Title: Smile Artist: Ookami Wakana Source: Persona 3 Portable Dear Girls Comic Anthology Story / Chapter: 12 (Final) Synopsis: After Shinji’s death, FeMC/Minako is trying hard to keep smiling. But she can’t even summon her Personas anymore. Credits: maboroshi-no (scanlation), angevon (proofreading)
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#Inktober 2018 Week 1 Compilation.
This year I decided to use Inktober to create designs for my personal project: Tankhead. Set in an alternate universe where World War II did not end and just carried on forever, the war machines evolved from vehicles of wheels to colossal walking titans of steel. A majority of the designs are inspired by actual WW2 vehicles so see if you can spot them!
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“She turned us into fucking killers!”
Another Spec Ops: The Line / Madoka Magica crossover commission, of the white phosphorus scene. The scene is supposed to be a gut punch to players or something but my reaction was to laugh and laugh and laugh… I’m a terrible person.
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I finally finished this!! This drawing literally took me 1.5 years to finish…just that I drew and outlined in March 2020 and finished…ummm right now XD cough anyways this is based on the Isekai Quartet first season ending song where they have a tea party XD can’t wait for more isekai Quartet next year!!!
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Inspired by this post from @jpdesenhador .
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What about the scene where Tanya had to pose for recruiting? But since she's a boy the dress would probably be different, am I right *wink* ?
"Loneliness and despair, lasting an eternity..."
"Hello! I'm Tanya Degurechaff, the White Silver!"
I hope this met your expectations! I went for what I could find that young boys in the 40s used to wear.
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Honest Review of the Upotte Manga and Anime (spoilers!)
I'm going to be reviewing the Upotte Manga and Anime in a short and simple way so I won't waste energy typing out why the goddamn manga is better than the anime.
Let's start with the anime. The anime is... Meh at best. The gun jokes are alright but the pacing is just weird. It starts off friendly enough and then you get to a mock battle, and then end off with an attack from another school. The ending of the anime feels very rushed and stupid with FNC (our protagonist) sayings "oh yeah if you don't get shot by another human you won't die lol" which is a stupid excuse to not put Genkoku (I'm calling him this until we reach the manga) in a hospital again after a direct shot in the heart. The OVA isn't that great either. It's just fucking fanservice for fucks sake.
The art style of the anime is serviceable, I guess. But when bundled with an anime that has little to no pacing at all, I don't think I would recommend watching the anime to be honest as it's only 10 episodes and you can burn through it in a day. And yes, I know it's supposed to be "slice of life" but the change in pacing doesn't excuse that, at all. The ending also feels like a cliffhanger screaming "HEY WE'RE MAKING A SEASON 2 LOL" that will never come.
But the manga, on the other hand, fucking rocks. They introduce new characters and show the rivalry between the SMGs and Assault Rifles (something I don't think the anime has done before) and expands the rivaling school (Akagane)'s story and intentions throughout the series. Plus it also shows that Genkoku is a descendant of John Moses fucking Browning (which is why he's really good with rifles) but unfortunately. The manga does have it's flaws that hinder me from giving it a 10/10
One of those flaws being fanservice in the middle of an action arc. Like at (what I presume to be) the last arc, they would sometimes switch from "oh shit the girls are fighting Akagane" to "hey look the girls are having a scuffle at Akagane in an ONSEN" which I know would give us information about what happened to the other "incapacitated" characters but I would like to see the action please
also boobs
there's boobs
I know someone is going to say "BUT BASKET!!!!! THE ANIME IS TRYING TO STAY TRUE TO THE MANGA MAYBE THE AUTHOR INTENDED THAT!!!!" and while that's a compelling argument, I would think that the anime should also try expanding on something like giving little hints to what Akagane's true intentions are, or who Genkoku even is.
Assuming the "reveal" was out after the anime aired
Anyways I guess this is the end of the review.
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Do some Upotte fans out there
What's so interesting about the bottle opener to the point where you want to fuck her
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