Bangtan Trash
9 posts
All Request: OPEN
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bangtan-ruined-mylife-fam · 7 years ago
Please sign this petition and help out our fellow Idols!!!
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bangtan-ruined-mylife-fam · 8 years ago
Rule Breaker
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You were finally able to leave this god forsaken place, where your darkest memories would stay and hopefully never surface again. 
Word Count:
Reader x Minghao (The8)
 It was mid June and you were packing everything you could before your parents found you. It was around 11 in the morning and your parents would be back home from there trip by 2:30. You were rushing to put all your bags in the car when you forgot about the money you saved up for this day. Rushing back into the house you knocked over a family photo, but didn’t even bother to pick it up. You were in and out of the house as fast as the speed of light. You buckled your seatbelt and started your journey to the airport.
 It was about 4:30 in the morning when you arrived to Seoul. You booked a hotel that was close by the airport so you wouldn’t have to travel far after your long ride. Once you stepped foot out of the airport you felt like you were finally going to be able to change for the better. You were in the taxi on the way to your hotel when you remembered you had to find a place to stay with the money you had with you, and would need to start a job. The taxi driver tried to make small talk with you, but you were just so busy thinking about your new life that you didn’t even hear him tell you that you made it to your hotel. You made it up to your room and went straight to the bed, you were so tired that you fell asleep immediately. You tossed and turned all night with the thought that he would find you and make you go back to the place where your nightmares were reality. Hopefully the night terrors would end once you get your life together, but for now you would just have to deal with it.
 Once you had awoken you searched for apartments, you had found an apartment for a reasonable price, but you would have a roommate which you didn’t mind as long as you had somewhere to stay. You called the number that was listed and a man picked up. 
“Hello?” his voice was raspy with sleep, you hoped you didn’t wake him.
“Uh.. Hi I seen that you needed a roommate. I was wondering if I could come and look at the apartment sometime today.” you said politely.
“Yes of course, is 1:30 good with you?” he questioned.
“Do you need the address?”
“No thank you, I have it all right here.” you answered in a cheerful tone.
“ Okay, I will see you at 1:30... Goodbye.”  you ended the called and started to get ready so you could look for a job before 1:30. You stopped at Starbucks to get a coffee so you wouldn’t seem so tired when you applied for a job. It was 11:45 when you came across a job that needed a new waitress it paid well and didn’t need much experience, so you applied for the job and headed toward the apartment complex.
 You made it to the apartment a little bit early so you made your way up the elevator with your bags in hand. You knocked on the door that read B34. A man around you age with blond hair appeared behind the door, he smiled and held out a hand for you to shake “Hi, I’m Minghao, you must be here to look at the apartment.” you nodded and then smiled back at him.
“Yes, I’m Y/n.” 
“Here you can come in and I will get your bags for you.” he smiled at you, his smile was infectious.
“O-oh it’s fine, I got it.” Minghao still grabbed some of your bag even though you declined his offer.
Minghao gave you a tour of the house and it was actually pretty spacious and well decorated.
“So what do you think?” he asked glancing at you.
“I think I’ll take it.” you smiled and he smiled back
“Well I’ll let you unpack and settle in, and maybe we could go get some dinner. If that’s ok with you.” his offer was sweet and you wouldn’t mind learning more about him so you agreed and then went to your new room to unpack.
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bangtan-ruined-mylife-fam · 8 years ago
I honestly respect people who only have one bias in seventeen because I’m a whole hoe when it comes to that group.
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bangtan-ruined-mylife-fam · 8 years ago
Reblog if you’re a Carat
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bangtan-ruined-mylife-fam · 8 years ago
The Seventh Sense: Part 2
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Supernatural!AU, Fanasty, Angst, Fluff, Smut
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 Chaewon picked you and Jimin up from your house, but she seemed odd so you decided to talk to her once you got to the party, but before you could catch up with her you seen him.
 Your ex-boyfriend Im Jaebum with some random girl, it’s only 3 months after your break up, how could he throw away a 4 year relationship just like that? Your felt tears start to prick your eyes before you quickly blinked them away as soon as you saw Jimin intently staring at you “You know it’s rude to stare…” you say half jokingly, half serious “Sorry… But are you ok? We can leave if you want…” Jimin looked at you with worried eyes as his lips curved into a comforting smile “It’s fine…” you looked back at Jaebum and the mysterious girl and Jimin turned to see who you were looking at “Is he an ex-boyfriend of yours?” You looked at him wide eyed and then looked at the ground “Yeah…” he than rubbed your back comfortingly “Would you like to talk about it?-  -It’s completely fine if you don’t want to…”  you nodded your head “Yeah lets do that”
                                              FIVE YEARS AGO:
“But Eomma! Why can’t you go give it to them! I have to unpack!” you whined “Oh stop your whining Y/N, you need to make some new friends and I heard there is a boy that lives there that’s around your age. Now go!” she turned to go back to unpacking “But Eom-” “-Go! And bring them some of those rice cakes before they get cold!”
 You walked over to the Im house and knocked on the door, to be greeted by a handsome boy around your age. “H-hey I’m Y/N… I’m your new neighbor… I brought you rice cakes.” He looked at the box of rice cakes and then back at you “Thank you, my names Jaebum.” He took the box out of your hands “Would you like to come in?” “Oh no that’s fine I don’t want to intrude” he smiled at you “No come in, it’s burning out here.” you smiled and nodded “Ok just for a little bit.”
 You ended staying till dinner Jaebum’s parents loved you and you found out that you had a lot in common with Jaebum. You two were inseparable after that, you spent every moment together and nobody could get in between you and him.
 After the school bell rang to signal the end of class Jaebum walked you to your favorite coffee shop “Hey, can I ask you something” you looked at your best friend and smiled “Of course” “Well there is this girl and I really like her…” For some strange reason your heart sank “Oh” was all you could get out “I really want to ask her out, we are both really close…” your mind was racing with questions “So… Y/N would you like to go out with me” your stomach dropped and your mouth hung open “U-u-uh um… uh I- yes” he smiled and hugged you “I was scared you were going to say no for a second there.” You smiled even bigger and then broke the hug “How could I saw no to this face” you pinched his cheeks and he made a face “Lets get going I want to show you something.” You grabbed your stuff “Ok lets go.”
  You went to a park and walked around while you watched the sunset “Wow” you said under your breath, Jaebum chuckled “Yeah, it’s pretty right?” you looked at him “It is, thank you for showing me this”
 The two of you never had a dull moment, everyday was great with him and you truly loved him. You couldn’t see a future without Jaebum in it. It was always the same dream the two growing old together with children of your own.
                                       TWO MONTHS AGO:
 You had just got out of your last class for the day and was heading to the store to pick up some food. You were about to checkout that’s when you seen Jaebum kissing another girl. Your heart and stomach dropped at the sight, uncontrollable tears running down your cheeks as you heaved for air. You ran out of the store and jumped in the car and slammed the palm of your hand against the steering wheel and yelled “How could he? I thought I was the only one. Why me, what did I do to deserve this betrayal! I fucking give him my heart and this is what he fucking repays me with? Cheating!” You scoffed you had noticed him acting weird but you never paid much mind to it, you thought maybe it was because of your anniversary coming up. You internally screamed at yourself for being so naïve, You had noticed he was spending less time with you, never speaking to you, not walking back to your dorm after class was over, and never staying the night over like he used too. Your train of thought started to drift to the girl he was kissing, she had long brown hair and a perfect body from what you could see.
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 You cried for days, it was truly over and he broke up in the worse way ever. If it wasn’t for Chaewon being with you through this dark time yoou don’t have a clue what you would have done. 
                                               PRESENT DAY:
 “So yeah… he was my first love, first kiss, my first everything. Nobody could replace him.” Jimin hugged you and rubbed your back “Well I’m sorry how poorly he treated you… But I’m glad you trusted me enough to tell me that and also I think you could do so much better than the likes of him” he broke the hug and winked at you, you giggled “Yeah, sure whatever” he smiled “We should get back” you smiled back at him “Race ya!” you both took off, you pointed your foot out to trip Jimin, he fell to the ground and you were laughing until he pulled you down with him “Yah! Park Jimin” he smiled at you “What I couldn’t help myself!” he defended, you smacked his chest “I’ll get you back.” you threatened jokingly, Jimin helped you get up his hands rested on your waist before you noticed were his hands were you heard someone cough, you looked away from Jimin towards were the sound came from and your eyes landed on the one and only Im Jaebum. “Hey Y/N… Can we talk? Alone.” his eyes flickered between where Jimin’s hands rested at your waist and you. “Um” you looked at Jimin his eyes yelling at you not to go. “Jimin I will be back… If I’m not back in 10 call me.” you could see Jaebum smirk at Jimin “Jaebum you better make this quick. I have people I rather be with than you.” you spat Jaebum stopped looking at Jimin you then turned and walked away “Do you want to talk or not your down to 6 minutes” he then ran up beside you “So what do you want?” you questioned him “I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry, that breaking up with you was the worst decision of my life, I’m miserable without you. Y/N I love you and only you, I’m so so so sorry! I know I was a dick towards you, but do you think you could ever take me back?” you looked him in his eyes “No, I don’t love you and I never will again.” you turned around and walk back to where Jimin was waiting for you “Back so soon” you smiled “Lets get a drink” he nodded and you both walked to the kitchen where you could see Chaewon outside sitting by the pool “Hey, I’ll be right back” you looked at Jimin “Your leaving me again!” Jimin fake pouted “I’ll be back soon” you patted his head and walked over to Chaewon “Hey, Chae are you ok? I haven’t seen you all night. Is something going on?” you stopped asking questions when you noticed she was crying, you then hugged her “Hey, tell me what’s going on your scaring me? Did someone hurt you?” she shook her head “No I hurt myself… but you most of all I betrayed you. I’m so sorry Y/N! I’m a terrible friend!” you went to ask her what she was talking about but you got cut off by a gunshot and people screaming and running in all different directions. You then seen Jimin running towards you, he picked you up off the ground and started to run through the house to get back to the car “Y/N please don’t look cover your eyes please” his voice was shaky “Ok” was all you could get out but you seen what had happened already. Blood was everywhere, a gun laid on the floor next to his body which used to be full of life now cold and still.
 Jimin threw you into the passengers seat and then drove off without looking back “J-jimin who did that to him?” He kept his gaze on the road “I’m not sure he got into a fight and this guy ended up having a gun.” Your eyes welled up with tears “Where are we going?” You had just noticed that you had passed the road to your house “We are going to my house.” You pulled up to a nice two story house, you opened the car door and walked up to the house “Where’s Chaewon?” You looked at JImin “She left with some other people.” Your mind was racing “Oh.” You muttered Jimin got the door open and lead you to his room “You have a beautiful home.” He looked back at you and smiled “Thank you.” You walked into his room and sat down on his bed “You can stay in here” Jimin turned to walk out, but you grabbed his wrist “Where are you going?” You looked at him he was clearly taken aback “I’m going to sleep on the couch.” He looked at you and where you held him “Can you please stay in here. I don’t want to be alone.” His eyes softened and he nodded “Of course, but I call dibs on the right side!” you laughed “Here let me go get you something else to wear” he left the room and returned with a white tee-shirt and basketball shorts, he pointed to his bathroom “You can change in there.” You took the clothes and walked over to the bathroom. Once you changed Jimin was in a black tank and sweats laying on the bed on his phone.
 When he seen you in his clothes his heart started doing somersaults. Why was he feeling this way? “Well hello there.” He looked up at you “Hi.”  you giggled,  Jimin’s mind was running wild with unanswered questions “Would you like to go on an adventure with me tomorrow?” he watched your eyes light up with excitement “Sure, sounds fun!” you smiled and he couldn’t help but smile back at you. You yawned fatigue finally hitting you, Jimin chuckled “We should get to sleep, we have have a big day ahead of us.” you finally closed your eyes and drifted off.
 A/N: Hey Guys, I’m so sorry for the wait!! I have school and practices to deal with through the week but spring break is finally here so now I was able to finish up chapter 2! So I hope you enjoy!! Feedback and tips highly welcomed! ~ Lexi
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bangtan-ruined-mylife-fam · 8 years ago
The Seventh Sense: Part 2
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Supernatural!AU, Fanasty, Angst, Fluff, Smut
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 Chaewon picked you and Jimin up from your house, but she seemed odd so you decided to talk to her once you got to the party, but before you could catch up with her you seen him.
 Your ex-boyfriend Im Jaebum with some random girl, it’s only 3 months after your break up, how could he throw away a 4 year relationship just like that? Your felt tears start to prick your eyes before you quickly blinked them away as soon as you saw Jimin intently staring at you “You know it’s rude to stare…” you say half jokingly, half serious “Sorry… But are you ok? We can leave if you want…” Jimin looked at you with worried eyes as his lips curved into a comforting smile “It’s fine…” you looked back at Jaebum and the mysterious girl and Jimin turned to see who you were looking at “Is he an ex-boyfriend of yours?” You looked at him wide eyed and then looked at the ground “Yeah…” he than rubbed your back comfortingly “Would you like to talk about it?-  -It’s completely fine if you don’t want to…”  you nodded your head “Yeah lets do that”
                                              FIVE YEARS AGO:
“But Eomma! Why can’t you go give it to them! I have to unpack!” you whined “Oh stop your whining Y/N, you need to make some new friends and I heard there is a boy that lives there that’s around your age. Now go!” she turned to go back to unpacking “But Eom-” “-Go! And bring them some of those rice cakes before they get cold!”
 You walked over to the Im house and knocked on the door, to be greeted by a handsome boy around your age. “H-hey I’m Y/N… I’m your new neighbor… I brought you rice cakes.” He looked at the box of rice cakes and then back at you “Thank you, my names Jaebum.” He took the box out of your hands “Would you like to come in?” “Oh no that’s fine I don’t want to intrude” he smiled at you “No come in, it’s burning out here.” you smiled and nodded “Ok just for a little bit.”
 You ended staying till dinner Jaebum’s parents loved you and you found out that you had a lot in common with Jaebum. You two were inseparable after that, you spent every moment together and nobody could get in between you and him.
 After the school bell rang to signal the end of class Jaebum walked you to your favorite coffee shop “Hey, can I ask you something” you looked at your best friend and smiled “Of course” “Well there is this girl and I really like her…” For some strange reason your heart sank “Oh” was all you could get out “I really want to ask her out, we are both really close…” your mind was racing with questions “So… Y/N would you like to go out with me” your stomach dropped and your mouth hung open “U-u-uh um… uh I- yes” he smiled and hugged you “I was scared you were going to say no for a second there.” You smiled even bigger and then broke the hug “How could I saw no to this face” you pinched his cheeks and he made a face “Lets get going I want to show you something.” You grabbed your stuff “Ok lets go.”
  You went to a park and walked around while you watched the sunset “Wow” you said under your breath, Jaebum chuckled “Yeah, it’s pretty right?” you looked at him “It is, thank you for showing me this”
 The two of you never had a dull moment, everyday was great with him and you truly loved him. You couldn’t see a future without Jaebum in it. It was always the same dream the two growing old together with children of your own.
                                       TWO MONTHS AGO:
 You had just got out of your last class for the day and was heading to the store to pick up some food. You were about to checkout that’s when you seen Jaebum kissing another girl. Your heart and stomach dropped at the sight, uncontrollable tears running down your cheeks as you heaved for air. You ran out of the store and jumped in the car and slammed the palm of your hand against the steering wheel and yelled “How could he? I thought I was the only one. Why me, what did I do to deserve this betrayal! I fucking give him my heart and this is what he fucking repays me with? Cheating!” You scoffed you had noticed him acting weird but you never paid much mind to it, you thought maybe it was because of your anniversary coming up. You internally screamed at yourself for being so naïve, You had noticed he was spending less time with you, never speaking to you, not walking back to your dorm after class was over, and never staying the night over like he used too. Your train of thought started to drift to the girl he was kissing, she had long brown hair and a perfect body from what you could see.
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 You cried for days, it was truly over and he broke up in the worse way ever. If it wasn’t for Chaewon being with you through this dark time yoou don’t have a clue what you would have done. 
                                               PRESENT DAY:
 “So yeah… he was my first love, first kiss, my first everything. Nobody could replace him.” Jimin hugged you and rubbed your back “Well I’m sorry how poorly he treated you… But I’m glad you trusted me enough to tell me that and also I think you could do so much better than the likes of him” he broke the hug and winked at you, you giggled “Yeah, sure whatever” he smiled “We should get back” you smiled back at him “Race ya!” you both took off, you pointed your foot out to trip Jimin, he fell to the ground and you were laughing until he pulled you down with him “Yah! Park Jimin” he smiled at you “What I couldn’t help myself!” he defended, you smacked his chest “I’ll get you back.” you threatened jokingly, Jimin helped you get up his hands rested on your waist before you noticed were his hands were you heard someone cough, you looked away from Jimin towards were the sound came from and your eyes landed on the one and only Im Jaebum. “Hey Y/N… Can we talk? Alone.” his eyes flickered between where Jimin’s hands rested at your waist and you. “Um” you looked at Jimin his eyes yelling at you not to go. “Jimin I will be back… If I’m not back in 10 call me.” you could see Jaebum smirk at Jimin “Jaebum you better make this quick. I have people I rather be with than you.” you spat Jaebum stopped looking at Jimin you then turned and walked away “Do you want to talk or not your down to 6 minutes” he then ran up beside you “So what do you want?” you questioned him “I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry, that breaking up with you was the worst decision of my life, I’m miserable without you. Y/N I love you and only you, I’m so so so sorry! I know I was a dick towards you, but do you think you could ever take me back?” you looked him in his eyes “No, I don’t love you and I never will again.” you turned around and walk back to where Jimin was waiting for you “Back so soon” you smiled “Lets get a drink” he nodded and you both walked to the kitchen where you could see Chaewon outside sitting by the pool “Hey, I’ll be right back” you looked at Jimin “Your leaving me again!” Jimin fake pouted “I’ll be back soon” you patted his head and walked over to Chaewon “Hey, Chae are you ok? I haven’t seen you all night. Is something going on?” you stopped asking questions when you noticed she was crying, you then hugged her “Hey, tell me what’s going on your scaring me? Did someone hurt you?” she shook her head “No I hurt myself… but you most of all I betrayed you. I’m so sorry Y/N! I’m a terrible friend!” you went to ask her what she was talking about but you got cut off by a gunshot and people screaming and running in all different directions. You then seen Jimin running towards you, he picked you up off the ground and started to run through the house to get back to the car “Y/N please don’t look cover your eyes please” his voice was shaky “Ok” was all you could get out but you seen what had happened already. Blood was everywhere, a gun laid on the floor next to his body which used to be full of life now cold and still.
 Jimin threw you into the passengers seat and then drove off without looking back “J-jimin who did that to him?” He kept his gaze on the road “I’m not sure he got into a fight and this guy ended up having a gun.” Your eyes welled up with tears “Where are we going?” You had just noticed that you had passed the road to your house “We are going to my house.” You pulled up to a nice two story house, you opened the car door and walked up to the house “Where’s Chaewon?” You looked at JImin “She left with some other people.” Your mind was racing “Oh.” You muttered Jimin got the door open and lead you to his room “You have a beautiful home.” He looked back at you and smiled “Thank you.” You walked into his room and sat down on his bed “You can stay in here” Jimin turned to walk out, but you grabbed his wrist “Where are you going?” You looked at him he was clearly taken aback “I’m going to sleep on the couch.” He looked at you and where you held him “Can you please stay in here. I don’t want to be alone.” His eyes softened and he nodded “Of course, but I call dibs on the right side!” you laughed “Here let me go get you something else to wear” he left the room and returned with a white tee-shirt and basketball shorts, he pointed to his bathroom “You can change in there.” You took the clothes and walked over to the bathroom. Once you changed Jimin was in a black tank and sweats laying on the bed on his phone.
 When he seen you in his clothes his heart started doing somersaults. Why was he feeling this way? “Well hello there.” He looked up at you “Hi.”  you giggled,  Jimin’s mind was running wild with unanswered questions “Would you like to go on an adventure with me tomorrow?” he watched your eyes light up with excitement “Sure, sounds fun!” you smiled and he couldn’t help but smile back at you. You yawned fatigue finally hitting you, Jimin chuckled “We should get to sleep, we have have a big day ahead of us.” you finally closed your eyes and drifted off.
 A/N: Hey Guys, I’m so sorry for the wait!! I have school and practices to deal with through the week but spring break is finally here so now I was able to finish up chapter 2! So I hope you enjoy!! Feedback and tips highly welcomed! ~ Lexi
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bangtan-ruined-mylife-fam · 8 years ago
The Seventh Sense
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Supernatural!AU , Fantasy, Angst, Fluff, Smut (;
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 You were frozen staring at the lifeless body of a person you thought you knew your entire life. Just to see a complete stranger, but all the thoughts going on in your mind one stood out the most was “I need to get out of here I need to save him”
 “Y/N, Y/N GET YOUR ASS UP WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE!” your best friend, Chaewon yelled. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you looked up to her and hit her with your pillow “Let me sleep! I haven’t slept for WEEKS! I keep having that same dream” Chaewon nodded for you to continue with your story “Each time I have it it gets more and more realistic and each time I..I see this man I don’t know who he is… but he seems familiar” you could see Chaewon looking at you intently before she said “Maybe you have met this stranger oooor your just sleep deprived” but before you could say anything else she pulled you of the bed and onto the cold floor- “-HEY! what was that for?!” she simply smiled “We have this thing called school were you have to go to classes to learn about stupid shit… Have you heard of it?” you scoffed and got up off the floor to get ready for the day ahead.
 You were in your last class when you heard your name being called by your professor Mr. Wang “Miss Y/N, Y/N” you looked up to Mr. Wang to find a familiar boy standing beside him “Y/N you will be showing our new student around campus, so make sure to be nice and make him feel welcomed.” you were about to politely decline his offer until he cut you off “I will you give you an A if you do this, Ok?” “Sure” you looked at the handsome boy “What is your name?” he looked at you with his pink fluffy hair falling over his eyes “Park Jimin, I’m guessing your Y/N.” he held out his hand for you to shake it “Yeah that’s me” you shook his hand and he gave you a toothless smile, but something about him made you feel uneasy.
 It was lunch you and Jimin met up with Chaewon “Hey- Who’s this?” she looked at Jimin and then back at you clearly confused “Jimin this is my best friend Chaewon, Chaewon this is Jimin he is a new student here and Mr. Wang wanted me to help him get around.” you looked at Jimin and he smiled “Hello I’m Jimin it’s a pleasure to meet you” Chaewon smiled at him and then pulled you to the side “Sorry I need to talk to Y/N alone, wait here we won’t be long” he waved and then you and Chaewon walked over to a bench close to where you were just at “Is he like super hott or is that just me?!?” you laughed and nodded “He defiantly is hott but he just got here give him some time to adjust before you try anything, Ok?” she smiled “Alright I think I can handle that” you walked back over to Jimin who was surrounded by a group of girls “Hey Y/N!” he called and you smiled and walked over “…Hey” he grabbed your hand “Hey… um well it was nice meeting all of you but we have to go, have a nice day” he waved to the group of girl who just giggled “Well, well you already have girls lining up for you” you joked, he looked at you a chuckled.
 The last bell rang to signal the end of class you went to your lockerwhich was coincidentally was right besides Jimin’s. “Hey” you turned to see Chaewon and Jimin “hey guys-” “-Do you want to go to this party tonight Jimin said he would only go if you went and I don’t want to go alone” Chaewon wriggled her eyebrows at you all you did was scoff “Sounds cool when is it?” she looked at her phone and back up to you “It starts at 6:30 I will pick you guys up, Ok?” she then walked off, you looked at Jimin “Well I guess your coming home with me” he nodded “Well then lets get going”
Hey Guys!! Sorry this is really short but I’m really proud of myself this is my first fanfic I’ve wrote! Feedback and tips are welcome!! I really hope you like this!! I’m thinking of making it into a series sooo that’s cool I guess xD ~ Lexi
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bangtan-ruined-mylife-fam · 8 years ago
New Blog!1!!
Heyy guys!!1! This is my new blog no shit Lexi I will be posting scenarios, fake texts, reactions, and maybe fanfics (: I write for BTS/ GOT7/EXO  I hope you guys all likes my blog!
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bangtan-ruined-mylife-fam · 8 years ago
What BTS Has Taught Me
Namjoon taught me to be thankful for both the good and bad things in life
Seokjin taught me to believe that I am talented, capable and worthy
Yoongi taught me to push through difficulties even when I feel hopeless
Hoseok taught me how to care for others and be a good friend
Jimin taught me how to love myself and not doubt my abilities
Taehyung taught me to be optimistic and see the positives in everything
Jungkook taught me to put the most effort in all that I do
BTS taught me many things but most importantly, BTS taught me how to fly with my beautiful wings
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