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4th Habitversary in 2020
To avoid missing and delaying this report (like the last times), I'll try to make this short. I'm STILL recovering from a burnout, despite my consistent last Perfect Days. I have transferred almost all my personal Tasks to the 2nd account, and it's working great (no Perfect Days there yet, tho * ). Last year I was more lost than now. I feel more passion, more focus, more motivation. Tho, I still feel lost, and anxious because "there's so much to do, so little time". I am becoming addicted to Facebook again, and fighting it currently. As a Habitican helper and bug hunter, I am very happy that (as I suggested) now the Task Search function works like the site: this looks like a simple thing, but it's actually a powerful fix: The Task Search function now allows us to find any word/number/symbol/emoji (yes!) in the Tasks title and also in the description of each task!!! **Here's a tip:** Define a symbol (Examples: `&$£#*@€{}[]¹²³ńæ`) that you don't use in any Task (title and description), and insert that symbol in the description of all the Tasks you need to prioritize. Type the symbol in the search, and you’ll filter instantly the Tasks you need. And to clean the filter, just delete that symbol from the search bar! Another example: I usually do the Pomodoro Technique, and I have several Tasks for that, with the 🍅 `tomato` emoji in the Title, Description, or Checklist. Now I just need to start writing `:tom` and my needed Tasks are filtered! I hope this helps you to find your tasks faster, it's definitely help me with mine. There's also a main difference between this report and previous ones. While I was writing it, I defined some rules for 3 similar long period resumes that I usually do: New Year Resume, Habitversary, and Starting a New Adventure. They are now better defined, they were very confusing before. I also realized that BardoVelhoII was created in 15/04/2017, which was 3 years ago. It's a very different account today than when it started. I'm pleased to make it work better in this day and age of pandemic. It really helps me to focus on what really matters and to do not derail. (*) - I'm currently in my (first ever) second Double Perfect Day, with both of my accounts... and completing a third, tonight! Current Stats in 28/04: BardoVelho: - Level: 144 - Total Check Ins: 766 - Pets Found: 255 - Mounts Tamed: 147 - 21-day Streaks: 297 - Perfect Days: 372 - Class: Healer BardoVelhoII: - Level: 98 - Total Check Ins: 461 - Pets Found: 21 - Mounts Tamed: 7 - 21-day Streaks: 25 - Perfect Days: 122 - Class: Mage
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3rd Habitversary in 2019
Today , April 14th, I celebrate my 3rd year Habitversary. The second one was skipped, forgotten along with all my tasks and Habitica itself, by the time I was experiencing my longest, hardest, and most teaching burnout of my Habitican life!
I learned that burnouts happen to me when I take too much pressure on myself and have too many difficult Dailies that I can't face. So, I faced not a single one instead of trying to do the best that I can, by avoiding Habitica almost completely. The magical key to break this bad vicious cycle is to Rest in the Inn WHILE doing the Dailies that I feel like doing, with no pressure. Then, I will only leave the Inn when I'm able to reach one Perfect Day, maybe 3 to make sure. This way, I'll still be leveling up, building motivation, but with no stress. Because Habitica is not about adding all the tasks that I can remember and doing as much as (im)possible; it's a tool to build motivation, which will generate progressive productivity. It can be like a muscle\battery of will power (as I read in The Power Of Habit), if well designed and oiled.
The (other) problem is that I'm now noticing that each task is unique, and it only stays without change when I don't evolve in it. So, it's a good thing to constantly adapt (at least, the most important) tasks title and description accordingly to my evolutions and consequent adaptation of new techniques that I'm building. This means that I need, with great awareness, to periodically check if each task is working as it should, and edit it accordingly to how it should be right now, specially Dailies and Habits. I'm thinking about adding a monthly revision about this. Adding monthly summaries instead of only the weekly ones helps a lot, too.
I'm now facing 20 dailies and more, the double of what I could do in the past, and challenging my comfort zone every day, without breaking the Perfect Day streak (I'm amazed with myself every day!). The Big Mountain of ToDo's is still to be conquered, but I'm managing it slowly: I'm using a dedicated Trello board to manage this, but it needs a serious update.
Priority monsters of the past (that is, during 1st Habitversary): I'm getting much better with my passive-aggressive behavior (thanks to a dedicated Habit), and avoiding conflict like a stealth ninja. But the world is a mess, so I'll still find opportunities for better training. I'm also understanding others better, but there will be always room for improvement on this topic. Plus, I'm building positivity and optimism behavior. These all might look like simpler things nowadays, but after reading my 1st Habitversary, I noticed how I was really struggling with these. Evolving on these issues made my life significantly better.
Tools: Forest has become a game changer for my Pomodoro Technique: I now have a tree code: Starry Tree and Rainbow Flower - Frogodoro (priorities) Moon Tree and Ghost Mushroom - Work after midnight Cactus and Ball Cactus - Avoiding priorities, but working Scarecrow and Pumpkin - Procrastinating Treehouse, Rafflesia - Domestic tasks (previously Habitica Tasks) Nest - Nap Ginkgo and Sunflower- Professional Wisteria - Writing, paperwork Mushroom - Plan Still working on it (specially the tags), but these ones will probably stay. The rooms are specially motivating, since I can invite someone else to work at the same time as me, helping me to share the burden and avoid laziness. I have now a LOT of Forest friends, and I'm very happy that some of those are Habiticans. Some conclusions: The 1st Pomodoro of the day is always the hardest. Frogodori make the day easier and easier. Habitica public challenges improve my Pomodoro dedication.
Duolingo is my go to App to start learning a language, and I'm in a streak with more than 100 consecutive days. Anki is now also used for affirmations: very useful! Trello is used for several projects that involve several tasks, and I find this very organizing, especially when I add specific quality tags to each board. IFTTT adds some cards. RescueTimer is still running on the background, but I haven't checked it for months. OneNote has more detailed notes about how I play Habitica: after this big burnout I struggled a lot to remember what each symbol and task meant, so now I have a dedicated section with everything that I'm doing regarding game mechanics (plus extra notes from specific tasks), because I can't trust my memory every time. Stylish is my permanent eye saver companion when using Habitica site (added some personal styles too), and the Chrome\Firefox extension Dark Mode (#4 (pitch dark)) is very useful, also. WunderList is not perfectly configured and I'm lazy to make it work, but will probably be using it again. Productivity Challenger and Toggl are the only two tools that I stop using since my last celebrated Habitversary.
Future ideas (brainstorming): Hard Mode: Forest in Hard Mode (every second I lose a little bit of focus, a tree dies). Try first: tree dies after 2nd or 3rd distraction. Wardrobe limits: Thinking about paying GP + a negative medium Habit every time I want to change a piece of battle equipment. I'm always using the best equipment for the best Habitica points, and because now I can beat this strategy, it's probably making the game too easier, and less dynamic. Timeclock: if I don't do a Daily by x hour or x hours after waking up, press a specific negative Habit. Offline experiment: Going back to Wunderlist, or use another extension that syncs to Habitica Dailies (shouldn't be Habits because they don't have 21 streaks). Try other extensions to improve game mechanics, automation and time spent on managing Habitica tasks. I need to reduce the time that I spent with habit tracking: although it's giving me great results, it's also probably consuming more energy and time than it should, I suspect.
Other notes: Depression and anxiety still attack from time to time, but now I have tasks and list of routines that I can do to prevent and recover from it faster than ever before, and healthier! Adding the Morning and Go To Bed Ritual is being very difficult, so instead of risking to lose the Perfect Day streak, I prefer to use my second account to get familiar and test this new routine. I inserted a limiting cheat system for Dailies: to skip a Daily, I have to pay 100 GP for each 1000 GP that I own, I can't do this more than 3 times per day, I also have to press 3 negative habits, and a £ marker needs to be added as a checklist item. A Daily cannot have more than 3 £ markers, and every time I want to remove a marker, I have to pay the same penalty as before. This makes me delay the Daily (and pay a penalty) instead of really skipping it, and if a Daily has 3 markets then I know that I really have to spend special focused time on it! I also added a -£ option, for when I do twice as much of that Daily than I should on that day. This helps me to keep doing my daily goals around the time that they need to be done, instead of EXACTLY at the time they need to be done. It brings more flexibility to the daily routines, and helps me to not avoid them, because I delay them instead of skipping them. It also makes me be focused on several Pomodori for a specific task instead of a single one per day.
I'm now (30/04/2019, updating and revising this text) on my 3rd Adventure, at level 103. I'll make a better resume of this 3rd Adventure In the beginning of next month.
P.S.: I just now realized that I haven't published the Report of my second adventure yet! So that's why I was delaying this Habitversary update… Oh well, I have to deal with it next month too. More to come!!
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Spotlight Share - Keeping Things Interesting in "Endgame"
Keeping Things Interesting in "Endgame": Are you a longtime Habitican who's seen it all? How do you use Habitica's features to keep things exciting and stay engaged? ___
Intro: this (wall of) text took me several days to write. I tried to remember everything that helped me to be more and more interested and motivated with Habitica. I think this topic is REALLY important and I believe that these tips can help other Habiticans to continue to be Habiticans, achieve great things and build energy to face more and harder challenges and goals!
More than a year ago, some wise member (I'm sorry for not remember your name) teached me that Perfect Days are a good barometer for balancing game and increasing motivation: If I do them easily and every time, I'm not challenging myself; If I never do one, I'm beating myself up with stress and worry. So, to me the perfect balance is to always achieve Perfect Days, but also being always challenged with that. And I have a "Perfect Day" trivial task that is always the last one to be checked, and it brings me great joy every time I increase my streak. This way, I don't get bored, but I also don't get scared with my tasks.
My most recent experience with gamification is using Magic the Gathering cards with a personal paper note covering the text section to schedule tidying my house and personal belongings: I have around 2 cards for each day, and if I do more at the beginning of the week, then I'll have more free time at the end of the week (funny… it usually happens the opposite!). This helps me make sure that I always respect the full cycle, and helps me better understand my patterns and necessities, and what gets delayed. Plus, Magic cards pictures are really beautiful! And, since each card represents a task, I can change one for another, rearrange the order, physically move them around to a place where I'll not forget them, experiment and add more notes to each card. I'm still testing this, but it's looking interesting, so far! I'm thinking about expanding this to my personal hygiene patterns and necessities too (like finding when is the best time to cut my nails, groom my beard or wash my hair, etc.), but it might be a little bit different. Oh, and of course, I have a Daily to remind me to check the next cards in need to be done.
After my biggest and last burnout in Habitica (that lasted for many months and truly hurted my productivity), I also learned a cool strategy to keep me coming back to Habitica instead of running away and avoid my tasks, even if it is right after a burnout. This is my thought process: If I feel that I'm getting really burned out and can't make a Perfect Day tomorrow, I go to the Inn immediately, even if there is a small chance of completing a Perfect Day today. This way, the pressure and damage of Dailies is no longer a problem, which means that I have no fear to face them. I then pay 100 GP for each day Resting in the Inn: this prevents me from resting for too long and become lazy. I'll still come to Habitica while in the Inn, but I only check the tasks that I want: I level up slowly, but I also get motivated for earning points, and eventually earning another level and some other achievements will give me more excitement and willpower. If I'm really low on GP, I subtract some points to that 100 GP fee for each Daily that I complete, as a motivation to do as much Dailies as I can and pay the least possible at that time. By the time that I can complete a Perfect Day, I then think: "Am I on track or do I need more time in the Inn?" If I'm unsure, I wait to reach 3 consecutive Perfect Days to finally get out of the Inn: if I can do it 3 times, I get the flow again.
Hatching pets is now an act for special celebration instead of just a collection thing, because I share them along with special achievements in my Twitter: that is, if I complete a special achievement, I hatch a pet or grow it into a mount. I register my small and big achievements, and even struggles, epiphanies, and any other Habitica personal and game mechanics changes, in my dedicated Twitter account that I use as Diary (I also have a Tumblr account for bigger reports). It's very useful to go there when I'm feeling down, with self-doubt, like when I was dealing with my last big burnout, which took me so long to come back that I even forgot the meaning of some of my tasks and game mechanics (good thing that I wrote almost everything)! At the beginning, I confess that I felt discomfort to share so much personal information, but since my privacy is secure, I'm free to express myself. Also, several people already thanked me for inspiring them. And inspiring other is truly inspiring!
In my Party (Onus Squad), every Monday each member shares a resume of the last week, to promote personal and team accountability. The following W's helps to think and write about it: Wins - Best moments\fights\victories of the week. Wounds - Biggest struggles\difficulties\problems of the week. Whys - What causes the Wounds to happen? You may not know the answer, but if at least you make the right question, it'll help! What's - What you can pro-actively do to make your life better? Adding a new task might help. When's - When you should\want\plan to do it, so that the Wounds happen less or never again. Besides these W's, you can just ask help for anything, of course, and we'll do our best to help. This weekly summary helps a lot on planning, revision, and registering for later conclusions. It's actually a very important routine. I'm also doing a monthly review now, thanks to the NYR guild challenges.
Another very important thing I do: a resume with all the Achievements of my last Adventure. After I reach level 100, I only restart a new adventure after I make a summary of the last one, as detailed as I can, using Display Data Tool, my Twitter diary notes, weekly and monthly summaries, to remind me of what I did. This is as HUGE motivational and inspiring technique, as it makes me be aware of all the things that I achieved. Plus, I can read the summary of all my previous adventures too, which helps me realize how evolved I am today, and reminds me that some automatic habits I have now were big difficulties in the past! This summary is really good to read when I'm sad and in self-doubt: it's incredible how my past self can influence and inspire my present self to become a better future self!
Being active in several guilds, starting conversations, answering and helping, or just reading others posts is actually one of the most important things that helps me stick with Habitica. It makes me realize that I'm not alone and that there are many (inspiring) Habiticans in the world fighting for their Habits. Knowing that other people are dealing with similar struggles as me, helps me to face them more effective, plus I can make questions and there are always useful answers to read! Unfortunately, in real life, I don't have the support system that naturally happens in the Habitica community: the best community in the Universe!
One of my most recent epiphanies: Willpower is like a muscle and also a battery: it needs time to grow and also time to recharge. When I'm feeling very tired after completing a difficult task, I reward myself with chocolate (I have a small reward jar for this purpose, where I cut and put little pieces of chocolate inside), or other guilty pleasure. I found that this helps a lot on restoring, keeping and building motivation.
Being a subscriber also helps on motivation: since I paid for all the extra goodies, I better enjoy them. I also have to make an extra effort to gather GP in order to buy all the monthly gems. Sometimes I buy background sets when I achieve something special or need to change my avatar because I'm getting bored with the same look. Since I was a kid, I loved to collect stuff, so I like to have every new seasonal goodie that's available in the Habitica Market. I try to make sure that I go through all the classes and buy all the awesome equipment with gold. (I'll buy some good looking equipment after posting this text, for sure!)
Last but not least, sometimes I check these great creative guilds to spice up my game: + Habitica Plus Hard Mode Pomodoro Playground and STAG (for challenging Pomodoro technique motivation).
And to finish: Be S.M.A.R.T. and you'll achieve anything!
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Use Case Spotlight: Setting Up A Routine
This is my experience: A new routine should always start at 10 to 20% of it's realistic end goal, and aimed to its goal every time is going to be done. It must be a Daily, and it might have a supporting Habit (e.g.: +1 🍅 ). I need to measure its time, so I use a dedicated Tree or Bush in Forest App, to later easy analysis. Then I taste it for the first week and adjust it after my weekly resume. I measure time spended, energy spent, periods of the day and automatic behavior. Then I adapt it, and perfect the text on the Daily Task. I let it "steep" for 21 days and then I use the Display Data Tool to check the missing days, the strongest days, time period, and I try to compare these results with other Habits and trackers that might be related to this new Routine. Every new routine is a new adventure itself, and a window of valuable self-knowledge lessons. Lately, 1st week is the hardest, 2nd and 3rd get easier with time, and then surprisingly the 4th week is way harder than the 1st one. By the 5th week the not-so-new routine becomes a habit, a ritual, and eventually a necessity, a need. After many months, realizing that I'm not struggling with it and it becomes part of me, I transfer the routine to my second account, and watch it from a safe distance, as it might run away again If I loose track of it! ___ Published in the Use Case Spotlights Guild, in 26/02/2019. Featured in the Habitica blog.
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Resoluções 2019
Apesar de sentir o pânico de ver a lista de resoluções (e seus respectivos passos) a crescer à medida que a fazia, assim que a passei para um quadro Trello e cataloguei cada objectivo com tags, fiquei mais descansado: separar uma grande lista em várias secções ajuda muito. São, no total, 22 cartões com assuntos diferentes. Parecem demasiados para um só ano mas, para além de alguns deles terem sido separados originalmente de certos pontos mais gerais, o objectivo não é necessariamente fazer TODOS do início até ao fim: alguns são essencialmente para começar, há outros que são facultativos, e apenas 3 são realmente fulcrais para este 2019 (se fizer esses três, serei um herói! São os mais difíceis!).
A 1ª tag é uma destas: Urgente (6 que têm de ser feitos), Secundário (6 Importantes), Terciário (5 não importantes) e Opcional (5 objectivos bónus, facultativos). Curiosamente, cria a sequência numérica 6, 6, 5, 5, um mero mas bonito acaso! A 2ª tag define o período necessário para concluir cada objectivo: 1 Mês (4); 2 ou 3 Meses (9); 4 a 6 Meses (2); Ano Inteiro (7 objectivos para seguir durante o ano e progredir passo a passo).
Anteriormente tinha objectivos para cada mês do ano (média de 12), em alturas e períodos específicos. Desta vez aproveito a natureza modular do Trello para ir afinando os meus objectivos à medida que o ano vai decorrendo. Penso que esta estratégia funcionará melhor. Os objectivos principais já estão separados em pequenos passos que podem ser inseridos como Afazeres no Habítica, mas alguns deles (menos urgentes) ainda precisam de ser melhor planeados e definidos.
Objectivos (partilho aqui apenas os títulos gerais, sem ordem específica): DeClutter: Limpeza, Arrumação, Organização \ 1 ano, 12 músicas \ Mais Gentil \ Exercício Físico \ Línguas (Latim!, Italiano, Alemão, Espanhol) \ Smoky Monster \ Ganhar Dinheiro \ Caligrafia \ Doar Sangue \ Completar e lançar Álbum \ Novo Projecto \ Folha de Cálculo - Gráficos \ Rotina Matinal \ Rotina de Sono \ Habítica Socialite \ Mais Produtividade \ Cozinhar \ Saúde (Dentista, Visão Melhor, outros) \ Bardo Melhor \ Dieta de Informação \ Cartooning \ Vlog, Criar.
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I don’t love tomatoes. But I do love pomodori!
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Meanwhile, in Habitica’s Tavern...
Il Mago Rosso - one of these days we will start finding fanfictions on Habitica's characters...
BardoVelho - @Il Mago Rosso aren't we all, Habiticans, also Habitica characters? I mean, we're all living the motto "RPG, your real life". We're roleplaying our future selves (with routines, habits, to-dos) in the present moment. We're "pretending" to be not what we are, but what we wish to become. And after pretending for awhile, then we become what we wish. Well isn't it magical? :smile:
Il Mago Rosso - @BardoVelho : we are all pretending to be heroes of this RPG called "Real Life", one of this days, pretending long enough, we will become real heroes!
Drosera - @BardoVelho Interesting point! My character is definitely still an aspiring hero. Very much aspiring. Lots of aspiration...
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Vencedor do Desafio Habitversary!
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1st Habitversary: Resume
This last year became probably the biggest adventure about knowing thyself. Habitica is an excellent (and now essential) tool for improving any aspect of my life.
I’ve learned golden experience about discipline, productiveness, focus, happiness, comprehensiveness, memory, health, conscience about unconscient patterns, taming routines, and so many other awesome things!
Plus, I’ve discovered great productivity weapons and fearless tactics to fight on the big war of procrastination, thanks to the wonderful Habitica community of constant changing and evolution!
I’m now on my 2nd Adventure, level 79.
Full list of 1st Adventure Wins & Wounds here.
Habitversary complete conclusions in Portuguese, here.
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5o Burnout no Habitica
Estou melhor do que nunca. Tenho hoje bons hábitos que há um ano atrás não faziam parte da minha vida, alguns até que nunca antes existiram! No entanto, estou a sofrer mais um Burnout no Habitica. O 3o que tive foi há imenso tempo atrás, serviu de lição para prevenir outros, mas desta vez tornou-se inevitável. Ter-me comprometido publicamente a delinear e cumprir o meu plano S.M.A.R.T. deu-me motivação inicial, mas esqueci-me de tratar de um importante detalhe: depois de adicionar novas rotinas a fazer prioritariamente, tenho que REMOVER outras que já eram obrigatórias, ou pelo menos diminuir a sua importância e nível de dificuldade (como transpor Diárias para Hábitos). É impossível ter espaço para novas rotinas se já estou demasiado atarefado com outras. Principalmente se não tenho feito dias perfeitos! Não me lembro quando recebi a última medalha de Dia Perfeito. Isso significa que, nestas últimas semanas, tenho exigido mais de mim do que aquilo que tenho cumprido, ou por outras palavras, estou com demasiadas expectativas em relação à minha capacidade de execução. Curiosamente, este é o primeiro Burnout em que não me vejo obrigado a descansar no Inn, porque:
há muitas Diárias que já estão domesticadas;
sou Curandeiro (Healer) neste momento;
há vários Hábitos positivos que me dão XP suficiente para me safar vivo e subir de nível quase diariamente;
a Táctica Pomodoro faz-me fazer qualquer coisa difícil sem me sentir desgastado.
Conclusão, Afazer (novas tarefas no Habitica):
Diminuir número de diárias (máximo 15)
Eliminar Diárias menores \ Transferir para Hábitos
Atacar em Táctica Pomodoro como padrão
Arrumar mente arrumando Habitica x5 e Casa x8
Aprender a ser feliz com o que já tenho (e que chega bem)
+ Exercício físico 10m
Adormecer com leitura lúdica em vez de técnica
Evitar Workaholismo: Respeitar pausas!! + Pomodori!
Começado em: 17/04/2017. Edição terminada em: 24/04/2017.
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1º Habitversário
Era uma vez um Bardo que nasce, curiosamente, Velho (!), numa capital de descobertas. Cresce numa cidade de cavaleiros paladinos, desenvolve as suas magias numa cidade branca, e explora, desde há um ano, uma caverna profunda (a BardoCave, o seu EU), um local secreto onde só é possível entrar a partir do Castelo das suas Torres, onde vive e faz magia Bárdica (Música e Musico-terapia).
Há precisamente um ano atrás (14/04/2016), este BardoVelho decide-se a uma experiência transformadora: registar as suas rotinas, bons e maus hábitos, de modo a controla-los melhor e assim evoluir na vida real, através do Habitica. Descobriu uma nova epifania no final da sua primeira grande aventura (Adventure I - Adapt to the Cave. Map and Declutter. Primal habits and Discipline. (Healer 10-50, Rogue 51-110; 14/04/2016 to 03/01/2017)): domar hábitos é um grande super-poder. Tão super que torna irrelevantes certas habilidades incríveis, como: força de vontade (um cognato, na verdade), força física, inteligência, memória, ler\influenciar mentes, capacidade de concentração, cura (saúde), disciplina, criatividade, inteligência emocional, etc. Em suma, domar hábitos é uma Meta-Habilidade, um super-poder que nos permite melhorar qualquer outra habilidade, e criar ou erradicar um defeito. É o meta-poder mais importante de todos, pois é o responsável por transformar humanos em super-homens, heróis, virtuosos, recordistas mundiais e criativos inigualáveis.
O impressionante mundo de mudança do Habitica acabou por se transformar, gradualmente, num laboratório de experiências (profissionais, pessoais, sociais, mentais, físicas, emocionais), e os seus principais manuais de estudo foram a Wiki do Habitica, onde aprendeu a desenvolver técnicas e a usar ferramentas de produtividade efetivas, e o livro A Força do Hábito (inspiração para o nascimento do Habitica), onde aprendeu a identificar hábitos e a domá-los.
No seu diário online (twitter), vai registando as suas pequenas vitórias, desabafando as derrotas que sempre transforma em lições, e uma ou outra epifania que matutou em determinados dias. O resumo semanal, que partilha com a sua fabulosa equipa, permitiu-lhe descobrir uma ilusão real: o nosso cérebro cria falsas memórias. Isto é, num estado emocional negativo, o passado foi mau, e num estado emocional positivo o passado foi bom, mas nenhum dos dois foi realmente assim tão mau ou assim tão bom. Fazer um resumo do progresso semanal, registar as pequenas vitórias, fazer revisões mensais, são evidências concretas de uma evolução positiva real, e testemunhos que geram motivação imediata.
No final de cada aventura (atingir o nível 100), faz um resumo da viagem que percorreu e das lições que aprendeu. Cada nova aventura é uma etapa diferente, com novos desafios prioritários, mas traz sempre algumas tarefas da aventura anterior, caso sejam relevantes e\ou ainda não estejam domadas.
Pomodoris tornaram-se (finalmente) no seu ataque padrão, principalmente em casos de emergência. Devido ao seu estudo obsessivo, tornou-se experiente nos meandros do Habitica, aprendendo a projectar desafios com base em problemas de vida. Habitica é agora uma ferramenta essencial para a evolução pessoal, uma base para estabilidade emocional, e fulcral para a sua organização e consciência de evolução constante e metas cumpridas.
Outras epifanias relevantes:
O que é medido é gerido.
Começar custa 2 terços da energia total para executar uma tarefa.
A força de vontade não basta. É preciso disciplina.
Ser exigente comigo, e não com os outros.
Recompensa e castigo funcionam melhor do que esperava.
Monstros a combater prioritariamente:
Lamurias crónicas, Pensamentos negativos;
Grande Montanha Vermelha dos Afazeres;
Smokey Monster (fumar).
Maiores dificuldades:
Foco e produtividade consistentes;
Cumprir prazos;
Tarefas físicas;
Paz emocional;
Novos hábitos após uma semana;
Erradicar vícios;
Alegria contagiante;
Fazer tudo o que aconselho aos outros.
Melhorias gerais significativas: redução de maus hábitos após tomada de consciência, mais disciplina e organização, mais assiduidade, mais paciência e compreensão, mais produtividade e menos procrastinação. Memória, saúde física, higiene, gratidão. Menos raiva e conflitos, mais calma e entendimento.
Ferramentas especiais que levo na mochila quando me aventuro no Habitica:
Twitter, Tumblr (Registos)
Anki (Memória)
Duolingo (Línguas: Alemão, Francês, Espanhol)
RescueTimer (Registo de Actividade em PC e Tablet)
Toggl (Medidor, Temporizador)
Forest - Stay Focused (Pomodoro ecológico)
Productivity Challenger (Pomodoro irónico)
Stylish (Muda o aspecto do site do Habitica)
WulderList: WunderHabit (Listas que activam Hábitos no Habitica)
Trello (Organizar Projectos)
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Feliz Habitversário!
Criei este perfil no Tumblr para celebrar o meu primeiro aniversário no Habitica: Habitversário!
As publicações com data anterior a esta foram publicadas posteriormente, mas alterei a data para a altura em que deveriam ter sido publicadas.
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The 4th Habitica burnout was summoned by pressure from New Year Resolutions.
Possible solution: Plan better, divide everything into small S.M.A.R.T. steps.
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1st Adventure Wins & Wounds
In Habitica, there's a BardoCave. That is my inner self. It's replete with wonders, treasures, mysteries, archangels, guardians, monsters, demons, big and giant bosses… everything between the worst and the better, known and unknown to the self.
Adventure I - Adapt to the Cave. Map and Declutter. Primal habits and Discipline. (Healer 10-50, Rogue 51-110; 14/04/2016 to 03/01/2017)
Wins: Wake up in time with no snooze & wash my eyes. Make bed. Go to bed at decent hours. Drink water daily. Eat Fruit & Vegetables daily. Exercise, swimming and Yoga. Yoga 3 x a week. Breathing techniques. Cook veg food. Be grateful daily. Calm down, stress less, be more comprehensive. Cut smoke habit in half. Smoke less. Stop smoking for days. Be more proactive and less reactive. More Productive. Uninstall time wasting Apps. Be aware of weekly and monthly days. Stop playing useless games. Started playing Elevate. Not identifying myself with bad people and bad energies. Do Pomodori. Play more Drums and Guitar. Improve Patience, decreasing Bad Mood. Discover strategies to be happy. Be Happy if I'm sad. Discover natural Antidepressants and anxiolytics. Conquer self-esteem. Less Facebook. Declutter home and studio. Eat less junk food. Volunteer more. Measuring more, to manage better. Weekly meditation and written resume. Memorize numbers. Improve mobile technology potential. Learn Habitica and how to make my personal game. Better vision. Listening to more and new music. Open heart, learn to forgive faster. Value friends and family. Plan the next day. ___ Public Challenges: Discovered and appreciated Hans Zimmer's work Take Care of Your Bed (Won) 5-star reviews in 30 android Apps Listened to Gustav's "The Planets" Participated in all Take This challenges. Non-Smoker for 28h (06/10/2016) Non-Smoker for 42h (04/11/2016) Adventure I - Adapt to the Cave. Map & Declutter. Primal Habits & Discipline. (Healer 10-50, Rogue 51-110; 14/04/2016 to 03/01/2017)
Wounds: 3 Burnouts. The 3rd one was a profound learning experience, as it helped me to prevent future ones. Big Red Mountain of To-Do's to climb. The To-Do column has been the hardest part, because I'm doing so many dailies.
Game mode: Equipment GTA Style - I can change any weapons or clothes on the fly, wherever I go, whenever I wish. Wishing Well - I can fill my drop cap whenever I wish. Note: It facilitates Triad Bingo, Wishing Well should be a reward for doing a Neglected Daily or a Perfect Day Achievement.
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