Banutedja, Baskara.
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banutedja · 4 years ago
The stories: One fine day.
Setelah melakukan banyak pengarahan baik untuk host dan narasumber akhirnya teruna dengan kaki jenjang itu bisa beristirahat di balik kamera. Pada kuasanya sebuah skrip digulung, seakan-akan ia telah menguasai segala isinya dan tinggal menikmati kegiatan untuk malam ini. Seperti biasa ia menghayati jalannya siaran, terkagum akan setiap jalan cerita orang-orang yang memiliki keindahannya masing-masing. Lamunannya terhenti saat kartu pertama diangkat.
"Apa yang kamu rasakan selama kamu menghadapi masa-masa menjadi korban?
Baskara terlihat penasaran dengan jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut. Meskipun selama bekerja di Perspektif Manusia banyak ia saksikan pengalaman-pengalaman dengan permasalahan yang sama. Tetapi, ia tidak begitu paham bagaimana rasanya untuk menjadi seorang korban. Karena, ia sendiri tidak pernah mengalami hal serupa.
"Jujur, kalau boleh sejujur-jujurnya ... rasanya kayak lagi dicekik waktu itu,"
Ia cukup tertegun pada jawaban Darrel. Membuatnya ikut merasa tercekik seketika. Terlalu banyak, terlalu banyak orang orang di luar sana yang begitu ringan pada ucapannya. Membuat orang-orang seperti Darrel berakhir untuk melakukan setiap kegiatan yang seharusnya ringan dan normal dikonstruksi menjadi ketakutan yang dihempas berat di pundak.
Kartu lain diangkat, memberikan kesempatan Darrel untuk bertanya kepada Landon.
"Sekarang giliran saya, mau nanya ke Mas Landon. Tindakan perundungan, atau yang biasa kita sebut sebagai bullying ini kan pasti ada alasannya kalau dilakukan oleh seseorang. Kira-kira, kenapa—alasannya Mas—waktu itu melakukan hal seperti itu?"
Dalam hati ia sangat bersyukur mempunyai tim penulis yang pandai memancing pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang membuatnya semakin penasaran. Untuk mengetahui asal muasal seseorang sebelum melakukan sesuatu adalah penting. Kita tidak pernah tahu apa yang seseorang telah lalui.
Sebelum ia mendengarkan jawaban dari Landon. Dua ketukan di bahu mengalihkan atensinya seketika, ia menoleh. "Mas, ada yang kirim paket di depan." Ujar salah satu kawannya. Seketika ia teringat dengan pesanan paket yang akan ia berikan untuk narasumber hari ini.
"Oh, iya, makasih ya." Sang teruna beranjak dan bergegas menuju pintu bagian depan. Sepanjang ia berjalan melewati pelbagai bentuk ruangan yang tidak terisi, Baskara bisa merasakan dingin disekujur tubuh. Entah mungkin karena sejuk yang berhembus dari pendingin ruangan atau hal-hal lain. Sialnya, di momen-momen seperti ini yang muncul ada dibenaknya adalah Immanuel dan cerita-cerita anehnya itu.
Lagipula kemana semua orang?
Tungkai sang teruna bergerak lebih cepat agar segera sampai di lobi, netra kembarnya tertuju pada seorang pria dengan jaket khas berwarna hijau dan mengenakan pelindung kepala.
"Atas nama Perspektif Manusia, ya?" "Iya, betul. Padahal saya bisa antar sampai dalam, Pak." "Oh, enggak masalah, saya sambil cari angin juga ini. Terima kasih ya."
Baskara mengambil dua kotak besar yang terbalut plastik berwarna hitam, ia meminta proteksi lebih untuk paketnya karena cuaca Jakarta yang lebih mendung ketimbang biasa. Ia setengah berlari kembali menuju studio sebelum pikiran-pikiran aneh mulai berkecamuk di kepalanya lagi.
Sembari ia bergerak melewati ruangan-ruangan sepi tadi, Baskara menyempatkan diri mengambil plakat yang telah dicetak dan disiapkan beberapa hari lalu, membawa dua kotak tersebut pada salah satu kuasanya. Sesampainya ia kembali di studio, siaran telah selesai. Baskara menyelesaikan hal-hal lain yang dibutuhkan untuk menutup kegiatan, termasuk memberikan kenang-kenangan terakhir untuk para narasumber.
Terlewat banyak cerita yang sebenarnya ingin disaksikannya malam ini. Mungkin ia hanya akan menontonnya ulang nanti.
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banutedja · 4 years ago
Chatter: The conversation.
What was the meaning of life again?
Baskara couldn't recall how many times he contemplates life ever since he took part in this company. A small company is a small company anyway. They lack revenue, the management sucks, their equipment is mostly second-handed, and much more things that were enough to cause him a headache. If everyone knew that he is a descend of Tjandra, he would make sure to squandering all the money he had to establish a better company. But it was under the contract he made with his father. To not go beyond a limit with the company and not make himself stand out among others and keep it low.
After condescending the company, the reality comes to light, and it was far beyond his expectation. The company began to build its impression on him. It was a good one with a greater impact, at least to him. This situation makes him recall the exact condition just right when he was in college. Even he never found the answer, up until now. One thing that he was so sure, that lives are more extensive than he imagined. The people are unique, and they have their own stories behind every decision, thought, and action.
I am too excited, and this is not good.
But living as Tjandra is surely different than any other. They cannot blend with people, or everything just began to fall apart.
Just like him, now.
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banutedja · 4 years ago
Chatter: Withering dream.
"I remember back then you were really passionate to be involved in a production house." Baskara sips to his cold americano while his eyes glanced at the woman who started the conversation in front of him, Danilla, his closest friend ever since college. She is that one friend who always bluntly talking about many things that people don't want to hear. Just like now, talking about his long-time dream that will never be achieved no matter how hard he tried. While placing the cup back on the table, Danilla keeps persuading him about joining her production house. "You might want to reconsider everything and starts to gain more by joining my PH."
No one really knows; it was a matter of life and death when his parents knew that a major he took in college was communication. He was charged to work in a government, business, or anything that could help his family's confidential business.
Initially, he consented to move to another major that his family directed. But, as time passes, he fell in love with the idea of video, television, movie, and everything involved within. Baskara keeps moving, relishing the time in college even it means working hard to pay his tuition and banished by the family. But he was at his happiest.
By the time he graduated, all the dreams he dreams of vanished away. He would really love to accept the offer that Danilla gave to him, but living as Tjandra won't be easy if you choose to turn your back on them.
A chortle eludes his lips. "Thank you. That’s very generous of you. But, I feel like had enough now." Baskara cannot figure how his facial expression now. Deep down inside him, he feels uneasy because he had to turn down another offer, another way to his dream.
His father was right, and he should never start it at all.
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banutedja · 4 years ago
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banutedja · 4 years ago
The initial phase.
By the end of Baskara's last week in London. He had a meeting with one of his closest friends, Khatulistiwa. The man was way younger than him but then also succeeds in foundering one of a company that works for a good cause. He was born in Bandung and had ventured to Sweden but never other countries in Europe since he was much focused on his studies instead.
"You love Gothenburg that much 'eh?"
⠀⠀"Who doesn't?"
"I don't. Too cold. That's why I left early and refuse to meet you there."
⠀⠀"Actually, compared to Vuoggatjålme, Stockholm still considered as warm."
"Oh, I could felt the reddish is all around my body." Khatulistiwa looked exhausted but still managed to laugh over Baskara's joke.
They were sitting in the café with classical music played as the background sound. Basically, he is not an enthusiast of classical music. Still, he fell onto a long silence while listening to one, proving a nonverbal channel is one of the good ways of expressing emotion. The long silence does not enact the situation to be agitated. Baskara landed the biggest role to Khatulistiwa as a big brother. Hengkara might witness him grow up, but Khatulistiwa much convenient to talk about things to him other than his own brother. So, they are that so close, closer than how his relationship with his family, and to the point, even in silence, they didn't get a waiver.
⠀⠀"So, the answer?" The ice is, finally, breaking between them.
"Taking over Perspektif Manusia?"
⠀⠀"Yes. I don't have to explain why, right? Sweden is the only thing I want in my life."
Baskara eyes him for a moment, then sipped his chamomile tea.
"I am not sure where to start. But I am leaving London soon, and still managing Earthries and by then..." he trailed off. "Working in two projects will not be easy."
⠀⠀"Then, it is a yes?"
"But, tell me where to start. I don't want the folks to be hateful for me replacing your position."
Khatulistiwa smiled; unlike Baskara, who barely touch a cigarette, he took a drag of his. A smoke blew on the table while they talked more about the project he is about to handle soon in a month.
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