this friday i spent three hours of my life watching robert pattinson play some depressed dude that has some serious trauma and a shit ton of money, staring endlessly with his virgin eyes at the woman he loves. might be having a déjà vu.
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Hey I just followed you and I was wondering how the BatFamily would React to their s/o being shorter then them?
I think everyone will enjoy that. I don’t see any of them having a problem.
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What would the bat family ( if it's to much just do the boys please!) preafrences be for their S/O
I will talk about personality types, because I think they wouldn’t really care for the way their significant other looks like. I’m using neutral gender pronouns in this post!!
Bruce would need a person who would stay. There were too many people who left him behind and went in a better place (I’m talking about death). A s/o who likes children would be really good too, because, let’s be serious, Bruce has so many kids.
I don’t know why, but Dick would love to have a s/o who would call him “Richard”, when he is embarrassing them or just when they talk to each other (you don’t even know how much the sound of “Richard” is pleasing me).
Hmmm… I thought for a while, and I know that Jason would think that a s/o would be too good for him and a relationship with him will end bad for them. He needs someone who would give it all to be with him and wouldn’t give up on him, someone who would say “FUCK YOU, JASON PETER FUCKING TODD, I WOULDN’T LEAVE YOU!! HOW DARE YOU TO THINK THAT I AM TOO GOOD FOR YOU?! JERK, YOU ARE THE ONE TOO GOOD FOR ME!!!”. Yes, can you fell the love tonight?
Tim needs a person who would seriously take care of him; he doesn’t get enough sleep and he can’t sleep in the kitchen. A s/o who would feed him while he is working on his laptop (dunno, with marshmallows or something like that) will be his soul mate. 
Damian will fall in love with a caring and kind person, someone who will understand him and love animals just like him!! Just imagine Dami and his s/o, having a lots of animals and treating them like their children. Ah, it is just too sweet for my heart. 
Babs would like someone who can talk openly to her, to be really good friends or know each other for a long time. I’m not sure that she will date someone who met like, 3 days ago. 
Stephanie would need someone who could have fun experiences. Probably, she would like an introvert person. 
Cassandra is pretty clingy. She would love to be with someone who enjoys her need for attention. If her s/o is pretty sportive, Cass would like to train with them and learn them self defense.
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❝ It’s only the end if you want it to be. ❞
    — Stephanie Brown
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I don’t trust people who only care about the Batboys and always ignore the Batladies.
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Nice.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Can you write some headcanons for the batgirls? o((*^▽^*))o
Of course Anon! (*^∀゚)ъ 
Barbara Gordon:●  Babs is really good at cooking, especially at spaghetti.●  Even if she cooks well, she sometimes eats just instant food, cause it’s not easy to hack a bad guy’s computer and fucking handle the mess from a kitchen at the same time.● When she is watching TV, Dick often joins her. He usually puts his head on her lap and she fucking loves to play with his hair.
Cassandra Cain:●  Cass looks like a chill girl, but if someone beats her at a video game, she’s gonna get mad, bro!●  She played Arkham Knight with Dick, Jason and Damian.●  After she works out, Cass enjoys a cold shower, but when she is ready to go to sleep, our sweet black bat really loves a hot one!
Stephanie Brown:●  When the boys start to argue about who was the best Robin, she just grabs some popcorn and watch them with a face like ‘bitch, please B|’.●  In her old Robin days, her hair was a fucking mess! Now she is really taking care of it, being careful about the products she is using.●  Her favourite ice cream flavour is banana, but she doesn’t mind the others, with some colourful sprinkles on them! Adding some fruits would be perfect.
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how do you think the batboys will react if their female s/o comes back home with a puppy?
Awww, this is a really sweet one! Thanks for the question Anon! o(≧∇≦o)
Dick is a dog-person, it will be love at first sight. He will help his s/o with the puppy. They will take care of it with so much love! When the puppy becomes a dog, maybe Dick will take him on a patrol, if he is trained enough.
Jason was ready to tell his s/o that she doesn’t have enough time to take care of it and he can’t help her, but when he saw the pure eyes of the puppy, he couldn’t help himself. Jay started to play with him. I think the puppy started to become more his, than her. He is a sucker for dogs.
It was a really big surprise for Tim to see his s/o with a lovely puppy in her arms. He wanted to know why she haven’t told him before that she wished a dog, because he could be prepared with everything. Even with that, Timmy helps her!
Damian gave the puppy a death glare, but when the little creature licked his cheek, his face became bright red and his expression softer. He accepted the petite dog. When his s/o is busy, he will take it for a walk.
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Let’s sin together!
Heeeello everyone! I have seen that there are not so many batfamily blogs and I decided to make one, just for fun. Feel free to send requests for scenarios, headcanons, preferences. I can write nsfw too, I’m not afraid to sin from time to time.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
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