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bakedearache · 3 years ago
Wil Wheaton tumblr drama
I made this sideblog to collect relevant posts and I think I’ve got all the important ones.
How it started:
NH ‘brigading’::
NH initiates the dreaded KPP, the most dangerous online harassment technique known to humankind:
origins of the KPP:
Wil’s reacts appropriately and offers a completely genuine and believable apology:
NH responds with a gentle jab which should have been the end of it (note:I think this is the ‘homophobic remark’ wil claims was made):
Wil’s asks start getting weird:
meanwhile on NH:
Wil’s followers begin counter-brigading:
NH discourages followers from taking things any further that evening:
Overnight, death threats are sent on both sides, NH calls for a ceasefire:
On the other side, war is declared:
cooler heads attempt to de-escalate:
Wil refuses peace:
while continuing to deny wrongdoing:
Culminating in this post (this post starts with the death threat against NH mentioned earlier:
IMO this is the most sensible take:
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
so ill be honest, im a big fan of normal horoscopes. and you of course. but i dont understand what th big deal here is? this feels like a "my bad" and move on moment. and the death threats flying both ways seem really too much. i know you dont control these people and i know you dont advocate for that kind of thing. but there has to be some kind of amicable solution here that ends the conflict, right?
So we're gonna "both sides" this, when there's a clear aggressor, just like we do in American politics, to make it all just go away? Is that the plan?
I did nothing wrong. I will remind you all, AGAIN, that I shared a clever thing I liked because I thought other people would like it. And the person who wrote it was like "LOL have some death threats from my shitty fans".
Don't "both sides" this, because you need an excuse to justify or minimize the shitty behavior of someone you think is cool.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
Tumblr TOS says:
Misattribution or Non-Attribution. Make sure you always give proper attribution and include full links back to original sources. When you find something awesome on Tumblr, reblog it instead of reposting it. It’s less work and more fun, anyway. When reblogging something, DO NOT inject a link back to your blog just to steal attention from the original post.
Harassment. Don’t engage in targeted abuse, bullying, or harassment. Don’t engage in the unwanted sexualization or sexual harassment of others. If someone is sending you unwanted messages, or reblogging your posts in an abusive way, we encourage you to be proactive. Report them, and block the hell out of them. And if someone blocks you, don’t attempt to circumvent the block feature or otherwise try to communicate with them.
Eat shit and die like the motherfucking moron you are!
You kung pow penis one celebrity and this is what happens.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
How it started:
Wil’s initial response and “apology”:
This should have been the end of it (note:I think this is the ‘homophobic remark’ wil claims was made):
meanwhile on NH:
counter-brigading begins:
War is declared:
cooler heads attempt to de-escalate:
Wil refuses peace talks:
while continuing to deny wrongdoing:
Culminating in this post.  I made this sideblog to collect any relevant posts and I think I’ve got them all here but not sure
origins of KPP:
IMO this is the most sensible take:
Eat shit and die like the motherfucking moron you are!
You kung pow penis one celebrity and this is what happens.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
Eat shit and die like the motherfucking moron you are!
You kung pow penis one celebrity and this is what happens.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
you're calling people immature but you're the one stirring up all this drama. you're the one writing whole essays about how much you don't care.
That's not accurate, at all. Try again and use your reading comprehension this time, sweetheart.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
Literally can’t believe that a certain faction of Tumblr is coming swinging for one of the few Famous People(TM) who 1.) has no publicly known controversies, 2.) personally advocates for marginalized peoples and, 3.) has the courage and self confidence to apologize and make things right when he gets things wrong (re: Rowling and more).
Wil, I would like to personally thank you for being a class act.
I really appreciate this. I'm doing my best.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
so ill be honest, im a big fan of normal horoscopes. and you of course. but i dont understand what th big deal here is? this feels like a "my bad" and move on moment. and the death threats flying both ways seem really too much. i know you dont control these people and i know you dont advocate for that kind of thing. but there has to be some kind of amicable solution here that ends the conflict, right?
So we're gonna "both sides" this, when there's a clear aggressor, just like we do in American politics, to make it all just go away? Is that the plan?
I did nothing wrong. I will remind you all, AGAIN, that I shared a clever thing I liked because I thought other people would like it. And the person who wrote it was like "LOL have some death threats from my shitty fans".
Don't "both sides" this, because you need an excuse to justify or minimize the shitty behavior of someone you think is cool.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
could you die any slower
This is the sort of thing I've been dealing with for the last 24 hours, all because I shared something I enjoyed, and wanted other people to share in that enjoyment.
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When the person who created that awesome thing found out, they and their followers decided I "stole" their post, and this is on the mild side of the bullshit that's been flooding my inbox ever since. .
I know this kid doesn't care how this affects me as a human being. This kid sees me as a thing, as a target. He's emotionally fourteen and has no idea. He'll forget about this by the end of the day. He'll forget about me by the end of the week. That's okay. We're all terrible when we're teenagers, until we grow out of it.
I just want to make something clear: I didn't steal anything from anyone. Stealing implies a desire and a motive to take something from someone else for your own personal gain. I *shared* something, which is what we've done online since before you were born, because it was awesome. Their name is right in the fucking image, and this childish insistence that I didn't share it the "right" way is, well, childish. Nobody who follows me cares. And anyone who does follow me, who wants to see the account where it originated, is smart enough to figure that out.
From time to time, someone reposts something I did. I've even had a thing or two go viral. Typically, my reaction to this is something like, "Oh, cool! Someone liked this!" And I feel grateful and good about myself. When Normal Horoscopes found out I shared their really funny thing, they decided to rile up the very worst people in their considerable audience. I don't know why, but it was a choice they made. But I do know that I didn't steal anything, and I resent that implication. I saw something great online, and I shared that great thing with people who like the same things I do.
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I'm sorry, I don't care who I step on? WHO I STEP ON? Are you even listening to yourself? I stepped on someone because I shared the thing they posted online. That was shared in countless other places. "I hope nothing horrible comes of this" oh, like people wishing that I'll die? Something horrible like that? "It's disappointing to see you treated like this." Yeah, having your really clever and entertaining post put in front of half a million people who may not have seen it at all is treating someone ... not well?
"No harm done." Well, I'm going to respectfully disagree.
All of this toxic bullshit has flooded into my life, over sharing something funny and clever, but not in precisely the right way, according to a handful of people who are apparently the Tumblr police. It's such a bummer for me that this Normal Horoscopes person chose to instigate all of this harassment toward me. I like what they post and they would have been fun to follow.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
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So the thing about this image is that it's hilarious. It's literally a robot with a giant golden dick, and the robot is like CHECK OUT MY GIANT GOLDEN DICK YALL!
The thing about you is, you decided to spam my inbox with this so many times I stopped counting. I presume you are part of the mob of children I'm shooing away from my porch today. I'm going to block you, because you're being an asshole, but this image is hilarious and my life is better just knowing it exists. I think it's even made from some LEGO or something? And maybe the little dick is 3D printed? I mean, there is so much happening here and it's AWESOME.
If your goal was to annoy me or wreck my day, I'm sorry to report that you failed spectacularly and actually made me laugh really hard. My day is a little better because this is so hilarious. So thanks for that.
Also, don't be a dick, even if it's a hilarious, gold, 3D printed dick on a robot.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
I wasn't even aware of that drama that sprung up, and looking into it, I'm also going "why are they accusing you of stealing the post?" You didn't do the screen cap as far as I can tell, plus you didn't erase any usernames like some sites that actually steal posts to get ad traffic do. Hopefully it all just blows over quickly? Good luck!
People who know nothing about me have been attacking me for my entire life, starting with the man who was my father. This is nothing new to me. It's not the first or last time I will be brigaded by an armada of white knights who I want to believe are well-intentioned, even if their actions aren't the greatest in the moment.
Within 24 hours, nobody will remember any of this, including the wonderful post that hopefully made lots of people laugh the way it made me laugh. Which is a bummer, because that's a great post.
On a personal note, I doubt very much that anyone cares, but imagine what a bummer it is to find something you like, share the thing you like, and then the person who made that thing decides it wasn't shared in the appropriate way ("stolen"? Really? I'm an artist, too. I know what stealing is and this isn't it) ) so they send wave after wave of random angry children at you to disrupt your day as much as possible. And when you make the effort to reach out to them, they choose to be a dick about it.
Okay. That's a choice.
I mean, you want the 85 cents of ad revenue I guess someone says I cost you? Okay, fine. How do you want me to get that to you? Bitcoin okay? Question: Are you raging against Witches Vs. Patriarchy for posting it? How about all the other places and people who saw this, thought it was great, and just shared it the way people do online? Did you put them on blast, too? What is it about me that made me worth the effort?
It's all a giant bummer, and what a shame that this whole thing started with something wonderfully entertaining and clever that I shared specifically to make people happy the way it made me happy. And now it's just this ... this fucking thing where I'm the asshole.
Sure, Jan.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
I remember a while back you used to have an application or system where you setup a blocklist and others could opt in so it would autoblock those same people; a sort of crowd sorced blocklist. Was that system for tumblr and if so do you still use it? That post of yours that got everyone so mad made me think of downloading it if it is. The rule was simple, don't be a dick, but so many still fail to follow it. That said I hope youre having an otherwise wonderful day!
That was a hack for Twitter way back when Twitter took abuse and brigading even less seriously than the company does now.
I think it was called block together. I don't believe there is a version of it for Tumblr.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
I went over to @normal-horoscopes page and it seems that they were upset by the whole thing and set their followers on you. They shared a screenshot of your post to rile their followers up, along with a note saying they'd had a similar thought once. There also was a post with something how mean they should be to a celebrity online. They also say their income comes from writing and then linked their Patreon. I'm not sure how sharing a screenshot you found on Reddit takes money out of their pocket, but that seems to be the thing. (Funnily enough, I don't see a comment yet about you finding it elsewhere & sharing or giving them credit later & apologizing for any damage. Guess they'll get more clout by flooding your inbox) I say play with your dog for a bit & forget it.
Oh, how interesting and disappointing.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
Posting screencaps of tumblr posts on tumblr, which removes the link to op who deserves credit for their writing/art/etc. I thought you had more respect for indie artists 🤡
For whatever reason, this post I shared seems to have created a bit of a stir in what I can only imagine is middle school Tumblr. Neat. Allow me to walk you through this. I saw that screencap on Reddit, and thought it was hilarious, so I shared it in the hopes that other people would be as entertained as I was. It did not occur to me at all that anyone would lose their shit that I didn't invest the time and effort to track down the original source and do the reblog.
I see that a LOT of people have decided to invest incredible amounts of energy being FURIOUS about this. It's junior high school levels of VERY SERIOUS DRAMA.
So let me see if I can do something here.
Okay, first: I'm going to tag @normal-horoscopes who wrote the hilarious thing I saw. Fantastic work. Thank you for bringing some joy and mirth into my day. If my screencap was deeply hurtful to you, if my inexcusable failure to track down the original source material has cost you in some meaningful way, I apologize. As I said, the thing you wrote is hilarious and wonderful. I hope that my fives of followers shower you with the positive attention you deserve. I also don't hold you responsible in any way for the middle school drama I'm wading through at the moment, if that matters.
Second, this is specifically for the person who sent this ask, and the people in the notes to my original post: Your impulse to support creators is a wonderful impulse. I hope you don't lose it. Attacking me like this is not the way to do it. I'm going to presume you are young, and you have the time and space in your life to get worked up about this. That's actually pretty cool, because once you have adult responsibilities they really get in the way of things like this, and you can't help but take note of how incredibly petty it is to come at someone as hot and angry as you did, with the little clown emoji and everything, when that person was just hoping to share something entertaining and amusing with his fellow humans.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
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(via v3hqq30znpe81.jpg (916×917))
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
If Tumblr’s going to blur me for content, I’m at least going to earn it.
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Racquel Darrian, everyone. Teenage Wil’s favorite pornstar.
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bakedearache · 3 years ago
permission to kung pow penis this loser a third time
I would prefer if you didn't.
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