
So let me raise a toast to the girl I love most in the whole world… Darla
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I pulled my Jeep into the lot of my apartment complex and released a sigh of relief.
After working all day, and going too hard at the gym, my muscles were aching and begging for a hot shower. My evening routine was always the same. Once I got home, I’d take a shower, eat a dinner of steak, rice, and asparagus, watch an episode of Son’s of Anarchy, then fall asleep.
Rarely did anything throw a wrench into my routine but tonight proved differently. My phone rang, and my dad’s contact popped up on the screen.
”Hey pops,” I answered, “What’s up?”
I listened as he detailed the catastrophe that was their basement. After days of storms, their dirt cellar had flooded with a few feet of water. He needed help setting up the sump pump and moving all of their belongings out. With my sister states away, this fell on my shoulders and my shoulders alone.
”I’ll be right over.” I promised before hanging up. I started my Jeep back up and reversed out of the parking lot to take care of my parents as I should. Despite the disturbance in my pattern, I was thankful to push myself a little further. More work meant less thinking, and I’d do anything for less thinking.
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Banks Lawson of the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing of the U.S. Air Force. Stationed at Bagram Air Base. December 12, 2019.
“This one is good!” Banks called out as he smacked the side of the Black Hawk helicopter he just finished inspecting. “Number 3184 ready for liftoff whenever you’re ready, sir.” Turning, Banks saluted to his superior, Colonel Altman.
“Stand down, Lawson. I’ll take it from here.” The Colonel disappeared into an aircraft hangar to grab the group that would be taking 3184 to the nearby medical hospital.
The day before was hell on earth. The airbase was attacked by a suicide bomber that left 80 wounded and 1 killed. Black Hawk 3184 would be transporting the more critical patients to a safer place to recover.
Banks assisted wheeling gurneys onto the aircraft while doctors and nurses manned their medications and ventilators. It felt surreal. After being stationed there for years, this was the first time Banks witnessed true destruction. He’d been lucky until then; simply repairing and inspecting aircrafts on the day to day. Now, he was watching people with amputated limbs and bloody bandages load into a helicopter he inspected.
Banks and the rest of the airmen staying on the ground watched as the Black Hawk lifted into the clouds and disappeared, silently praying to themselves for safe travels and lives saved.
“Back to work!” Colonel Altman barked, making them all disperse to continue working on the endless amount of repairs that needed done from the previous day’s attacks.
An hour later, everyone’s radios started to pick up the same message. “Mayday, mayday!” Afraid of another bombing, Banks grabbed his radio and took cover beside the plane he’d been working on. “Is anyone there?” They asked. Banks heard a voice over the commotion answer the mayday. “Colonel Altman here. What are your coordinates? What’s happening?”
“It’s Black Hawk 3184.” The shaky voice spoke through the static. “All engines have failed. We’re going down.”
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🄱🄰🄽🄺🅂 🄻🄰🅆🅂🄾🄽 Location: Tampa, Florida
BASICS Birthday: July 19, 1994 Occupation: Airplane Mechanic + USAF Veteran
PERSONALITY + resilient, courageous, organized - non-committal, obsessive, traumatized
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