banditscreamer · 3 years
I'm showing my software engineer flatmate tumblr code and glitches and he just keeps getting more and more agitated
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banditscreamer · 3 years
I been on this hellsite since 2012 off and on. When I originally joined I was in a dark place but now I am engaged to someone who actually cares about me as a person and planning a wedding. Im the future father figure to three wonderful children and im finally financially stable. Things do get better.
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banditscreamer · 3 years
Well im back. :D
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banditscreamer · 4 years
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banditscreamer · 4 years
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banditscreamer · 4 years
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The chimera I designed for our new LEGO show. I cannot express how much of a labor of love this was. It took over 100 hours just to design, let alone build and is one of the largest and most complex sculptures I’ve done.
Fun fact: This model used every single LEGO color available in standard brick.
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banditscreamer · 4 years
non homestuck dont understand. if you have cosplayed terezi, sollux, or dirk at  ANY point in your life you have bought shades from the same man. like its literally just one man whos making HUNDREDS of pairs of specialty cosplay glasses. it is literally JUST one man who makes those glasses on the entire internet
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banditscreamer · 4 years
Sword and sabotage sounds fun actually
me and peter are trying to decide on a new series to run alongside lost in translation. we have 2 ideas:
1. Pokemon Sword sabotage: peter plays for the first time, every time one of his pokemon faint I get 30 seconds to sabotage him in whatever way i want
2. Animal Crossing competition: we have 21 days (30 minutes per session) and whoever completes the most challenges/creates the best island wins
we want to do both eventually but we wanna hear what other people would like to see first
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banditscreamer · 4 years
This is the first post I've seen so far that even comes close to recognizing that there may be toxic femininity.
Yall know that “toxic masculinity” refers to expressions of masculinity that are toxic, right? it doesn’t imply that all masculinity is toxic- it’s used to talk about like, how people will repress their emotions aside from anger in order to seem “manly”, and how they might act in violent or self-destructive ways because that is what society expects of men.
masculinity is not inherently toxic. it hasn’t been poisoned or corrupted. it is a neutral concept, a kind of gender presentation, and it doesn’t make you a bad, unhealthy, or toxic person to be masculine.
masculinity does not need to be “soft” to be acceptable, it can just be neutral. because it is not toxic, just sometimes expressed in toxic ways or for toxic reasons.
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banditscreamer · 4 years
Spidey is a fantastic choice for a hyperfixation.
My hobby? Hyperfixating on superheroes. Spiderman specifically.
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banditscreamer · 4 years
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banditscreamer · 4 years
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banditscreamer · 4 years
This thread sums up my entire feelings about Trump and essentially the GOP contracting COVID
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banditscreamer · 4 years
let trump die from covid
⚡🙏 likes charge
👁👽reblogs cast
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banditscreamer · 4 years
White House confirmed that trump is showing symptoms!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💕💕
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banditscreamer · 4 years
“Imagine you’re just finishing your shift as a picker at an Amazon warehouse. All day long you’ve been carting items for other people, under giant letters on the wall that spell “work hard. have fun. make history.” The pandemic has been hard on you. You can tell from what people are buying that it’s been hard on just about everybody. But as you come off shift, you get life-changing news. Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive of Amazon, has decided to give you a bonus. In fact, he has decided to give every single employee of Amazon — some 876,000 people — a one-time pandemic bonus. A $105,000 bonus. Serious money. The kind of money that, if invested over a couple of decades, would give you a real retirement nest egg. The crazy thing? The money he is giving you — it’s merely the extra wealth he gained during the pandemic, wealth that you built. After he has paid out those $92 billion in bonuses, he will still be comfortably off. In fact, as rich as he was before coronatime. Of course, Bezos isn’t going to do this. But the fact that he could is one of the striking findings of a new report from Oxfam on plutocratic profiteering from the pandemic. The report, of which The.Ink got an exclusive preview, makes clear that the billionaire class hasn’t just fiddled while Rome burns. It has made a fortune from the flames.”
— Billionaires won corona - The.Ink
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banditscreamer · 4 years
Trump says Corona Virus is a scam, but cancels entire trip due to one single person possibly having it.
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