baymud · 2 years
Free Bandcamp codes
Hey Tumblr, thanks for the warm welcome! I'd like us to get to know each other better, so here's some free download codes for my two most recent albums! Go here to download:
Put in one of these codes for Tales of Etherspace:
mdur-wtnz gj55-c2v6 yb7g-xczy yawn-ew8f t9jm-uwbm 2yb7-v4s6 atad-gpcy 74na-kn28 vcdg-6mxn 9j4y-y6ae nfsn-76u3
Or grab Is Life In Dreams Are Made Of? with one of these:
4w5s-7euc ch6p-5uax c43b-3pfp csxm-cfen phc9-xafe rchu-e2eu ascx-ucnp hvra-cc3n jbmr-xwdj 7dr5-ewwy m4mf-7scr 9erm-5lsd 37l7-7acc wmsv-57sw
If you like the music and want to leave a review over there, or here, or anywhere, that's very cool! Or just take it and enjoy! No reason to feel guilty, I just want to get it out there and I am not trying to support myself with my musical endeavors.
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baymud · 2 years
Performance clips from the vault
My new EP (out everywhere now) is full of tracks that have been marinading for a long while. The second song, "Dreamt I Was a Private Detective", started out as a submission for an early Deluge compilation (it did not get chosen) before being refined into one of the more popular songs on the EP. Here's an early version being worked out on the Deluge (where it was written and arranged).
Speaking of early versions, the performance video below is from one of Synthstrom's online video festivals during the pandemic, where I first tried out "The Living Bells". The song has evolved a bit since then, but the bones are there.
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baymud · 2 years
New EP On a Brick Speedboat
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My new EP, On a Brick Speedboat, is out now wherever you listen to music. This one has been in the works for a long time, with some tracks haven been initially started as a means of just learning how to use my trusty Synthstrom Deluge way back when (all 5 tracks were created on the Deluge).
Feels good to have these songs out in the wild and the reaction has been great so far, so if you like sprawling electronic bops that don't particularly conform to a sub-genre, give it a listen.
Bandcamp is also great if you feel like throwing some dollars behind the tunes.
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baymud · 2 years
New Tumblr, same noise
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I had a Tumblr years ago for @dogisblue (could use an update, but I'll get there) and seems like some good folks have moved back here as social media options are in flux lately, so here I am.
If we haven't run into each other before, I'm Bay Mud, an electronic musician from Canada working predominantly with hardware synths and, more often than not, my trusty Synthstrom Deluge.
Coming from a guitar background, I've been drawn to electronic music as a means of breaking away from the precious folk songwriting I'm used to, and to justify a ridiculous gear addiction.
More to come soon, but in the meantime you can find my music on all the usual platforms, including Bandcamp.
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