Lee Young
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bangtannabie · 1 year ago
My man is a King indeed
Yuzuru Hanyu's K&C reactions to breaking World Records (Through the Years)
Historical world records (during the +/-3 GOE ISU scoring system)
1) October 19th, 2012 (Skate America) - Parisienne Walkways 95.07
2) November 23rd, 2012 (NHK Trophy) - Parisienne Walkways 95.32
3) December 5th, 2013 (GPF) - Parisienne Walkways 99.84
4) February 13th, 2014 (Sochi Olympics) - Parisienne Walkways 101.45 (Yuzu was the first men's single skater in history to score above 100 points)
5) November 27th, 2015 (NHK Trophy) - Ballade No. 1 106.33
6) November 28th, 2015 (NHK Trophy) - SEIMEI 216.07 (Yuzu became the first men's single skater in history to score above 200 points)
7) November 28th, 2015 (NHK Trophy) - Total 322.40 (Yuzu became the first men's single skater in history to score above 300 points)
8) December 10th, 2015 (GPF) - Ballade No. 1 110.95 (Yuzu was the first and remains the only skater to score above 110 points before the 2018-19 season*)
9) December 12th, 2015 (GPF) - SEIMEI 219.48
10) December 12th, 2015 (GPF) - Total 330.43 (Yuzu remains the only skater in history to score above 330 points prior to the 2018-19 season)
11) April 1st, 2017 (World Championships) - Hope & Legacy 223.20 (Yuzu became the first and remained the only skater in history to score above 220 points in the free skate prior to the 2018-19 season)
12) September 22nd, 2017 (Autumn Classic) - Ballade No. 1 112.72
Modern World Records (*during the +/-5 GOE ISU scoring system introduced in the 2018-19 season)
13) November 3rd, 2018 (GP Helsinki) - Otoñal 106.60
14) November 4th, 2018 (GP Helsinki) - Origin 190.43
15) November 4th, 2018 (GP Helsinki) - Total 297.12
16) November 16th, 2018 (Rostelecom Cup) - Otonal 110.53 (Yuzu became the first skater in the new system to score above 110 points)
17) March 23rd, 2019 (World Championships) - Origin 206.10 (Yuzu became the first skater to score above 200 points in the new system)
18) March 23rd, 2019 (World Championships) - Total 300.97 (Yuzu became the first skater to score above 300 points in the new system)
19) February 7th, 2020 (Four Continents) - Ballade No. 1 111.82
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bangtannabie · 1 year ago
In some ways, it was an isolation, but mostly, it was solitude. It got so addictive that I'm losing my mind craving for it.
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bangtannabie · 2 years ago
He's the sweetest human ever 🥺
Hugging Tracy at the end of class.
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bangtannabie · 4 years ago
People say you should never say your wishes out loud or it won't come true. But I will write it down here once and for all, because I can feel my future is slipping away from me. It's not even a blur. I can't feel it, let alone see it. I started to believe that they are not there. There is none for me.
So now I will let you all know, that ... the thoughts of being a mother is such a happiness for me. Although, I am very sceptical about marriage. But to be a mother ... is something else entirely.
I want two kids. But three is probably okay, too. I want one son, and I will named him Alexander. I love that name a lot. I'm a muslim so I know a lot of people would not like that name. But my son will always be Alexander to me. Then I want one or two daughters. I will named them Aurora and Sapphira. Aurora is a first name. Sapphira is a middle name, from Saphire, my favourite blue stone.
Deep in the night I would imagine myself hugging them and raise them and taught them all that I know. They are my wishes that came true. But I'm afraid in real life, I will never be good for them.
So Alexander, Aurora, and Saphira. I know this sounds extremely insane because you are not here yet. By god's name I really started to believe that you will never get to be here at all. I'm started to believe that I will never meet your father, will never marry him, will never actually embrace you kids in my arms.
It makes me sad, at how this sadness eating me away. Is it sadness, though? Or is it something else?
But I already love you. All three of you. I really want you. But I know I'm not good for you. And this life that I lived in is not a life I want to give to you. This miserable, lonely life.
So I will let you live in my thoughts, in my heart. I will love you as much as I can until my sanity left me. I will think of you when I'm happy, when my heart is broken, and when someday I die without the chance of having you.
Dear Alexander, Aurora, and Sapphira, this is your mother's letter for you.
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bangtannabie · 4 years ago
I don't think most people understand the urge to kill yourself every time you do something wrong
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bangtannabie · 5 years ago
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… suzy icons!
like or reblog if you safe.
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
I hate it when people feel the need to say that you’ll never be loved because you’re scared of it. Because you’re scared of being hurt and abused like you were before. How you’re scared of being close to someone because it brings back bad memories. I hate that people don’t see that I’m trying and that I don’t mean to push people away
I’m just scared.
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
An Explanation of the May “Terror” Month of 2016 aka the Series of Anti-Fan Attacks Against BTS
Explanation begins below the cutoff
Keep reading
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
The original master list
For late night talks with friends
If could relive childhood all over again without being able to change anything, would you?
Looking at your current level of intelligence and attractiveness, which would you choose to increase/improve?
Which have you thought about more, your wedding or your funeral?
If you knew you would never meet your soulmate or be happy in a relationship, would you choose to still get married/settle down with someone?
Do you take what you can get, or are you “all or nothing"
Have you ever thought you had a mental health issue/illness?
Which are you most like and why -a river, a lake, or an ocean?
If your partner/you were to get pregnant at this current moment, would you keep or abort the baby?
What is the biggest mistake you’ve made
What do you feel is your biggest personality flaw?
Which do you admire more -your mother or your father?
Who do you spend more time trying to impress?
What is something that you do often, but almost always regret?
Have you ever fantasized about having sexual relations with someone in this room?
Do you prefer to be the big spoon or little spoon?
Do you prefer to be tied up or do the tying? (bondage)
Do you have a martyr complex?
What is something you wish you were complemented on a lot more?
If you just met someone and found out they were a psychopath, if you knew they would never harm you, would you like to be their friend?
Have you ever admired a manipulator?
What is something that if someone does it, they immediately lose your respect?
What would having sex with the person to your right be like? (Characteristics)
What do you think the person to your left thinks their best quality is?
What do you think people your age’s biggest insecurity is?
What do you think makes you the most different compared to everyone else in the room?
What do you think makes you the most different compared to everyone else your age?
What personality characteristic gets you in trouble the most
What personality characteristic gets you the most friends?
Pick a personality characteristic from the person to your right that you would want to have
If you were   a relationship with the person on your left, what do you see them doing that would end the relationship?
What characteristic makes you a bad girlfriend/boyfriend?
What characteristic makes you a great boyfriend/girlfriend?
Ask the person opposite you why they think you are single
Which person in the group do you feel the most chemistry with?
Have you ever fantasized about anyone in the group?
What would make you leave your partner?
What would your parents have to do to lose your love?
What would your parents have to do to lose your respect?
What about growing up has been the hardest for you?
How do you deal with bad memories?
How good are you at reading people?
What is a weakness you have in your relationships?
Do you think it is/will be easy for you to say “I love you” or difficult?
If you had a daughter, what would you tell her about boys?
If you had a son, what would you tell him about girls?
Which do you think you are stronger in? intelligence or emotional awareness?
Are you more of a long-term or short-term relationship person?
What scares you the most about being in a relationship?
Are you attracted to happy people or broken souls?
Have you ever had an incestuous thought?
What do you blame your parents for?
List five ways in which you are, after all, quite difficult to live with?
The chief problems in my relationship with my mother were…
The chief problems in my relationship with my father were…
If someone likes me a lot, I start to feel…
What did you learn about relationships from your parents?
What slightly unhealthy things feel attractive in a partner? How might this relate to your opposite sex parent?
What slightly unhealthy things feel attractive in a partner?
If you could consider yourself dispassionately, what might you warn a friend about if they were thinking of starting a relationship with you?
If I were to explain a bit more to people about how I felt about things, they would…
What are, or would be, my faults as a parent?
What would hurt you the most, in terms of what your kids do/are like/think?
What would be the biggest disappoint you in the kids?
Name three sexual scenarios that especially excite you.
When do you cry or want to cry (as an adult)?
List five things that are the important to you in your life. How much of your time do you give to each of these?
What things do you often end up buying that don’t – on reflection, much of the time – actually satisfy you that much?
What are you trying to say through your clothes?
Name three works of art (music, literature and visual art/architecture) that mean a lot to you.
What are you a little addicted to? Porn, alcohol, shopping, arguing…
What negative character flaws do you fear – in your worst nightmares – that other people have spotted about you?’
‘If I knew I couldn’t fail, in my professional life, I’d try to…
Rank in order of importance for you in your career: Money, Status, Creativity, Social Impact, Colleagues.
What sort of things have made you envious recently?
When my partner disappoints me, I:
Explode/get angry at them
Re-evaluate our relationships
Other -
What often impairs your decision making process? Lack of confidence, impatience, desire to please, over-excitement…
Choose four adjective to describe yourself. Ask three good friends to do the same for you.
What are you currently lying to certain people around you about?
If a really kind person wanted to praise me, they’d say…
If a really tough person assessed me, they’d say…
Are you dominant or submissive sexually? And in the rest of your life?
What things would deeply alarm your loved ones if they knew them about you?
If you could create your ideal pornography, what would it feature?
What would you ideally like someone to feel compassionate towards you for? What would it beautiful if they could forgive?
What did you most enjoy doing as a child? Do you get those feelings now?
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
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Better late than never!
This week’s finale on stars focuses on stellar sizes!
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
you dont need to expose me like this :")
You know shit isn’t going well when you back on Tumblr.
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
100 Random Character Development Questions
001. When is their birthday? 002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday? 003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? 004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? 005. Are they in good health? 006. What sense do they most rely on? 007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? 008. What is their favorite fairy tale? 009. Do they believe in happy endings? 010. Do they believe in love at first sight? 011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? 012. What makes your character embarrassed? 013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? 014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. 015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? 016. What is their choice of weapon? 017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? 018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do? 019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? 020. What are their hobbies? 021. How do they display affection? 022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? 023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? 024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? 025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? 026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? 027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? 028. What makes them laugh out loud? 029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? 030. Do they believe in the afterlife? 031. Are they superstitious about anything? 032. Does your character believe in ghosts? 033. Do they keep their promises? 034. What’s their view of lying? 035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? 036. How honorable is your character? 037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? 038. What bad habits do they have? 039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? 040. What is their obsession? 041. Are they comfortable with technology? 042. What is their greatest achievement? 043. What will they stand up for? 044. What disgusts them? 045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? 046. How do they handle getting sick? 047. What was the last medical problem your character had? 048. Do they have any allergies? 049. How does your character feel about growing old? 050. How does your character feel about their own mortality? 051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? 052. What is your character’s worst flaw? 053. What is your character’s greatest strength? 054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind? 055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? 056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? 057. Has your character ever killed anyone? 058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? 059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? 060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? 061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? 062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind? 063. How well does your character handle difficult people? 064. In what ways does your character annoy others? 065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? 066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? 067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? 068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it? 069. What about your character is heroic? 070. What about your character is cowardly? 071. How kind is your character? 072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.) 073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) 074. What is your character’s favorite game? 075. Is your character ticklish? 076. How do they express anger? 077. How often do they cry? Over what? 078. How emotionally stable is your character? 079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? 080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? 081. Is your character religious? 082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? 083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? 084. Describe your character in one word. 085. Describe your character in three words. 086. How would your character describe themself in one word? 087. How would your character describe themself in three words? 088. Is your character quiet or loud? 089. How vocally expressive is your character? 090. How bodily expressive is your character? 091. What type of music does your character like? 092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? 093. What is your character’s goal in life? 094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. 095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. 096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? 097. How well do they adapt to change? 098. Does your character like animals? 099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? 100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about?
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
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Solar System lockscreens
♥ like/reblog if you save ♥
locks made by me, please give credits
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
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❤ More Self-Care Articles Here ❤ Share This With Your Friends Or Reblog This So You Can Read It Later
5 Ways to Achieve Your Dreams
5 Ways to Deal with an Inferiority Complex
5 Habits of Highly Successful People
5 Effective Ways You Can Self-Actualize
7 Signs You May Be Self-Actualized
7 Habits to Nurture a Positive Mindset
5 Things to Give Up to Live the Life You Want
7 Ways You Can Start Over
8 Ways to Counteract Negative Self-Talk
Make Yourself Happy
8 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health
7 Signs You May Be a People Pleaser
7 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser
10 Ways to Spot a Toxic Person in Your Life
10 Ways to Deal with Toxic People
7 Habits of Highly Successful Introverts
5 Ways Mindfulness Can Improve Your Life
5 Ways to Stop Apologizing for Everything that You Do
10 Steps for Overcoming the Need for Approval
10 Ways to Build Your Emotional Resilience
Love Yourself: Recognizing When It’s Time to Give Up
6 Ways to Deal with Inferiority Complex
5 Helpful Self Care Tips for Empaths
Healing from Repressed Anger
How Channeling Your Pain Leads to Happiness
11 Tips To Cope With Negative Thoughts
If you like to read topics about Self-Love, visit our website
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
Injuries Reference List
If you’re writing anything where your characters are getting injured a lot, it might be helpful to have an injuries reference list on hand. WELL, DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT BECAUSE I CREATED ONE. This is mostly the result of me having to look up something every time a character was gravely injured/being a lifeguard for seven years. I have some knowledge of first aid and how it might apply to the characters in your story.
Simple scrapes/cuts: There’s usually not much to worry about besides MAYBE an infection, which can be avoided with rubbing alcohol or peroxide. Remember, peroxide usually doesn’t burn or sting, but rubbing alcohol probably will.  These injuries will bleed for a short amount of time, but it shouldn’t last too long.
Bruising: These occur when the blood vessels break under the skin, forming discoloration of the skin. The colors can vary, but they are usually purplish, bluish, or yellow. Again, this injury is usually not serious if it’s a result of a bump or cut, but if there’s significant bruising over a large area of the body there might be a serious problem. Usually time heals bruising.
Sprains: A sprain is torn or stretched ligament, but it is NOT a break. It is very common for someone to sprain an ankle or a wrist and it usually doesn’t require serious medical attention. The area might swell and should be iced. Sprains are usually treated with rest and a device that compresses the area—such as a sling or a bandage.
Broken bones (arms, fingers, legs, toes): Breaks can be serious, especially if they have to be set back into place. A person will most likely not be able to put pressure on a broken bone until it is healed (which could take weeks). A broken bone is REALLY serious when it fractures or breaks through the skin completely. If you write a character in this sort of situation, they will need to worry about infection and they might have to wait until the swelling goes down before splitting or covering.
Burns: Obviously, there are different degrees of burns, but simple burns will most likely be treated the same. Even the smallest burns will probably sting like hell, so it can be hard to function with an untreated burn. SERIOUS burns might require amputation (I’m talking about maybe 3rd to 4th degree burns). As a 1st degree burn is healing, it might itch—think how sunburn starts to itch after a while.
Broken back: A broken back can lead to paralysis, so you need to be very careful with how you treat someone. Your characters shouldn’t be throwing anyone over their shoulders with a back injury because it will only lead to more serious problems. If you suspect that someone has broken or injured their back, you need to keep them still until there is a way to safely move them.
Amputation: This happens when the removal of a body part because necessary to someone’s survival.If someone has a bad infection or there’s no way to stop the bleeding (you’ve applied a tourniquet, which will most likely end up causing an amputation later), a character might have to amputate in a serious situation.
Dislocated limb: If a bone “pops” out of its socket, a character might have to put it back into place. A dislocated limb restricts movement, so your character might not be able to go forward until the situation is resolved. Arms and fingers are commonly dislocated and there will probably be pain when they’re set back into place. Those limbs should be rested and iced to prevent swelling.
Jammed fingers: If you get your finger caught in a door, for example, and it doesn’t break; you might have a jammed finger. I’ve had a few of these in my life, which usually causes bruising and some pain, but it heals on its own. These types of injuries can be from jamming your fingers against something hard and you might lose a finger nail. They will most likely hurt for a while until they are healed.
Stab wounds: These are usually deep cuts by a knife or a sword or another sharp object. They need to be treated, as they are prone to infection, and they should be bandaged. If the bleeding is excessively bad, a common way to stop the bleeding is to get stitches or cauterize the wound. Cauterization is the process of burning the wound in order to seal it up. Think of lightsabers in Star Wars. No one bleeds when they’re cut because the “blade” of the lightsaber cauterizes the wound as it cuts. Your characters might have to stitch someone or cauterize someone in an emergency situation.
Gunshot wounds: Getting shot is a serious/life threatening situation, so your characters would need immediate medical attention.In an emergency situation, the bullet might have to be dug out and the wound cauterized if the bleeding is severe. If the bullet goes in and out, you might just have to worry about infection and covering the wound. A gunshot wound will be painful and will take a while to heal. If someone is shot in the leg, they will have trouble walking. The limbs will need time to heal.
Poisoning: This is a wide topic that could include food poisoning to being poisoned by another character, but they will probably feel very sick. Symptoms will include vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea, etc. Your character might get severe stomach aches and will not be able to function.Being poisoned can be deadly and can happen quickly. A medicine called Ipecac will induce vomiting in order to get the poisons out of someone’s symptoms, but will not work for EVERYTHING. Further treatment might be necessary.
Stomach wound: A person with a stomach wound will not last very long without addressing it. If it is deep enough, it will kill off your character unless the bleeding and infection can be stopped. Infection is usually what kills people with stomach wounds or gunshot wounds.
This is a list to be used for WRITING purposes only. Obviously you should call a doctor or get emergency treatment if something is serious. I also wrote this list assuming that your characters don’t have access to medical professionals, so keep that in mind. Hope this helps!
-Kris Noel
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
Simple Gun Tips for Writers
I’m not anywhere near a gun specialist, but I’ve been raised around them and I know enough that I can tell you most things on tv you see guns doing is bullshit. So here are some simple tips:
There is no muzzle flash when a shot gun or hand gun is fired. Never. Not once. Not on hand guns or shot guns have I ever seen a muzzle flash in real life.
Guns are fucking loud. Shot guns are louder than hand guns, but if you’re not wearing protective gear, even hand guns are fuck all loud and can blow out your hearing for a while.
Bullet shells are hot. If they come out of the gun and touch you, on clothes or not, they will burn you. They literally just went through a mini explosion and came out of hot metal.
On that note: After firing, the barrel of a gun and the muzzle of a gun are hot. Hot enough to burn you. No one experienced with guns is going to grab the barrel of a shot gun after it was just fired in their face.
Contrary to Wanted you can not bend the trajectory of a bullet. Like, that literally doesn’t make any sense if you know anything about any sorts of physics.
Fucking aim. Like, very very experienced shooters can whip a gun out of a holster (or lord forbid the waist line of their pants) and maybe shoot somewhere near where they intended, but that’s also if they know their gun. But, yeah, there is no instinctual dead shot in the heart. Hence why hunting is fucking hard and why shooters that have been hunting/shooting for twenty to fifty years have a hard time dropping a buck.
There’s this thing called a kick back. So, the way guns work is that their is basically a mini explosion that happens in the gun and propels the bullet or shell forward through the barrel and out the muzzle. This explosion, in all guns, not just shot guns and high caliber rifles, can cause the gun to jerk back and can push back the entire body of an unexperienced shooter. It really hurts your shoulder, too.
So, there you go. If you have any questions you can ask me and if I don’t know the answer I can ask my dad or grandpa.
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bangtannabie · 6 years ago
How to show that a character is asexual
…Because interrupting the narrative to turn it into Asexuality 101 is not always a good idea.
It may be easier to implement these ideas if you’ve also read my asexual character development question list. You can also get more ideas from reading and answering those questions.
Note: Most of these ideas will also work for gray-asexual and demisexual characters, because they tend to have a lot of experiences in common with asexuals.
Say it outright.
The only way to be 100% certain is for the character to identify themself as asexual in the story’s text. Everything else I suggest here, at most, can only hint in that direction. If you intend to actually represent asexuality in your story and not just imply it, you must state it explicitly at some point. Otherwise, you’re just doing the asexual equivalent of queerbaiting (acebaiting?), which is infuriating because asexual people have almost no fictional representation in the first place.
Your characters might use the word “asexual,” or they might say something else that means the same thing. When doing this, remember that there is a difference between being asexual and being celibate.
“I’m asexual.”
“I’ve never been sexually attracted to anyone.”
“I do not lust after other people.”
“I’m not attracted to anyone, and never have been.”
“I don’t have any urge for carnal pleasures.”
Drop hints about it in dialogue.
Think about your character’s attitude toward sex. Are they sex-repulsed, sex-indifferent or sex-enjoying? When they think about sex in general, do they find it boring, gross, annoying, creepy, amusing, weird, or just meh? Most asexual people do not enjoy sex or seek it out, but they aren’t outright afraid of it either. When you write dialogue, think about your asexual character’s opinions, feelings, and expectations about sexuality, and look for opportunities to suggest that they’re not on the same wavelength as everybody else.
“I’m not interested in anybody.”
“I’m not planning on getting married.”
“Dating is overrated.”
“I hate it when movies have sex scenes.”
“Wait, people actually find it hard to be celibate?”
You can also subtly suggest that a character is asexual by writing them as oblivious to or disturbed by innuendo, dirty jokes, flirting, and/or conversations about sex. Some asexual people have a hard time picking up on these things, or will assume everything is platonic unless it’s explicitly spelled out as sexual. Others might be so repulsed by sex that they don’t even like hearing about it. And then again, some asexuals find the subject hilarious or interesting, and will be very explicit or detached when talking about it, to the point of making non-asexual people feel awkward.
Develop an asexual backstory, and mention it in the text.
Think about the ways that your character was affected by growing up asexual, and how their youth may have differed from other people’s. Maybe they always winced and turned away at kissing scenes in movies. Maybe they couldn’t be bothered to date anyone in high school. Maybe they tried having sex, just to see what all the fuss was about, but regretted it or were disappointed. Maybe they spent years wondering what was wrong with them because they didn’t like sex. If the character is old enough, think about how asexuality may have affected their dating life in the past. If your character knows they’re asexual, you should also think about the experiences that led them to realize it.
Adjust the way that the asexual character speaks.
If your character uses words and concepts that are rarely heard outside the asexual community, it’s a big fat sign that they identify as asexual, or are at least very familiar with asexuality. The asexual community thinks about love, attraction and relationships in a different way than mainstream culture does, and our language reflects that. I’ve compiled a nice glossary of words and concepts that your asexual character may use in conversation. You can also try dropping references to asexual culture, such as a black ring on the right middle finger, or the colors of the asexual flag. (I advise staying away from the cake jokes, though.)
Some asexual people avoid describing other people as “hot” or “sexy,” because those words may imply sexual attraction.
Show how asexuality affects the character’s romantic and/or sexual relationships (or lack thereof).
Some scenarios that asexual characters may encounter:
They are virgins well into their 20s, or even later.
They have sex, but find the experience underwhelming, disgusting or disturbing.
Their relationships become strained because their partner wants sex but they don’t.
They avoid dating entirely because the prospect of having sex with someone makes them uncomfortable.
They feel like they have to fake being sexually attracted to someone.
They’re afraid their partner will leave them for someone more interested in sex.
They can’t find a partner because they don’t want to have sex.
They do find a partner who doesn’t mind having a sexless relationship.
They choose to have sex for different reasons than most people do, and these reasons are not related to sexual attraction.
They want to “wait until marriage” but are secretly dreading having sex after the wedding.
Their relationship with their romantic partner is not taken seriously by other characters because it does not involve sex.
They form a queerplatonic relationship instead of a romantic relationships.
Their partner agrees to become celibate, or they work out a compromise on what kinds of sexual activities they’ll do together.
They set up an open or polyamorous relationship so their partner gets sexual satisfaction elsewhere, while still remaining happily together.
They seek medical treatment for not being as sexually interested as they think they’re supposed to be.
They don’t think that they need birth control or STD protection because they are celibate.
I’m undoubtedly forgetting a lot more.
Make the character’s hobbies, lifestyle, goals, and entertainment choices reflect their asexuality.
Keep in mind that asexual people are diverse, and the ideas listed below do NOT apply to all, or even to the majority of asexual people in real life. But they can be good starting points for sparking discussions about asexuality in your story, or as additions to an asexual character who is otherwise well-rounded. They can also be good ways to foreshadow that a character is asexual.
The following are just a few examples of how asexuality can affect someone’s lifestyle:
They choose to avoid media that contains graphic depictions of sex.
They don’t have a porn collection.
They avoid romantic movies, or movies with sex scenes in them.
They avoid going to bars, nightclubs, strip clubs, raves, or other places with sexually charged atmospheres.
They tend to avoid collecting art and music that have sexual content.
They do not try to dress up so as to appear attractive to the opposite sex.
They don’t enjoy hanging out with non-asexual friends who talk about sex or sexual attraction a lot.
They avoid casual sex or one night stands entirely.
They never want to get married.
They expect to spend their future and old age single.
They aren’t very interested in having sex, and need a strong reason before they’ll consider it.
Make other characters curious about the asexual character’s dating life or sexual orientation.
In real life, if a person between the ages of 16 and 50 goes for years without having or seeking a sexual relationship, people often get nosy. They may ask why the asexual person isn’t married yet, wonder if something is wrong, or even spread rumors about that person.
Asexual people are not heterosexual, and often do not fit in well with a culture of heteronormativity and compulsory sexuality. Think about how your asexual character’s words, attitudes and lifestyle will be perceived by other people, and what those people are likely to say and do in response.
Use another character as a foil.
By writing another character who differs from your asexual character in behavior, attitudes or sexual priorities, you can show just how distinct the asexual character really is. Consider putting the characters in similar situations and having them react differently, or making different choices. The foil character doesn’t need to be a super-horny, oversexed, socially aggressive extrovert; in fact, it’s often more effective to write a person of average libido and sexual activity, and who is portrayed as “normal” and typical by the narrative, because this highlights just how unusual and different asexuality is.
Be careful that you do not portray the foil character’s sexuality as a negative trait, or else you may risk putting slut-shaming, misogynistic or homophobic implications into your story. They can be a villain, but unless they engage in sexual coercion, rape or other Very Bad Sex Acts then their villainy should be unrelated to their sexuality.
Don’t your make foil character a rapist. Just…don’t do it. It’s very difficult to pull this off without making the overall tone of the story to be sex-negative, and it puts asexuality at odds with sexual violence while leaving little room for consensual, healthy sex.
Read blogs and websites written by asexual people.
You can get a lot of ideas by reading about how individual people experience asexuality. (If you ARE asexual, of course, you can draw on your own experiences.) Asexual bloggers talk about unusual or interesting things that happen to them as a result of being asexual, how asexuality affects their relationships with other people, what kinds of things they want, like or dislike because of asexuality, and more. Every person’s experiences are unique, and while they may not represent all asexual people, they are real and worth considering. Think about how you can adapt some of those experiences into a fictional context. There are many asexual bloggers on Tumblr.
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