basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
Some things I need to talk about @ the first three chapters of The Ship of the Dead
Ā First of all can I say iTā€™S ALL SO PERFECT??? OMG??? LIKE
- Percy and Magnusā€™s lowkey like rivalry (kind of)??? Their interactions are just so G O L D E N you know?? Like Percy getting annoyed w/ Magnus and vice versa ahh I love it already <3 aLSO CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT PERCY IN GENERAL
- Percy trying to be serious when teaching Magnus how to like dive
- wait magnus got chomped by a shark
- ā€¦.poor mango baby already needs a break smh
- aLEX FREAKING FIERRO THO. SUPPORTING MAGNUS. AND THEYā€™RE TOTALLY BROS LIKE?? Omg Iā€™m going to be honest,, even though I shipped fierrochase I wasnā€™t like freaking out about it becoming canon (even though I knew that would be super cute) bUT NOW GUYS,, OMGGG THEY NEED TO HAVE MORE MOMENTS KJDFNDJSKFBSDJFBSDFKLJSIL also Alexā€™s Latino //sobs// #LatinoPride yES BUT WHY ARE WE JUST NOW FIGURING THIS OUT RICK LIKE ALEX CAN SPEAK SPANISH jhsdbjhsdbfjsdbhjVHGJ THANK YOU JESUS
- also I was SHOOKETH SM WHENEVER THEY BROUGHT UP PERCYā€™S SISTER I WAS LIKE JKBDJHBSDJFS OMG REALLY???? AHHHH (idk if it was mentioned in toa,, if so,, i wouldnt have know because i havenā€™t read it ;-;)
- I still believe in the Bianca-got-reincarnated-as-Percyā€™s-sister headcanon wholeheartedly like i need more Estelle ish in future Riordan books (but pls Rick donā€™t frick up her life too)
- Annabeth calling MagnusĀ ā€œcuzā€ saved my life tbh
- guess jacktide is canon now lmao gods why this became kind of canon but not blitzstone yet,, smh youā€™re letting me down ricky boi no blitzstone is basically cnaon fight me
- Alex called Percy Seaweed Brain. Hell yes, I need more
- Magnus freaking thinking about Annabethā€™s future with Percy and knowing heā€™d be guilty for it ending due to Ragnarok is FREAKING BEAUTIFUL AND SAD OMG??
- so many unexpected feels from these small chapters, my gods
- jack you canā€™t flirt just stop
- Alex is happy,, repeat, , Alex seems so happy and chill <3 we are blessed
- speaking of which my poor sunshine child mango is like angsty af
- Percy mentioned Magnus should train w/ his team in order to prepare for all the hell theyā€™re about to go to and we see no team bonding exercises like,, how much does a girl have to pay to see the Empty Cup Fam together learning about fighting/teamwork ish with Percy our lord and savior??? i just want to see Voltron level team bonding ok
-Ā ā€œwant to come with me to a creepy mansion and look through a dead guyā€™s stuff?ā€
ā€œi thought youā€™d never askā€
guys fierrochase is canon and you can fight me,, also nice pickup line mango youā€™re worse than Jack
-Ā ā€œfabulously uniqueā€ yOU SLAY ALEX!!!! (also Alexā€™s outfit in this was just yEAS)
- Iā€™m scared to se Randolph tbh,, if he even shows up (which ik he will screw Helheim)
- aw alex and magnus being such adorable book nerds i CANT
- dsjhdfshsdhsdfbuhsdfuhsdhsdhuBHJSDFBJHSDFBJHSDFBHSDFFDF WHY WOLVES????????? smfh brUHH
- also what WAS with that rune/dead wolf in the beginning?? im shook,, hearth save ur son get your rune magic ish in thisĀ 
- where the hell are blitz and hearth because they werenā€™t even in the preview tf rick they better be somewhere peaceful away from all this shit
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
Schedule of ā€˜The Shadowhunter Chroniclesā€™ and other Cassandra Clare books (September 2017)
The Silver Mask* (Magisterium #4): 10 October
The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 1**: 31 October
City of Bones 10th anniversary edition: 7 November
The Enemy of Death* (Magisterium #5, final book): August, September or October
Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3): fall 2018
The Red Scrolls of Magic*** (The Eldest Curses #1): March 5
Chain of Gold (The Last Hours #1): fall?
The Eldest Curses #2***: spring?
Chain of Iron (The Last Hours #2): fall?
The Eldest Curses #3***: spring?
Chain of Thorns (The Last Hours #3): fall?
After 2021
The Wicked Powers
* co-written with Holly Black ** other volumes to follow *** co-written with Wesley Chu
Cassie is also working on ten TLH short stories ā€œin the leadup to the publication of Chain of Goldā€ and ā€œa new short story project along the lines ofĀ The Bane Chroniclesā€.
Furthermore, a secret high fantasy novel (or trilogy) thatā€™s not related to The Shadowhunter Chronicles is in the works.
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
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PLL Season 5 Bloopers - Keegan Allen Edition
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
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All the Malec Photos | HD (x)
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
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book posters: heroes of olympus by rick riordan
ā€œBeing a hero doesnā€™t mean youā€™re invincible. It just means that youā€™re brave enough to stand up and do whatā€™s needed.ā€
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
Why do we blindly accept that Will and Tessa had only two children???
Hear me out! What if Tessa was pregnant during the Last Hours? There is snippet from Chain of Gold where Will is literally sobbing onto Jemā€™s shoulder. And I thought so much about what could Will be crying about. Jem is obviously fine. Lucie, Jamie and Tessa seem fine too. But are they?
Tessa could have had a problematic pregnancy or perhaps even be in labour at that time. Maybe she just had a miscarriage.
And there is this mysterious warlock that appeared in Los, who flees from Magnus. Most of us think itā€™s Ragnor. But what if itā€™s related to the Herondales?
One reason why he might be fleeing from Magnus is that he fears if Magnus sees him, heā€™ll tell Tessa. Additionally, he calls himself ā€œShadeļæ½ļæ½. Who could turn into shadows? James Herondale.
All I am saying is that Shade is perhaps a lost child of Tessa that is perhaps assumed to be dead. His name is a tribute to his brother.
C'mon Tessa is one of a kind. Who says she canā€™t have a child that is more warlock than Shadowhunter.
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
The last hours theories (2) - LGTB+ characters
As I said on my previous post (http://awakeunafraidandhungry.tumblr.com/post/162448845908/the-last-hours-theories-and-questions-about-the), Iā€™m reading all the material we already have about TLH in order to develop some theories about what might happen in the books. Iā€™m aware that itā€™s still very soon, there is still more than a year to go until book 1 and Iā€™ll probably change my mind a thousand times during that time, but whatever.Ā 
Today I wanna talk about who I think are the four LGTB+ significant characters Cassandra promised us, and among them, who I think will end up with who, who will be endgame and who wonā€™t.Ā 
Letā€™s start with LGTB+ issues:
-First letā€™s point at what we already know: Anna Lightwood is lesbian and non binary, confirmed by Miss Cassandra, so thatā€™s one left to go.Ā 
-Second, I think that by now pretty much everyone in this fandom is assuming that Matthew is gay and I wonā€™t be the one to contradict that. Matthew is a fan of Oscar Wilde and has been often portrayed in official art with green carnations, a symbol that gay men used to wear back in that time in order to recognize each other. I see this one almost as confirmed as Anna.Ā 
-Third, weā€™ve been told that Matthew is in love by the beginning of the series. Considering that, according to the info we have, his social circle is limited to the children of the London Enclave and that among them he almost exclusively spends his time with the S4 (Thomas, James and Christopher) I think his love interest is gonna be one of them, and I think is gonna be reciprocated and weā€™ll have our third gay or bisexual character there. Since I doubt Cassandra is gonna come up with the same story twice, I think itā€™s safe to discard James (though I must admit I ship them with passion). So that leaves us with Thomas or Christopher. According to the family tree, Thomas is gonna die unmarried while Christopher is set to marry Grace Blackthorn. But again, the family tree is misleading. Also, according to a snippet leaked by Cassie, Matthew is the only one who uses the nicknameĀ ā€œChrisā€ to refer to Christopher (besides his sister Anna). Right now I havenā€™t quite made my mind and my bets are even between Chris and Thomas, but Iā€™m pretty certain it will be one of them.Ā 
-Fourth,according to some pictures from Cassieā€™s pinterest, it looks like we are gonna have a significant lesbian ship. Iā€™m betting on Anna + someone else here. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people convinced that it is Cordelia, but I donā€™t think so. It could perfectly be that, but I think James is gonna remain Cordeliaā€™s love interest through the series. She has enough going on with him (the love triangle with Grace, the marriage for that strange, mysterious reason) to suddenly hook up with his cousin. I donā€™t know, I just donā€™t see it. I still think Anna and Cordelia are gonna be remarkable friends/allies though. Also, we can discard Lucie because she is Annaā€™s cousin and she also has enough going on with Jesse. Grace is Annaā€™s cousinā€™s love interest (at least at first) and allegedly her future sister-in-law, but still my bets are more on GracexAnna than CordeliaxAnna. This is just an intuition, I have nothing to prove it but I think it would be an awesome plot twist. BUT still is not the only option: my main theory is thatĀ the fourth LGTB+ character and Annaā€™s love interest will be someone that we still donā€™t know or we think itā€™s irrelevant.Ā 
So, to sum everything up:
-Anna (lesbian and non-binary), Matthew (gay), Christopher or Thomas (bisexual/gay) and Grace/Character we donā€™t know (bisexual/lesbian).
And the ships:Ā 
-Matthew x Christopher or Thomas
-Anna x Grace or Character we donā€™t knowĀ 
About the future of said ships if my theories happen to be correct: I honestly donā€™t see any of them being endgame. I just think Anna is not the type of person to have a life-long romantic relationship, and since the other day Iā€™m pretty convinced Matthew has a lot of chances to die (you can see the reasoning behind this on my previous post about TLH). BUT that would be too cruel even for Cassandra Clare, so I believe that again if this theories happen to be right, at least one of the two ships must be endgame: since my conviction in Matthewā€™s death is strong, my bets are on the lesbian couple.Ā 
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
The last hours theories and questions about the family tree
Giving that TLH is coming out (YAY! FINALLY!) next year, I decided to re-read all the information we currently have about it in order to develop some theories. Iā€™m planning on reading again both TID and the short stories from TftSA and TBC that involve James and co.Ā 
BUT, what I did just right now was taking the infamous family tree into my hands and look at it for literally two hours straight searching for possible clues about the plot, misleading information and so on. Iā€™m going to point out at some of the weird stuff I found out, I did elaborate some theories but mostly this is a post about me throwing questions at the air:Ā 
-First, letā€™s point at the obvious: we know for sure that Lucieā€™s birth date in the family tree is wrong, because we know that sheā€™s 16 in 1903. So that brings up the question, why on earth would Lucieā€™s date of birth need to be changed? We know that the family tree was manipulated by someone with access to Shadowhunter records (Iā€™m looking at you, Jem) Iā€™m assuming thatĀ in order to conceal some data that would be potentially incriminating, dangerous or put the people involved in a bad situation. But why on earth Lucieā€™s birth date? I mean itā€™s not agains the clave laws to be born in a certain year, right??? So the characters put themselves in a situation that required Lucie to be younger for a greater good, but what situation could that be? I know this is not a theory, but I needed to point it out anyway because itā€™s been making me nervous since the moment I realized about it, and the more I think about it, the more clueless I am.Ā 
-Second, JORDELIA STUFF. We know that by the beginning of TLH James is in love with Grace. And we also know that for some very odd reason (this has been said several times by Cassie) he marries Cordelia Carstairs during the course of the books. Some time ago someone asked Cassie on tumblr if James and Cordelia did marry and have children and her answer wasĀ ā€œsort ofā€. So, you remember that wholeĀ ā€œthe carstairs owe the herondalesā€ business going on in TDA? I think they owe them because James married Cordelia. I think the odd reason why they married involvesĀ that for some reason Cordelia was in a situation in which she desperately needed to be married, and James agreed to save the day. BUT AGAIN, thatĀ ā€œsort ofā€ answer has been bothering me a lot. How do two peopleĀ ā€œsort ofā€ marry andĀ ā€œsort ofā€ have kids? Almost the only possibility that I can think about here is that Cordelia married James Herondale, just that it wasnā€™t James Herondale. Just a person that had taken the identity of James Herondale. You also remember how according to the family tree Christopher marries Grace? What if James and Chris had exchanged names??? I KNOW this sounds improbable and crazy, and itā€™s probablyĀ not what happens, but itā€™s one of the few explanations I can give to theĀ ā€œsort ofā€.
-Third, the second explanation to theĀ ā€œsort ofā€. James and Cordelia, according to the family tree, had a son named Owen eight years after they married. We are talking about a time with no contraceptive methods, so if you had sex relatively often (as in any marriage) you would eventually have babies, unless you had infertility issues. So, James (or whoever it really was, assuming that my other theory is correct) and Cordelia had either a) no sex for eight years b) infertility issues, which I donā€™t think so because they eventually had a son or c) THERE IS SOMETHING ODD GOING ON HERE. What if Owen is adopted? Or if they had more kids but they were erased of the family tree because of REASONS? Or if they never actually had kids together and Owen was the son of only one of them and someone else? Too many questions, too little ways to make Cassie spit the answers out.Ā 
-Fourth, isnā€™t anyone else disturbed by the fact that according to the death dates on the family tree, none of the main characters die in TLH? I mean, this would be awesome but letā€™s be real, this is Cassandra Clare we are talking about. She kills people, thatā€™s what she does. SO a) some of them actually die but AGAIN they needed to pretend they didnā€™t so they changed the data, but also AGAIN, why????? or b) She is going to kill off people that donā€™t appear on the family tree. So Iā€™m only going to repeat this once, Miss Clare: donā€™t.you.dare.killing.off.matthew.fairchild. Really, donā€™t.
So this is all for now. As I said, I know these are mostly just questions that Iā€™m desperate to answer but Iā€™m completely clueless about. I plan to keep writing posts like this collecting all the odd or misleading info we have about TLH and trying to give possible explanations to some of it. Iā€™d love to hear your own theories about everything I wrote on this one!Ā 
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
So according to pics on CCā€™s Pinterest board Iā€™ve come to the conclusion (shhh Iā€™m not reaching at allll) that matthew is (or going to be) in a relationship with one of the boys at the institute (because they were rolling around on the carpet and I think itā€™s in the institute okay).
CC said she wouldnā€™t write another parabatai love story so I doubt itā€™s James. And while Jordelia does marry for a weird reason I donā€™t think itā€™s to cover up heronchild (sadly because I shipped them sooo hard in nothing but shadows). And also on the Pinterest board thereā€™s text where Cordelia says, ā€œwe could get marriedā€ and I think that came up as the solution to a problem. Maybe with Jamesā€™ warlock ability and the Clave??? (Iā€™m reaching I know)
CC also said that matthew is in love at the beginning of the book and if that love is requited later on it makes sense that it would be one of the boys at the institute. I donā€™t think CC would pull another gay unrequited crush like she did with Alec and Jace so Iā€™m ruling out James.
This leaves Thomas and Christopher. We know the family trees have been tampered with and/or edited. Thomas has no record of marrying anyone (even though the family tree says he dies at 30 so that made me sad) and Christopher is shown marrying Grace (yes the Grace that James is supposedly in love with in The Midnight Heir) Christopherā€™s line then traces down to Alec and Izzy.
CC said she left out the Fairchild family tree on purpose so we have no written record of who Matthew (supposedly) married.
Iā€™m leaning towards Thomas because so far that makes the most sense. (Of course this could all be wrong and the family treeā€™s could all be wrong or something idek)
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
Heronchild Headcanons
Listen Iā€™m all for heronchild as a romance and everything, but can we take a moment to consider heronchildā€™s friendship? They are parabatai, after all:
ā€¢ Matthew definitely, 100% uses James as a pillow 99.9% of the time (look at this post).
ā€¢ James trusts Matthew and only Matthew when it comes to getting a haircut. He wonā€™t even let his mom do it.
ā€¢ Sometimes when James is too exhausted and starts falling asleep, he starts to turn into a shadow. Matthew, usually sitting next to him on the couch, puts a hand on his wrist or his shoulder to ground him back. Heā€™s the only one who manages to do that.
ā€¢ When Matthew reads De Profundis for the first time, James sits down with him and reads over his shoulder. His presence is the only thing that keeps Matthew from breaking down completely.
ā€¢ When James starts to see Grace, and to withdraw from his family, Will goes to Matthew first to ask him whatā€™s going on. Matthew says: ā€œHeā€™s just a little bit lost right now. Donā€™t worry, Mr. Herondale. Iā€™ve found him before, Iā€™ll find him now.ā€
ā€¢ [CANON] Matthew is the only one who can see James as a shadow!!!
ā€¢ They fight for then most stupid things. ā€œJames have you seen my copy of The Importance of Being Earnest?ā€ ā€œNo.ā€ ā€œWhat do you mean no?ā€ ā€œPrecisely that. I havenā€™t seen it.ā€ ā€œFuck you, Herondale.ā€ ā€œWhatever.ā€
ā€¢ James will never let Matthew live the whole ā€œI look like I have a lot of friends just ā€˜cause I canā€™t have the one person I want to be friends withā€ thing down. Matthew walks out of the room every time he tells the story.
ā€¢ Sometimes James stays with Matthew in Henryā€™s basement, and he falls asleep with his head on Matthewā€™s lap as his parabatai and Henry discuss some new invention.
ā€¢ James always has cold feet. Always. Matthew carries a pair of extra socks in the pocket of his pants whenever they go out (and has to keep drawing heating runes on Jamesā€™s ankles).
ā€¢ They would take several bullets for each other, thatā€™s for sure.
ā€¢ They are very, very rarely seen without the other. Like Jem and Will, but worse.
ā€¢ ā€œJames?ā€ ā€œHmm?ā€ ā€œIā€™m in love with you.ā€ ā€œNice.ā€ *a moment* ā€œJames?ā€ ā€œYeah?ā€ ā€œIf we werenā€™t parabatai and this werenā€™t the eighteenth century, would you marry me?ā€ *pats head* ā€œSure, Matthew.ā€
ā€¢ After one month of being friends, James can recite three excerpts from The Picture of Dorian Gray, all of The Ballad of Reading Gaol and the first two acts of An Ideal Husband from memory. He has never read any of those works.
ā€¢ Matthew is so proud the first time he hears James muttering a few verses to himself he actually cries.
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
Matthew Fairchild headcanons
ā˜¼ when matthew was a child he would get charlotte to read him older wilde andĀ there were tears when he found out that oscar wilde had died. james sat with matthew all day reading oscar wilde plays with him. matthew wore white clothing to mourn oscar wildeā€™s death. as you can tell, heā€™s extra.
ā˜¼ matthew sometimes stays the night in the crypt when henry works on his inventions through the night. he keeps a mattress, blankets and some books down there. matthew always asks henry about what heā€™s working on and when henry explains, he listens because he is genuinely interested.
ā˜¼ heā€™s gay
as fuck
ā˜¼Ā this boy hates it when you call him ā€œmattā€ or Ā ā€œmattyā€ and if you do, he wonā€™t be speak to you for a while. only james can get away with this: ā€œjamie, donā€™t call me matty!ā€ ā€œdonā€™t call me jamie, and i wonā€™t call you matty.ā€
ā˜¼ on missions, matthew likes to window shop, admiring all the clothing. others try to get his focus back on the mission but james tells them not to bother. every so often matthew would slip inside the store and browse for about half an hour. ā€œmatthew, i swear on the angel if you do not leave now i will burn all 14 of your hairbrushes.ā€ ā€œyoU DARE!ā€
ā˜¼ when charlotte gifts him a puppy, he is overjoyed. he names the dog oscar, you can guess why. the dog follows him everywhere, sleeps on his bed (matthew makes sure heā€™s clean before he lets him on the bed), matthew is much more active with oscar too. he makes oscar stay in the institute during missions because he fears oscar will get hurt.
ā˜¼ his swearing is very impressive. do not mess with him, he will roast youĀ ā€˜til you cry. but heā€™s also very sensitive.
ā˜¼ matthew loves parties, they are great excuses to dress up in the latest fashion and nobody tells him to wear something ā€œnephilim appropriateā€.Ā 
ā˜¼ one time, a pimple appeared above matthewā€™s eyebrow and he refused to leave his room for a week. he never let it happen again.
ā˜¼ matthew drags james to the park with him and oscar. heā€™ll hide jamesā€™ reading glasses and will only give them back if he agrees to go to the park with matthew. after a while james gets a spare pair of glasses, but he still visits the park with matthew and oscar (bringing a book with him).
ā˜¼ he hates winter and snow. especially when he is forced to wake up early in the morning. it makes his clothing wet. he gets james to draw heat runes on him every five minutes. when james starts to complain about constantly drawing heat runes matthewā€™s excuses involve ā€œwhen parabatai do it, it makes the rune strongerā€ (a true fact) and ā€œthe rune fades quicklyā€ (not so true).
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
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Mark Blackthorn and Emma Carstairs
A best friend OTP we all deserve
ā€œdonā€™t you forsooth meā€
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
We Need To Talk About Kieran
(with major spoilers from Lord of Shadows, read with caution)
Well, first of all this is a masterpost, so I donā€™t know if anyone will read it till the end, but anyway. Second, English isnā€™t my first language so I apologize in advantage for any errors.
This isnā€™t about Kierark (though it is mentioned), but mostly about Kieran himself, since thereā€™s so much hate toward him recently. (Mostly because people ship Marktina I guess and hating on him is the easiest way if that makes any sense.)
Anyway, letā€™s go: To start, Kieran is a faerie. He obviously ainā€™t human. This way, judging him as a human simply ainā€™t fair. Things are different with faeries so keep that on mind.
Kieran grew up in the Unseelie court, being son of the Unseelie king, who is ā€“ as everyone must know ā€“ a huge douchebag. Heā€™s also one of the most rejected sons of the King, according to the Flower Book. In Lord of Shadows Erec, one of his brothers, says that he used to be a really gentle and caring kid, and that because of that he ainā€™t ā€œcourt materialā€, reason why he was tortured by his older brothers almost his entirely life. As a result, he has a bunch of scars, and real trust issues. He was never loved, therefore never learn how to love.
He also having grown up on the court, obviously never got to know Shadowhunters, only having his fatherā€™s opinion as a reference. So he probably learned since always that Shadowhunters are awful, untrustworthy, and cruel. He has absolutely no reason to doubt these statements. He obviously believed them.
Then later he was betrayed by his own family (big surprise!) and sent to the Wild Hunt for ā€œpolitical reasonsā€. A place where he was mocked for being a prince, among other things. He basically was physically and psychologically tortured pretty much everywhere he goes. And then he got to know Mark, and even though he was part Shadowhunter, they became close, and Kieran fell in love with him.
Now, the other Hunters are trying to make Mark lose his mind, forget his house and his past life. They broke his stele, they try to make him say he wasnā€™t a Shadowhunter. They try to break him. Probably the only reason why they didnā€™t succeed was Kieran. He protected Mark using his prince status, and not only this but he accepted Mark as he was. He let him say he was a Shadowhunter when he most need to. He help him remember that, he help him keep this part of himself alive. He was the only one on the Hunt who didnā€™t mind that and didnā€™t try to make Mark forget that.
Now, on Markā€™s pov we get to see him saying that kisses and love promises where a good way to forget the pain. So he obviously did a lot of love promises to Kieran, where he later also says that this kind of promise was the most important one to the faeries. They really value and believed them, to the point that break one is considered a huge crime. He promised his heart to Kieran, and although for him it may have been only an ā€œeasy way to forget the painā€, to Kieran was obviously more than that. He truly believed them, he truly believed that Mark was his, because Mark himself said so. And, again, he ainā€™t a human. He is a faerie, and faeries love in a different way. They have these things in a different way.
So when Mark was back home, and was falling in love with a girl he has known for barely a week (while he was with Kier for at least five years now, or maybe even more since the time in Faerie is different) of course this hurt him. Of course this makes him insecure. Again, he was betrayed by his own family, he never has any love before. Mark was the first thing he loved, and the first thing that actually loved him back. Mark was his everything, the only good thing in a life full of only pain, and he was suddenly very aware that he was losing it.
Now, if you read Lord of Shadows, you may know that Kieran said to Mark that Iarlath was making him believe that Mark was in danger. That the Shadowhunters are planning to kill him. First of all, Kieran is a faerie, so he canā€™t lie. He simply canā€™t even if he wanted to. Second, as it was already said, he never got to know Shadowhunters before, and he also never have a love and caring family, so he hasnā€™t absolutely any reason to doubt the truth in Iarlath statements. Now he was not only scared of losing Mark to Cristina, but also to the fucking death. So when Mark told Cristina secrets from the Hunt (and, shook, he actually did it! A bunch of people act like Kieran have lied to Gwyn about that and he canā€™t even fucking lie! Mark in fact told Cristina secrets he wasnā€™t supposed to), and Kieran told Gwyn about it, he did it out of despair, and thinking this would only bring Mark back to the Hunt, where he would be safe. (As Mark himself said so by the end of Lord of Shadows, and I quote: ā€œYou thought you were saving my lifeā€.)
Then everything went to hell. Mark was going to be whipped instead, something that Kieran didnā€™t anticipate, and as Cassie said on tumblr, he was going to die. And Kieran knew that he was going to die. So he was obviously desperate by the possibility of seeing the love of his life dying in front of him, and he even begged to be whipped instead. He humiliated himself (even Iarlath said so) even though fairies are an extremely proud people, even though he was a fucking Faerie prince. He begged to Iarlath ā€“ a nobody ā€“ on his knees. But they didnā€™t allow him, and Julian offered himself to Markā€™s place.
Now, again, Kieran knows nothing (like a true Jon Snow) about family. His family would, as he said later, happily watch him die. They had tortured him already. He couldnā€™t have a true notion of how much Markā€™s family truly meant for him. And again, Mark was going to die, and he was desperate. So when Julian offered himself to take the whipping, Kieran said to Iarlath to agree. Because it seems to be the only way to save Mark from dying in front of him. Because he barely knew Julian. Because he is a faerie. Because he didnā€™t know what family really means. Because Mark was his only family.
Then, when he saw how mad Mark became, when he fully understood the dimension of what he ā€“ not on purpose ā€“ have done, and what Markā€™s family did meant to him, he tried to repair things. He followed Iarlath, and even killed him, even though he probably knew already he would be condemned by said action. He was desperate to get the Blackthorns to go save Tavvy, and again he begged. He knew they would probably kill him in the second he appeared again on the institute but he did it anyway. The only reason why they were able to actually save Tavvy was because Kieran helped, as Julian and Mark recognized later. Without him, Tavvy would be dead.
And then, having now understood what Markā€™s family really meant to him, even though Kieran could have used the breach in the agreement ā€“ cause they were supposed to give the killer to the faeries, and they didnā€™t ā€“ to have Mark back in the Hunt with him, he didnā€™t. He even said he would fight for Mark right to stay. And then he goes back to the Hunt alone, accepting that he hold probably never saw Mark again.
Now, about Lord of Shadows: A lot of people are saying that Kieran was out of character in said book, but honestly how the hell could anyone know what is or it isnā€™t out of character for him? He literally barely appeared in Lady Midnight, and in all the scenes he was under extreme pressure. He was all the time scared of losing Mark, and doing pretty desperate things. How could anyone know what he would do under more ā€œnormalā€ circumstances? Erec said he was a pretty sweet kid, and same Erec, Adaon and even the King himself said in different moments that all the Unseelie court pretty much liked him. So no, no one can say that what he did in LOS was ā€œout of characterā€ because you canā€™t know, based only on LM, what his character truly is.
Now, I donā€™t wanna enter in the entire memory loss thing. Iā€™ll only talk about some key points, which are:
First: The dream. I saw a lot of people saying that Kier ā€œgave Mark a weird sex dreamā€ and things like that: No, he didnā€™t. And Cassie Clare said herself that he didnā€™t. I asked her, and she said, and I quote: ā€œHe did not sent Mark a ā€œsex dreamā€ ā€“ he sent him a conversation dream, and both their choices/desires in the dream took it in a physical (if totally imaginary) direction.ā€ This was in my personal inbox and I can gladly provide screenshots to anyone who may want them. She confirmed Kieran could only control the dream scenario, and that Markā€™s choices on the dream were his own, in these exact words.
Also Kieran said ā€“ and again, he canā€™t lie ā€“ that he would not want Markā€™s love if it wasnā€™t a freely given love. Even though Mark was breaking his love promises to him, and even though this was a serious crime to the faeries, Kieran recognized that Cristina could be good for Mark, and that Mark need her kindness. He said he wasnā€™t jealous of her, and by the end of the book he was even willing to get out of the picture, saying he and Mark would be done with each other.
He learns, by the end of the book, that he was being used by the entire Blackthorn family. He learns that they were lying to him all the time, and that everybody knew but him. His father, the Unseelie King, said if he helped the Blackthorns thereā€™s no place on earth or in Faerie were he would be safe from him. That he would do unimaginably tortures on him, that he would put him under unimaginably pain, till he finally killed him. And Kieran agreed to help anyway, even after all these things. He still wanted to testify, to bring Helen back to her family, and not because of Mark but to pay his debt with Emma, Julian, and the others. Cassie said later on tumblr that this was an agreement that only prejudices and put in danger Kieran himself, and anyway he wanted to do it. For them.
Also, during the course of the book he saved Cristinaā€™s life where he could easily have just killed her and came back to the Unseelie court, being a recognized prince again. He saved Livvy, Kit and Tyā€™s lives by telling Mark about the Riders coming for them in time. He was actually concerned about them, and even begged Mark to let him go find them, and promised on his life to do so. He saved Emmaā€™s life when the Rider was about to kill her. He helped bringing Helen and Aline back. He said to Diego he would protect Kit and Magnus when hell was happening in the accords hall.
So, yes, he made mistakes. Yes, he did bad things. But characters arenā€™t supposed to be always good. To never do anything wrong. They are allowed to fail, and to regret that, to try to make things better. And Kieran did all these things.
No, he isnā€™t a selfish character who only thinks on himself. No, he isnā€™t abusive and donā€™t play mental games with Mark.
He is a character who was tortured and suffered almost the entirely of his life, and them loose the only good thing he ever had. The only love he ever had.
And even if Kierark or Kierarktina isnā€™t endgame, I still hope he can find happiness and peace. He deserves it just like every other ā€œgood guyā€ in this book.
And you can hate him all you want, nobody is saying that you canā€™t. But your hate wonā€™t make any of these things less true.
Iā€™m done.
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
Livia Blackthorn May Survive
Livia Blackthorn:
* Randomly asked Kit for her first kiss just because sheā€™s never had one before, then asked to be just friends.
* Made sure that Kit wouldnā€™t leave Ty and would be his friend.
* Specifically wanted to tell Julian that they all knew about Uncle Author on her own just so she could also tell him that he was the reason she wanted to run an institute when she was older.Ā 
What if Livia Blackthorn knew she was going to die?
I realize that this could all be coincidental. Iā€™m not saying that she isnā€™t dead. All I am saying is that the Blackthorns are pretty resourceful and sneaky.Ā 
I mean Dru hid a boy in her room without anyone finding out. Ty and Kit used a portal in the middle of the night without anyone noticing.
And, she also asked Kit if he would always be her friend. Hers. Not her and Ty. Even Kit noticed this later. Personally, I believe that when someone asks for friendship confirmation itā€™s because they know something bad is going to happenā€¦Ā 
Hereā€™s my Theory:
Livia knew she was going to die. When she was wounded by that potion and Magnus saved her, she told him (at some point when they were alone, like when Ty couldnā€™t stand to see her like that anymore) that she thought that would be it and that she didnā€™t know how to explain it but she just knew she was going to die soon. So, because Magnus is Magnus, he offers to help her.Ā 
Now let me direct your attention to Clockwork Prince, chapter 5. This chapter talks about a very powerful spell book called the Book of White. If weā€™re going off of book names and the Black Book is a no no necromancy spell book, then the Book of White sounds not so evil unless used for that purpose. The Book of White, and I quote,Ā ā€œSpecializes in binding and unbinding spells- tying the soul to the body, or untying itā€. In Clockwork Princess, Magnus spends a whole night in the London Institutesā€™ library where the Book of White is kept looking for a cure for Jem. Whoā€™s to say Magnus didnā€™t come across this book that night? And maybe he remembered this when he helped Livia. They were at the London Institute after allā€¦
So letā€™s say Magnus managed to bind her spirit with something (if I had to guess it would be and item that Ty always carries with him. Or possibly tie her soul to his since they are twins? Maybe that is part of why Ty passed out and may explain what her last words to Ty were. Or maybe her soul was tied to the object she was killed with. Which would be convenient for her because whoā€™s going to throw away any part of the Mortal Sword?) And letā€™s also say that Magnus managed to put some sort of spell to preserve her body (or Julian wonā€™t let them burn it because it is very fair to assume he might try the spell that brought Annabel back on Livvy by using Annabel as the Blackthorn sacrifice). But Magnus passed out and even Alec said that he was out longer than usual. So what if Magnus fell into a coma? Then as it would be, the only two people who knew that Livvy could be brought back are dead and in a coma.
This would mean that throughout QoA&D Magnus is in a coma and wonā€™t wake up until they have defeated the Unseele King and whatever is making the warlocks sick is undone. This all serves a very important purpose: Character Development.Ā Because of Livvys death, the characters are going to be pushed do things theyā€™ve never done before.Ā 
Overall, it just wouldnā€™t make sense for Livia to stay dead. When you look at the two primary characters (Emma and Julian) purposes, Emmaā€™s central point is to get justice for her parents murder and to heal and to learn how to carry on once she gets that justice. Julianā€™s is to just have his whole family together again.
Also, a final personal opinion: A character has to be killed and stay dead for the majority of a book for me to believe that they are actually dead. Livia was killed on the last three pages. Heck even Jem wasnā€™t actually dead in Clockwork Princess, Cassie just led us to believe he was for a good portion of the end of the book.Ā 
You can dispute this all you want, but we have two years until the final book and this is what Iā€™m going with.
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
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welcome to the los angeles institute.Ā 
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
Most badass/funny scenes from the Shadowhunter Chronicles + My personal faves
So, I just hit 1000 followers here on Tumblr and to celebrate it I decided to make a positive post for once :D People have been accusing me of being too angsty but what they donā€™t know is that it fuels my energy. Ahem, here they are
-Ā ā€œJames Carstairs! Jem! Where are you, you disloyal bastard?ā€
- She must be dead if she doesnā€™t respond to my advances. C'mon Will
- I could kill Will if I really wanted to ( Ķ”āŒā– _-ā– )Ā - James Carstairs 1878
- ā€œWill smiled the way Lucifer might have smiled, moments before he fell from Heaven.ā€
- Certified Idiot Debate
- Sophie knocking out Jessamine and Will proposing to her
- The whole cannot fight in a wedding dress convoā„¢ . Itā€™s even a meme lol
- Gideonā€™s proposal. Cutest thing evah
- You really seem to like that horse!
- Gabriel throwing a shopkeeper out of the window cuz he showed Cecily some nudes inappropriate pics
- Willā€™s fear of ducks
- Will breeding a species of cannibal ducks
- Willā€™s proposal
- Tessa not allowing Will to drive. Lmao
- Will naming his son after Jem :D
- ā€œSpoonā€ - James Herondale 1899
- James Herondale being all emo and dramatic because of Grace. And Jem and Tessa being like: Not this shit again.
- Just Will and Tessa being parents
- Jem making a break for it after meeting his crush Tessa on the bridge.Ā #relatable
- Jem mentioning orgies <- I swear, the whole fandom gasped at this
- Will defying the laws of death to attend the wedding of his OTP. Classic Will
- I turn myself down occasionally just to keep it interesting
- Jace running down Madison Avenue naked with antlers on his head. Drunk
- MangoesĀ ā„¢
- Does he normally lie like this on the floor?
- I am pure at heart, it repels the dirtĀ  (ā—”ā€æā—”āœæ)
-Ā  ā€œThat you seem to be dating my dad?ā€ Jace shrugged. ā€œYouā€™re a little young for him, to be honest.ā€ ā€œWhat?ā€ For the first time since Jace had met him, Sebastian seemed flabbergasted.ā€ Ā <-this convo is gold. fight me on this
- Magnusā€™ voicemail in MBC
- Alec falling down the stairs of Magnusā€™ apartment. I see a patern. The Lightwoods suck at flirting
- ā€œI am not your bitchā€ - Alexander Gideon Lightwood 2k14
- Alec murdering Meliorn for kidnapping Magnus.Ā 
- Alec noticing the After Sex Glow! on Jace. Lmao.
- COHF!Alec in general
- Jace healing Jem. My heartĀ  ą²„_ą²„
- The first thing Simon remembers is biting Jace and rolling around with him on the bottom of a boat. Thatā€™s not gay. At all.
- Tessa giving Jace the Herondale ring
- Tessa and Jem drugging Simon and Clary. Lmao. Why is no one talking about this?
- George and Simon befriending the rats in the Academy
- Simon becoming a Shadowhunter.Ā  ą²„_ą²„
- Jace teasing Simon about their friendship
- Everything Emma says to be honest
- Julianā€™s speech about love
- Mark putting Tavvy in a bag of sugar because he wanted to be in a bag of sugar. Parenting done right
- Markā€™s coat scene.
- Ty sleeping in front of Kitā€™s room
- Kit caling everyone hot.
- Mark aka Julian on drugs.
- Churchā€™s judgy faceĀ  ą² _ą² 
- Every time Jem mentions Will.Ā  ą²„_ą²„
- I donā€™t date Trees - Emma Carstairs 2k16
- Kitā€™s first response to almost being beheaded:Ā Wow, beautiful.Ā 
- Kit being a Herondale
- Emma saying ā€œSleep my loveā€Ā 
- Annabel stabbing Malcolm. Lmao. Karmaā€™s bitch. (Ź˜ā€æŹ˜āœæ)Ā <- Annabel
- Emma killing the rider and destroying the Mortal Sword. Slay queen
- Julianā€™s response to almost dying: Sass. Stop it! Thatā€™s Percy Jacksonā€™s job.Ā 
- Blackthornā€™s reunion on the London InstituteĀ  ą²„_ą²„
- .ļ½”*ļ¾Ÿ+.*.ļ½” Garbage Fire! .ļ½”*ļ¾Ÿ+.*.ļ½”
-Ā  ā€œAnd if we donā€™t have Energy runes, weā€™ll have to get our energy the old-fashioned way.ā€ Mark looked puzzled. ā€œDrugs?ā€
- Julian and Emma throwing shades at Shadowhunter family names
- Julian putting his tongue in Emmaā€™s ear.Ā 
- Emma attacking Diego with fire ants.Ā 
- Livvy hugging her sabers and saying ā€œI missed you so much."Ā 
- Julianā€™s pseudonym: JuliEnĀ 
- The Pillow scene: #obliviousEmmaisobliviousĀ 
-Ā ā€œā€Šā€˜Draw me like one of your French girls.ā€™ā€Šā€
- Mark talking to the gnome Ā  怃ļ¾Ÿļ½°ļ¾Ÿ) iā€™m watching you gnome.
- Kieranā€™s "How dare you?ā€ after being drugged and Markā€™s: ā€œHe always falls asleep like that.ā€
- Dru hiding from everybody to avoid responsibility. Relatable Dru is relatableĀ 
- Kieran and Cristina dancing
-Ā  ā€œ Julian Blackthorn. ā€¦ who could descend into Hell and come out with the devil himself owing him a favor.ā€ <- Scary and thriling at the same time. I love it
These are all I could remember. Please add more of your own favorites :D
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basicallyanauthor Ā· 7 years
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tda + social media: ty kit and livvy
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