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Vacation has officially begun. Beach by day. Lobby bar by night. I'm ready for some fun in the sun Puerto Rico style. #bmsuinpr
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Weather report = bundled up. Seriously Mother Nature what is up with this? It says 10 yet feels like -20.
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Weather report = bundled up. Seriously Mother Nature what is up with this? It says 10 yet feels like -20.
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I love New York BUT 10 degrees this gal DOES NOT love.
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Nothing says the holidays like the smell of fresh baked goods. Tonight's activity - making Uncle Stu's Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies for the office cookie party. These are insane! The smell in my apartment is out of control. I hope I can keep my hands off of them until tomorrow. Yum!!!!!
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Rainy night treats to get me ready for the Hunger Games 2 movie night with GCasto #ajewandagay
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Beautiful flowers greeted me at my new / old desk. Happy to be back at my work home.
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Happy Thanksgivukkah!
This year my family is doing an out of the box Thanksgiving - we are in Miami instead of celebrating at-home in Long Island. While I am thrilled to be on the beach, I am a bit sad that we aren't in cozy clothes cooking a feast at-home.
Regardless of where I celebrate,I am thankful for lots of things this years...
1. My parents ... Thanks  for a great vacation and for being a huge support this year (and always)
2. My best friends ... PBJ & A - My life would be nothing without you all. Thanks for being my back bone this year. I needed it.
3. My family ... From the Dominican Concord in 1987 to the Sagamore Miami in 2013 - our laughs continue. Here's to Family Vacation 2.0 
4. My office family ...  I know I threw you for a loop a few months but things work out. See ya December 3rd. 
5. My bartenders... Thanks for all the advice. I know Mr. Right is just a stool away.
I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday and share with those around you what you are thankful for! 
Happy Thanksgivukkah!  
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Lulu, a female-friendly social networking app, lets users anonymously review their male Facebook friends, with scores appearing under a rated man€™s profile picture.
I just saw this AMAZING article in the New York Times and had to share it. Absolutely GENIUS is all I have to say. And I fully admit I am jealous I never thought of it. 
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What's in a name?
I have this debate with myself (and friends) all the time… When it comes to online dating, what is most important? Is it the pictures? The "About Me?" Combination of both? Or is it your "screen name" that first sparks someone's interest. 
I still haven't figured out the answer, but last night I decided to give my online dating profile a little facelift (including a new screen name) to see what happens. 
Last week I had a date. I met him through Tinder, and we made a plan for drinks. Strike one with this guy was the location he picked. A dive beer bar on 2nd Avenue. Strike two with this guy is that he isn't gainfully employed. Rather he does a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Strike three... No attraction in person. When I went home, I called my mom to tell her about the date and when she heard he "freelances" her immediate reaction was "Bye-bye, no 401K." I cracked up laughing because I thought the same thing. For years my parents and their friends always joke with me that when I meet someone I should ask, "So what percentage do you put into your 401K?" I would never do that, but on a few occasion I've thought maybe I would just so see what reaction I would get.
I pride myself on having my own 401K, granted I should be adding more to it but I do what I can. To test out my theory on what men really notice on dating profiles, I changed my name last night  to "IHaveA401K." When I told two of my friends they fell to the ground laughing. My parents cracked up. And I simply found it amusing and curious to see what the response would be. 
My name has been approved and now I have to wait and see if I get any traction. I'll be sure to keep you posted!
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For anyone who knows me, there are a few words I truly hate in the English language. Moist --- is one of them.
My friend Brian posted this on Facebook and I nearly fell over laughing when I saw it. I had to share - even though it has zero to do with dating, bartenders and finding my/a soul mate. Enjoy!
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Quality Men????
Last week I went to dinner at Quality Italian for a friend's birthday. This new spot has been getting rave reviews for its food and scene, so obviously I had to check it out. 
I arrived early to scope out the bar scene and grab a glass of wine after yet another hectic day. The bar was busy, but I was able to find a spot at the end of the bar (not the ideal location, but that's what was available). I ordered a glass of red, surveyed the scene and came to two conclusions:
1. Wannabe hipsters invade new spots because they want to be "cool." The benefit of these people is pure entertainment, because they show up all decked out in their finest hoping to see someone. For me, this allows for great conversation. 
2. A large group of men doesn't mean they are available. You'd think a table of 10 men would be amazing... Not so much. When men in this large of a pack head out to a new restaurant it's for one of two reasons. Client dinner and someone is expensing it, or bachelor party/guy's night with the guys. Both of which leave no time for meeting a lady. 
In a nutshell, a hotspot may not be the best spot to meet a man. While there are large groups of men (and women), they tend to all be out for a good time with the guys or a night away from the wife (and kids). And if (for some reason) they do engage with a woman or group of women, it's just to be silly or see if they still have "the moves" they had before the wife and kids.  
While I'll definitely go back to Quality Italian for the food, I won't return in search of a quality man. 
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Nothing like a full moon over Central Park.
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Walking home tonight on Madison Ave and getting a peak at all the fall store windows. Makes me excited for fall clothes. Bring on the sweaters!
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I just discovered this amazing beauty must-have and have to share it with the world. If you love to give skin a glow all year long you need to have a Bronze Buffer to go along with any self-tanner. Check out what Insider Beauty Buzz has to say...
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Happy Self-Tan Saturday! A faux tan is the only safe tan, so no matter which self-tanner you use, have the Bronze Buffer on hand to instantly wipe away streaks and mishaps AFTER color develops!
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For me the Summer of 2013 has been all about change and new beginnings. I've said good-bye to old loves. I've welcomed back old friends. And today is the biggest change... I'm starting a new job.
I've spent the last four years with an amazing company but over the past year I've felt it was time to move on. I just wasn't sure where. I thought about moving south to Florida or west to Los Angeles. While both options were possibilities, I pursued opportunities in my hometown of New York City as well. I told myself, if something pops up in another city, great, and if something pops up here, great. What is meant to be will be.
I learned about my potential new job right after July 4th. I wasn't sure about it but decided to go on the interview anyway and just hear what they had to stay. I had the interview and left shocked. I actually liked what they had to say, liked the job opportunity and most of all I thought to myself, "This could change my life." Post-interview, I had to do some usual stuff like a writing test and a personality assessment (which was kind of like a mini-SAT for adults), and after that it was up to fate. A week later I got a call that the job was mine. I was away in Miami on business and in total shock. I didn't think twice about accepting because like I said, this was a "game changer" and I've been ready for a change for quite some time. 
It's been three weeks since "the call" and I am ready to see what incredible changes are in store for me. 
Wish me luck!
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Wine Wednesday: Champagne
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About three and a half years ago, my friend was moving from New York to Miami. He worked in the liquor business and had a nice collection of his own. It was holiday time and rather than buy me a gift, he gave me a bottle of champagne from his own stash. At first I was annoyed at the “regift” but then I saw it was a bottle of Dom Perignon. I went home and looked up the vintage to discover this was no cheap bottle of champagne. I told myself, “This will be saved, and opened on a special occasion.” I had to wait a few years, but this past Sunday I popped open the Dom Perignon Oenotheque Vintage 1993 to celebrate my new job with my family.
Wow! This was the most amazing champagne I have ever had. It tasted like heaven. I was sad I only had one bottle because after my two glasses I wanted more. While I do have a somewhat refined palette, I now fully understand why celebs are always drinking Dom. It truly is the best.
Bonus: It even goes well with hamburgers and hot dogs, which was the meal we had.
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