basicallyiplaygames · 7 years
— TEAM 6
Follow me on Instagram for MORE edits! @/sugakwon :)
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basicallyiplaygames · 7 years
hey yall, it’s me ya boi annalirious or better known as sugakwon on Instagram! did y'all miss me? no? ok. cool.
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basicallyiplaygames · 7 years
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Finally finished up with this incomplete doodle! Enjoy :)
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
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for the engels (u-u )
exclusive to our group, no touchy plz :>
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
Still a goofball! ^-^ - thanks for 150+ losers ♡
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
Cartoonz: Ohm. Me and you are matchin’ a little bit Ohm: Yeah! We gotta combine our- Cartoonz: Ey you wanna go to prom? Ohm: Uuuuuhhhhh *sheepish voice* I already said yes to Bryce… Cartoonz: WHAT?! Ohm: Yup. Cartoonz: BRYCE. Bryce: WHAT’D I DO?! Delirious: Jump him when he’s in the bathroom! Bryce: I’M A WOMAN
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
IAmWildcat cx
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I made this thing, tag who you are, I’m delirious and Lui!
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
The Banana Bus Squad Vocab
Banana Bus - A large driveable bus the resembles a banana also the name of a squad of idoitic nerds that we love dearly
Donezo - The moment you finish a person
itsyaboi - to get a titty d*ck load of speed to propel ones self off diagonal plane in order to achieve “BIG AIR B*TCH” whilest screaming “ITSYABOIIIIIIII!”
Sciooscr - Daithi De Nogla’s version of scissors
Moentrooem - Daithi De Nogla’s version of “Mowing through them”
Sciosccs - Another version of Daithi De Nogla’s scissors
Puncake - A land mine like circular object by I Am Wildcat
Los Puncackes - Spanish for more than one puncake
Mashotgun - Another version of shotgun said by random in Black ops 2 now used by I Am Wildcat
Machine Mistols - Another version of machine pistols said by random now used by I Am Wildcat
Degreeses - BasicallyIDoWrk’s word for multiple degrees
Operation HOG - C4 is attached to the back of Ohmwrecker and he goes in for a sciucide kill
First Try - Said when you complete something NOT on the first try
Zip Zop Boopity Bop - A random saying that can be said at random times for random reasons
Kawaawii - Daithi De Nogla’s version of kawaii
Cocktus - A penis shaped cactus
lil can - little can said in a dumb voice when a can is seen
Keep er going - To keep something going (well duh)
Technique - Said when you need to something with determination
Snookered - (Is an actual word might I add) To subject ones self or opponent in a difficult situation
Pack A Poonch - the Pack A Punch from Call of Duty: Zombies 
Fart Sniffing Formation - when everyone is hiding by laying down in a row sniffing each others butts
Big White Easter Egg - The moon in GTA V
Wop - A panic word for Mini Ladd
Knees weak arms spaghetti - said when things are getting intense
Zomies - Kids word for zombies
Half-Bodies - a zombie crawler
Munkee - a monkey grenade in World at War: Zombies
The Tradition - After each mission in GTA V you kill Daithi De Nogla
Get er Going -  to get something going
Hemlet - A helmet from GTA
Kapooya - sound effect used in videos and an airline service
Streme Spoats - Variation of extreme sports
Moontage - It’s a montage
Hoodini - When something magical happens
Pablo - Mini Ladds creepy Spanish guy
Kwyrentine - Quarantine Nogla edition 
Bindlings - Daithi’s version of buildings 
Daithi De Planet - A planet that can support life but is mostly filled with zombies
Dats a toilet - A youtube channel that finds toilets in games or said when a toilet is found
Jukes of Hazard - To juke someone by tricking them and getting away from being caught
Stepulater - A ladder
Troople Kill - Getting a triple kill on storm stroopers
Wamborghini - A Lamborghini
Knowledge - When you read lots of books and own a Wamborghini 
Wallop - When a lifeless body hits a wall
Just a Prank - When you do something and it was most definitely not a prank
Darth Knight - Darth Vader
Bobby Buffet - Boba Fett
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
—electric feel + vine: annalirious
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Tyler: Shut up!
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
 he dun lost it.   (x)
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
Vine: annalirious
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
Vanoss: Why are you laughing so hard?
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
PinkLadd to Baldy ;)
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
Why isn’t there BBS Sweetest moments blog?
Most of their sweetest moments are like twitter like when Mini was like “I couldn’t get this far without you guys :’)” and Daithi, H2O and Basically was like “Awwww” 
or when Lui wore his friends shirts. 
Or when Vanoss released his shirt and Daithi was like “Gonna buy alot for myself :D”
Or just the thought when Cartoonz went to H2O’s house and showed H2Os Play button but not one picture showed H2O’s face (& respecting his privacy). 
Also when they were playing a Zombies game (Im not sure which one). Vanoss effed up and he was like “It was my fault sorry :(” and Daithi was like “Its okay man :D”. 
Or in Moo’s Zetsubou No Shima video with Basically and Daithi, Moo had a time of his life and said “I’m really happy right now”.
And when in GTA 5 videos, When Everyone was like goofing around, Vanoss was like “These are my friends people…” Or during the Valentines day DLC, Moo was wearing a mask with a long nose and he was like “Guess where I like to stick this ;)” And Wildcat laughed whilst saying “God, my friends are weird”
And just flat out caring for each other.
I never seen a group of entertainers that has a genuine friendship as  theirs :’)
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
Hi all!
Just thought id address something which has been popping up a lot. Long story short, there is no such thing as the BBS as we are not a group. The Vanoss Crew doesnt exist because labelling someone as a leader is wrong when a group isnt there to begin with. I dont even play with Vanoss anymore and I hate being labelled under someone. I am me. I make my own videos and enjoy myself! My channel is Mini Ladd, not ‘a friend of Vanoss’ and i wont lie, its a HUGE reason I dont play with him anymore. I want to be known as Mini, not an associate. Lemme put it in perspective. You have a group of friends at school lets say. You all hang out but people label you after one person. How does that make you feel? Worthless right? Thats how I feel and its a big reason I went solo and will continue to be solo into the future. Sorry for the rant but it gets on my nerves a lot. I am not in BBS. I am not in the Vanoss crew. I am me. I want to play and record with everyone and not be limited to a few people. Im here to have fun more than anything. I hope you can respect this. If you could spead this message if people dont see this, it would be appreciated.
Thank you, Craig/Mini Ladd
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basicallyiplaygames · 8 years
Del: Am I, Am I the mother or something?
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