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bananaabsns ¡ 2 days ago
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A Creative Misdirection “I expected much better from the both of you,” Master T’ra Saa said, her voice a calm yet firm reprimand as her luminous eyes rested on the two padawans standing before her. “To fight inside the temple—how unbecoming of Jedi in training.”
The two padawans stood with carefully neutral expressions, though their tension was palpable.
The Mirialan padawan, stepped forward and bowed slightly. “I must apologize, Master T’ra Saa, but we weren’t fighting. We were merely… testing the waters.”
Master Saa raised an elegant brow. “Oh, really? ‘Testing the waters’ involves growling at each other and clashing lightsabers inside the temple halls?” Her tone carried an edge of skepticism, her vine-like tendrils shifting faintly with her movements.
The younger padawan gave a casual shrug, her expression unflinching. “We were practicing for a play.”
Master Saa folded her arms across her chest, leaning slightly toward them. “A play? And what, pray tell, were you recreating?”
“We weren’t recreating anything,” the human padawan clarified with a proud smile. “We were creating something new.”
The Mirilian let out a resigned sigh, earning a curious glance from Master Saa. “Something to add?”
“She wasn’t supposed to tell anyone yet,” she muttered, her tone a mix of frustration and exasperation.
The human turned to her senior padawan with a wide, unapologetic grin. “Oh, come on, Barriss. It’s better if people know. Especially Master Saa.”
Master Saa watched the exchange, her gaze flitting between the two. Reaching out through the Force, she probed gently for signs of deceit but found none. The sincerity she sensed caught her by surprise. She tilted her head thoughtfully. “I must admit, I never took the two of you as ones to indulge in theatrical pursuits.”
The human straightened, her hands clasped behind her back. “We heard rumors about a playwriting competition being hosted at the temple. We had some free time, so we thought… why not?”
“Yes, Master Saa,” the other one added, her voice steady but with a touch of embarrassment. “We were working on a scene together and… had a creative disagreement. It got a little too real, and for that, we are deeply sorry.”
The two padawans bowed in unison, their expressions now genuinely apologetic.
Master Saa regarded them silently for a moment, her vine-like tendrils rustling faintly as if reflecting her contemplative mood. “I see,” she finally said, her voice softer now.
The young padawan broke into a grin, her earlier nervousness fading. “I’d never actually hurt Barriss, Master Saa. I respect her too much.”
Barriss nodded, a faint smile touching her lips. “And I care about Trilla too much to ever harm her. She’s my junior, after all.”
Master Saa hummed, sensing the truth in their words. “I see,” she repeated, her tone carrying an almost amused warmth now. “Since the secret is out, would you care to tell me more about this play?”
Trilla lit up, practically bouncing on her heels. “It’s about the history of the Jedi, Master! But told from the perspective of a Jedi who felt torn between their duty and their own ideals.”
Barriss chimed in, her voice more subdued but no less passionate. “We wanted to explore themes of choice and unity, especially during times of great conflict. The protagonist—”
Trilla cut her off excitedly, “—is struggling to reconcile their loyalty to the Order with their love for someone outside of it! It’s dramatic, emotional, and…” She trailed off, catching Barriss’s pointed look. “What? I’m just explaining it!”
Master Saa allowed a small smile to curve her lips. “It seems you’ve both put a great deal of thought into this project.” Her tone shifted to one of measured approval. “However, perhaps next time you could rehearse somewhere more suitable than the temple halls? It wouldn’t do for other Jedi to misinterpret your… passion.”
“Yes, Master Saa,” they both said in unison, bowing deeply.
“Very well,” Master Saa said, inclining her head slightly. “I look forward to seeing your final work. Now, off with you—and do try to keep your creative clashes confined to a proper stage.”
The two padawans exchanged glances, relief spreading across their faces as they nodded gratefully and exited, whispering animatedly about their next scene as they left.
Master T’ra Saa watched the two padawans disappear down the hall, her serene expression softening further into a quiet smile. “Younglings,” she murmured, her voice a blend of affection and exasperation. With a gentle shake of her head, she closed her eyes and returned to her meditations, her presence settling into the Force like roots finding their way back into the soil.
Meanwhile, just out of earshot of the Master, Barriss let out a long sigh, her composure cracking slightly. “A play? Really?” she said, her tone teetering between disbelief and weariness.
Trilla grinned, unbothered. “It worked, didn’t it?”
Barriss gave her a sidelong glance. “You could have just talked to me, you know. Instead of… oh, I don’t know… pouncing on me with a lightsaber at my throat like we were mortal enemies.”
Trilla shrugged, her grin widening. “Hey, that’s the inquisitorial greeting!”
Barriss pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed again. “I’ve never liked it.”
“Oh, you do,” Trilla teased, nudging her lightly. “You always dodge it perfectly every time I try.”
Barriss stopped walking and turned to face her, arms crossed and her expression flat. “Dodging doesn’t mean I like it. Dodging means I don’t want to get hit—or worse, humiliated in front of the regime”
Trilla threw her hands up dramatically. “Humiliated? Please. I’m giving you excellent practice under pressure. You should be thanking me!”
“You’re impossible,” Barriss muttered, shaking her head as she resumed walking.
“And yet, you still put up with me,” Trilla said with a mock bow, catching up to her with a mischievous smirk.
Barriss couldn’t help the faint smile tugging at her lips. “Force help me, I do”
The two padawans rounded the corner, their lighthearted conversation tapering off as they spotted their masters rushing down the hall, their robes billowing behind them, faces etched with worry.
Barriss raised a hand and gave a small wave as their masters sped past without a second glance. She blinked, exchanging a puzzled look with Trilla.
“Let’s go?” Trilla suggested, her tone casual as she gestured toward the cafeteria.
Barriss hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.”
The padawans had barely taken a few steps when they heard their names called out sharply.
“Barriss. Trilla.”
The two froze mid-stride, their spines straightening as they turned around. Their eyes widened slightly when they saw Master Luminara Unduli and Master Cere Junda approaching. The serene but stern expressions on their masters' faces sent a ripple of unease through the pair.
“Hello, Master,” they said in unison, bowing respectfully.
Luminara’s piercing gaze locked onto Trilla. “Is it true you two fought?”
“What happened, Trilla?” Master Cere added, her tone calm but with an undercurrent of firm expectation, her eyes settling on her padawan with concern.
Before either padawan could answer, a soft but authoritative voice interjected from behind the masters.
“It was merely a matter of misconception, my fellow Jedi,” Master T’ra Saa said as she approached, her presence both calming and commanding.
Luminara turned slightly, her brow furrowing. “A misconception?”
Master Saa offered a serene smile, her vine-like tendrils shifting gently. “Yes, the girls simply got carried away.”
Cere tilted her head slightly, her skepticism evident. “Carried away?”
Master Saa stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on the shoulders of both Luminara and Cere. “The padawans were preparing for a play.”
“A play?” Luminara and Cere echoed in unison, their gazes snapping to the two padawans.
Barriss and Trilla both nodded quickly, their expressions carefully neutral.
Master Luminara folded her arms, her tone still dubious. “I see… but I fail to understand how a play could escalate into something that appeared to be a fight.”
“I can elaborate,” Saa interjected, her voice soothing. “But first, perhaps we should let the padawans have a moment to eat and reflect. They’ve likely had quite the day already.”
Trilla and Barriss exchanged quick glances, bowing deeply. “Thank you, Master Saa,” they murmured before slipping away toward the cafeteria.
As the two padawans disappeared from view, Master Saa used one of her tendrils to gently poke both Luminara and Cere on their arms. “Come, let us have tea. It will make this conversation far more pleasant.”
The three Jedi Masters sat around a low table, steaming cups of tea placed before them. The quiet hum of the temple’s peaceful atmosphere surrounded them.
Cere took a sip of her tea and broke the silence. “So, can we get to the point of why our padawans were… let’s call it sparring?”
Master Saa chuckled softly, her vine-like tendrils swaying as she reclined slightly. “Nervous, Master Junda?”
Cere raised an eyebrow but shook her head. “Not nervous, just... curious. Trilla has never been one to get into fights. This is the first time she’s done anything remotely close to this.”
“I agree,” Luminara added, her hands cradling her cup. “Barriss has always been a gentle soul, one who avoids conflict whenever possible. This seems entirely out of character for her.”
Master Saa smiled warmly, her expression brimming with understanding. “I am happy to say this was not a fight, at least not in the traditional sense. It was a small case of... creative misdirection.”
“Misdirection?” Luminara and Cere said in unison, their confusion mirrored in their expressions.
“Yes,” Saa continued. “It seems the two padawans were collaborating on a play they are writing. They had a creative disagreement about a scene, and instead of discussing it calmly, they acted it out. Perhaps with a little too much enthusiasm.”
“A play?” Luminara said, her disbelief evident.
“Acting?” Cere echoed, her brow furrowing.
Master Saa nodded serenely, taking a slow sip of her tea. “Yes. It is rare these days to see young ones engaging in such creative endeavors. It is quite refreshing, I must say.”
Cere blinked, processing the information. “Trilla… my padawan… acting?” she mumbled, sipping her tea as if to ground herself.
“And Barriss… my padawan… writing a play… performing in front of others?” Luminara muttered, her tone a mixture of bewilderment and faint dread.
Saa’s chuckle was light and musical. “You both seem surprised. Artistic expression can be a wonderful outlet for Jedi, especially for padawans navigating their emotions. It allows them to explore their feelings in a safe and constructive way.”
Luminara sighed softly, setting her cup down. “I admit, it’s unexpected. But if it helps Barriss grow, I will support it.”
Cere shook her head, a faint smile tugging at her lips. “I didn’t even know Trilla was interested in acting. She’s been a bit off recently, but this? I didn’t see this coming.”
“Perhaps you should ask her about it,” Saa suggested, her tone kind but firm. “Both of your padawans are exploring new facets of themselves. It is our duty to guide them with patience and understanding.”
The other two masters nodded, their expressions softening as they sipped their tea.
“Well,” Luminara said finally, “I suppose I’ll have to prepare myself for a theatrical debut.”
“And I’ll have to adjust to the idea of Trilla as a dramatist,” Cere added with a wry smile.
Master Saa chuckled, her tendrils curling slightly in amusement. “You may find yourselves pleasantly surprised. After all, creativity and discipline go hand in hand. Now, let’s finish our tea before we deal with any more surprises today.”
The three masters shared a quiet laugh, the tension easing as they enjoyed the peace of the moment.
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bananaabsns ¡ 2 months ago
With the new alien: isolation game rumored (or maybe actually real) floating around all I need to say is that THERE BETTER BE A SCENE WITH AMANDA AND ELLEN I'm serious about this, I need 1 interaction 1, I don't care if it's Amanda hearing a voice message from her mom saying I love you or maybe a message log but these two need to be together somehow. I need this like an addict needs a hit.
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bananaabsns ¡ 1 year ago
I saw this thing I wrote on my microsoft word last year and I have no idea on how to make it longer-ish cause it was too short for my taste. So instead on letting it exist on word I'm going to post it for fun.
There was never a normal, quiet day in Sun Do. Li Mei looks down as she watches the chaos happening down. There was a fight in Sun Do, a huge one. Li Mei guesses that there might be at least 20 or more people. Li Mei did a hand gesture and the constabulary went into quick action, they were defusing fights, handling punches being thrown at them, an octopus and stopping a few almost murders. 
Li Mei starts interrogating a local food vendor how it happened. He said that there was a misunderstanding with a group of teenage kids, one of them started throwing food, which they grabbed from a nearby vendor, which made the vendor angry and started yelling, the food hit the wrong people and boom boom. FIGHTING
She thanks the vendor, and looks around the area she spots an octopus stuck to a man's groin area and a woman who she thinks is his significant other yelling at him.
“The thing is that does not even make it to the top 20 weird things we’ve seen this week” Koh said as he stands beside her Li Mei laughs “Wouldn't be Sun Do” Suddenly a commotion happened Koh and Li Mei peaked at and sees one of the people who almost committed murder during the fight is making a run for it Koh sighs “why can’t people understand that running never helps. Stay here I’ll grab him”
She places a hand on his shoulder “No need, I tagged him already” Koh looks at Li Mei confused, but his attention is taken away when Li Mei points at a swarm of something white in the air, moving above Sun Do.
“Are those things following the man?” Koh asks
“Yeah, and those are butterflies Koh” One butterfly leaves the swarm and flies toward Li Mei’s hand Koh is mesmerized by the butterfly, it's beautiful, they had this translucent white color with a bit of purple in it. “How did you do this?” he asks while trying to touch the butterfly “I well I took inspiration from one of the spells I used to do to the princesses when they were younger” she smiles
“What use were these butterflies for?” “Oh you know storytelling and such” Li Mei murmurs quietly but Koh hears it and he snickers The butterfly flaps its wings and hops onto Koh’s hand “you a storyteller? Never thought I would hear that” “Well it wasn’t me I did the visuals, the designs, the sounds, but it was Sin- I mean the Empress who made the stories”  Li Mei smiles “the princesses loved those stories dearly” 
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