The Creator's Nook
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bananapants321 ¡ 1 hour ago
The very thought of Kenny playing an instrument brings me joy!
Can Gotham Kenny sing?
Yup! He loves to qvq He can play the saxophone and piano too!
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bananapants321 ¡ 14 days ago
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bananapants321 ¡ 22 days ago
OOC: This comes courtesy of my good friend @beyonderveiltales—the relaxing sounds of Kenny’s mysterious jungle home. And if you listen very closely, you might just hear Kenny somewhere in the distance…..humming to himself…..or maybe to you~
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bananapants321 ¡ 1 month ago
U-um... part of me is nervous to ask this because I don't want to make you copy somethings but... I know you'll probably put your own twist in anyway /)//u//(\ um... could you maybe hypnotize me in a way similar to when kaa and mowgli first met? I'm sorry if it's a bit silly and it's okay if you don't wanna! /)///(\'' I just kinda wanted to ask
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bananapants321 ¡ 1 month ago
((In response to the criminal question)) Care to tell us one of your favorite stories of this? :3
Ahhhhh, let me see now~
I once came across a trio of brothers–really nasty, all of them. I guess they were being transferred to a different prison in another country and they managed to escape their handlers. And as it happened, that same night they escaped they had decided to make camp right at the base of my tree, and I discovered them as I was coming back from a successful hunt. 
Oh, they thought they were in the clear, boasting to themselves about how clever they had been and talking about all the things they were going to do once they got back to civilization. Most of them terrible things, naturally. Well, I decided to have a little fun with them. 
First, while they sat around their campfire talking, I used my tail to stealthily poke and tickle them, and they assumed each other were to blame, so they started fighting among themselves. That was pretty funny~ 
Now, the tree I happened to be staying in at the time was an old-timer, and there were a lot of hollows and holes in it from age and other animals living in it. There was a hole way up high where I was hidden, and if I spoke into it, it went all through the tree and my voice came out of it sounding really loud and eerie. So I starting singing something low and haunting into it. It scared the pants off of them; I think they literally went green, hahaha! One of them said it was ghosts or some kind of nature spirit coming to steal their souls, and I decided to run with that–I whispered really menacingly into the tree hollow that I was, in fact, going to take their souls, because of all the terrible deeds they had committed. And that’s when I showed myself to them and gave them my best scary hiss, baring my fangs and all.
Well, like I said, I had just been back from a successful hunt, and I hadn’t exactly had time to clean up afterwards, so you can probably imagine that I was not a pretty sight, hahaha! They screamed and turned tail right there on the spot. I never saw hide nor hair of them again, but I wonder if they changed their ways after that.
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bananapants321 ¡ 1 month ago
Overused Words in Writing & How to Avoid Them
We’ve all got our comfort words—those trusty adjectives, verbs, or phrases we lean on like a crutch. But when certain words show up too often, they lose their impact, leaving your writing feeling repetitive or uninspired.
1. “Very” and Its Cousins
Why It’s Overused: It’s easy to tack on “very” for emphasis, but it’s vague and doesn’t pull its weight.
Instead of: “She was very tired.” Try: “She was exhausted.” / “She dragged her feet like lead weights.”
💡 Tip: Use precise, vivid descriptions rather than vague intensifiers.
2. “Looked” and “Saw”
Why It’s Overused: It’s functional but flat, and it often tells instead of shows.
Instead of: “He looked at her in disbelief.” Try: “His eyebrows shot up, his lips parting as if words had failed him.”
💡 Tip: Focus on body language or sensory details instead of relying on generic verbs.
3. “Suddenly”
Why It’s Overused: It’s often used to create surprise, but it tells readers how to feel instead of letting the scene deliver the shock.
Instead of: “Suddenly, the door slammed shut.” Try: “The door slammed shut, the sound ricocheting through the empty room.”
💡 Tip: Let the action or pacing create urgency without needing to announce it.
4. “Said” (When Overdone or Misused)
Why It’s Overused: While “said” is often invisible and functional, using it in every dialogue tag can feel robotic.
Instead of: “I can’t believe it,” she said. “Me neither,” he said. Try: Replace with an action: “I can’t believe it.” She ran a hand through her hair, pacing. “Me neither.” He leaned against the counter, arms crossed.
💡 Tip: Don’t ditch “said” entirely; just mix it up with context clues or action beats.
5. “Felt”
Why It’s Overused: It’s a shortcut that tells instead of showing emotions.
Instead of: “She felt nervous.” Try: “Her palms slicked with sweat, and she couldn’t stop her leg from bouncing.”
💡 Tip: Let readers infer emotions through sensory details or behavior.
6. “Really” and “Actually”
Why It’s Overused: They add little to your sentences and can dilute the impact of stronger words.
Instead of: “I really don’t think that’s a good idea.” Try: “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
💡 Tip: If a sentence works without these words, cut them.
7. “Walked” or “Ran”
Why It’s Overused: These are go-to movement words, but they can feel bland when used repeatedly.
Instead of: “He walked into the room.” Try: “He strolled in like he owned the place.” / “He shuffled in, avoiding everyone’s eyes.”
💡 Tip: Use verbs that convey mood, speed, or attitude.
8. “Just”
Why It’s Overused: It sneaks into sentences unnecessarily, weakening your prose.
Instead of: “I just wanted to say I’m sorry.” Try: “I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
💡 Tip: Delete “just” unless it adds essential nuance.
9. “Thought”
Why It’s Overused: It tells readers what a character is thinking instead of showing it through internal dialogue or action.
Instead of: “She thought he might be lying.” Try: “His story didn’t add up. The timelines didn’t match, and he wouldn’t meet her eyes.”
💡 Tip: Immerse readers in the character’s perspective without announcing their thoughts.
10. “Nice” and Other Vague Adjectives
Why It’s Overused: It’s generic and doesn’t give readers a clear picture.
Instead of: “He was a nice guy.” Try: “He always remembered her coffee order and held the door open, even when his arms were full.”
💡 Tip: Show qualities through actions instead of relying on vague descriptors.
Final Tips for Avoiding Overused Words:
1. Use a thesaurus wisely: Swap overused words for synonyms, but stay true to your character’s voice and the scene’s tone.
2. Read your work aloud: You’ll catch repetitive patterns and clunky phrases more easily.
3. Edit in layers: Focus on eliminating overused words during your second or third pass, not your first draft.
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bananapants321 ¡ 1 month ago
Family Reunion - Part 1
(A Gotham AU, featuring @the-nagakenny-archives Gotham AU Kenny)
Get to the car. Get to the car. Get to the car!
A young woman slams the front screen door open, almost tripping down the patio steps. She manages to catch herself onto the railing, the wood creaking heavily under her weight. She quickly rights herself, pushing a lock of dark hair out of her eyes. She leaps off of the porch steps and onto the cold wet grass. Her heartbeat already rising up to her throat. Where is it? Where is it?!
The woman looks over her shoulder and almost stops in her tracks. A tall, bulky man was standing where she was not ten seconds before. The dim porch light outlined his thick and intimidating figure. If there was a full moon out, the woman would’ve seen pure hatred and spite on his face. His mere presence pushed the woman’s adrenaline into overdrive.
Before she knew it, she rammed into a large metallic mass, falling onto her rear. The car! Without thinking, she scrambles to her feet, pulls out the keys from her back pocket, and shoves a key into the keyhole.
“If you really think you can leave without my say so, you’ve got another thing coming!” The man bellows.
Closer. He’s getting closer!
The woman turns the key and hears a small click. She opens the car door and climbs inside as the man almost grabs her arm. She quickly locks her door and shoves the key into the emission. The old Honda comes to life, her engine purring like a kitten. She switches the headlights on… only to scream.
“Yes Mrs. Doubtfire I understand. Let me go and double check on your order and I’ll get right back to you, alright?” Lillian Ozanne asks, her voice chipper as a bird.
“Oh thank you Lillian,” an older woman exclaims through the saleswoman’s telephone. “You are truly a blessing on God’s green earth!”
“It’s no problem ma’am. I will contact you in about a few minutes.” Not soon after she hangs up, Lily slumps back into her office chair and looks up at the clock on the far wall. 4:57. She sighs. Usually, she would be out the door and walking to her apartment by now, but it looks like she’ll be staying behind for a little while longer. Ten minutes tops.
It’s been nearly four years since she graduated high school and over two years since Mr. Culpepper hired her as the new customer service representative. At first, Lily was intimidated by the tall, muscular CEO during her interview. However, his charismatic and playful personality struck a chord with her. Even his charming grin and hearty laugh made her chest flutter. Not to mention all of the small talk they would have during her breaks and how she admired his long copper locks. She shakes her head back to reality. Work first, daydreaming later.
Suddenly the telephone starts ringing again. Lily sighs, frustration starting to take form.
“Hello! Thank you for calling Culpepper’s Cuddle & Pillow Emporium! Lillian speaking,” she answers in her fake chipper voice.
“L-Lily? Is… is that you?”
Lily’s stomach drops. That voice. Is that-?
“Bella? Y-yeah this is Lily.”
Bella sighs with relief. “OH THANK GOD! I thought you were someone else!”
“No honey it’s just me right now. How’d you get this number?”
“There was an ad in the newspaper a while ago. I wanted to call you earlier with it but… I wanted to wait.”
Oh right. There was a meeting about that over two months ago. “Well that’s really sweet of you Bell, but isn’t graduation next week?”
“N-no. I graduated two days ago. I was told you were coming.”
Lily couldn’t help but grind her teeth together. That slimy, lyin’ son of a-
“Still on the phone, darling?”
Lily almost jumps out of her seat, a yelp escapes her lips. She whisks her head around to find a tall, handsome red head leaning over her office barrier; both of his thick arms perched over the top. The toothy, playful grin on his face made hers pink.
“M-Mr. Culpepper! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Ahaha, apologies hon. Couldn’t help myself,” he chuckles.
“I- y-yes I’m almost done. Just give me a minute.” She turns back towards the phone.
“Bella, are you still there?”
“Yeah, are you okay? I heard you scream.”
“I’m fine. Just got startled,” she says as she gives Kenny the side eye. “Are you still home? I can book a flight and-“
“That’s… not really necessary.”
“‘Cause… I’m already here?” Bella squeaks.
Lily’s face drains from color. “Y-you’re here? In Gotham?! How? Did mom drop you off or something??”
“I… um-“
“Where are you? Do you know which street you’re on?”
“Uh… I think I can see a tall building with a neon sign that looks like that ad from the paper?”
“Okay good. Meet me inside of that building. I’ll be down shortly. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes ma’am. Love you!”
“Love you too sis,” Lily sighs as she hangs up the phone.
“Wait a minute… was that your sister?” Mr. Culpepper asks as Lily grabs her purse.
“Unfortunately, yes. It is,” she replies. After all of this time, she was finally going to reunite with Isabella. But how did she get there in Gotham in the first place? She couldn’t have bought a bus pass. Unless she was saving up the money after Lily left for college. Or mom must’ve dropped her off without telling me. She always loved to surprise me at the worst of times. Like right now.
Lily suddenly stops in her tracks. “Oh shoot! Mrs. Doubtfire! I promised I’d call her!”
“Don’t worry Lily, I can get someone to help with that,” Mr. Culpepper reassures her. “Just head downstairs with me. Besides, I am rather curious about this sister of yours. I can only assume she’s just as bright and beautiful as you.”
Lillian couldn’t help but blush again at his comment. He wasn’t wrong there.
She follows Culpepper towards the elevator, enters inside, and sighs. Looks like I have a sister to entertain.
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bananapants321 ¡ 1 month ago
I just love how every version of Kenny had a different but iconic personality to them! Absolutely incredible!
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Thought I would do something fun with the different versions of Kenny I have---here's their reactions to being called a monster.
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bananapants321 ¡ 2 months ago
Trust Exercises
Here’s a short little tale about me helping my pal Dr. Jim trust me a bit better~
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bananapants321 ¡ 2 months ago
Pride and Primates
(I was reminded of this story a little while back–I actually wrote it as a companion piece to something my friend @crooked-tarot-rp wrote. It features Lion-O from the newer Thundercats reboot and Monkey King Tarot in a bit of a ‘bind’, if you catch my meaning. Enjoy! :D)
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bananapants321 ¡ 2 months ago
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The air is cool in the shade of the jungle canopy. You sigh in contentment and lay back against Kenny’s smooth, cushion-like bulk of coils, gazing up at the exotic and verdant foliage and listening to the birds call to each other near and far. “It’s so peaceful here,” you remark dreamily.
Kenny slithers close and props himself on one elbow, leaning his face against his hand, humming a little in his throat. “Mmhmm. Perfect for napping or generally vegging out, which I love doing. Not to mention cuddling.” He looks over at you with a mirthful twinkle in his dark brown eyes. “Would you like to?”
It takes you a moment to realize what he’s asking, and then you blush as it dawns on you. Your heart seems to do a back-flip. “O-Oh, I….yes, please,” you say with a smile and a nod. You feel excitement and nervousness flutter in your chest as he glides closer. 
“Arms or tail?” he asks you, his voice a playful, chuckling lilt. 
You consider the choices—your hand touches the coils you’re laying on, enjoying their smooth, soft texture. That would probably feel heavenly wrapped around you; you can imagine how snug and safe you’d feel in them. Then you look over at Kenny and admire him for a moment—-his thick, strong arms, the suppleness of his pectorals—and he suddenly slips you a wink and comes closer. “I think I know the answer,” he says warmly. 
His arms slowly come around you, bringing you against his chest. He’s so warm, his skin so soft; he smells faintly masculine, of forests and earth. You nuzzle against his chest, firm and yet cushy, and sigh deeply as you let his warmth surround you. You can hear the steady, powerful beat of his heart, his breath like the waxing and waning of ocean waves in his chest. You feel drowsy in spite of yourself; the sounds and warmth of his body are almost as hypnotic as his eyes.
He leans his head gently atop yours with a low chuckle and cuddles you just like that, while the sun begins to slink low in the branches, amid the calm of late afternoon.  
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bananapants321 ¡ 2 months ago
So… my mom found this sea gremlin at our front door this morning. She thinks she’s cute. @shandzii
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bananapants321 ¡ 2 months ago
🎨color study note
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bananapants321 ¡ 2 months ago
Audio is from Ash vs. Evil Dead, with some extra sound editing at the end. Took me over a month to finish this, but I'm happy with the end result. :)
For context, this is Kenny's evil Eldritch variant, and this isn't anything canon, just meant to be made for fun.
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bananapants321 ¡ 2 months ago
Story! :D
Hey there folks! Someone asked on here before if there had been any stories written about me! Well, it just so happens there are, and I have one for you right here! This is actually the first time I ever met Hill, as a matter of fact! I hope you enjoy it~!
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bananapants321 ¡ 2 months ago
Writing Tips
Punctuating Dialogue
➸ “This is a sentence.”
➸ “This is a sentence with a dialogue tag at the end,” she said.
➸ “This,” he said, “is a sentence split by a dialogue tag.”
➸ “This is a sentence,” she said. “This is a new sentence. New sentences are capitalized.”
➸ “This is a sentence followed by an action.” He stood. “They are separate sentences because he did not speak by standing.”
➸ She said, “Use a comma to introduce dialogue. The quote is capitalized when the dialogue tag is at the beginning.”
➸ “Use a comma when a dialogue tag follows a quote,” he said.
“Unless there is a question mark?” she asked.
“Or an exclamation point!” he answered. “The dialogue tag still remains uncapitalized because it’s not truly the end of the sentence.”
➸ “Periods and commas should be inside closing quotations.”
➸ “Hey!” she shouted, “Sometimes exclamation points are inside quotations.”
However, if it’s not dialogue exclamation points can also be “outside”!
➸ “Does this apply to question marks too?” he asked.
If it’s not dialogue, can question marks be “outside”? (Yes, they can.)
➸ “This applies to dashes too. Inside quotations dashes typically express—“
“Interruption” — but there are situations dashes may be outside.
➸ “You’ll notice that exclamation marks, question marks, and dashes do not have a comma after them. Ellipses don’t have a comma after them either…” she said.
➸ “My teacher said, ‘Use single quotation marks when quoting within dialogue.’”
➸ “Use paragraph breaks to indicate a new speaker,” he said.
“The readers will know it’s someone else speaking.”
➸ “If it’s the same speaker but different paragraph, keep the closing quotation off.
“This shows it’s the same character continuing to speak.”
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bananapants321 ¡ 3 months ago
Honestly? All were missing here are Lloyd/John shenanigans XD
Very curious about the body swap alien and police guy you mentioned! Can you tell us more? Or are you wanting to wait on sharing those characters?
I can talk a little more about them! The alien is a Yith who uses the human alias “Lloyd Cooper”. Lloyd is supposed to be in the past temporarily on a scouting mission—the Yith exist thousands of years in the future and they swap minds with beings in the far past to gather information—but when Kenny (or I should say “Kenny”, since he’s using that name as an alias too) is accidentally unsealed, he gets stuck in the past because the timeline is all messed up.
Lloyd teams up with a human police officer named John who inadvertently gets mixed up in what’s going on, and they do whatever they can to try to stop Kenny and seal him back up again.
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