bcbycop · 2 years
what tragic horror character trope are you?
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                                               the werewolf
there's something inside a werewolf that's sharp, thorns and barbs coiling up in tight knots of vine even on their best days. halfway through a conversation, you'll forget your happiness and the pain comes back in a flash. you never meant to, but the sharpness has done harm on your behalf. it's defensive. it's leftover artillery from a battle you spent so long fighting that it still doesn't feel like it's truly over, does it? you want so badly to be soft. to take the hand that you are offered instead of baring your teeth. and it might be hard to believe, but you are soft. you're the softest one out there. it'll just take a while to untangle those vines enough to know that very little is often life-or-death, and not everything touches to hurt.
tagged by @madeofstxrs​
tagging: anyone and everyone who’d like to do this!
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bcbycop · 2 years
@madeofstxrs​ said  “i showed you my mind-games, please respond.” - cheryl
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               “Alright, it’s official: you are the coolest girlfriend ever.”
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bcbycop · 2 years
@madeofstxrs​ said  “i don’t have a strategy, i’m just glitching my way to victory.” - nea
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            The light from the fire played oddly over Ian’s face as he turned his head to look at Nea, a little half-smile crossing his face. “Does anyone have a strategy anymore? I mean like, a real strategy. Beyond just survivin’ one more trial, escapin’ one more killer. At this point, I think we’re all just glitching our way to victory and hopin’ it works.”
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bcbycop · 2 years
send me a 🚼 and a ship I’ll use a doll-maker to design what I think a child between our two muses would look like
(( Good doll-maker resources are at Doll Divine, Rinmaru Games and Azalea’s Dolls but feel free to use your favorite!))
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bcbycop · 2 years
send me ❥ + a kink and i’ll tell you which of my muses…
…would be turned on by it: …would be ambivalent to it: …would be turned off by it:
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bcbycop · 2 years
shit my friends say in dbd.
“nope. nope. nope. nope. nope. nope.”
“[unintelligible screaming]”
“come here little bunny bunny bun bun bun–”
“oh, no thank you!”
“don’t talk about my slippery meat.”
“be our victim, be our victim–”
“[singing offkey] in the arms of the angels!”
“damn, boy, where’d you get that ass?”
“the last person that i saw was ___ and that feels like years ago.”
“come here, my pretty filly!”
“no bully!”
“are you trespassing on pep-pep’s lawn again? fuck you.”
“blood for the blood god.”
“killer no camping.”
“no, pep-pep!”
“i don’t have a strategy, i’m just glitching my way to victory.”
“this baby can get some massive air.”
“spider mommy touched me in all my non-no squares.”
“the only way to win against a clown is to disconnect.”
“___’s playing some 5d chess here.”
“just leave me to die.”
“would you like some lööps?”
“no… no lööps.”
“juked ‘em.”
“hello my big beautiful russian butch wife.”
“you can absolutely kill me, just give me a second to adjust.”
“i’m a mean lesbian! i’m the final boss of the baptist church!”
“i showed you my mind-games, please respond.”
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bcbycop · 2 years
what is the most cursed ship you can think of for my muse?
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bcbycop · 2 years
send ♭ and i will share some lyrics that reflect my character’s thoughts or feelings for yours.
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bcbycop · 2 years
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      {   ooc   /   following or not, feel free to like this post for a one-liner from any of ian’s verses - your pick!   }
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bcbycop · 2 years
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       “Y’know, sometimes I think I attract the weirdest people to me.”
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bcbycop · 2 years
@dustified​ said  « It's sane enough what I'm asking. » //from makkari, via sign lol
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                           “Sane en-- okay, let’s recap this.” Ian runs a hand down his face a moment before pulling it away, turning his full attention to the young woman before him. He keeps his voice even and clear, enunciating every word carefully. “You want me to help you steal the Bat Signal, right? The one from the roof of the station.” As if there was any other Bat Signal in Gotham. “Because you want to collect it?”
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bcbycop · 2 years
agatha christie : and then there were none … sentence starters
“Don’t stare like that!“
“The innocent must not suffer.“
“Uncalled for. Totally uncalled for.”
“Be sure thy sin will find thee out.“
“It’s sane enough what I’m asking.“
“In the midst of life, we are in death.”
“You were soon forgotten nowadays.“
“Fear, what a strange thing fear was…“
“One takes things for granted too much.”
“Do you know this part of the world well?“
“I’m a domestic sort of man. I don’t mind.”
“I have an incurably romantic imagination.”
“But who on earth would do such a thing?”
“Really? How extraordinary… I was so sure.”
“You’re very young. You haven’t got to that, yet.“
“Somehow that doesn’t relieve my mind one bit.”
“Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all.”
“You may get the killer. But I intend to get the girl.“
“This is no time for refusing to look facts in the face.“
“One of us in this very room is, in fact, the murderer.“
“Unpleasant to feel that people were discussing you.”
“Somehow, that was the most frightening thing of all.”
“You had no right to speak to me that way at breakfast!“
“You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.“
“Perhaps we’re dead already and we just don’t realize it.“
“A sign of a clear conscience? Or just a nightcap or two?”
“We’re in hell. And we’re being punished for what we’ve done.“
“It had come about ex­act­ly in the way things hap­pened in books.“
“Well, that will make for some interesting evenings at home, won’t it?“
“There’s no one in the room. There can’t be. You’re imagining things.”
“It’s only in books people carry revolvers around as a matter of course.“
“I have no intention of getting killed. Death is for other people, not for us.“
“I have always felt that innocent should be spared, and the guilty punished.”
“He would like, really, to take a long holiday. But he couldn’t afford to do that.“
“From my earliest youth, I realized that my nature was a mass of contradiction.” 
“That’s peace. Real peace. To come to the end - not to have to go on… Yes, peace.“
“When a man’s neck’s in danger, he doesn’t stop to think too much about sentiment.”
“I don’t know. I don’t know at all. And that’s what’s frightening the life out of me. To have no idea…”
“There are crimes that cannot be brought home to their perpetrators by the usual methods.”
“I always think it’s rather a weakness, to be so affected by something in one’s circumstances.“
“And then, quite suddenly, the solution came to me: I would punish those that the law could not touch!”
“Either I’m embellishing a story for shocking effect, or I’m the only one telling the truth in a room full of liars.“
“I have, let me confess it in all humility, a pitiful human wish that someone should know just how clever I have been.”
“I will thank you to keep your opinions to yourself. Coming from the bottom of a bottle as they do, they are worse than useless.”
“Oh, yes. I’ve no doubt in my own mind that we have been invited here by a madman… probably a dangerous, homicidal lunatic.“
“Try and vary your methods as you will… your tastes, your habits, your attitude of mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions.“
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bcbycop · 2 years
Send anons on relationships you’ve seen my muse in.
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bcbycop · 2 years
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            ─────   “…trust me, not my first time in the area. Just passin’ through, really.” Druig glanced at the outstretched hand. “Not a big hand shaker, sorry. First time I’ve had a welcome wagon in Gotham that hasn’t involved guns or knives.”
               “Fair enough.” It was easy enough to just tuck his hand back away in his pocket. “And yeah, I’m an outlier in the Gotham Welcome Wagon. I prefer a handshake and an offer for food. Figure you make more friends that way, y’know?”
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bcbycop · 2 years
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bcbycop · 2 years
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           put the puppy in a suit tho. . .
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bcbycop · 2 years
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....boy really do be out here looking like a Golden Retriever, tho...
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