bayleystan234 · 7 months
Damage Ctrl hijack Candice LeRae’s interview and attack The Poison Pixie.
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In a mischievous and sinister plan put together by Bayley. Damage Ctrl had a Big Time Candice lerae problem that they take care. Damage ctrl saw Candice as a Cockroach they need to squash it Candice with some tissue and flush her down the toilet and make sure she completely stayed out of there Business for good.
Cathy Kelly : "Candice thank you for joining me Tonight
Cathy Kelly : "You have quite the impact Since making Monday night raw debut.
Cathy Kelly : " Is there any you expect In coming back to wwe
Candice : " I didn't know what to expect
Candice : "I one minute I'm competing in NXT
Candice : "The next My husband and I are stepping back and expanding our family
Candice : "All of a sudden We're back on raw like.
Candice : "Like I guess If I had to say I knew anything it was That this was
Candice : "Gonna Be a challenge for me
Candice : "I've had So much support form the Superstars like Alexa bliss Asuka and Bianca
Bayley walks in a Shouts
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Bayley "BOO Bianca Belair sucks.
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Bayley : "I got this Cathy thank you
Bayley : "Thanks for stepping in I'm gonna do the interview now
Bayley : "Relax We just got a couple of questions to ask you.
Bayley : First one Who cares
Bayley : Because we don’t see asuka & Alexa Here to listen to your sob story anymore
Bayley : we put them on all self
Bayley : "Just we did to Becky Lynch
Bayley : Yeah you’re welcome ( laugh)
Bayley : I mean we know what we want
Bayley : And did you watch smack down Where iyo & Dakota took care of Raquel and shotiz
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Candice : what is this is what are you trying to prove?
Candice : what you are in control of the women division, is that
Candice : the only thing you prove to me is
Candice : Iyo is still untrustworthy
Candice Dakota Is spiteful
Candice : And Bayley You’re still not the raw women’s champion
Bayley : "Yet, All right if you think we are in control right now
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Bayley : "You better look around you Because I don't see any friends here to help you
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To make the very very intense confrontation a little bit of uncomfortable for Bayley with the Swiftness knock the camera thats filming the confrontation over and shouted.
Bayley : GET OUT HERE .
Damage Ctrl then attack Candice and gave her a 3 on 1 beating in there eyes Candice rightfully Deserved. Bayley then order Dakota and Iyo to find a chair and place Candice in it. While Dakota and iyo doing that. Bayley looked around the room they were in for some supplies she going use on Candice. Bayley opened up a Equipment case and found a brand new role of duct tape Bayley grew a sinister grew a smirk on her face because she had something planned. and a crisp clean white Rag Bayley grab the rag and tucked it into her back pocket lets just say that Bayley was going use the Rag to make sure Candice's calls for help stayed muffled.
Bayley then return to were Dakota and iyo keeping Candice. To prevent Candice from escaping Dakota and iyo held Candice in place by her arms.
Bayley the upicked the roll of duct tape and Stretched it out to very long length and started to say.
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Bayley : "Sigh poor poor sweet Innocent Candice All of this could have prevented if you didn't stick your stupid little pixie nose in Damage Ctrl Business. Candice 3 of us see you for what you truly are a gross disease filled little Cockroach. As I tape you up just think of it as me grabbing a clean tissue and Squishing you with it then flushing you down the toilet to get rid. Candice you Brought this on yourself.
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Bayley : "I just want you to know that this Situation doesn't end well you Now Hold still you stupid little Idiot.
Bayley then proceeded to wrap Candice lerae's upper body in duct tape and finish off Bayley wrap Candice's ankle together with duct tape. Bayley then tossed the of duct tape to the side and the said to Candice.
Bayley : "I think its time I put you down for long nice nap Dakota and iyo good keep Guard I want a little more private time with Candice.
After Dakota and iyo left Bayley pulled out her rag and a clear bottle of a clear Liquid that seemed more potent than any energy drink Bayley ever had. Bayley Uncorked bottle and a pungent odor wafted through the air, causing her to scrunch up her face in disgust. "Ugh, , what ever stuff this? It stinks!" she exclaimed, trying to maintain her composure despite the foul smell. Bayley then completely soaked the rag in the clear liquid.
Bayley approached Candice With the potent Rag and said to Candice.
Bayley : "Like I told you earlier if you think we are in control right now You better look around you Because I don't see any friends here to help you and also its time for me to get my hands dirty. Sweet dreams, darling
Bayley then pressed pressed the drowsy-soaked rag against her Candice's face. The effects were almost immediate, Candice started to become very very drowsy and went unconscious. Before leaving Bayley notice that the camera she knock over was still filming Bayley picked up the camera and started talking into it.
Bayley : "Hello WWE Universe its Bayley leader of most Dominant trio Damage Ctrl In WWE and I want to tell of you stupid little snot nose idiots Damage Ctrl sees you guys as nothing more than gross disease filled disgusting Cockroaches and we to Squash you with a tissue and flush you clowns down the toilet.
To hammer the point home Bayley grab a clean tissue form nearby and completely covered the camera with it. Bayley then let out her Signature cackle as the segment fade to black.
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A little later Bayley was in the ring with lyo and Dakota getting ready for her Bianca Belair. Damage Ctrl were very pleased with themselves for stunt they pulled earlier in the night.
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bayleystan234 · 7 months
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bayleystan234 · 8 months
Bayley Gives a Candice lerae a shave ( part 2 )
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A few hours after knocking out Candice lerae arrived at her secret destination witch was a barber shop she Purchased. Bayley grabbed Candice tossed her over her shoulder and took her inside.
After getting everything set up and getting Candice strap into a barber's chair Bayley waiting for Candice to wake up.
About an hour later
Candice finally woke up and Bayley said to her
Candice : "Um Happened 🤕"
Bayley : "you us be wondering Candice
Bayley : "Bayley what did you do to me,Why did you you kidnap me
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Bayley : "I put a few Drops of Chloroform on to a Towel and knocked you out with it. And brought you here to this barber shop
Bayley : "Where are my manners let me introduce myself I'm Bayley the barber
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Bayley "I'm going to be your personal Barber this afternoon".
Bayley : "Lets get started let me start by putting a hot Towel on your face to open up your pours.
Bayley covered up Candice lerae's face with a hot towel.
Bayley : "While towel rests on your face I will get the shaving cream started.
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Bayley grab a bowl and put some shaving cream inside of it mixed it up.
Bayley : "Lets go ahead and remove the hot towel and get you Lathered up in Shaving cream.
Bayley completely covered up Candice's face in shaving cream..
Bayley put the bowl of shaving cream down and a shaving towel and her razor. Bayley tossed the shaving towel over her shoulder. And said to Candice.
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Bayley : "Just sit back and relax and let the your role model give you the greatest shave ever had.
About 5 minutes later
Bayley's shaving towel that was resting on her shoulder was completely covered up in shaving cream.
Bayley "Let me grab a clean towel and wipe the rest of shaving cream off your face then apply some after shave then show off the finished product.
Bayley grabbed a clean towel and wipe Candice's face then applied some after shave.
Bayley: "Now time to show off the finished product
Bayley : "I presented to you the new and improved candice lerae.
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Candice : "WOW Bayley you did amazing
Bayley : "I'm very flatter after all I'm the best barber in San Jose
Candice : "how come you don't tell any of girls in the locker room about you being a barber
Bayley : "Because they don't anyone of knowning about it
Bayley : "And if you tell them you're done for.
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Bayley : "Here's whats going to happened. I'm going to drug you then I'm going wrapped in some bubble wrap and mail you back Florida and you going to remember nothing happened here to today.
Bayley grabbed a clean White towel and put a few drops of Chloroform on to the towel.
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Bayley : "ever since you came you back everything has gone perfect for you
Bayley : " let me tell you from experience that
Bayley : " This little fairy tale run of yours
Bayley : "doesn't end well
Bayley : "Sleep tight Mommy Candice I'm not really sorry drugging you.
Bayley Proceeded to Cover Candice's face with the chloroform towel.
Bayley then starts to maniacally Laugh as grabs her bubble wrap
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A few days Candice arrived back in Florida
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bayleystan234 · 8 months
Bayley Gives a Candice lerae a shave ( part 1)
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Bayley decided that She was going to hijack Candice lerae's sit down interview with Cathy Kelly. But first Bayley needed a Towel She was going to pour some Chloroform on to and knock Candice out with it.
Cathy Kelly : "Candice thank you for joining me Tonight
Cathy Kelly : "You have quite the impact Since making Monday night raw debut.
Cathy Kelly : " Is there any you expect In coming back to wwe
Candice : " I didn't know what to expect
Candice : "I one minute I'm competing in NXT
Candice : "The next My husband and I are stepping back and expanding our family
Candice : "All of a sudden We're back on raw like.
Candice : "Like I guess If I had to say I knew anything it was That this was
Candice : "Gonna Be a challenge for me
Candice : "I've had So much support form the Superstars like Alexa bliss Asuka and Bianca.
Bayley walks in a Shouts ( with the Chloroform towel Hang out the back of her pants)
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Bayley "BOO Bianca Belair sucks
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Bayley : "I got this Cathy thank you
Bayley : "Thanks for stepping in I'm gonna do the interview now
Bayley : "Relax We just got a couple of questions to ask you.
Bayley : First one Who cares
Bayley : Because we don’t see asuka & Alexa Here to listen to your sob story anymore
Bayley : we put them on all self
Bayley : "Just we did to Becky Lynch
Bayley : Yeah you’re welcome ( laugh)
Bayley : I mean we know what we want
Bayley : And did you watch smack down Where iyo & Dakota took care of Raquel and shotiz
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Candice : what is this is what are you trying to prove?
Candice : what you are in control of the women division, is that
Candice : the only thing you prove to me is
Candice : Iyo is still untrustworthy
Candice Dakota Is spiteful
Candice : And Bayley You’re still not the raw women’s champion
Bayley : "Yet, All right if you think we are in control right now
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Bayley : "You better look around you Because I don't see any friends here to help you.
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Bayley : GET OUT HERE.
The only thing The knock down camera could pick up before cutting black was Bayley shouting & Candice made muffled sounds.
Candice : "MMPH MMPH"
A little later on Bayley was very pleased with herself and give Candice that beating. Candice was laying down in Bayley's backseat.
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bayleystan234 · 9 months
Damage Ctrl hijack Candice LeRae’s interview and attack The Poison Pixie ( uncut version.
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Bayley decided that Damage ctrl was going to hijack Candice lerae's sit down interview with Cathy Kelly. But first Bayley Grab a Rag and laced It with some Chloroform and stuff it into back pants pocket and had it hanging out.
Cathy Kelly : "Candice thank you for joining me Tonight
Cathy Kelly : "You have quite the impact Since making Monday night raw debut.
Cathy Kelly : " Is there any you expect In coming back to wwe
Candice : " I didn't know what to expect
Candice : "I one minute I'm competing in NXT
Candice : "The next My husband and I are stepping back and expanding our family
Candice : "All of a sudden We're back on raw like.
Candice : "Like I guess If I had to say I knew anything it was That this was
Candice : "Gonna Be a challenge for me
Candice : "I've had So much support form the Superstars like Alexa bliss Asuka and Bianca
Bayley walks in a Shouts
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Bayley "BOO Bianca Belair sucks
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Bayley : "I got this Cathy thank you
Bayley : "Thanks for stepping in I'm gonna do the interview now
Bayley : "Relax We just got a couple of questions to ask you.
Bayley : First one Who cares
Bayley : Because we don’t see asuka & Alexa Here to listen to your sob story anymore
Bayley : we put them on all self
Bayley : "Just we did to Becky Lynch
Bayley : Yeah you’re welcome ( laugh)
Bayley : I mean we know what we want
Bayley : And did you watch smack down Where iyo & Dakota took care of Raquel and shotiz
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Candice : what is this is what are you trying to prove?
Candice : what you are in control of the women division, is that
Candice : the only thing you prove to me is
Candice : Iyo is still untrustworthy
Candice Dakota Is spiteful
Candice : And Bayley You’re still not the raw women’s champion
Bayley : "Yet, All right if you think we are in control right now
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Bayley : "You better look around you Because I don't see any friends here to help you
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Bayley : GET OUT HERE.
The only thing The knock down camera could pick up before cutting black was Bayley shouting
Bayley : "HOLD STILL CANDICE ( Bayley proceed to smother Candice with the chloroform rag.
Later on that night while Bayley was in the ring waiting for Bianca to come out Damage Ctrl was very Pleased with themselves with the beating they gave Candice earlier.
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bayleystan234 · 9 months
Very Sexy
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bayleystan234 · 9 months
Payback is a Bitch.
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A week after Money in the bank Bayley was very upsetting about Shotiz almost coasting her Damage CTRL running mate iyo mitb briefcase. So Bayley decided that Damage ctrl was going give shotiz a little bit of payback.
after a match we cut Backstage to a camera man was watching Damage ctrl for a far going over there plan give shotiz payback. The camera man couldn't Quite Pick it up But Bayley looked like she had a Black Wash Cloth hanging out from the back Of long black leather pants.
Cut back to Commentary Cole seemed a little bit concerned for shotiz but Corey did not.
A few segments later
We come back from commercial and Camera man was filming shotiz going through her bags thats when Damage Ctrl walk in.
Iyo and Dakota were standing next to Bayley.
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Shotiz started to get defensive thats when Bayley told her.
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Bayley : "Whoa there Shotiz Just Relax.
Shotiz : "What do you three want?
Bayley : "We came here to lay down a few ground rules and ask you a few questions.
Bayley : "That stunt you tried to pull at money in the bank was uncalled for.
Shotiz : "I have gotten away with if it Wasn't for you or if your one legged friend over here didn't hit me with her Crunch iyo doesn't deserve Mitb.
(Dakota was wearing a brace during this )
Bayley : "first off Keep Dakota and iyo's names out of your mouth you GOT IT
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Bayley : "Second the only thing this locker room deserves is the beatings that Damage ctrl has given them.
Bayley : "Its a laundry list of women that we have put on the self.
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Bayley : "Shotiz Damage ctrl is going to make you our next victim.
Bayley : "Ladies why don't you go ahead a Barricade the door so no can get in.
Dakota and iyo did just that.
Bayley : "Don't even try anything dumb you stupid idiot.
Bayley pulled out The Black Wash Cloth ( she had laced with some ether earlier on in the episode). that she had hanging for the back of her long back pants.
Bayley : Dakota and iyo when I give the ok I want you two to take care of our camera man friend here I don't want anyone seeing a thing. because things are about to get real messy.
Bayley : "Shotiz payback is a bitch, hope you this doesn't end well for you are we get done with you are probably going to join all these our stupid idiot on self.
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Bayley : "NOW"
Dakota proceeded to push the camera man to the ground.
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While Dakota was doing that. Bayley leap at shotiz and covered up her mouth the black wash cloth.
The camera was down on the ground laying on it's side.
Bayley : 'HOLD STILL ( She told shotiz
Bayley :"GARB ME A PARE OF CLIPPERS ( she told Dakota)
Buzzing sounds And the sight of Shotiz green flying up into frame was only thing the camera picked up.
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Before fading to black all three members started laugh Like Lunatics.
A few segments later after last match. Damage ctrl came out
Dakota and iyo were holding a unconscious Shotiz by the arms who had a a towel over head. Bayley had a microphone in here hand.
Bayley : "Damage ctrl isn't to be messed with any of you stupid idiots in the locker room want get involved with our business you will end up just like shotiz.
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Bayley remove the towel to reveal that shotiz entire head was completely buzzed and here long green hair was gone.
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The Crowd rained down boos as Damage ctrl stood tall over Shotiz who was still unconscious form ether Bayley gave her. Bayley started Laughing like crazy and Covered up the camera that zoomed in on her hand the camera glitch out and the show ended.
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bayleystan234 · 9 months
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bayleystan234 · 11 months
Bayley gets revenge on Bianca
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Bianca Belair Was the first guest on Bayley's new talk show ding dong hello Bianca completely embarrassed Bayley on her new talk show. Bayley decided to get some revenge.
A hour later
Bianca was in the locker room getting to leave Bayley stop her. And said Hey Bianca can we talk.
Bayley : "Bianca you are beautiful sexy and confident and future of this division but right now you need to show role model some respect.
Bayley went a grabbed a White towel for one of the lockers then she pulled out a small spary bottle out of her pocket and sparyed something on to the towel.
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Bayley : "Let me tell you from experience
Bayley : "this little fairy tale run of yours
Bayley : "Doesn't end well.
Bayley : "lets be perfectly honest this conversation we are having doesn't end well for you either
Bayley then Covered Blanca's mouth with the White Towel and bianca passed out. Bayley then put her hand over Bianca's face.
Hours later
Bianica woke in hotel room completely sweaty and with a headache. Bianca saw a note sitting on her Luggage that read
Respect your role model Babygirl.
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bayleystan234 · 11 months
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bayleystan234 · 11 months
Bayley the Barber😈
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Bayley hated the smell of Shotzi's hair it stunk so she decided she was going to cutting all off.
Bayley came up with plan on how to shotzi ready for her haircut. She was going knock her out by drugging her laced Rag. After Telling iyo to go home for the night. Bayley went to her car grabbed her bottle of chloroform and a Rag next Bayley went go find shotzi.
Mean while
Shotiz was hanging out in her locker room Bayley then enter. Shotiz then said.
Shotiz : "What do you Bayley"
Bayley : "where are my manners Ding Dong hello.
Bayley : "I'm her to take care of your stupid green hair
( Bayley beings to prepare Her Rag with chloroform)
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Bayley : This Doesn't end well for you Shotiz.
Bayley : "I can't help but noticed this security camera on wall over here let me just cover it up because things are about get very uncomfortable for you
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Bayley covered up the camera with her hand to distort any Of the footage.
Bayley then got right in fornt of shotiz to block her view and covered her mouth with the Rag. The sweet smell coming from the Rag invaded shotiz nose and she passed out. After knocking shotiz out Bayley carried shotiz off to a different room.
A hour later
Bayley had shotiz strapped into a chair. Bayley held some smelling salt she held under shotiz's nose in order to wake her up.
Bayley : "Ding Dong hello you stupid idiot.
Shotiz : "Bayley what did you do to m "MMPH MMPH"
Bayley : "Well I just covered your mouth with some Duct tape you big down idiot"
Bayley : "Keep your mouth shut let me give a haircut.
Bayley grabbed a pear of scissors and began cutting shotiz's hair
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Bayley cut off a good chunk of shotiz hair after cutting it off Bayley smelled it and said.
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Bayley : "Phew Shotiz that stinks do you ever wash your hair.
Bayley then grabbed an electric Razor and told shotiz.
Bayley : "Shotiz I want you to personally call me Bayley the Barber"
Bayley gave her evil grin and shaved the rest of her hair off
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Bayley : "Now with you being completely bald your hair won't stink up the locker room anymore.
Bayley : "But lets be perfectly honest no one will be see you or your new look because Shotiz you will be laid up in a hospital bed. Because I'm going to give beating you rightfully deserve.
Bayley covered up a camera with her hand
A day later it was reported that
Shotiz was going to be out of action for a lot time and get a unknown injury.
While Shoitz was in hospital she received a card. The card said.
To Shotiz
Respect Your Role model
Sincerely : Bayley
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bayleystan234 · 1 year
Bayley gives Candice the cloth 😈
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Bayley had a Candice lerae problem and she was going take care. Bayley came up with a Devious Plan. her plan was that she would hide behind the door of the locker room once Candice enter Bayley would then cover her mouth with a Chloroform soaked Towel and knock her out. and wrap her up in duct tape.
Bayley arrived at area to execute her devious plan. Bayley pack her bottle of Chloroform and duct tape into a Duffel Bag. Bayley didn't bring a towel with her because she always like the ones the company would bring to tv. Bayley Flew by the Trainers Room to grab a few white towels. After Bayley arrived back to the locker room she took Out her chloroform and being soaking the towel. After getting her towel ready Bayley hid behind the door and waited for Candice to arrive Bayley new this devious plan was going work.
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A hour later
Candice arrived. As Candice was putting her bags down Bayley closed and locked the locker room door. And said to Candice
Bayley : "Ding Dong Hello Candice
Candice : "um hi Bayley why did you close and lock the door?
Bayley : " because I'm going to have a little chat with you.
Candice started getting nervous and little concerned.
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Bayley : "ever since you came you back everything has gone perfect for you
Bayley : " let me tell you from experience that
Bayley : " This little fairy tale run of yours
Bayley : "doesn't end well
Bayley : "Lets be perfectly honest here Candice you have no friends here to help you and this conversation of yours is going to become very foggy and you won't remember of it.
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Bayley : "that camera hang up in corner of the room I'm just going cover it up to just make sure no witnesses see the beating and nasty things I'm about to do to you.
Bayley walk over to camera and covered up her hand.
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"COME HERE" Bayley would say
Bayley Pulled out her Towel Covered Candice's mouth with it. Bayley wrapped hers big arms Candice's torso in order keep from leaving. The strong smell coming from the towel and Bayley's strength were to much for Candice and she passed out. Bayley gently lowered Candice to the ground and removed the towel from her face.
Bayley went and grab her rolls of duct tape and began wrapping Candice up.
About 15 minutes go By
Bayley has completely finished wrapping Candice up in duct tape her head was only part of her body showing.
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Bayley grabbed some smelling salt under Candice's nose in order to wake her up.
Bayley : "ding dong hello
Bayley being getting soaking a Rag in chloroform.
Bayley :"Don't even start asking any questions Candice.because I'm doing all the talking
Bayley : "I have to one thing say to you. You stupid little pixie I want you to respect your Role Model Now hush!
Bayley covered Candice's mouth with the Rag.
After knocking out Candice again Bayley found empty equipment case and placed Candice inside. Bayley being pondering the idea of using Chloroform during matches as a way of cheating.
Bayley went back to the locker room to get cleaned up she episode of ding dong hello to host.
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bayleystan234 · 1 year
Bayley The barber😈
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One night at a Smackdown tv taping Shotzi was waking back to her after a match. All of a sudden A hooded figure started following her to her locker room the hooded was far back enough so the camera man and shotiz wouldn't noticed. Shotiz entered her locker room. Before hooded figure enter they Pulled out a White Cloth and sparyed something onto then the hooded figure pushed the camera away and said in deep voice "this is about get messy look away"
The hooded finger enter shotiz's locker room . shotiz was Startled and she said "You are who why are MMPH MMPH" The Hooded figure covered shotiz's mouth with the White cloth and she passed out.
A hour later
Shotiz woke up in a dark room and she was wondering why she was in barber's chair all of a sudden the lights in the room turned on and shotiz was very surprised you appeared out of the Shadows it was Bayley. Shotiz then said
"I am not surprised of course it was you Bayley"
Bayley : " Of course it was Me you stupid idiot I was the Hooded figure who knocked you out HA HA HA"
Shotiz : "how come I am in this barber's chair?
Bayley : "the reason I have you in that chair is because I'm going to give a haircut.
Bayley: "Lets first with Your hair Extensions "
Bayley grabbed a pair of Scissors and cut out all of shotiz's hair extensions
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Next Bayley grabbed Electric Razor and gave Shotiz a evil grin and said "Shotiz just call me Bayley the barber.
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Bayley shaved the rest of shotiz hair off her head making her bald. "Prefect" Bayley would then say.
Bayley : "Shotiz you look perfect bald. I had fun giving a haircut but let's be prefect honest this conversation we are having is probably something you are going to forget about.
Bayley walks over to her table and picks up a white towel
Bayley :" Everything that happens to you after this going to be very foggy DING DONG HELLO"
Bayley Covered Shotiz's Mouth with a white towel
Hours Later
Shotiz woke up in her Hotel Room Completely bald she saw A note sitting on night stand the note that read
"You can call Always me Bayley The Barber 😈
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bayleystan234 · 1 year
Bayley gives Candice leRae the Cloth
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Bayley had Candice lerae problem and she a plan on to take care of she was going to a free Disney sign on the door of the locker room Candice would then enter and that's when Bayley would strike her Chloroform Rag.
after Bayley Arrived at the arena she grabbed her bag that was filled with her bottle of Chloroform her sign that she made a Roll of red wrapping paper and Bow. Luckily Bayley for nobody else was around so she had a time to everything set. But first Bayley needed to stop the Custodian closet and grabbed a few things. After arrived Bayley grabbed a spary bottle to pour her Chloroform into and grabbed a few Rags to use.
After pouring her Chloroform into the spary and setting up her wrapping paper Bayley made sure to keep it hidden so Candice wouldn't see it. Bayley then grabbed her sign a taped on fornt of the locker room door and waited for Candice to arrive.
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A hour later
Candice arrived she noticed the free Disney sign on the door walked. After she walked in she didn't see any free stuff that's Bayley closed and locked the door and said to Candice
Bayley : "Hello Candice
Candice : "um Bayley way did you close and lock the door?
Bayley : " I have a few things to say to you and I don't won't anyone bugging us.
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Bayley : "let me tell you from experience
Bayley : "This magical little fairy tale you are currently on
Bayley :"Doesn't end well for you
(Bayley picks up her Rag and spray bottle and sprays her Rag)
Bayley : "either does chat of ours.
Candice nervously says
Candice: "WA what are going to do to me?
Bayley: "Going to drug you with this Rag that's laced with Chloroform". Now Hold still.
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Bayley Put the Rag over Candice's mouth and Nose. Bayley wrap her arms around her Candice's torso so she move. After Candice let out so heavy deep breathes she passed out. Bayley gently lowered Candice to the floor and removed the Rag form her face.
Bayley then notice a Security camera in corner of the locker room Bayley went stood on top of the desk that was in the locker room. Bayley looked right into it laughed and covered it up with her hand.
A hour later
Bayley held some smelling salt under Candice's nose and woke her up.
Bayley : " Ding Dong hello. I see that your final awake.
Candice : " unite me Bayley
Bayley : "I don't think I will
Bayley : " I am how ever to wrap you up I want you to hold still and let Borrow your finger.
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( Wrapping paper noises)
Bayley completely wrapped up Candice's body she was just finishing up tying the Bow.
Bayley : " It's been fun messing with you Candice but it's time for you to go night night
Bayley pulled out a white handkerchief and turned off the lights in the locker
(maniacally Laughter)
Hours later Candice woke up in her bed room completely wrapped up in wrapping paper form head to out. She noticed tag on the wrapping paper that said.
To: Candice
Form : Your Role model Bayley.
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bayleystan234 · 1 year
Bayley puts Bianca Belair in her place
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Today Bayley is going to teach Bianca Belair about respect and put her in place.
Smackdown ( May 14th 2021) Michael Cole starts the show by telling fans
Cole: "Right now we are going to show the full backstage interview between Bayley and Bianca the ending maybe disturbing to some
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Bayley : " You What Bianca?
Bayley : " when I see you out there waving your stupid ponytail and waking around with your shiny Sequins craving attention
Bayley : "it feels like I'm looking into the mirror of my own past.
Bayley : " and let me tell you from experience
Bayley : " that this little fairy tale title reign of yours
Bayley : " doesn't end well
Bayley : "and this Sunday I'm going to make sure it ends for good.
Bayley : " And you think Sunday is going to dangerous Right now I'm going to give a preview of I'm going to do to You
Bayley : " GET Out Here Camera Man ( Bayley knocks the camera man over )
(Bayley Laughs )
Fade to Black
A hour later
Bayley and Bianca are in a empty Room and Bayley has Bianca tied to a chair With Rope and is using one of her T shirts as Bianca's Gag
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Bianca starts Waking Up She starts makes a muffled noise
Bianica : " MMPH MMPH
Bayley : " you Are finally awake Ding dong Hello ( Bayley laughs )
Bayley : " There's no need to scream or make noise you big dumb idiot we are so far deep into the area no one will hear you.
Bayley : " The Reason you are like this is because back during our interview I knock you out cold with a chair.
Bayley : " then I brought you to this empty Room and tied you up and Gagged you
Bayley : " Now let's get down to Business with our match happening on Sunday I'm going make you weak and vulnerable by putting you in your place you sheep.
Bayley : " On this table next to me I have some supplies that are going help me with this project
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Bayley : " Lets start by getting rid of all that stupid makeup on your face.
Bayley grabs the packet of makeup wipes and starts wiping Bianca's face
Bayley : "Hold Still you Big dumb idiot
Bayley : "Now that your makeup is gone I'm going to spray paint Bayley is your Role model all over you.
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Bayley grabs a can of black spary paint and starts spary painting Bianca
Bayley : " Stay still stop moving I'm almost done
Bayley : " now that you have a tattoo of me now it's time give you a haircut.
Bayley grabs a pair of Scissors and walks behind Bianca starts cutting her hair she cuts a good chunk of it.
(Bayley laughs)
Bayley : "Perfect now its time to show everyone your new look.
Bayley : "And the Only way to do that is By me Drugging you.
Bayley : " you got a little scared there there's no need to afraid the drug I'm going to give isn't harmful the you take is by breathing into a Rag.
Bayley picks up the Chloroform bottle and White Rag form and soaks in chloroform
While soaking
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Bayley : " This Sunday your fairy tale title reign of yours
Bayley : " Doesn't end well
Bayley : "Now Sit still And Let Drug you with this Rag
Bayley puts the Rag over Bianca's face
Bianca Belair: "MMPH MMPH"
Now with Bianca out cold Bayley unties her puts her over her shoulder and carries her out to the area
Bayley enters with Bianca's limp body and dumps her in the ring and holds up the smackdown women's championship.
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bayleystan234 · 1 year
Bayley gives Candice lerae a good time
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Bayley always had a crush on Candice lerae she wanted get In bed with her . recently Candice just became single and Bayley got word of it. so Bayley started coming with plan on to get Candice into bed with her.
Bayley's plan was she going disguise herself as janitor and drug Candice. So Bayley started doing some research on to do it. While do that came across Chloroform she read up on it and watched some old movie scenes of women being chloroformed. She quickly ordered some and a janitors costume along side a fake Mustache and name tag . Next Bayley need to figure out what cloth to use she didn't really have any Good ones so she quickly ran the store bot a pack wash Rags. After her chloroform arrived Bayley pack up all supplies and headed out area to Execute her plan.
Bayley arrived at Area. Before Bayley got everything set up. she needed fined and cleaning cart as to not look Suspicious when Snuck into Candice Lerae's locker room. Bayley notice one a quickly Grabbed it a long side with her supplies and went into a empty room to get charge and get Her Chloroform Rag ready.
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Bayley change into janitors costume and put on her fake mustache and name tag. Bayley then fold up Her Rag and pour a lot Chloroform onto it She Needed to keep Candice knock out for a long time. After getting It ready. Bayley put the Rag into pocket and headed out to Candice's locker room. After arrived at Candice's locker room Bayley knock on ththe door put on a deep voice and said
Bayley :" Cleaning Service
Candice " Come in
Bayley pushed the cart in a pulled out her Chloroform Rag walked over to Candice and said
Bayley "Our Evening is About start Candice smell this
Candice " Smell Wa MMPH MMPH"
Candice tried Fighting it but smell and Bayley's Strength were to much and she pass out.
Before pick up Candice Bayley notice some cameras and need to cover Them up.
Bayley covered them up by putting her hand over them and unplugged them to delete footage of chloroforming Candice. After do that Bayley pick up Candice and her Chloroform Rag and took Candice's limp body to her car and put her in trunk and drove back her house.
After arrived back her house Bayley took Candice up stairs to her bedroom and strip off all of her clothes and tuck her into the blankets. Next Bayley downstairs to Garage grabbed and roll of wrapping paper and bow and a camera and try pod. Then she went back upstairs and changed into black turtle neck and silver leggings. After changing Bayley set up her camera and try pod then waited for Candice to wake up.
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Candice finally woke up Bayley was sitting in chair waiting for her
Candice :" Were I'm i"?
Bayley " you currently laying in bed
Candice ": how it get here
Bayley :" it a simple story I Drugged you Candice.
Candice :" why?
Bayley " Because I want to have sex with you
Candice ???
Bayley :" I will take that as a yes. Before get started I'm going to wrap you up can i Borrow finger for a second?
( Wrapping Paper Noise)
Bayley :" Hold still you big dumb idiot
A couple minutes
Bayley :" Perfect now really Fun can begin
Bayley strip down hit record on her camera and got to work
after 15 minutes of passionate sex
Bayley was covered in Candice's cum went she went to the bathroom and got cleaned up. she then grabbed her bottle of chloroform and clean Rag and went back to her bedroom
Bayley :" That was fun Candice now its time for me to drug you again I'm just going To cover up my camera because this could get messy.
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Bayley puts the Rag over Candice's mouth the sound she can only make was
After Drugging Candice again Bayley slap a piece of duct tape over Candice's mouth and took her back to car and laid her back seat and drove her back to her house
After dropping off Candice Bayley drove back to her place.
Candice woke up the next wondering why she duct tape over her mouth?
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bayleystan234 · 1 year
Bayley and Iyo sky give shotiz a makeover.
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Bayley and iyo were backstage Celebrating Bayley's victory shotiz. Then shotiz came a confronted them little do she was in for rude awakening.
Bayley : thanks for help iyo
Iyo : "your welcome"
Bayley : " shotiz didn't see it coming
Bayley :" tomorrow The rest of those big dumb idiots won't see it coming either. After we win a mitb damage ctrl will have biggest celebration of time
HEY ( Shotiz walks into frame)
Shotiz :" What the Hell was that Bayley iyo you guys Coast me a spot in mitb
Bayley " Boo woo
Shotiz :" I'm going to go talk to Adam Pearce to get this fix.
Bayley :" Shotiz you big dumb idiot you won't be talking or seeing anybody for a long time
(Bayley turns to the Camera and says )
Bayley :" This about to get Really Nasty " ( Bayley puts Hand over the camera)
Bayley :" GET HER
With View of the camera Completely Cover The Following things happening
Bayley :" Iyo Pick her Up and put her on the table and Hand me those Scissors we are going to her a Damage Ctrl Makeover
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Bayley proceed to Cut lock of Shotiz's hair
Bayley :" HOW Does that Feel shotiz here have some Makeup to
Bayley pats shotiz's face with a makeup pad
With Shotiz still moving around Bayley says to iyo
Bayley :"IYO quickly Hand That Rag behind I Have a Something that will keep her down for the count.
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Bayley proceeded to pour a clear liquid onto the Rag.
Bayley :" Hold Still for Me you Big dumb idiot ( Bayley puts the Rag over shotiz's mouth
After Applying Pressure Shotiz was out cold
Bayley :" That will teach her lesson on not to mess with Damage Ctrl lets go iyo our work here is done. ( Bayley Cackles)
Cut to black
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