bara-karlek · 5 days
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bara-karlek · 16 days
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bara-karlek · 17 days
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how i want my days to look like
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bara-karlek · 21 days
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bara-karlek · 23 days
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Lysekil Lighthouse by Tobias Hägg / 500px
Summer evening on the West Coast of Sweden. The lonesome cabin on the granite boulders of Lysekil glowing in the evening sun.
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bara-karlek · 23 days
german words i wish existed in english
a messy and incomplete list
nachvollziehen (v.) -- to understand, but less empathetic. i.e. i see the steps that brought you to that conclusion, but i don't understand you.
doch (interj.) -- you're wrong and really it's the opposite of what you said. often said with a healthy dose of sass. i.e. "this isn't a good movie." "doch. (it is)"
frech (adj.) -- somewhere between naughty and sassy and silly. when you're being a bit of a brat, you're being frech.
dreist (adj.) -- audacious, but far more colloquial. when you have the goddamn audacity, you are dreist. i.e. to park that far over the line is dreist as hell
heimat (n.) -- home, but stronger. a home is wherever you have built a life, but heimat is where your roots are. heimat is where you feel pangs of nostalgia when you go to visit your family for christmas and see the shop at the corner.
weltschmerz (n.) -- literally 'world-pain'. the world sucks and sometimes you just sit and feel the pain of it all. that's weltschmerz.
existenzberechtigung (n.) -- the right to exist, often in a comedic context. i.e. pineapple on pizza has absolutely no existenzberechtigung.
fernweh (n.) -- literally 'far-ache'. the opposite of homesickness, the desire to go far away. i guess wanderlust is similar, but that is also a german word, and this is more painful and visceral
schweigen (v./n.) -- the act of not speaking. silence, but more deliberate. the palpable feeling that people are withholding their voice.
verschlimmbesserung (n.) -- when an update with the intention of making something better actually just made it worse. looking at you @staff
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bara-karlek · 23 days
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Faroe Islands (by Georgi)
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bara-karlek · 1 month
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The aurora season sure started with a bang this year! It was so much going on in the sky that I didnt know where to point my camera.
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bara-karlek · 1 month
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snoopy stained glass window
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bara-karlek · 2 months
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Dunnotar Castle, Scotland (by Connor Mollison)
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bara-karlek · 2 months
german words i wish existed in english
a messy and incomplete list
nachvollziehen (v.) -- to understand, but less empathetic. i.e. i see the steps that brought you to that conclusion, but i don't understand you.
doch (interj.) -- you're wrong and really it's the opposite of what you said. often said with a healthy dose of sass. i.e. "this isn't a good movie." "doch. (it is)"
frech (adj.) -- somewhere between naughty and sassy and silly. when you're being a bit of a brat, you're being frech.
dreist (adj.) -- audacious, but far more colloquial. when you have the goddamn audacity, you are dreist. i.e. to park that far over the line is dreist as hell
heimat (n.) -- home, but stronger. a home is wherever you have built a life, but heimat is where your roots are. heimat is where you feel pangs of nostalgia when you go to visit your family for christmas and see the shop at the corner.
weltschmerz (n.) -- literally 'world-pain'. the world sucks and sometimes you just sit and feel the pain of it all. that's weltschmerz.
existenzberechtigung (n.) -- the right to exist, often in a comedic context. i.e. pineapple on pizza has absolutely no existenzberechtigung.
fernweh (n.) -- literally 'far-ache'. the opposite of homesickness, the desire to go far away. i guess wanderlust is similar, but that is also a german word, and this is more painful and visceral
schweigen (v./n.) -- the act of not speaking. silence, but more deliberate. the palpable feeling that people are withholding their voice.
verschlimmbesserung (n.) -- when an update with the intention of making something better actually just made it worse. looking at you @staff
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bara-karlek · 2 months
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Salchichita 🌭✨
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bara-karlek · 3 months
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summertime moon
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bara-karlek · 4 months
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snoopy encourages you to buy a new book!
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bara-karlek · 4 months
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Stockholm in May, 2023
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bara-karlek · 4 months
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Stockholm in May II, 202
I was sorting through my photos and decided to share some of my favourites. There were more than I expected.
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bara-karlek · 4 months
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Stockholm in May III, 2023
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