bbedublog-blog · 6 years
Hello everyone. this time I made a post to say good bye to you all for now. We came to the end of our  Instructional technology and material design course this semester. Here are my opinions and ideas on the course, taska and what we have learned.
1-What did you most like about the course?
what I liked the most about this course is that it introduced me a whole new way of learning and teaching considering the fact that before receiving this course every lesson I took were taught in very traditional ways.
2- What did you least like about the course?
the thing I liked the least about the course was the responsibility to prepare a new task every week. being used to a system in which I was busy only around and in exam weeks knowing that I was supposed to make something new every week of the semester was kinda hard for me.
3-How does this course contribute to your develoment as a future teacher?
this course surely contributed to the development of my understing of modern way of teaching. I also got familiar with a lot of new tools and apps to use in future.
5-What has been your favourite assignmet? Why?
my favourite assignment since the beginning of this semester was the podcast we made because I think the product you achieve when you create a podcast is the best compared to the effort it requires. 
6-What would be your message to the students who would take this course next year?
my message to the other students who will receive this course is:Try to have fun while youre discovering new things about teaching and pedagogy. Save your blogs to make use of them in future.
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bbedublog-blog · 6 years
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Hey everyone again! In today’s post I would like to introduce you a tool which I presented in my class few weeks ago. Makebeliefcomix is a website that allows it’s users to create their own comic strrips. It is also available in different languages. check here  to visit their website.
It can be used as a extra curricular activity, homework task or a lesson plan in english learning classes. It boosts students creativity as students produce their own comics and its a very suitable tool to teach new vocabulary in an enjoyable way. 
It’s use is very simple and can be learned just by following the pictures I attached on this post. there is also a tutorial available on the website to teach  how to use it.
I can say that I recommend this tool to everyone since it can be adapted to many kind of tasks and has a lot of benefits but I advise to not use makebeliefcomix with advanced learners since it mostly appeals to young learners.
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bbedublog-blog · 6 years
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Last week at school, we learned about digital storytelling and how we can use it with students of english language. My friend Dilara and I decided to create our own fictional digital story.
my friend Dilara used a tool called carnegie library’s storymaker to create pictures for the story then she used windows’ moviemaker to create of our story in which i did the narrating part. you can click here to see our product. 
for my fellow future teachers, I recommend you to use digital storytelling in language learning since it makes learning fun and enjoyable thus encouraging students to use their imagination and creativity
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bbedublog-blog · 7 years
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Hello everyone, this week we tried using http://bookreviewelt.pbworks.com to share our ideas about different books. We had plenty of different examples and in my opinion, it was really contributing to broaden one's mental limits. First, you get to know about book taste of people you see everyday but don't have much time to communicate in real life. It is also encourages you to produce ideas and have opinions on different kind of literal works which is great because you learn to explain your ideas on some form of art work and learn to use the language effectively to be able to express yourself. So it is a gain gain kind of work to do. I recommend it to teachers, future teachers and language learners or basically anyone who is interested.
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bbedublog-blog · 7 years
Hello everyone again. This week’s post is about our first try on podcasting about an interesting idea. Our process with my friend Dilara of creating this podcast was both fun and challenging. Fun because you get to record your voice and get a chance to make a speech about what you find interesting, but also a little challenging because you need to make preparations, search and finally find a quiet place. Nonetheless, I would recommend it to my fellow teachers and future teachers. You should at least give it a try to see how practical it is since it could be listened at anywhere while doing anything.
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bbedublog-blog · 7 years
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Here is the timeline I made to illustrate the process of CALL development in history of education. Timelines are useful when it comes to making presentations of different events since it helps you to put them in order with interesting graphics. If this tool interests you you cant visit here and try to make your own.
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bbedublog-blog · 7 years
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word cloud is a tool for teachears use to make learning  more interesting. here is my word cloud which I prepared about the topic of 21st century learning. If anyone wants to learn about this more, you can visit here, to get more information.
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