July 16th, 2016
I would like to thank all of my loyal readers for sticking around through the first year of my blog post growing it to an amazing 150 monthly readers, I will forever be grateful for all of you and hope for another year of great discoveries and amazing growth.
Since it is the one-year anniversary, we'll start the second year of the blog with this great discovery that's been sent to me through the P.O. box, if you guys find anything or just want to send a gift, my P.O. box information will be found under the about me section. Today's gift has been sent from, John Snow, and it seems to be an original journal from a former member of the Belleview Boulevard Reading Club. If you've been here for a while you would recognize this name as he is the first, on record missing person from BBRD, Kota Blane. If you are new, Kota, was 20 when he went missing and was a part of the Mitledge branch of the club, a loyal member for about 9 years before his sudden disappearance. From the BBRC website, all members are given the current month's book and a journal to keep up with details of the book to bring up during their book club meetings. In past interviews with former members of the club, many also used them as diaries and for other personal uses, which seemed to be very common among the members.
All information pulled from the statements made by his family and people in his community is going to be summed up here before I post the journal pages here. All articles and pictures can be found in the Kota Blane - The Origin tab.
Kota Blane was 20 years old from Mitledge, Wisconsin, and a long-dedicated member of the Belleview Boulevard Reading Club. A fresh graduate from the Mitledge Community College with a degree in Bio-Engineering, statements from his mother seem to show that she didn't approve of his lack of interest in the community and his lack of participation in the church however, his dedication to the BBRC was something she found admirable as he was a member since 2000. Kota went missing on March 30th, 2009, just 18 days after his 20th birthday, his disappearance was ruled as him simply running off as he wasn't too fond of his community. Statements from the people of Mitledge explained that Kota, even as a kid didn't interact with or seemed to like the people of Mitledge as he rarely left the house and often walked with his head down. No statements were given from members of the Mitledge BBRC, which is not surprising as this is the same for all 35 missing members.
Diving into the package from our friend John, it comes with a letter and Kota's journal first I'm going to read the letter.
Dear Valara,
I am a long-time fan, it's been a pleasure seeing you and your blog grow, and with that happy one-year anniversary, I hope to keep reading for many more.
I came across the missing BBRC members' journals, don't ask, if I tell you I'm gonna have to kill ya...jk. But seriously don't ask. 
I hope that these books will help tie together the mystery that's this cult in disguise, I can't wait to see how the cookie crumbles when you figure it out. With your resources and my books we can definitely get to the bottom of this. Anyways hope to read my letter in your blog post. 
                                                                                                        Sincerely, John Snow
Thank you John, for sticking through from the beginning, definitely looking foward to the information we can dig out of these books together. I appreciate your contribution greatly.
Looking at the journal now, it's a yellow customized cover with gold accents and Kota's name in the left corner, it's pretty thick too, about the thickness of a hefty novel right. Opening it, it reads To the Belleview Boulevard Reader Kota Blane, Joined May 25th, 2000, Distributed April 1st, 2000. He was a member from a young age, I didn't even know there were members that young, when you go to the BBRC page to enroll you have to be at least 18, I wonder when they changed the age limit. I'm going to do some research and read through this a bit and with the next post, I'll have some answers, and with that more questions. Thank you all for reading, happy one-year, and see you in the next post!
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Kota Blane's missing person, first missing member of BBRC.
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