Characteristics Of The Human Sexual
Once the zoological sexual characteristics of man have been briefly analyzed, we can proceed to describe the characteristics of the sexual relationship. However, it is necessary to define the difference between sexual intercourse and intercourse or intercourse. To get more information about sex.
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Sexual relationship is the set of elements that have some importance in the sexual understanding of the human couple, or in the process of the relationship between the two, whether permanent or temporary.
Intercourse or vaginal intercourse is the introduction of the penis into the vagina. It can also be an anal intercourse or an oral intercourse, when the introduction of the penis is in the rectum through the anus or in the mouth respectively. It is only one part of the coital sexual response and this is one phase of the intercourse process. On many occasions it may be absent, or even partially fulfilled, without thereby affecting the entire human relationship in the field of sexuality. The human sexual relationship is built on the basis of the development of sexuality as a component of the personality with its characteristics of historicity, voluptuousness, transcendence, language and paradoxical response.
The sexual relationship can be analyzed depending on the stages of development of the human being. This is how there are elements of sexuality in the child, in preschool, in adolescence, in adulthood, in senescence. In each of these stages of human development there are elements of sexuality, of sexual relationship. However, copulation or intercourse is not present in all of them.
In each of these phases there are factors that affect the characteristics and evolution of behavior. They are biological, psychological, social and environmental factors. These factors contribute to the adequacy or balance of each of these phases.
In most animal species, this phase is described as the "courtship" phase. It can be longer or shorter, spanning days, weeks, and even months. It has certain connotations, which are usually described as fear, aggression, such as sexual attraction, nervousness or hesitation. However, it is characterized by an act that is indifferent to the environment.
This phase generally begins with a visual and vocal display: the gaze, the whisper. It continues with a stage of bodily contacts: hands, arms, mouth to face, mouth to mouth, statically or during the couple's locomotion. Children's demonstrations reappear. They are developed and run in private and in public. That is, the male or female zoo being (human) develops this stage both in private and in public, and in an upright position.
This pre-copulative phase is characterized by the search for solitude, and by the sitting position or the horizontal position for its execution.
Language takes on other characteristics; visual and sound signals are replaced by tactile signals, which extend to the entire body. These signs compromise the use of the hands, the lips, the tongue, to move to the stripping of clothing and increased contacts to the whole body, and particularly genitalia. Pre-coital games or caresses of the couple are developed reciprocally, mainly in the genital area, reaching very intense contacts that result in pinching, biting and the strong intertwining of the extremities of the male and the female. In this pre-copulative phase you can reach orgasm, both in the male and in the female.
This phase of sexual intercourse begins with the insertion of the penis into the vagina, anus or mouth and is of a shorter period than the pre-copulative phase. A first element to study in this phase refers to the position taken by the couple, which can be very varied. There are texts that describe them in detail as the classical Hindu text Kama-sutra.
The frontal form of mating has been described as typical. One wonders why in the human species there are some differences with other lower primates such as the monkey, in that the mating is done from behind. That is, the female on her back and the male in that position introducing the penis into the vagina.
In effect, copulation in the higher primate is a face-to-face copulation, it is a personalized sex or personalized intercourse. From a biological point of view, the distribution of the erogenous zones is fundamentally in the frontal part of the human being; Physiologically, it is the position that allows the best use of the genitals, both due to the angle of the vagina and the angle of erection of the penis. In general, the other positions as producers of a greater orgasm have been discarded (studies by Master and Johnson).
Rather, they are interpreted as variations on routine, and as a sense of introducing complexity. In Kinsey's sociological studies with surveys on sexual behavior, it was observed that 90% of couples use the frontal position, and only a low percentage use another type of position. This has varied over the years. The Chilean sexual behavior survey shows changes with the younger age of the respondents.
Next, the physiological changes that occur during the pre-copulative phase and the copulative phase of the human are analyzed, described by Master and Johnson (5,6,7,8,9,10)
It begins with somatic or psychogenic stimulation. Its duration depends on the quality and intensity of the stimulus. This stage is located in the pre-copulative phase of sexual intercourse.
It is more arousal, which again depends on the intensity of the stimulus, and the characteristics of each of the members of the couple. Quickly, depending on these factors, you can move on to the Orgasm Phase, or even the next Resolution Phase. This stage is also located in the last pre-copulative phase or in the copulative phase.
It is the maximum sexual response of copulation, and its period is quite constant in men. This does not happen in women. The answer in the latter is slightly later. On the other hand, the ability to orgasm is earlier in men than in women. Thus, the orgasmic capacity of a 15-year-old man could be comparable to the orgasmic capacity of a 29-year-old woman.
The man also has a lower response to repeated orgasm, if we compare it with the woman. In a woman, more than one orgasm can occur in the same intercourse, an infrequent fact in men. By way of description, according to the works of Master and Johnson, in some of the couples studied, 11 orgasms were determined in some women.
It is a state of involution, characterized by lack of excitability. The man has a refractory period that does not allow a new response to a sexual stimulus, even if it is very intense. The female response, on the other hand, has a greater sensitivity in the resolution period that allows her to have repeated orgasm, in the face of an intense stimulus.
In the post-copulative phase of the human being, the sense of reciprocal belonging of the couple appears, as consequences of that desire "to be penetrated", or to "penetrate", and before the fulfillment of that desire with penetration. This concept of penetration, more than a biological concept, it is of a psychological nature, of absolute belonging, it could be described as "the sense of what is mine."
Another interesting fact in the post-copular state of the human couple is the development of security or insecurity of the couple. This depends on the result of the total sexual intercourse, rather than on the intercourse itself. Finally, in our Latin American society this post-copular state contributes as a factor of dominance or dependence. It is the use of copulation as dominance or dependence on the human partner.
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Naturally, Not Without Orgasm
According to our expert, there are 4 key recommendations that will not allow you to overestimate or underestimate the role of sex in relationships. They are the same and universal for everyone for whom intimate life matters. And they consist in very simple and to some extent obvious things. Learn more information here.
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Sex is impossible to control . You can only have sex. A person is unable to control physiological functions. As well as over their emotions and experiences, people also have no power, although such an illusion is present. But if you really try to keep control over natural needs and emotions, important components of the intimate component of our life begin to suffer, including arousal, sexual desire. This, in turn, is fraught with serious psychological problems, and also leads to various sexual disorders, such as anorgasmia or erectile dysfunction .
Sex is a recreational activity . And you shouldn't take it seriously. Joke: "giggled and bainki" - just about the attitude to sex. Sometimes it's a pleasure, sometimes it's a pleasant or beneficial interaction. If you take sex too seriously and responsibly, control all your actions and desires, then the aftertaste will not be too pleasant. Because the aftertaste after hard work is fatigue. However, this recommendation should not be regarded as frivolity in the choice of sexual partners and a call for promiscuous sex life.
Sex is not equal to sexual intercourse . Contrary to popular belief, this is a very multifaceted event, but, unfortunately, sex is given negligible attention than sexual intercourse. At the same time, intimacy is initially formed simply from the close contact of two people, where there is a place for affection, tenderness, foreplay, exploring oneself and a partner, searching for erogenous zones, etc. And only at the peak of all this - sexual intercourse. As the culmination of passion and unconditional trust between a man and a woman.
Have sex with your loved one . This is the guarantor of harmonious relationships and the guarantee of health in general, including sexual health .
Neither one nor the other is the right decision. And I am glad that more and more people are coming to understand this. Otherwise, the psychology of family relations, sexology would not have developed with such leaps and bounds. Psychologically and emotionally mature couples, for whom sex is just not the key, but one of the basic components of a full-fledged relationship in every sense, work to improve their intimate life: they draw additional information from trusted sources, engage in self-education and do not hesitate to know apply in practice, and if necessary, seek help from specialists. And, fortunately, they are in the majority. But there are those who take sex outside the framework of any kind of relationship in principle. This is the case when the relationship is smashed and into the trash, and sex is good. But then the question arises: with whom are you having sex in general?
For the time being, you can deceive nature with feelings. Indeed, the chemical reaction in the brain, which is called falling in love, gives some illusion of similarity and compatibility of partners. But unlike love, which has the property of "seeing", sex is "seeing" from the very beginning. And when the fog clears, a meeting with harsh reality will be inevitable. If you initially close your eyes to the biological factor, then over time there will be nothing to justify the “wrong” rhythm of movements, “wrong” touch, “wrong” taste and smell. You will have to make a choice: to endure further or not to endure at all.
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Love Without Sex, Or What If Your Partner Is Asexual?
Without sex are also not cloudless.
Sophie Jorgensen-Rydout was friends with George Norman for about five months before they decided to watch How to Train Your Dragon together, and that was how it all started.
"We kissed," says George. "I understand when other people talk about kissing - it means something completely different," - he clarifies. Visit here to know to more information.
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Asexuality is not celibacy
George, 21, is one of the 1% of people in the UK who identify as asexual. George realized he was asexual only after his first year at university.
“When I say that all my childhood I thought everyone was the same as me, it usually makes asexuals smile. I thought others were hiding it better than me,” explains George.
Asexuality, unlike celibacy, is not an option. George has never experienced any sexual attraction, but like many other asexuals, he is in a long-term romantic relationship.
Homoromantics - who are they?
George and Sophie's first kiss was a surprise for both. “I was sure George was a homo-romantic,” Sophie says. “But that only shows how fluid the concept of romanticism is.
Homoromantics are those who feel romantic attraction to people of the same gender. It is one of many terms used to describe one person's romantic attraction to another.
“For me, sex and love are not related. On the contrary, the idea that they should be connected, confuses me, - says Sophie. - I believe that sexuality, as well as romance, are diverse and fluid concepts. yourself within a certain framework. "
"Gray asexual"
Sophie prefers to use the term "gray asexual" when describing herself. Sophie stumbled upon this phrase while surfing the Internet and reading various blogs and forums of the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) - the main network center of the asexual community.
The term "gray asexual" has no clear definition, but it usually describes a person who sees himself in a wide range between sexual and completely asexual creatures.
On rare occasions, Sophie was sexually attracted. “It comes and goes. Sometimes I can feel it, but I can ignore it and go on with my business as usual,” explains Sophie.
Asexual vs semi-sexual“It's perfectly normal that a lot of people are sexually attracted when they meet someone, but I don’t,” says Evie Bril Puffard.
Evie met her first lover in a student fetish circle. "Asexuals can be eccentric," says Efi. They may not be interested in the sexual side of the issue, but they may also enjoy a kind of hedonistic arousal.
Evie usually first tells people that she is polyamorous, that is, she has relationships with several partners at once , and then she says that she is also semi-sexual.
"There is a lot of misunderstanding and prejudice about polyamorous people. Some people think that polyamorous people do nothing but have sex with everyone indiscriminately. I just love several people at once," explains Evie.
How society treats asexuals
According to the study, the society treats asexuals more negatively than people with any other sexual orientation. Of all the studied groups of people with different sexual orientations, asexuals are the most dehumanized, they are perceived as machine people and at the same time they are considered more carnal creatures.
"This is how people relate to those whose existence and self-identification make others question their actions and beliefs," says Nick Blake.
He is not asexual. But for two years now he has been in a relationship with the semi-sexual Liz Williamson, whom he met at a New Year's party.
Some people find it hard to come to terms with the idea that a sexy person can be happy in a relationship with an asexual. Liz says that this perception does not take into account the fact that any relationship requires a compromise.
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