Bama Explorations
13 posts
I am a Paranormal Investigator located in the beautifully historic Montgomery, Alabama.   I have been investigating the paranormal off & on since 1972 and now beginning to build my newest team which I hope will be able to explore the paranormal even deeper than I ever have.   This blog will be devoted to my real life experiences over the years & present, possibly pictures taken during investigations, and links to my YouTube channel for this group where others will be able to see uploaded videos regarding our investigations.
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bama-explorations · 3 years ago
Part #1 Separating Myth From Facts
Alot of people misunderstand the basic understanding of "spirits".  The largest fault can be blamed on Hollywood.  People today do not take time to read anymore, eliminating one of our prized possessions from our childhood.  Today everyone is in too big of a hurry to allow themselves time to actually sit down and loose themselves in a book.
Say hello to "Hollywood".  Film makers have stepped in and replaced a time-ole tradition by bringing books to the big screen to present a story to us in a fraction of the time it would have taken us to actually read it.  And naturally Hollywood has gotten it all wrong.  Their main goal is not about bringing out Fact & Truth, but about making money.  Every story that is "Based On A True Story" is actually only based on a fraction of the truth.  The largest majority of the story is based on entertainment for the purpose of making money.
And this is where Hollywood has ruined the truth for us.  And this is why people are no longer informed on the reality of what is around us
Most, if not possibly all, of what we now know is nothing more than a badly misinformed information gathered together by researching what is currently available to us by which has been provided by Hollywood.
Currently if someone wants to explore the wonderful world of the paranormal they have no real guides available to lead them & teach them the basics. What we need is something offered to us that is easy to understand, take the guess work out of everything, let people know that "this is fact, and this is what Hollywood would have you believe".
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bama-explorations · 4 years ago
One Of My Earliest Experiences With The Paranormal
   About two years after I had my first encounter with the paranormal I was getting ready for bed.  I had sat down on the edge of the bed to untie my shoes and suddenly felt the bed move as if someone had sat down not far from me.  Being how I was alone in the room I knew this was impossible so I just shrugged it off and finished what I was doing.    Once I was finsihed I felt the bed move again and I looked over and saw an actual imprint of what appeared to have been where someone had been sitting.  There was no mistake that it was a imprint, shapped like a persons buttocks, evenly indented, and was in a spot where it should have been if someone had actually sat down.    I stared at it for a few minutes then slowly walked out of the room.  This is the first time I have ever shared this experience with anyone, and I have several others like it.  I tell people how I have experienced everything from objects moving, things disappearing and reappearing somewhere else, hearing whispers & voices from someone who isn’t there, seeing full body apparitions, I’ve experienced lots of unexplainable events over the past 48 years.     
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bama-explorations · 4 years ago
So with everything going on in the world currently do you think it is effecting the afterlife and the ghosts. spirits around. Ice been watching Ghost Adventures: Quarantine and they have some pretty compelling evidence on this. I wanna hear your thoughts on this subjects :)
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bama-explorations · 4 years ago
Paranormal Discussion - Hollywood Paranormal Detectives
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bama-explorations · 4 years ago
If you only catch one Live Stream on YouTube this weekend, let it be this one.  Come join in on the fun & good times.   Trust’ll have a great time.   The fun starts at 8:30 PM CST Paranormal Discussion
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bama-explorations · 4 years ago
Paranormal Discussion Come join in on an awesome discussion tonight on YouTube at 8:30 PM CST.  Be respectful and show your support by clicking that  “LIKE” button
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bama-explorations · 4 years ago
   There’s been a great deal of videos flooding YouTube thanks in part to Tik Tok.   Randonautica App first appeared on Tik Tok then slowly made it’s presence onto YouTube.   Now it’s as popular on YouTube as it once was on Tik Tok.   However, as with Tik Tok 90% (or higher) of the YouTube videos are all FAKE.   Here’s why I make that claim.    EXAMPLE #1.   Two adults, plus one 6 year old child, go on an adventure using this app during the day time.   They arrived at their destination which is covered in white sand and begin looking around.   On several occasions the camera clearly shows a shiny metal object glistening against the sun and sitting all alone.  Yet they move all around it and never claim to notice it.   This object is a silver container (actual silver metal) that is shinning brighly against the sun & surrounded by pure white sand.   Laying inside, and in clear view of everyone, is a clear plastic bag containing silverware.   YET THEY WALKED RIGHT PAST IT AND IGNORED IT FOR SEVERAL MINUTES.    If I was walking in an area surrounded by white sand and there is a silver object reflecting the sunlight.....I would definitely notice that instantly.   Unless of course I planted it there and wanted to “pretend” to discover it.   Also, WHO takes a child into an unknown area knowing that this app is rumored to take people into dangerous areas??   Probably someone who knows ahead of time that the area is safe and has already “planted” what they wish to find whch makes this video purely FAKE.
EXAMPLE #2.   A man walks into a wooded area and “discovers” some strange rocks with writings on each one beneath an upside down cross sticking out of the ground.  He claims he has NO knoowledge of what the symbols on each rock means (which I fully believe)  then “discovers” a small bag of coins buried beneath the rocks.   As a paranormal investigator who has spent the past 47 years of my life exploring the world of the paranormal and with years of research into the occult I knew instantly that the symbols were some form of Rune or possibly a form of either Viking Runs or possibly related to the art of wicca.   The man himself most likely planted the objects and had no knowledge of what the symbols actually meant because they were all basically incompletely drawn on each rock.   The symbols themselves were all jibberish since they were all incorrectly done and therefore would have little or no effect whatsoever.   For this example to be Fact not Fake the person responsible for drawing these symbols would have to have some form of knowledge in relation to what the symbols meant since a note was supposedly left claiming that either the rocks themselves OR the bag of coins were “cursed”.   Also, who would bury a small bag of coins containing probably less than $2 and make the claim that it was cursed??   Unless of course the person responsible for burying the coins placed a curse on the coins which is highly unlikely because, as I have stated earlier, the symbols were all jibberish and actually meant nothing.   So again, this video is purely FAKE.
   EXAMPLE #3.   A couple late one night used the app (against the app’s directions & against common sense) to explore an area surrounded by trees.   The wife/girlfriend decided to search the area with no regards as to who might be hiding behind the trees as her husband/boyfriend stayed safely in the car.   She walked straight to where a black backpack was laying and quickly took it to the car.   Her husband/boyfriend opens the backpack and announces that it contains a large amount of money that he then proceeds to hold up for the camera to see.   He does NOT however fan the money out so everyone can see the actual dollar amount on each bill, however he does later “claim” that the backpack contained $10,000.   The problem with this example is that  A) the husband/boyfriend makes no effort to protect his better half by insisting on her staying in the car as HE searched the area considering that it was he who supposedly had a gun for protection. And  B) at no time did he bother to even show actual proof of the dollar amount that they alledgedly found.  So once again we see yet another YouTube video that upon closer examination can clearly be proven to be FAKE.
   But Bama, why would anybody deliberately fake a video like this??   The answer is very simple.   If you check the number of subscribers each of these channels has (and other channels claiming to have found something extremely bizarre) you will find that each one has a rather nice amount of subscibers.   And 90% of these channels also sell merch.   So, they fake a video to draw attention to their channel in hopes to sell merch & to increase the number of subscribers.   I have actually heard one YouTuber openly admit that he plants things in his videos to draw attention.
   Does all of this mean that every video on YouTube regarding the Randonautica App is fake?   Of course not.   I have found several videos that is clearly truthful and enjoyable to watch.   What all of this boils down to is this....”If it looks too good to be true, it probably is”, and this saying is very truthful when it comes to these videos.   People will gladly fake a video if they believe it will draw attention to their channel, and unfortunately many have done so.    So as you watch any video on YouTube related to this app please keep one thing in mind.   If they trespass while using this app...ignore the video, if they go out at night while using this app...ignore the video, and if they claim to have made an unbelieveable discovery while using this app....ignore the video.
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bama-explorations · 4 years ago
Last night I released a new video in a series I'll be doing about the Randonautica App.   Please join me in this new adventure as I try to uncover the truth behind whether or not this App truly shows you bizarree & unusual things. As always, all comments are welcome and please be sure to  "Like"  &  "Subscribe"  for future episodes.
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bama-explorations · 5 years ago
Randonautica App....Could I Be Wrong??
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   Oookay, so this is a little strange and I have never been afraid to admit when I am wrong about something.   But this is a little freaky, and coming from me that’s really saying something.    So two days ago I was in the back field (the horse field all the way in the back against a heavily wooded area) and as I’m hearding the horses back up toward their stalls for the night I suddenly started hearing a owl.   No big deal right??   Except the owl just happens to be the symbol for the Randonautica app and I have never heard an owl where I live.   But again, no big deal.    Last night I was trying to understand more about the app and I tried it out again just to see where it would send me.   I concentrated, joked around with myself about what I wanted to find,  I waited, and was shocked.   The directons was literally in the woods in the back field where I heard the owl the day before.   This is starting to get a little freaky now, I mean seriously....starting to freak me out.    Not wanting to cloud my mind with negitivity or anything, I decided this morning to go about my normal routine to help take it off my mind.   But I couldn’t ignore this.   So I grabbed my phone, turned on the step-by-step instructions, sprayed myself down good for mosquitoes, and started making my way into the woods.   I have NEVER been this far into these woods before for a very good reason.   The front side is covered in thick layers of bambo and thorns, and the back side is surrounded by a swamp.    After several several minutes of carefully walking and checking for snakes I finally broke through the thickness into a tiny clearing and suddenly heard  “You have arrived at your destination”.   I looked around and instantly thought how a wasted time this had been cause there was nothing but woods, bushes, and thorns.  Then I saw a grey tarp, folded up neatly, out in the middle of the nowhere, covered in leaves and gunk.   So I checked under it....nothing there.    I was about to leave and try to make my way back out when I turned and spotted a slightly bigger opening just 15 feet away.   Curiousity always wins with me, so wanting to give this app every poosible chance to prove itself I decided that perhaps my destination might be within this area and not necessarily right where the GPS said I had arrived at.    I walked around and started searching the ground looking for whatever it is I was suppose to discover.   But then something caught my eye off to the side.   “Naw, that can’t be what I think it is.   How would that even get here??”, I asked myself as I walked up to it.   I looked around at how thick and damn near impossible it was for me to even get in there, then reached down and picked up what I found.   I opened it and quickly threw it to the ground, then got the hell out of there as quick as I could.   What I had found was exactly what I had thought about (as a joke) while concentrating on my “intention” the night before.    I have no reason to lie to anyone about this.   I have no interest in faking things.   If I only have one follower or subscriber then I’m happy, if I have a hundred then I’ll still be happy.   I don’t share things for the numbers, I do it because it’s true and I want others to actually see or hear the truth in the world.  This actually happened.  I don’t want to make a big deal out of this cause I want to keep an open mind and not lead something into this when it truthfully could simply be by chance.   But this is freaky as F**k, I’m sorry guys, it’s freaky as F**k.   First the owl, then it takes me to the exact same area the owl was, and finally I found exactly what I had invisioned as a joke the night before .   AND it was in an area that is damn near impossible to get to, PLUS laying exactly where I had been led to by the app.   Seriously guys....WTH???    I cannot explain this one.   There is no way for me to use common sense on this one and derive a rational understanding on this.   Yes, it might have been placed there 15 -20 plus years ago before it might have gotten so growed up with everything. do I explain that the app took me to the spot it was at.   How do I explain to myself or others that the app took me to exactly what I invisioned while using the app the night before??    Somebody PLEASE comment below and help me come to a rational understanding about this.   Would you please do that for me?
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bama-explorations · 5 years ago
Tik Tok Reality Ripple Filter
   Here’s another Tik Tok crave that has been going around for some time now but has since started dying down in popularity.   It’s called the “Reality Ripple Filter”.   On the Tik Tok app there is a lens you can choose that, according to Tik Tok users, allows you to see spirits by simply using your camera lens.    With this lens, or filter, it is claimed that living things will have a rainbow like effect as shown in the picture below.   Please notice the picture on the far left.   That is what almost all Tik Tok users say they believe is a “ghost”.
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   What’s so interesting about this feature on Tik Tok is how common it is for people to instantly assume that something is paranormal when there is a more simpy & truthful explanation behind it.   Allow me to explain what I mean.   Alledgedly this app will only work on living things such as humans & animals.   Now I have played with this app and have seen first hand how it actually does have a cool rainbow type efect (as seen in the above far left picture) whenever I aimed my camera at me hands or feet.    But....I have also noticed that when I aimed my camera at a jacket hanging on a wall hock with a cap hanging above it then oddly enough I got the same cool looking effect.   In fact it even appeared as if there was almost a person standing there as you can see in my picture below.
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   It is my honest opinion that all the alledged Tik Tok “ghost” sightings from using this Reality Ripple Filter is nothing more than false identification.  I have noticed that there are ALOT of brain-dead idiots on Tik Tok and every time they hear or see something they instantly freak out and swear it’s paranormal.   Common sense would have told them exactly what it was they saw or heard.   A video I saw today showed a short clip from Tik Tok of a guy who claimed he saw a UFO the night before so he decides to go outside and investigate the following night.   Then (while recording) he spotted something off to the side and ran away screaming and believing he saw an alien.   That single clip now has over 2M views.   What did he truthfully see??   The head of a cow that was grazing.   Tik Tok Idiots.    Just for a laugh you should really try this filter and walk around your home with it just to see what all it will highlight.   It actually highlighted a tree I was standing in front of several times.  “It’s a ghost....that tree is haunted I swear guys”.
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bama-explorations · 5 years ago
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   Randonautica app is a free android & Iphone app that is causing a scene on both TikTok & Reddit.   Stories are circulating on both of those places that this app has the ability to lead people to mysterious & paranormal places.   It all started with a small group of friends trying out the app and following the GPS co-ordinates to a bridge in their town.   While looking for what they had hoped the Randonautica app had chosen to reveal to them one of the females glanced over the bridge and spottend a black suitcase laying on the ground.   Upon investigating the suitcase the woman was terrified to discover that the suitcase contained the remains of a deceased person hidden inside.   Police were notified and according to the story the murder is still unsolved.   From that story people have flocked to download the app to see what they can discover while using it.    To the best of my knowledge this is what I understand about the app.   Supposedly the app will ask you to make a few decisions regarding how you want to use it.   All of which is very hard to understand and even the actual instructions on how to use the app is very difficult to understand.   Basically this app does not offer any simple to understand instructions    To begin the app will ask you to pick what type of search you wish to do and offer you 4 choices to choose from (Anomaly, Attracton, Void, and Pseudo).   And you choose how far away you are willing to travel.   Next it ask you to chose the type of RNG (Random Number Generator) either ANU or TEMPORAL.   Next it instructs you to focus your thoughts on what it refers to as your “intent”.   Your “intent” is the thing you wish to find such as something paranormal, something spooky, something funny, happiness, and so forth.   Your “intent” can literally be whatever you wish it to be.   Whatever you decide on you are to concentrate solely on that and press “Start”.   You are to continue to concentrate on your “intent” while the app generates a random spot someplace within the distance you choose and after it generates that spot it will reveal it to you so you can then follow the GPS co-ordinates to where it claims your “intent” can be found. 
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AS you can see from this picture the Randonautica app has chosen to send me near Domino’s Pizza to discover my “intent”.    This app offers two different ways to achieve the same result.   The above instructions & picture are from the “Randonaut” option.   You can also choose to use the “Bot” option.   Under that option you first must activate you “Location”.   Then you once again choose between Anomally, Attractor, or Void.    It wil next ask how many points (or results) are you looking for (1, 2, 5, 10).  Next you will once again choose your entropy source either ANU or Temporal.   And finally. you will be instructed to concentrate of your “intent” while the Random Number Generator (RNG) decides your destination.   The only other difference by using the Bot option is that after you are given your destination you will then be taken to your Google Map which will allow you to actually see the location of where you are going as oppose to the Randonaut option only allowing you to see a regular map with instructions on where to go.
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And as you can see from this picture the app is directing me to go to somebody’s home.    There are naturally some common sense rules when using this app.    1) Never go anywhere alone while using this app.   There’s always safety in numbers. 2) Never trespass on private property. 3) Never use this app to explore at night.   Only use it for day time adventures only.        I will not, nor cannot, make the claim that this app will actually direct you to what is in your heart that you wish to find.   In my honest opinion I believe that people go into it hoping to discover something and because of that their mind automatically searches for it.   For example, if their “intent” is to find rabbits & butterflies and this app sends them into the woods then naturally they will find those things.   “I want to see something purple”, then when a person arrives and spots little flowers that have purple on it they atutomatially assume the app was responsible.   Truth is....they were there the whole time but your mind wasn’t “open” to finding it till just now.   The app had nothing to do with it.    The same is true with peolple going into a place hoping to find proof of a ghost or spirit.   Their mind is already set on finding a ghost before they walk into a place, so naturally everything they see or hear they will claim is caused by a ghost or spirit.   Will I say that this app is full of B.S.?   No, cause I do not have the right to make that claim.   However, it is still a tool, and like some tools available to the public this app might one day have the ability to carry us to areas we may not have ever considered worth investigating and possibly be able to find some type of evidence of paranormal activity where it ends up directing someone to go.    The outline about this app may not have made much sense to you, but it is the simpliest way for me to explain it to someone while also revealing how dangerous this app can be if common sense is not used.
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bama-explorations · 5 years ago
My First Paranormal Experience 1972
   The very first time I had any experience with the paranormal was when I was 7 years old.   It was a week night and I was asleep.   It was somewhere between midnight & 2 am.   My twin bed was situated where the head was pushed up in the corner of the room with the right side against the wall.   There was only two people at home at the time, myself and my mom.   Dad was at work since he worked nights.    While I was sleeping I heard a female’s voice scream : “Nooooooooooo”  very loudly then I felt two hands against my chest (I slept on my left side facing the left side of the bed) as she screamed in what sounded like panic.    I could hear what I can only describe as something slowly rubbing against something, and then suddenly she pushed me.   I rolled over and quickly woke up, naturally.   My first thought was “Why did mom shove me??”.   I rolled over and quickly realized that there was a heavy picture frame laying on my pillow, this picture was hanging above my bed earlier.  I got out of bed, walked into my mom’s bedroom and found her asleep.   I tried calling her a few times to see if she might have just gone to sleep, but she never woke up.    The next morning I asked her about it and asked why she had pushed me.   She denied any knowledge of it and couldn’t explain what had happened.   She said I must have dreampt it, but I knew in my heart that it realy happened, not to mention the fact that I cearly remembered having to rehang the picture before going back to sleep.    After that event I named my unseen “friend” (a name I will not mention), and as I grew up she actually followed me from one place to another.   Always there beside me, always reminding me of her presence, always bringing peace to my troubled heart when needed.    Is she still following me?   Yes, thankfully she is.   And in my opinion she will forever be welcomed to be by my side.
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bama-explorations · 5 years ago
Today’s Session July 3, 2020
   Two nights ago I went out back to smoke and while I was sitting there I noticed the motion activated light in the horse field started tripping.   I knew the horses were all safely in their stalls, and from the light I could see that there was nothing around that could have made it come on.   A moment later it went off, but within a very few minutes it was tripped again.   This happened three or four times while I sat there.
   It’s worth mentioning at this point that the spot where that particular motion light is located is the exact spot where I have repeatedly been attacked by unseen hands around my ankles trying to make me fall.   This has happened in front of witnesses who all swear that they couldn’t see or find anything that would make me stumble the way I had.
   Today, I went to the tree where the light is mounted to and sat in a chair with my Ghost Hunting Tools app (andriod) and decided to try to find answers.   The follwing is exactly (word-for-word) what took place.   Please know that as I began a storm suddenly started to develope so I had to cut the session short.
Me : Is there someone here who wants to talk with me?
Me : Talk into this box I’m holding so I can hear you
The app started beeping indicating that something was about to be said
Me : Will you tell me your name?
Ghost App : Jake
Me : Hey Jake, thank you.  Are you the one who was playing with the light on this tree two nights ago?
The app got quiet then slowly started beeping but then got quiet again as if he wanted to say something but changed his mind.
Me : It’s okay if you did.  Can you tell me why you wanted to play with it?
Jake : Hide
Me : You wanted to hide?   But you made the light come on.   Why was you hiding in the light?
Ghost App : Silence again
Me : It’s about to rain Jake, will you please explain why you wanted to hide in the light?
Ghost App : Silence again
Me : Jake please hurry, you can talk to me it’s alright.   Why did you want to hide in the light?
Jake : Stars
   It was at this point that it started to rain forcing me to head inside.   Of course I quickly thanked Jake for talking to me and asked him to not follow me anywhere.   This might seem like a very short conversation, but it actually took about 5 minutes.   When using the Ghost Hunting Tools app you have to be patient and learn how to recognize when someone (spirit) is about to actually speak.   The app has a vocabulary of over 9,000 words so you also have to learn how to read between the lines to help understand what is being said through it at times.
  For example....Jake (I believe) was trying to tell me that he was afraid of the dark and wanted the light on.   If this is true then that would mean that Jake must be very young for him to be afraid of the dark.
Below is a screenshot of what "Jake" said and the time between responses.
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