consider this: wheelchairs should be free
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Is it just me or is this comment insanely funny
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that's cool bro. what're you doing to grow the radical feminist movement though? are you reading, writing, sharing feminist literature? are you regularly engaging with media through a feminist lens, and talking to your friends and relatives and baristas and professors about it? are you actively supporting the women in your life? oh.... no, you just spend all your time blogging about how much you hate trans people? I see.
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I’m gonna need a usamerican to explain this to me
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(Or medical transition services)
Here’s the difference between abortion and transition. If an under-18 girl doesn’t get an abortion, she now has a child she is required to raise for the next 20 years, OR has a traumatic experience giving up a child for adoption. And because of her young age, she’s at much higher risk of severe complications during the pregnancy as well as death in childbirth. She’ll have a significantly harder time finishing high school or graduating college, and there’s a much higher likelihood she’ll live the rest of her life in poverty.
If an under-18 doesn’t get medical transition services? They just wait til 18 to get a double mastectomy instead of getting one at 16. It’s actually easier for surgeons to preform vaginoplasties on male bodies because theres more skin to work with, because puberty wouldn’t have been blocked and the penis would have developed properly.
These politicians are wrapping these services together like they’re the same, and they’re fucking not.
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Can you list some of the things that JKR has done to help and support women?
you mean besides starting a female-only centre for rape victims?
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men have done it again. ai pornstar. a 'woman' called claudia with an onlyfans with photos, and a reddit account and other social media to promote it. writing posts, posting nudes. and it's not real, it's all ai generated. meaning that it is creating nude photos using the data from nude photos of women all over the internet. and claudia's not the only one, there's already a bunch. what in the holy patriarchal sexual nightmare.
not to mention that men can use the ai to create extremely horrible and unthinkable porn that one can't do to real women without it being a crime. bestiality, pedophilia, snuff, torture, etc. this is gonna fuck men's brain and society up even more. i think this is by FAR the worst thing that has been done with ai so far.
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Imagine if male genitals were treated like female genitals? Like testicles weren’t even referred to as testicles and some men didn’t even know what they were actually called and the general area was just called “penis”.
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“Real men protect, which means real men must have the power to protect, which means real men must have the right to tell women what to do. All this talk is a cover for a simple, ugly fact: Women and children don’t need to be protected by men—they need to be protected from men. This talk of protection should be seen for what it is: A protection racket. One man or group of men promises to protect women and children from other men. And to do that, these good men must have the power to protect, which means the power to control.”
—Robert Jensen, Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity. (2001).
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there is really nothing "artistic" about putting foundation on your face to even out your skin tone, concealer under your eyes to hide your natural colouring, black gunk on your eyelashes to make them look longer, etc. and you cannot convince me there is anything creative about trying to make yourself look the exact same as anyone else. if you want to put bright red glitter on your eyelids that's your business but we all know that very few people are doing extravagant makeup looks on a daily basis. the vast majority of makeup is about ridding yourself of all imperfections and looking the same as everyone else, often at the expense of your skin, eyes, money, and time.
makeup is fundamentally about preying on women's insecurities and convincing us that our natural faces are not good enough. why don't the vast majority of men want to participate in this fun artistic practice? why are their bare faces considered acceptable at formal events, job interviews, workplaces, auditions, etc.? there is something inherently demeaning about the fact that an entire sex is expected to paint their faces to be deemed societally acceptable. men have convinced us that our natural faces are too ugly and offensive to be seen without a coat of paint on. it is insulting, demeaning, and the furthest possible thing from empowering.
and the other thing is that wearing makeup does not exist in a vacuum. when you buy another $50 foundation, you are lining the pockets of men who have built careers of off women's insecurities. when you fret about "putting on your face" before leaving the house, your daughters, nieces, cousins, friends, etc. all see that and internalize those messages as well. they are learning that their faces are also too offensive to be seen in public, and they will in turn teach that message to the women in their lives.
the rise of social media is the biggest evidence of this: for the first time, girls as young as 10 and 11 are buying and wearing makeup to school. and not only are they wearing makeup, they are GOOD at makeup. they have barely hit puberty but they've internalized everything they see online that tells them their bare faces are not good enough.
i'm tired of pretending this isn't insulting. our looks are not the most important thing women have to offer.
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The number of times I come across comments like this. "I'm due to give birth soon and preparing weeks of meals in advance (cos the husband can't do anything)". How aren't women single mothers.... can you imagine a man researching, planning and creating frozen meals for you for weeks in advance even tho he was literally creating a child for the two of you???
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Masterpost of Anti Porn Masterposts
Anti porn masterpost
Negative effects of pornography
Another anti porn masterpost
Porn star testimonies
Addition: another masterpost
Addiction: another another masterpost lol
Porn addiction help
Science on porn data base
Porn myth busting
Porn and Homicide
Prostitution masterpost
Unconditioning from kink
Let me know if any links don’t work.
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Tell me again how it’s “empowering.”
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Truck Stop Girls Source: NYT Magazine
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So you agree? It's offensive to identify into an oppressed group and pretend you have the same experiences
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