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bananaloey · 3 years ago
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
Be you, do you, for you.
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
This is How You Fall in Love
Is this love? What are these butterflies rummaging thru my stomach? Why do I hear your voice everytime I start my day? Am I inlove? Why do I feel your hugs everytime I cry myself to sleep, when in fact it is the pillows and not your arms that I feel. Is this what love is? I am starting to see you standing at my door carrying our take-out dinner. Maybe I am inlove. It feels great to be in love.
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
A Big Slice of Happy
12 o’clock on September 25. What a gloomy, cold and breezy night it was at our terrace. We took out the surprise cake we bought. I was finding the lighter and the cake slicer in our drawer when my siblings said it was already with them. It was our father’s birthday. He blew the warm candle on a cold night, wished while seeing the sparkly stars and took a photo on my film camera. It was indeed a great way to end the night. I woke up steamy and sticky, before I knew it , it was the late afternoon. They were preparing scrumptious meals that we would partake in for lunch with the whole family which is a rare sight and only happens once in a blue moon. Here at the table I had most of my meals since I was a kid, it never changed and I am a living proof of its toughness. For this lunch, we had a very buttery seafood mix, creamy ox tongue, a peppery chicken rotisserie and a tangy orange juices our drink. What I love about this dining area is its home-y feel. I can do almost everything in this kitchen. It acts as a dining table, a study area and a coffee table whenever my cousins come over. The green, fresh plants are the main attraction in this area for it provides a lush, fresh air that all of us can enjoy, that's why we fill our house with greens. That’s what happened that day. A full day spent with the entire family, a serene day for all of us.
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
Seminar on Thinking and Study Skills
Event: Thinking and Study Skills
October 30 2021, Saturday
For MCL-SHS Students
Speaker: Mr. Jaime Angelo T. Conde
Paragraph Profile: Mr. Jaime, whom we can call Gino, is currently studying on Malayan Colleges Laguna, and a STEM-M Student. Gino, a claimed perfectionist, was the President of the KISLAP Organization in his former school, Mater Ecclesiae School, he was also a Grade 9 Batch Councilor, part of the student council, year 2018-2019. He was also part of the Knights of the Altar Server, also in his former school. With all of this, he was also a student-athlete on the side, he was part of the school’s volleyball team for 2 straight academic years.IN his previous school, he was also a consistent achiever and a merit awardee. Even in this setup, he still managed to pursue and keep up, he was recently awarded and part of the Principal’s List, with honors, last academic year 2020-2021. Gino is known for his lively personality, he socialize with people and jives with them easily, which results in everyone loving his character, admiring him. He can be found playing ranked games with his friends on online games, Valorant as his number one. He can also be found enjoying doing arts in his own space, doing do-it-yourself crafts and just being creative in general. He loves playing with his heart and mind and pour it into creativity. He also likes photo editing, and video editing which are both difficult to learn and execute, making him a one stop shop for all your creative needs
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
Seminar on Student Life
Event: Student Life
October 29 2021, Friday
For MCL-SHS Students
Speaker: Mr. Kylechandler Raphael A. Bigay
Paragraph Profile: Our dearest guest speaker. Mr. Kylechandler is a student of Malayan Colleges Laguna, currently studying Humanities and Social Sciences strand, and is now in his 12th grade Kyle was a former student council governor on Mater Ecclesiae School during the A.Y. 2019-2020, before the pandemic hit globally. He has a passion for servant leadership, in fact, he was one of San Pedro City’s Junior City Official A.B.C. President. In spite of studying, Kyle is currently working on a Spotify exclusive podcast, Gabi ng Bading, as an Assistant Editor, with the goal of showcasing his talent on video editing and to show off his wittiness in line with the program’s theme. Kyle has spent 9 years in leadership as the school’s student council, since his 2nd Grade, also in Mater Ecclesiae School. Kyle was also awarded the Leadership Award as MESSCCO’s Governor, year 2020. Performer of the Year award, in his 6th and 10th grade. Thespian Award of Excellence, year 2016 and a consistent Conduct Awardee. This shows how competitive and how excellent he is in his field. Kyle can be found spending time in cafes, studying and working, in his past time, he enjoys watching movies and is also known to enjoy dancing, as his talent.
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
Break Free and Reflect
Interview Questions:
1. What do you see in yourself as of reading this? What have you become over the years?
2. Have you accomplished the goal that you set for yourself for this year?
3. Did you witness a drastic change in regards to your personality?
4. Have you enhanced your personality in any manner, and if so, how?
5. What do you think is your purpose in life? What are you trying to achieve?
6. Are you prepared to change?
7. What do you like about your life now?
8. Have you been guilty of any conduct which was not approved by your conscience?
9. What values do you consider influential?
10. Have you done enough for yourself?
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
Collective Art
Collective Art Being in a pandemic within two years, with unanticipated lockdowns and abrupt announcements of quarantine names the country had created in two years, it's upsetting to think that I wasn't able to visit museums that were on my bucket list and that I had been wanting to visit after my first visit to the National Museum of the Philippines, which, obviously, made my heart rest and make it feel home. That’s where my interest with museums came forth. I've never been to a museum before, even on field trips, so I'm not familiar with its grandeur. My first visit to a museum was on a whim with some friends; we were staying at a hotel near the National Museum of the Philippines, so they asked me to visit. At first, I had no clue what to anticipate there; in fact, I had no idea where it was located; all I knew was that it was in "Manila." I had no idea the National Museum was split into three buildings: Anthropology, National History, and the Fine Arts. I was particularly interested in seeing the Arts building since it had recently been refurbished and is known for the 'Spoliarium' which had sparked my curiosity as a youngster. When I was in middle and junior high school, I studied Araling Panlipunan and was always fascinated by what the educators had to say about it. I've been drawn to this piece of art for years, and it's been my phone lockscreen and laptop backdrop photo as well, until I eventually get to see it in person. I am also drawn to artists and artworks that best represent what I feel, it felt like they were understanding what my thoughts are, and I think that itself, makes it wondrous. We have visited all three buildings in the entire museum, even so, we spent more time at the arts building. My friends also love artworks as much as I adore them, so we decided to make the fine arts building our last itinerary so we can spend hours as much as we want there. Before diving into details, I would like to reiterate that in all three buildings, there's a lot to see, a lot more than you expect but there's only so much limited time. It would have been great if there had been a guide or curators to show us around, but they were preoccupied with the kids' field trip. With that said, it hasn’t affected our trip there since we know our way, but considering others who are exploring the wonders of the country, they may find it too difficult and burdensome. What I would like to single out is how the message of our culture's richness has struck a chord with me. When I was exploring the Museum, especially seeing the Spoliarium in person. For almost 10minutes, I found myself admiring its majesty. It really captivated and entranced me. There’s too much to unfold with that specific artwork, what more with the hundred artworks displayed altogether in one building. Fascinating it is. We should learn to celebrate our culture, proudly, because it really is alive.
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
That One Good Element You Need for Change
The development of personality is one of the key points in our life, in adolescence for our case where we become conscious of oneself and evaluate our personality and life choices. We choose to develop and change traits of ours for we know what is best, not only for us, but the amelioration that will be beneficial for most. For this interview, I have talked to Kylechandler Raphael A. Bigay, who is currently enrolled at Malayan Colleges Laguna taking up Grade 12 - HUMSS as his strand. He is betwixt adolescence and adulting as he is turning 18 in a month. “I see myself as someone who slowly creates his future.” Bigay said on being asked what he sees in himself now “I guess it’s better than before.” his answer on what he had become over the years. People tend to set goals for themselves every year as their New Year’s resolution or just something they want to change “Yes. Did I really reach it? Maybe not, maybe yes? It’s a yes. My initial goal for this year is to be productive. My goal now I think would be finding myself, my own true self.” as his exact words on what is his personal goal and did he reach it now that we are nearing the end of the year. Jumping to talking about his personality change, “I became more comfortable and I learned to accept my imperfection and flaws. Maybe that’s it. I have [also] embraced my individuality more.” his answer on what drastic changes he observed on his personality. Now, answering the question on if he has enhanced his personality, he answered “Yes, I guess. Wait, does being an introvert mean it is something good or bad? I think it is something that we should consider good. So, the answer is yes. I have developed into an introvert. Learning to prioritize my solitude, and keeping my circle peaceful and secluded.” which he also said is a good thing for him and his inner peace. We know that being an introvert is often misunderstood and stereotyped as something bad in the society we grew in. You are treated differently when you label yourself as an introvert, which he wants to break, for being an introvert is never a bad thing. Let us learn to respect what personality every individual has. “It is that I am not yet comfortable, but I am satisfied. I have stated that I am trying to achieve contentment, but I like how it is now, though it could be better. Also, I am focused on my goal now, and I know what path I would take in my life.” his take on what he likes about life, in general. “My purpose is to be a good grandson and son, which for me, is very hard to achieve. I am trying to achieve contentment in life.” he stated his purpose which involves his family, knowing him, he really does love his family, he stated that he find it difficult trying to fulfill his purpose, for everything involving family, to decisions, conversations, discussions, time, is all vitala and is hard to handle alone, considering that he is an only child living with an extended family in one roof. “It is now one of the things I do not fear, though before I admit that it really horrifies me, and thankfully, I have learned that change is really part of our life, it does not happen only once, but for all our life, change is present. I am prepared to change.” his answer on being asked if he is prepared to change. We all know that change is constant in our lives and it is something we cannot avoid growing up. “There are times that I am very in the moment to the point that you could not control yourself. I am guilty of what I have done before that is not approved by myself. It was an impulsive act that I did not think through.” Growing up, we also cannot avoid conduct that is against our conscience and as a result, we happen to be guilty of it. These can be small or vast mistakes that are vital in our development and change that we want. “Love and Happiness. Very influential, makes the world go round. It depends on every person, but I consider Love and Happiness, above all.” on the values that are important to him. Love does really make the world go round, without love we cannot develop empathy and understanding, which
will then result in chaos. On our last topic and going to the last question, which I think can be very hard to answer on the spot, but will bring out what you really want to say and what answer you’ll blurt out is the one you’re currently feeling and how you think of yourself now. “Would it make me shameless if I would say it was not enough? Since it would mean I am not grateful? I really am grateful. Wait. Let me think that through? Have [I] done enough for myself? In my case, in 17 years, yes. I have reached the point where I thank myself with what I have in the present. The last question was “Have you done enough for yourself?” which for me is really difficult to answer, but he concluded and answered in YES. He has done enough for himself and I believe that we all should not be hard on ourselves and not compare each other’s achievements for we are different beings, we have different minds, the way we think is different, and the way we live is completely different from each other. Everyone is always enough, sometimes they underestimate themselves on what they are capable of, but they are more than enough, and we always should remind them of that. This interview not only helped examine the development happened and happening in Bigay’s life but also to my own state. While interviewing, I also tend to ponder on the questions being brought upon. It really is necessary to determine where we are and what change have we done and yet to achieve, but we also need to remind ourselves not to rush and dictate things the way we want to, for things will always not go our way, just like Bigay’s life
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bananaloey · 3 years ago
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