back the message I want to convey. As you read you get to learn about the quirks and Interactive media. When we learn about the quirks of being a graphic designer, we get advice from Charles S. Anderson. He discusses about what will attract attention and he goes in detail about how he manages his creative output. We get to learn about the definition of design and how we can connect the viewers with our work. Overall, this reading really opened my eyes about graphic design, and I hope to use these ideas and techniques in my logo project.
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bchavisarts102-03 · 1 year
Blog Post #3
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This week we had to continue working on our GoTV posters. I think this will be my final for my poster because I think it looks really appealing to the eye. I was thinking about adding more things to my poster but I think that would take away the message that I'm trying to convey. In chapter's 6-10 they talk about typography and how its used in eBooks. Paul Baukey says "each book is different and comes with its own characteristics. This quote spoke out to me because as a graphic designer you need to be able to adapt to each clients needs and ideas. The rest of the chapter's focus on design, branding, and illustration. Reading this gave me good advice on how to design and sell a product. I also learned that having a simple design can do wonders when it comes to marketing. I will use this information and apply it to my poster as well.
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bchavisarts102-03 · 1 year
Blog Post #2 ARTS102 Reflection
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This week we had to make an abstract piece using only letters. When I was working on this project I knew that I wanted to think outside of the box and I wanted to create letters within my word. I also wanted my piece to flow and make your eyes move around the letters. Currently I'm working on sketches for my next project. I'm struggling with the designs a little, but hopefully my artist block will subside. Our second reading emphasized the importance of partnerships, rooted in trust. Stuart Rogers and Sam Eckersley said that trust is the best thing you can have with someone. I agree with this statement because not only can you have a positive workspace, but you can also build a bond like no other. The intensity and time of making a type face really surprised me the most in the reading because I didn't know how much detail goes into making a typeface that we can use everyday. Chapter 5 focused on making logos, I was shocked that logos were one of the most vital things to learn and know as a graphic designer. Its important to create a creative logo that makes the audience interested in your business. I will use this reading to help me with my poster project in the weeks to come.
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bchavisarts102-03 · 1 year
Blog #1 September 1, 2023
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This week in class, we had to use AI-generated images and make a 6-word memoir to best represent the two images. In the first image my memoir was "change can be beautiful yet fearful”. I chose this as my memoir because the butterflies highlight how change can be challenging while having this hidden beauty. The second image, my memoir was "beauty lies deep beneath the surface". I made sure the font felt dainty and innocent, making sure the viewer’s eye moves along the image. In our reading, I learned about the ins and outs of being a designer and what companies are looking for in designers. Lynda Decker said, “There is an expectation that technology should make everything very inexpensive”. This quote stood out to me because it shows how demanding graphic design can be and how this career can be challenging, because your client is your main focus .
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